Short: Port of GNU make with SAS/C (no ixemul.library required)
Author: GNU, Amiga port by Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla
Uploader: Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla (
Type: dev/c

This is a pure Amiga port of GNU make 3.74. It needs no extra libraries or
anything. It has the following features (in addition to any features of
GNU make):

- Runs Amiga-Commands with SystemTags() (Execute)
- Can run multi-line statements
- Allows to use Device-Names in targets:

	c:make : make.o

    is ok. To distinguish between device-names and target : or ::, MAKE
    looks for spaces. If there are any around :, it's taken as a target
    delimiter, if there are none, it's taken as the name of a device. Note
    that "make:make.o" tries to create "make.o" on the device "make:".
- Replaces @@ by a newline in any command line:

	if exists make @@\
	    delete make.bak quiet @@\
	    rename make make.bak @@\
	endif @@\
	$(CC) Link Make.o To make

    works. Note that the @@ must stand alone (ie. "make@@\" is illegal).
    Also be carefull that there is a space after the "\" (ie, at the
    beginning of the next line).
- Can be made resident to save space and time
- Amiga specific wildcards can be used in $(wildcard ...)

- The line

    dummy.h : src/*.c

tries to make dummy.h from "src/*.c" (ie. no wildcard-expansion takes
place). You have to use "$(wildcard src/*.c)" instead.


To recompile, you need SAS/C 6.51. make itself is not neccessary, there
is an smakefile.

1. Copy config.ami to config.h
2. If you use make to compie, copy Makefile.ami to Makefile and
    glob/Makefile.ami to glob/Makefile. Copy make into the current

3. Run smake/make


Copy make somewhere in your search path (eg. sc:c or sc:bin).
If you plan to use recursive makes, install make resident:

    Resident make Add