/* SANE EPSON backend Copyright (C) 2005 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION This file is part of the `iscan' program. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. As a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with the esmod library and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other then esmod. */ #ifndef GIMP_PLUGIN_H #define GIMP_PLUGIN_H #ifdef HAVE_GIMP_2 /* Define these structures for using gimp-devel-2 */ struct _GimpParamColor_1 { guint8 red; guint8 green; guint8 blue; }; typedef struct _GimpParamColor_1 GimpParamColor_1 ; union _GimpParamData_1 { gint32 d_int32; gint16 d_int16; gint8 d_int8; gdouble d_float; gchar *d_string; gint32 *d_int32array; gint16 *d_int16array; gint8 *d_int8array; gdouble *d_floatarray; gchar **d_stringarray; GimpParamColor_1 d_color; GimpParamRegion d_region; gint32 d_display; gint32 d_image; gint32 d_layer; gint32 d_layer_mask; gint32 d_channel; gint32 d_drawable; gint32 d_selection; gint32 d_boundary; gint32 d_path; gint32 d_unit; GimpParasite d_parasite; gint32 d_tattoo; GimpPDBStatusType d_status; }; typedef union _GimpParamData_1 GimpParamData_1 ; struct _GimpParam_1 { GimpPDBArgType type; GimpParamData_1 data; }; typedef struct _GimpParam_1 GimpParam_1; typedef void (* GimpInitProc_1) (void); typedef void (* GimpQuitProc_1) (void); typedef void (* GimpQueryProc_1) (void); typedef void (* GimpRunProc_1) (gchar *name, gint n_params, GimpParam_1 *param, gint *n_return_vals, GimpParam_1 **return_vals); struct _GimpPlugInInfo_1 { /* called when the gimp application initially starts up */ GimpInitProc_1 init_proc; /* called when the gimp application exits */ GimpQuitProc_1 quit_proc; /* called by the gimp so that the plug-in can inform the * gimp of what it does. (ie. installing a procedure database * procedure). */ GimpQueryProc_1 query_proc; /* called to run a procedure the plug-in installed in the * procedure database. */ GimpRunProc_1 run_proc; }; typedef struct _GimpPlugInInfo_1 GimpPlugInInfo_1; #else /* Define these structures for using gimp-devel-1 */ struct _GimpRGB_2 { gdouble r, g, b, a; }; typedef struct _GimpRGB_2 GimpRGB_2; union _GimpParamData_2 { gint32 d_int32; gint16 d_int16; gint8 d_int8; gdouble d_float; gchar *d_string; gint32 *d_int32array; gint16 *d_int16array; gint8 *d_int8array; gdouble *d_floatarray; gchar **d_stringarray; GimpRGB_2 d_color; GimpParamRegion d_region; gint32 d_display; gint32 d_image; gint32 d_layer; gint32 d_layer_mask; gint32 d_channel; gint32 d_drawable; gint32 d_selection; gint32 d_boundary; gint32 d_path; gint32 d_unit; GimpParasite d_parasite; gint32 d_tattoo; GimpPDBStatusType d_status; }; typedef union _GimpParamData_2 GimpParamData_2 ; struct _GimpParam_2 { GimpPDBArgType type; GimpParamData_2 data; }; typedef struct _GimpParam_2 GimpParam_2; typedef void (* GimpInitProc_2) (void); typedef void (* GimpQuitProc_2) (void); typedef void (* GimpQueryProc_2) (void); typedef void (* GimpRunProc_2) (const gchar *name, gint n_params, const GimpParam_2 *param, gint *n_return_vals, GimpParam_2 **return_vals); struct _GimpPlugInInfo_2 { /* called when the gimp application initially starts up */ GimpInitProc_2 init_proc; /* called when the gimp application exits */ GimpQuitProc_2 quit_proc; /* called by the gimp so that the plug-in can inform the * gimp of what it does. (ie. installing a procedure database * procedure). */ GimpQueryProc_2 query_proc; /* called to run a procedure the plug-in installed in the * procedure database. */ GimpRunProc_2 run_proc; }; typedef struct _GimpPlugInInfo_2 GimpPlugInInfo_2; #endif // HAVE_GIMP_2 #endif /* GIMP_PLUGIN_H */