/* * gcc -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Werror -o brainfuck brainfuck.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #define DATATYPE int #define DATATYPE_STR "int" FILE *prog; char *print_as = NULL; char *code = NULL; DATATYPE *data = NULL; unsigned int *stack = NULL; unsigned int data_size = 1024; unsigned int stack_size = 128; char fmt = 'u'; char format[9] = "%u"; int trace = 0; int compile = 0; int optimize = 0; unsigned int cp = 0; unsigned int dp = 0; unsigned int max_dp = 0; unsigned int sp = 0; char commands[] = "+-<>,.[]cioux"; void read_code() { int allocated, n, c, comment; allocated = 1000; n = 0; code = (char *)malloc(allocated * sizeof(char)); comment = 0; while (EOF != (c = getc(prog))) { if (c == ';') /* end of code */ break; else if (c == '#') comment = 1; else if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') comment = 0; if (comment || (NULL == strchr(commands, c))) continue; if (n >= allocated) { allocated <<= 1; code = (char *)realloc(code, allocated * sizeof(char)); } code[n++] = (char)c; } if (n >= allocated) { allocated *= 2; code = (char *)realloc(code, allocated * sizeof(char)); } code[n++] = '\0'; } void init_data() { data = (DATATYPE *) calloc(data_size, sizeof(DATATYPE)); } void init_stack() { stack = (unsigned int *)malloc(stack_size); } int inc_dp() { if (dp < data_size) { ++dp; if (dp > max_dp) max_dp = dp; return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Data overflow\n"); return 0; } } void dec_dp() { if (dp > 0) --dp; else fprintf(stderr, "Data underflow\n"); } void push_cp() { if (sp < stack_size) stack[sp++] = cp; else fprintf(stderr, "Stack overflow\n"); } void pop_cp() { if (sp > 0) cp = stack[--sp]; else fprintf(stderr, "Stack underflow\n"); } int skip() { int ob = 0; while (code[cp] != '\0') { switch (code[cp]) { case '[': ++ob; break; case ']': --ob; if (0 == ob) return 1; } ++cp; } return 0; } void input() { switch (fmt) { case 'i': scanf(format, (signed int *)&(data[dp])); break; case 'u': scanf(format, (unsigned int *)&(data[dp])); break; case 'c': scanf(format, (char *)&(data[dp])); break; case 'o': scanf(format, (unsigned int *)&(data[dp])); break; case 'x': scanf(format, (unsigned int *)&(data[dp])); break; } } void print_data() { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < dp; i++) { printf(" "); printf(format, data[i]); } printf(" ["); printf(format, data[dp]); printf("]"); for (i = dp + 1; i <= max_dp; i++) { printf(" "); printf(format, data[i]); } printf("\n"); } void switch_format() { switch (fmt) { case 'i': sprintf(format, "%%%c", fmt); break; case 'u': sprintf(format, "%%%c", fmt); break; case 'c': sprintf(format, "%%%c", fmt); break; case 'o': sprintf(format, "0%%%c", fmt); break; case 'x': sprintf(format, "0x%%%c", fmt); break; } } void run_code() { char cmd; unsigned int d; while (0 != (cmd = code[cp])) { switch (cmd) { case '[': if (data[dp]) { push_cp(); ++cp; } else { skip(); ++cp; } break; case ']': pop_cp(); break; case 'Z': data[dp] = 0; ++cp; break; case 'I': /* I23 -> add 22 to the current cell */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); (data[dp]) += (DATATYPE) d; while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case 'D': /* D23 -> subtract 22 from the current cell */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); (data[dp]) -= (DATATYPE) d; while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case '+': ++(data[dp]); ++cp; break; case '-': --(data[dp]); ++cp; break; case 'R': /* R3 -> move right by 3 cells */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); dp += d; while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case 'L': /* L2 -> move left by 2 cells */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); dp -= d; while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case '>': inc_dp(); ++cp; break; case '<': dec_dp(); ++cp; break; case ',': input(); ++cp; break; case '.': if (!trace) { printf(format, data[dp]); if (fmt != 'c') printf(" "); } ++cp; break; case 'i': case 'u': case 'c': case 'o': case 'x': fmt = cmd; switch_format(); ++cp; break; default: ++cp; } if (trace && cmd != ' ') { fprintf(stderr, "%c:", cmd); print_data(); } } } void optimize_code() { char *new_code, *substr; unsigned int i, j, k; DATATYPE d; char tmp[64], cmd; new_code = calloc(strlen(code) + 1, sizeof(char)); i = j = 0; while (0 != (cmd = code[i])) { switch (cmd) { case '+': case '-': /* compress ++--+---+... */ d = 0; while (0 != (cmd = code[i])) { if (cmd == '+') ++d; else if (cmd == '-') --d; else break; ++i; } if (d == 1) new_code[j++] = '+'; else if (d == -1) new_code[j++] = '-'; else if (d != 0) { if (d < 0) sprintf(tmp, "D%u", -d); else sprintf(tmp, "I%u", d); k = 0; while (tmp[k]) new_code[j++] = tmp[k++]; } break; case '>': case '<': /* compress >><<>>>>> */ d = 0; while (0 != (cmd = code[i])) { if (cmd == '>') ++d; else if (cmd == '<') --d; else break; ++i; } if (d == 1) new_code[j++] = '>'; else if (d == -1) new_code[j++] = '<'; else if (d != 0) { if (d < 0) sprintf(tmp, "L%u", -d); /* move left by d */ else sprintf(tmp, "R%u", d); /* move right by d */ k = 0; while (tmp[k]) new_code[j++] = tmp[k++]; } break; default: new_code[j++] = code[i++]; } } /* * FIXME valid while we use finite integers */ substr = new_code; while (NULL != (substr = strstr(substr, "[-]"))) { strncpy(substr, "Z ", 3); /* [-] set current cell to 0 */ } substr = new_code; while (NULL != (substr = strstr(substr, "[+]"))) { strncpy(substr, "Z ", 3); /* [-] set current cell to 0 */ } free(code); code = new_code; } void bf2c() { char cmd; unsigned int d; printf("#include \n#include \n\n"); printf("%s data[%u];\n", DATATYPE_STR, data_size); printf("unsigned int dp = 0;\n\n"); printf("int main()\n{\n"); while ('\0' != (cmd = code[cp])) { switch (cmd) { case 'Z': printf("data[dp] = 0;\n"); ++cp; break; case '[': printf("while (data[dp])\n{\n"); ++cp; break; case ']': printf("}\n"); ++cp; break; case 'I': /* I23 -> add 22 to the current cell */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); printf("data[dp] += %u;\n", d); while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case 'D': /* D23 -> subtract 22 from the current cell */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); printf("data[dp] -= %u;\n", d); while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case '+': printf("++(data[dp]);\n"); ++cp; break; case '-': printf("--(data[dp]);\n"); ++cp; break; case 'R': /* R3 -> move right by 3 cells */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); printf("dp += %u;\n", d); while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case 'L': /* L2 -> move left by 2 cells */ ++cp; sscanf(&(code[cp]), "%u", &d); printf("dp -= %u;\n", d); while (code[cp] >= '0' && code[cp] <= '9') ++cp; /* skip digits */ break; case '>': printf("++dp;\n"); ++cp; break; case '<': printf("--dp;\n"); ++cp; break; case ',': switch (fmt) { case 'i': printf("scanf(\"%s\", (signed int *)&(data[dp]));\n", format); break; case 'u': printf("scanf(\"%s\", (unsigned int *)&(data[dp]));\n", format); break; case 'c': printf("scanf(\"%s\", (char *)&(data[dp]));\n", format); break; case 'o': printf("scanf(\"%s\", (unsigned int *)&(data[dp]));\n", format); break; case 'x': printf("scanf(\"%s\", (unsigned int *)&(data[dp]));\n", format); break; } ++cp; break; case '.': if (fmt == 'c') printf("printf(\"%s\", data[dp]);\n", format); else printf("printf(\"%s \", data[dp]);\n", format); ++cp; break; case 'i': case 'u': case 'c': case 'o': case 'x': fmt = cmd; switch_format(); ++cp; break; default: ++cp; } } printf("exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);\n}\n"); } void bf2moo() { char cmd; while ('\0' != (cmd = code[cp])) { switch (cmd) { case '+': printf("MoO"); break; case '-': printf("MOo"); break; case '>': printf("moO"); break; case '<': printf("mOo"); break; case '[': if (strncmp(code + cp, "[-]", 3) == 0) { printf("OOO"); cp += 2; } else { printf("moo"); } break; case ']': printf("MOO"); break; case '.': printf("OOM"); break; case ',': printf("oom"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown character %c at %u\n", cmd, cp); break; } ++cp; } printf("\n"); } void free_all() { if (code != NULL) free(code); if (data != NULL) free(data); if (stack != NULL) free(stack); } void usage(char *self) { printf("%s: Brainfuck programming language interpreter\n", self); printf("See for more details\n\n"); printf("Usage: %s [options] [file]\n\n", self); printf("Size of each data cell is %lu byte(s)\n", (long unsigned int)sizeof(DATATYPE)); printf("All data cells are zeros initially\n\n"); printf("Options (defaults are in brackets):\n"); printf(" -s num stack size (%u)\n", stack_size); printf(" -d num data size (%u)\n", data_size); printf(" -t trace execution for debugging\n"); printf(" -O optimize code\n"); printf(" -C translate into C (to stdout)\n"); printf(" -p cow translate into Cow (to stdout)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Formats for operators '.' and ',' (output and input):\n"); printf (" -c, -i, -u, -o, -x char, signed int, unsigned int, octal, hexadecimal\n"); printf (" octal number must be prepended by '0' (zero),\n"); printf(" and hexadecimal - by '0x'\n"); printf("Default i/o format -%c\n", fmt); printf("\n"); printf(" -h this help message\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" file file to execute,\n"); printf(" if omitted read stdin\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Standard operators: <>+-[].,\n"); printf("Extensions:\n"); printf (" ciuox - change i/o format (same as -c & others above)\n"); printf(" ; - end of code (useful when reading stdin)\n"); printf (" # - comment to the end of line (useful when reading files)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Examples:\n"); printf(" echo '+++[.-]' | %s # count down from 3 to 1\n", self); printf(" echo ',+++.;5' | %s # shows 8\n", self); printf(" echo ',>,<[->+<]>.;4 5' | %s # shows 4+5=9\n", self); printf(" echo 'c,u.;h' | %s # shows 104 (ASCII code for 'h')\n", self); printf(" echo ', [-[->+<]>];4' | %s -t # move data pointer by 4 \n", self); printf (" echo ',>,< [> [->+<] < -[->+<]> ]; 3 7' | %s -t # move '7' by 3 \n\n", self); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *filename; char *self = argv[0]; int opt; while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "p:OCts:d:h?iucox"))) { switch (opt) { case 'p': print_as = optarg; break; case 's': sscanf(optarg, "%u", &stack_size); break; case 'd': sscanf(optarg, "%u", &data_size); break; case 't': trace = 1; break; case 'C': compile = 1; break; case 'O': optimize = 1; break; case 'i': case 'u': case 'c': case 'o': case 'x': fmt = opt; switch_format(); break; default: usage(self); } } if (optind < argc) { filename = argv[optind]; if (NULL == (prog = fopen(filename, "r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: open '%s': %s\n", self, filename, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else { prog = stdin; } read_code(); if (prog != stdin) fclose(prog); if (optimize) optimize_code(); if (compile) { bf2c(); } else if (print_as != NULL) { if (strcmp(print_as, "cow") == 0) { bf2moo(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument to -p: %s\n", print_as); } } else { init_data(); init_stack(); run_code(); } free_all(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }