#                                                                    -*-perl-*-

$description = "The following test creates a makefile to verify
the ability of make to sort lists of object. Sort
will also remove any duplicate entries. This will also
be tested.";

$details = "The make file is built with a list of object in a random order
and includes some duplicates. Make should sort all of the elements
remove all duplicates\n";

foo := moon_light days
foo1:= jazz
bar := captured 
bar2 = boy end, has rise A midnight 
bar3:= $(foo)
s1  := _by
s2  := _and_a
t1  := $(addsuffix $(s1), $(bar) )
t2  := $(addsuffix $(s2), $(foo1) )
t3  := $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) $(t2) 
t4  := $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) $(t3) 
t5  := $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) $(t4) 
t6  := $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) $(t5) 
t7  := $(t6) $(t6) $(t6) 
p1  := $(addprefix $(foo1), $(s2) )
	@echo $(sort $(bar2) $(foo)  $(addsuffix $(s1), $(bar) ) $(t2) $(bar2) $(bar3))
	@echo $(sort $(blank) $(foo) $(bar2) $(t1) $(p1) )
	@echo $(sort $(foo) $(bar2) $(t1) $(t4) $(t5) $(t7) $(t6) )
              '', 'A boy captured_by days end, has jazz_and_a midnight moon_light rise
A boy captured_by days end, has jazz_and_a midnight moon_light rise
A boy captured_by days end, has jazz_and_a midnight moon_light rise

# Test with non-space/tab whitespace.  Note that you can't see the
# original bug except using valgrind.

run_make_test("FOO = a b\tc\rd\fe \f \f \f \f \ff
all: ; \@echo \$(words \$(sort \$(FOO)))\n",
              '', "5\n");
