#                                                                    -*-perl-*-
$description = "Test the word, words, and wordlist functions.\n";

$details = "\
Produce a variable with a large number of words in it,
determine the number of words, and then read each one back.\n";

open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");

# The Contents of the MAKEFILE ...

print MAKEFILE <<'EOF';
string  := word.pl general_test2.pl   FORCE.pl word.pl generic_test.perl MAKEFILES_variable.pl
string2 := $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string) $(string)
string3 := $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2) $(string2)
string4 := $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3) $(string3)
	@echo $(words $(string))
	@echo $(words $(string4))
	@echo $(word 1, $(string))
	@echo $(word 100, $(string))
	@echo $(word 1, $(string))
	@echo $(word 1000, $(string3))
	@echo $(wordlist 3, 4, $(string))
	@echo $(wordlist 4, 3, $(string))
	@echo $(wordlist 1, 6, $(string))
	@echo $(wordlist 5, 7, $(string))
	@echo $(wordlist 100, 110, $(string))
	@echo $(wordlist 7, 10, $(string2))

# END of Contents of MAKEFILE


&run_make_with_options($makefile, "", &get_logfile);

# Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile

$answer = "6\n"
	 ."FORCE.pl word.pl\n"
	 ."word.pl general_test2.pl FORCE.pl word.pl generic_test.perl MAKEFILES_variable.pl\n"
	 ."generic_test.perl MAKEFILES_variable.pl\n"
	 ."word.pl general_test2.pl FORCE.pl word.pl\n"

# In this call to compare output, you should use the call &get_logfile(1)
# to send the name of the last logfile created.  You may also use
# the special call &get_logfile(1) which returns the same as &get_logfile(1).

&compare_output($answer, &get_logfile(1));

# This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly.