#                                                                    -*-perl-*-

$description = "This script tests to make sure that Make looks for
default makefiles in the correct order (GNUmakefile,makefile,Makefile)";

# Create a makefile called "GNUmakefile"
$makefile = "GNUmakefile";

open(MAKEFILE,"> $makefile");

print MAKEFILE "FIRST: ; \@echo It chose GNUmakefile\n";


# DOS/WIN32 platforms preserve case, but Makefile is the same file as makefile.
# Just test what we can here (avoid Makefile versus makefile test).
if ($port_type eq 'UNIX')
  # Create another makefile called "makefile"
  open(MAKEFILE,"> makefile");

  print MAKEFILE "SECOND: ; \@echo It chose makefile\n";


# Create another makefile called "Makefile"
open(MAKEFILE,"> Makefile");

print MAKEFILE "THIRD: ; \@echo It chose Makefile\n";



# Create the answer to what should be produced by this Makefile
$answer = "It chose GNUmakefile\n";


&compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)) || &error("abort");
unlink $makefile;

# DOS/WIN32 platforms preserve case, but Makefile is the same file as makefile.
# Just test what we can here (avoid Makefile versus makefile test).
if ($port_type eq 'UNIX')
  $answer = "It chose makefile\n";


  &compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)) || &error("abort");
  unlink "makefile";

$answer = "It chose Makefile\n";


&compare_output($answer,&get_logfile(1)) || &error("abort");
unlink "Makefile";