# -*-perl-*- $description = "Check GNU make export/unexport commands."; $details = ""; # The test driver cleans out our environment for us so we don't have to worry # about that here. open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile"); # The Contents of the MAKEFILE ... print MAKEFILE <<'EOMAKE'; FOO = foo BAR = bar BOZ = boz export BAZ = baz export BOZ BITZ = bitz BOTZ = botz export BITZ BOTZ unexport BOTZ ifdef EXPORT_ALL export endif ifdef UNEXPORT_ALL unexport endif ifdef EXPORT_ALL_PSEUDO .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: endif all: @echo "FOO=$(FOO) BAR=$(BAR) BAZ=$(BAZ) BOZ=$(BOZ) BITZ=$(BITZ) BOTZ=$(BOTZ)" @echo "FOO=$$FOO BAR=$$BAR BAZ=$$BAZ BOZ=$$BOZ BITZ=$$BITZ BOTZ=$$BOTZ" EOMAKE close(MAKEFILE); # TEST 0: basics &run_make_with_options($makefile,"",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=botz FOO= BAR= BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # TEST 1: make sure vars inherited from the parent are exported $ENV{FOO} = 1; &run_make_with_options($makefile,"",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=botz FOO=foo BAR= BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); delete $ENV{FOO}; # TEST 2: global export. Explicit unexport takes precedence. &run_make_with_options($makefile,"EXPORT_ALL=1",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=botz FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # TEST 3: global unexport. Explicit export takes precedence. &run_make_with_options($makefile,"UNEXPORT_ALL=1",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=botz FOO= BAR= BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # TEST 4: both: in the above makefile the unexport comes last so that rules. &run_make_with_options($makefile,"EXPORT_ALL=1 UNEXPORT_ALL=1",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=botz FOO= BAR= BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # TEST 5: test the pseudo target. &run_make_with_options($makefile,"EXPORT_ALL_PSEUDO=1",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=botz FOO=foo BAR=bar BAZ=baz BOZ=boz BITZ=bitz BOTZ=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # TEST 6: Test the expansion of variables inside export $makefile2 = &get_tmpfile; open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile2"); print MAKEFILE <<'EOF'; foo = f-ok bar = b-ok FOO = foo F = f BAR = bar B = b export $(FOO) export $(B)ar all: @echo foo=$(foo) bar=$(bar) @echo foo=$$foo bar=$$bar EOF &run_make_with_options($makefile2,"",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "foo=f-ok bar=b-ok\nfoo=f-ok bar=b-ok\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # TEST 7: Test the expansion of variables inside unexport $makefile3 = &get_tmpfile; open(MAKEFILE, "> $makefile3"); print MAKEFILE <<'EOF'; foo = f-ok bar = b-ok FOO = foo F = f BAR = bar B = b export foo bar unexport $(FOO) unexport $(B)ar all: @echo foo=$(foo) bar=$(bar) @echo foo=$$foo bar=$$bar EOF &run_make_with_options($makefile3,"",&get_logfile,0); $answer = "foo=f-ok bar=b-ok\nfoo= bar=\n"; &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)); # This tells the test driver that the perl test script executed properly. 1;