# -*-perl-*- $description = "Test second expansion in ordinary rules."; $details = ""; # TEST #0: Test handing of '$' in prerequisites with and without second # expansion. run_make_test(q! ifdef SE .SECONDEXPANSION: endif foo$$bar: bar$$baz bar$$biz ; @echo '$@ : $^' PRE = one two bar$$baz: $$(PRE) baraz: $$(PRE) PRE = three four .DEFAULT: ; @echo '$@' !, '', "\$\nbar\$biz\nfoo\$bar : bar\$baz bar\$biz"); run_make_test(undef, 'SE=1', "three\nfour\nbariz\nfoo\$bar : baraz bariz"); # TEST #1: automatic variables. # run_make_test(' .SECONDEXPANSION: .DEFAULT: ; @echo $@ foo: bar baz foo: biz | buz foo: $$@.1 \ $$<.2 \ $$(addsuffix .3,$$^) \ $$(addsuffix .4,$$+) \ $$|.5 \ $$*.6 ', '', 'bar baz biz buz foo.1 bar.2 bar.3 baz.3 biz.3 bar.4 baz.4 biz.4 buz.5 .6 '); # Test #2: target/pattern -specific variables. # run_make_test(' .SECONDEXPANSION: .DEFAULT: ; @echo $@ foo.x: $$a $$b foo.x: a := bar %.x: b := baz ', '', 'bar baz '); # Test #3: order of prerequisites. # run_make_test(' .SECONDEXPANSION: .DEFAULT: ; @echo $@ all: foo bar baz # Subtest #1 foo: foo.1; @: foo: foo.2 foo: foo.3 # Subtest #2 bar: bar.2 bar: bar.1; @: bar: bar.3 # Subtest #3 baz: baz.1 baz: baz.2 baz: ; @: ', '', 'foo.1 foo.2 foo.3 bar.1 bar.2 bar.3 baz.1 baz.2 '); # TEST #4: eval in a context where there is no reading_file run_make_test(' .SECONDEXPANSION: all : $$(eval $$(info test)) ', '', "test\n#MAKE#: Nothing to be done for `all'.\n"); # TEST #5: (NEGATIVE) catch eval in a prereq list trying to create new # target/prereq relationships. run_make_test(' .SECONDEXPANSION: proj1.exe : proj1.o $$(eval $$(test)) define test proj1.o : proj1.c proj1.c: proj1.h endef ', '', "#MAKE#: *** prerequisites cannot be defined in recipes. Stop.\n", 512); # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly. 1;