% SYNOPSIS. % % Tested with GNU Prolog 1.3.1 % % # gplc --no-top-level gcd.pro % # ./gcd 22 33 44 121 % 1st number, 2nd number, GCD % It is true that GCD of A and 0 is A % (The fact is GCD of A and 0 is A) gcd2(A, 0, A). % It is true that G is GCD of A and B % when A>0 and B>0 and G is GCD of B and A % B gcd2(A, B, G) :- A>0, B>0, N is mod(A, B), gcd2(B, N, G). gcdn(A, [], A). gcdn(A, [B|Bs], G) :- gcd2(A, B, N), gcdn(N, Bs, G). gcdn([A|As], G) :- gcdn(A, As, G). % http://www.gprolog.org/manual/html_node/gprolog008.html#toc9 :- initialization(main). str2int([], []). str2int([S|St], [N|Nt]) :- number_atom(N, S), str2int(St, Nt). % http://www.fraber.de/bap/bap76.html main :- argument_list(Args), str2int(Args, Numbers), gcdn(Numbers, G), write(G), nl.