path: root/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucket/Pullrequest.java
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2017-05-17Fix error executing javadoc target - An error has occurred in JavaDocs ↵Nathanial Woolls1-1/+1
report generation: error: unexpected text
2017-02-23pullrequest comments and their properties - some of them are not used at the ↵Martin Damovsky1-18/+1
moment -> removed
2017-02-23fixed bug in JSON Parsing for Pullrequest commentsMartin Damovsky1-2/+0
2017-02-22Fixed bug in PullRequest - NPE see ↵Martin Damovsky1-1/+4
2017-02-20Fixed reported Findbugs issuesMartin Damovsky1-0/+15
2017-02-10Fix `null/null` repository URLWynand Pieters1-1/+1
On the latest version I started getting these errors in the logs and my jobs would trigger every minute and never flag the build as having run before. ``` POST state INPROGRESS to https://bitbucket.org/api/2.0/repositories/null/null/commit/b6f8169ce460/statuses/build with key 515f53a20bf37bd484f2be5cda6ab168cd194cee with response {"type": "error", "error": {"message": "Repository null/null not found"}} ``` Functionality in `getOwnerName` and `getRepositoryName` name changed from previous versions, moved to inside `setFullName` which is now doing the `if` on the wrong value. This causes `null/null` to be set as the owner name / repo name.
2016-08-25Use the V2 Bitbucket pull request comment API.Chris Somme1-10/+22
The V1 pull request comment API is deprecated. Replace with a call to the V2 API. The V2 API is paginated and may need to be called multiple times to get the entire set of comments. While fixing this I noticed that while fetching pull requests the plugin is using the v2 API there, which is also paginated. So not all open pull requests were being retrieved.
2016-04-20Available "pullRequestAuthor" env variable (featured from #83)Maxim Epishchev1-0/+36
Env variable "pullRequestAuthor" contain two parts of author: full name of user and short username in format, like: "Some Doo <@somedoo>". Add test for PR build filter: now we can filter also by author: "a:maxvodo" by example.
2015-09-04Refactored: Only have one file for JSON POJOsJonathan Brachthäuser1-0/+345