/* utils.h -- assorted utility functions and macros
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION
* License: GPLv2+|iscan
* This file is part of the SANE backend distributed with Image Scan!
* Image Scan!'s SANE backend is free software.
* You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
* either version 2 of the License or at your option any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You ought to have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this package. If not, see .
* Linking Image Scan!'s SANE backend statically or dynamically with
* other modules is making a combined work based on this SANE backend.
* Thus, the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License
* cover the whole combination.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of Image Scan!'s SANE
* backend give you permission to link Image Scan!'s SANE backend with
* SANE frontends that communicate with Image Scan!'s SANE backend
* solely through the SANE Application Programming Interface,
* regardless of the license terms of these SANE frontends, and to
* copy and distribute the resulting combined work under terms of your
* choice, provided that every copy of the combined work is
* accompanied by a complete copy of the source code of Image Scan!'s
* SANE backend (the version of Image Scan!'s SANE backend used to
* produce the combined work), being distributed under the terms of
* the GNU General Public License plus this exception. An independent
* module is a module which is not derived from or based on Image
* Scan!'s SANE backend.
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of Image Scan!'s SANE
* backend give you permission to link Image Scan!'s SANE backend with
* independent modules that communicate with Image Scan!'s SANE
* backend solely through the "Interpreter" interface, regardless of
* the license terms of these independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting combined work under terms of your choice,
* provided that every copy of the combined work is accompanied by a
* complete copy of the source code of Image Scan!'s SANE backend (the
* version of Image Scan!'s SANE backend used to produce the combined
* work), being distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License plus this exception. An independent module is a module
* which is not derived from or based on Image Scan!'s SANE backend.
* Note that people who make modified versions of Image Scan!'s SANE
* backend are not obligated to grant special exceptions for their
* modified versions; it is their choice whether to do so. The GNU
* General Public License gives permission to release a modified
* version without this exception; this exception also makes it
* possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
* exception.
#ifndef utils_h_included
#define utils_h_included
#include "device.h"
/*! \brief Encodes a fw_name as a string of hexadecimals.
char * fw_name_to_hex (const char *fw_name);
/*! \brief Converts a buffer to an unsigned 32-bit integer.
inline static uint32_t
buf_to_uint32 (const byte *buf)
return buf[3] << 24 | buf[2] << 16 | buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];
/*! \brief Converts a buffer to an unsigned 16-bit integer.
inline static uint16_t
buf_to_uint16 (const byte *buf)
return buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];
/*! \brief Converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to a buffer.
inline static void
uint32_to_buf (uint32_t val, byte *buf)
if (!buf) return;
buf[0] = val;
buf[1] = val >> 8;
buf[2] = val >> 16;
buf[3] = val >> 24;
/*! \brief Converts an unsigned 16-bit integer to a buffer.
inline static void
uint16_to_buf (uint16_t val, byte *buf)
if (!buf) return;
buf[0] = val;
buf[1] = val >> 8;
/* Scan area related queries and computations.
/*! \brief Tells whether an extension supports document size detection.
inline static SANE_Bool
has_size_check_support (const extension *src)
return src->has_size_check;
/*! \brief Recomputes an extension's scan area dimensions (in mm).
#define update_ranges(hw,src) _update_ranges (hw, (extension *) src)
void _update_ranges (const device *hw, extension *src);
/*! \brief Re-establishes the detected document size.
#define update_doc_size(src,value) _update_doc_size ((extension *) src, value)
void _update_doc_size (extension *src, uint16_t value);
/* Resolution information handlers.
void init_resolution_info (resolution_info *self, byte *data);
void free_resolution_info (resolution_info *self);
SANE_Status copy_resolution_info (resolution_info *dest,
const resolution_info *src, SANE_Bool deep);
/*! \brief Tells whether we are looking at a resolution in an ESC I reply.
inline static SANE_Bool
resolution_info_ESC_I_cond (const u_char *data)
return ('R' == data[0]);
/*! \brief Tells whether we are looking at a resolution in an ESC i reply.
inline static SANE_Bool
resolution_info_ESC_i_cond (const u_char *data)
return (0 != data[0] || 0 != data[1]);
/*! \brief A wrapper around strcmp that checks for NULL strings
inline static int
strcmp_c (const char *s1, const char *s2)
if (!s1 && !s2) return 0;
if (s1 && !s2) return 1;
if (!s1 && s2) return -1;
return strcmp (s1, s2);
/*! \brief A wrapper around strncmp that checks for NULL strings
inline static int
strncmp_c (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
if (!s1 && !s2) return 0;
if (s1 && !s2) return 1;
if (!s1 && s2) return -1;
return strncmp (s1, s2, n);
int microsleep (size_t usec);
#endif /* !defined (utils_h_included) */