{-| Budget planning in the Kingdom of Malodivo. -} module Malodivo.Budget ( DistrictFunds , manyToOne ) where import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Malodivo.Types.Bill as B import qualified Malodivo.Types.District as D -- | Convenient type. type DistrictFunds = HM.HashMap D.District Integer {-| Trivial case: many districts, one bill, no contraints (wishes, limits). We assume that, with no explicit wishes, each district wants to contribute all its funds. >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM >>> import qualified Malodivo.Types.Bill as B >>> import qualified Malodivo.Types.District as D >>> import qualified Malodivo.Types.Ministry as M >>> let medium = B.Bill { B.amount = 30, B.name = "A medium bill", B.ministry = M.Science } >>> let one = B.Bill { B.amount = 1, B.name = "A trivial bill", B.ministry = M.Welfare } If any district can pay the bill, take funds in proportion. We use 'HM.lookup', because 'show' of 'HM.HashMap' is not determinate, and the test can occasionally fail: >>> let funds = HM.fromList [(D.Palolene, 100), (D.Lakos, 200)] >>> let contribution = manyToOne funds medium >>> HM.lookup D.Palolene contribution Just 10 >>> HM.lookup D.Lakos contribution Just 20 >>> let funds = HM.fromList [(D.Palolene, 30), (D.Lakos, 30)] >>> HM.elems $ manyToOne funds medium [15,15] It works with a single district: >>> let funds = HM.fromList [(D.SouthernPalolene, 500)] >>> HM.elems $ manyToOne funds medium [30] >>> HM.elems $ manyToOne funds one [1] __TODO__ It /should/ not have rounding issues. In particular, when the bill's amount is bigger than the number of districts, /each/ district would contribute some. This problem is known as . >>> let funds = HM.fromList [(D.Palolene, 10000), (D.Lakos, 1)] >>> B.amount medium > fromIntegral (HM.size funds) True >>> let contribution = manyToOne funds medium >>> let taken = HM.foldl' (+) 0 contribution But at the moment we make use of some freedom coming from the fact that \"it is possible that a bill will receive less funds than the Parliament decides\", and round down contribution of each district. /Thus these two tests show 'False', while should show 'True':/ >>> HM.null $ HM.filter (== 0) contribution False >>> taken == B.amount medium False If all districts together can't pay the bill, take all their money. Note that due to the principle of proportionality it is impossible that some districts can pay their shares and others can't: >>> let low = HM.fromList [(D.Palolene, 10), (D.Lakos, 15)] >>> manyToOne low medium == low True -} manyToOne :: DistrictFunds -- ^ Amounts of available funds per district. -> B.Bill -- ^ A bill requiring funding. -> DistrictFunds -- ^ Contribution of each district. manyToOne funds bill = HM.map takeMoney funds where needed = B.amount bill available = sum $ HM.elems funds requested = min needed available takeMoney m = requested * m `div` available