# -*-perl-*- $description = "Test handling of static pattern rules."; $details = "\ The makefile created in this test has three targets. The filter command is used to get those target names ending in .o and statically creates a compile command with the target name and the target name with .c. It also does the same thing for another target filtered with .elc and creates a command to emacs a .el file"; &touch('bar.c', 'lose.c'); # TEST #0 # ------- run_make_test(' files = foo.elc bar.o lose.o $(filter %.o,$(files)): %.o: %.c ; @echo CC -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ $(filter %.elc,$(files)): %.elc: %.el ; @echo emacs $< ', '', 'CC -c bar.c -o bar.o'); # TEST #1 # ------- run_make_test(undef, 'lose.o', 'CC -c lose.c -o lose.o'); # TEST #2 # ------- &touch("foo.el"); run_make_test(undef, 'foo.elc', 'emacs foo.el'); # Clean up after the first tests. unlink('foo.el', 'bar.c', 'lose.c'); # TEST #3 -- PR/1670: don't core dump on invalid static pattern rules # ------- run_make_test(' .DEFAULT: ; @echo $@ foo: foo%: % %.x % % % y.% % ; @echo $@ ', '', ".x\ny.\nfoo"); # TEST #4 -- bug #12180: core dump on a stat pattern rule with an empty # prerequisite list. run_make_test(' foo.x bar.x: %.x : ; @echo $@ ', '', 'foo.x'); # TEST #5 -- bug #13881: double colon static pattern rule does not # substitute %. run_make_test(' foo.bar:: %.bar: %.baz foo.baz: ;@: ', '', ''); 1;