You Only Show Once ================== YOSO is a GUI application providing a means of creating training data set for `YOLO `_, a state-of-the-art, real-time object detection system. It can be useful for other computer vision systems, because I believe that YOLO's label file format is quite a good and flexible choice. Requirements ============ YOSO is written in `Python 3 `_ with the `PyQt5 `_ application framework. If you have Python 3 and PyQt5 (and subsequently `Qt5 `_ itself) installed, you can run YOSO by simply executing ``python3``. Alternatively you can install YOSO with the `pip `_ package manager (which can be called ``pip3`` for Python 3). Data Directory Structure ======================== YOSO should be pointed to a data directory having this structure: :: data |\_ classes | \_ "0 - roy.jpg" | \_ "1 - poli.jpg" | \_ ... |\_ images | |\_ poli | | \_ poli-001.jpg | | \_ ... | | \_ poli-009.jpg | | \_ ... | |\_ roy | | \_ roy-1.jpg | | \_ ... | | \_ roy-99.jpg | | \_ ... | \_ ... \_ labels |\_ poli | \_ poli-001.jpg.txt | \_ ... | \_ poli-009.jpg.txt | \_ ... |\_ roy | \_ roy-1.jpg.txt | \_ ... | \_ roy-99.jpg.txt | \_ ... \_ ... ``data/classes`` must contain JPEG files describing object classes in format: `` - .jpg`` ``data/images`` has arbitrary structure and contains JPEG or PNG images (``*.jpg``, or ``*.jpeg``, ``*.png``). This is a training set of hundreds or thousands of images. ``data/labels`` is managed by YOSO and has the same structure as ``data/images``. All missed subdirectories will be created automatically. Note that label files create by YOSO have different naming scheme, so you might have to update `Darknet `_ sources. Controls ======== - To add a bounding box select a region with the mouse pointer. Newly added bounding box will have object class currently selected in the list on the right. - To delete a bounding box double click on it. - To change object class drag an item from the list on the right and drop it into existing bounding box. Whenever a bounding box is added, deleted or changed, the result is automatically saved. Screenshots =========== .. image:: screenshots/yoso-roy-1.png Video =====