#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (c) 2012, Nexenta Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. use 5.010; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use integer; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Path 'mkpath'; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use POSIX qw(strftime); use Text::Wrap; sub blab { print 'debmaker: ', @_, "\n"; } sub warning { blab 'WARNING: ', @_; sleep 2; } sub fatal { blab 'FATAL: ', @_; exit 1; } sub my_chdir { my ($path) = @_; chdir $path or fatal "Can't chdir() to `$path': $!"; } sub my_symlink { my ($src, $dst) = @_; my_mkdir(dirname $dst); symlink $src, $dst or fatal "Can't create symlink `$src' -> `$dst': $!" } sub my_hardlink { my ($src, $dst) = @_; # even if we can't create hardlink in package, we should have a directory # to be able to create hardlink in preinstall phase: my_mkdir(dirname $dst); # For hardlink creation target file must be accessible: my $pwd = getcwd; my $dir = dirname $dst; my_chdir $dir; my $success = link $src, $dst; my_chdir $pwd; # be more tolerant, cause it may be hardlink to isaexec warning "Can't create hardlink `$src' -> `$dst': $!" unless $success; return $success; } sub my_copy { my ($src, $dst) = @_; my_mkdir(dirname $dst); copy $src, $dst or fatal "Can't copy `$src' to `$dst': $!"; } sub my_chown { my ($u, $g, $path) = @_; my $uid = getpwnam $u; my $gid = getgrnam $g; chown $uid, $gid, $path or fatal "Can't chown ($u.$g) `$path': $!"; } sub my_chmod { my ($mode, $path) = @_; chmod oct($mode), $path or fatal "Can't chmod ($mode) `$path': $!"; } sub my_mkdir { my ($path, $mode) = @_; my $err; if (defined $mode) { mkpath($path, {mode => oct($mode), error => \$err}) } else { mkpath($path, {error => \$err}) } if (@$err) { foreach my $diag (@$err) { my ($dir, $message) = %$diag; if ($dir) { warning "Failed to create dir `$dir': $message" } else { warning "$message" } } fatal "Failed to create directory `$path'" } } sub uniq { foreach (@_) { my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @$_; @$_ = keys %hash; } } sub shell_exec { my ($cmd) = @_; blab "executing `$cmd'"; system($cmd); if ($? == -1) { fatal "failed to execute: $!"; } elsif ($? & 127) { fatal (printf "child died with signal %d, %s coredump", ($? & 127), ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without') } else { my $rc = $? >> 8; if ($rc != 0) { warning "child exited with value $rc"; } } } sub as_array { my ($ref) = @_; return (ref $ref) ? @{$ref} : ($ref); } sub my_join ($$) { my ($glue, $ref) = @_; return join ($glue, as_array $ref); } sub get_command_line { my ($map_ref, $hash_ref) = @_; my $res = ''; foreach my $k (keys %$map_ref) { if (exists $$hash_ref{$k}) { foreach (as_array $$hash_ref{$k}) { $res .= " $$map_ref{$k} '$_'"; } } } return $res; } sub write_file { my ($filename, $content) = @_; blab "Writing file `$filename'"; if (open FD, '>', $filename) { print FD $content; close FD; } else { fatal "Can't write to file `$filename': $!" } } sub write_script { my ($filename, $content) = @_; $content = "#!/sbin/sh\nset -e\n$content"; write_file $filename, $content; my_chmod '0555', $filename; } sub get_output { my ($cmd) = @_; if (open OUT, "$cmd |") { my @lines = ; close OUT; chomp @lines; warning "Empty output from `$cmd'" unless @lines; return \@lines; } else { fatal "Can't execute `$cmd': $!" } } sub get_output_line { return (@{get_output @_})[0]; } sub trim { # works with refs: $$_ =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*$/$1/ foreach @_; } # Expected input for @PROTO_DIRS: # -d /root/oi-build/components/elinks/build/prototype/i386/mangled # -d /root/oi-build/components/elinks/build/prototype/i386 # -d . # -d /root/oi-build/components/elinks # -d elinks-0.11.7 # (like debian/tmp) my @PROTO_DIRS = (); # -D MACH32=i86 -D COMPONENT_VERSION=1.2.3 etc => # $DEFINES{'MACH32'}='i86', $DEFINES{'COMPONENT_VERSION'}='1.2.3' etc my %DEFINES = (); # Where to create debs prototypes # (like debian/pkg-name) my $OUTDIR = ''; # If true, will use manifests from command line # to resolve dependencies: my $BOOTSTRAP = 0; my $MAINTAINER = 'Nexenta Systems '; my $VERSION = '0.0.0'; my $ARCH = 'solaris-i386'; my $SOURCE = 'xxx'; # only for *.changes my $DISTRIB = 'nza-userland'; # Mapping file => IPS FMRI, filled on bootstrap: my %PATHS = (); GetOptions ( 'd=s' => \@PROTO_DIRS, 'O=s' => \$OUTDIR, 'V=s' => \$VERSION, 'A=s' => \$ARCH, 'M=s' => \$MAINTAINER, 'S=s' => \$SOURCE, 'N=s' => \$DISTRIB, 'bootstrap!' => \$BOOTSTRAP, 'D=s' => \%DEFINES, 'help|h' => sub {usage()}, ) or usage(); # underscore is not allowed in dpkg names, # but some sources have it (e. g. Tree-DAG_Node): $SOURCE =~ s/_/-/g; sub usage { print < -d [-d ... ] manifests Options: -d where to find files (like debian/tmp) -O where to create package structure and debs, /pkg-name and /pkg-name*.deb will be created -D var=value define a variable to substitute in manifest, e. g. -D MACH32=i86 -D COMPONENT_VERSION=1.2.3 -V version of created packages (default is `$VERSION'), may be 'ips' to use the same as for IPS system. -A package architecture, default is `$ARCH' -S package source name to make reprepro happy with *.changes files, default is `$SOURCE' -N distribution name to make reprepro happy with *.changes files, default is `$DISTRIB' -M Package maintainer - mandatory for debs, default is `$MAINTAINER' --bootstrap Search for dependencies within listed manifests, not within installed system (for bootstraping) ** not implemented yet ** -h, --help Show help info USAGE exit 1; } sub parse_keys { my ($line) = @_; # parse: # name=pkg.summary value="advanced text-mode WWW browser" # into: # 'name' => pkg.summary # 'value' => "advanced text-mode WWW browser" # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/168171/regular-expression-for-parsing-name-value-pairs my %pairs = (); while ($line =~ s/((?:\\.|[^= ]+)*)=("(?:\\.|[^"\\]+)*"|(?:\\.|[^ "\\]+)*)//) { my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2); $v =~ s/^"(.+)"$/$1/; $v =~ s/^'(.+)'$/$1/; if (not exists $pairs{$k}) { # most keys are unique, keep its values as scalars $pairs{$k} = $v; } else { # upgrade to array ref if it was a scalar: $pairs{$k} = [$pairs{$k}] unless ref $pairs{$k}; push @{$pairs{$k}}, $v; } } return \%pairs; } sub read_manifest { my ($filename) = @_; my %data = (); $data{'dir'} = []; $data{'file'} = []; $data{'link'} = []; $data{'hardlink'} = []; $data{'depend'} = []; $data{'legacy'} = []; $data{'group'} = []; $data{'user'} = []; $data{'license'} = []; $data{'driver'} = []; if (open IN, '<', $filename) { while () { study; chomp; if (/^set +/) { my $pairs = parse_keys $_; $data{$$pairs{'name'}} = $$pairs{'value'}; } elsif (/^file +(\S+) +/) { my $maybe_src = $1; my $pairs = parse_keys $_; $$pairs{'src'} = $maybe_src if $maybe_src ne 'NOHASH'; push @{$data{'file'}}, $pairs; } elsif (/^license +(\S+) +/) { my $maybe_src = $1; my $pairs = parse_keys $_; $$pairs{'src'} = $maybe_src if $maybe_src !~ /=/; push @{$data{'license'}}, $pairs; } elsif (/^(user|group|legacy|depend|hardlink|link|dir|driver) +/) { my $action = $1; my $pairs = parse_keys $_; push @{$data{$action}}, $pairs; } elsif (/^\s*$/) { # Skip empty lines } elsif (/^\s*#/) { # Skip comments } else { warning "Unknown action: `$_'"; } } close IN; return \%data; } else { fatal "Can't open `$filename': $!"; } } sub get_debpkg_names { # pkg:/web/browser/elinks@0.11.7,5.11-1.1 # => web-browser-elinks # browser-elinks # elinks # Also works for "original_name"=pkg:/web/browser/elinks:usr/bin/Elinks my ($fmri) = @_; my @names = (); if ($fmri =~ m,^(?:pkg:/)?([^:@]+)(?:[:@].+)?$,) { my $pkg = $1; my @parts = split /\//, $pkg; while (@parts) { push @names, (join '-', @parts); shift @parts; } return @names; } else { fatal "Can't parse FMRI to get dpkg name: `$fmri'"; } } sub get_debpkg_name { return (get_debpkg_names @_)[0] } sub get_ips_version { # pkg:/web/browser/elinks@0.11.7,5.11-1.1 # => 0.11.5-5.11-1.1 my ($fmri) = @_; if ($fmri =~ m,^(?:pkg:/)?[^@]+@(.+)$,) { my $ips = $1; $ips =~ s/[,:]/-/g; return $ips; } else { fatal "Can't parse FMRI to get IPS version: `$fmri'"; } } sub get_pkg_section { my ($pkgname) = @_; if ($pkgname =~ m,^([^-@]+)-.*,) { return (split /-/, $pkgname)[0]; } elsif ($pkgname =~ m,^pkg:/([^/]+)/.*,) { return $1; } else { fatal "Can't get section for package `$pkgname'" } } sub get_dir_size { my ($path) = @_; # We get size just after files are copied # and need sync() to get proper sizes: return get_output_line "sync && du -sk $path | cut -f 1"; } sub find_pkgs_with_paths { my @paths = @_; s,^/+,,g foreach @paths; my $dpkg = get_output "dpkg-query --search -- @paths | cut -d: -f1"; return $dpkg; } #FIXME : If we have 64-bit library, we have 32-bit as well, so check only 32-bit: my @librarypaths = qw(/lib /usr/lib /usr/gnu/lib); sub guess_required_deps { my ($path) = @_; my $elfs = get_output "gfind $path -type f -exec file {} \\; | ggrep ELF | cut -d: -f1"; my @deps = (); my @libraries = (); if (@$elfs) { my $libs = get_output "elfdump -d @$elfs | ggrep -E '(NEEDED|SUNW_FILTER)' | awk '{print \$4}' | sort -u"; my $rpath = get_output "elfdump -d @$elfs | grep RPATH | awk '{print \$4}' | gsed 's,:,\\n,g' | sort -u | grep -v usr/sfw/lib"; blab "rpath: @$rpath"; push @librarypaths, @$rpath; uniq \@librarypaths; blab 'Required libs: ' . join(', ', @$libs); blab 'Library search paths: ' . join(', ', @librarypaths); foreach my $l (@$libs) { my $found = ''; foreach my $p (@librarypaths) { if (-e "$p/$l") { $found = "$p/$l"; last; } } if ($found) { blab "found $found"; push @libraries, $found; } else { # FIXME : What is library is in package being built? warning "Could not find library $l"; } } my $pkgs = find_pkgs_with_paths @libraries; push @deps, @$pkgs; } return \@deps; } sub get_shlib { my ($dir, $pkg) = @_; my $res = ''; $pkg = basename $dir unless $pkg; my $libs = get_output "gfind $dir -type f -name '*.so.*'"; if (@$libs) { my $sonames = get_output "elfdump -d @$libs | ggrep SONAME | awk '{print \$4}' | sort -u"; $res = join "\n", map { /^(.+)\.so\.(.+)$/; "$1 $2 $pkg" } @$sonames; } return $res; } if (!$OUTDIR) { fatal "Output dir is not set. Use -D option." } if (! -d $OUTDIR) { fatal "Not a directory: `$OUTDIR'" } # Walk through all manifests # and collect files, symlinks, hardlink # mapping them to package names: if ($BOOTSTRAP) { blab "Bootstrap: collecting paths ..."; foreach my $manifest_file (@ARGV) { my $manifest_data = read_manifest $manifest_file; my $fmri = $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'}; my @items = (); if (my @files = @{$$manifest_data{'file'}}) { push @items, @files; } if (my @symlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'link'}}) { push @items, @symlinks; } if (my @hardlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'hardlink'}}) { push @items, @hardlinks; } foreach my $item (@items) { my $path = $$item{'path'}; if (exists $PATHS{$path}) { warning "`$path' already present in `$PATHS{$path}' and now found in `$fmri' (manifest `$manifest_file')" } else { $PATHS{$path} = $fmri; } } } blab 'Bootstrap: ' . (keys %PATHS) . ' known paths' } my %changes = (); $changes{'Date'} = strftime '%a, %d %b %Y %T %z', localtime; # Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:08:17 +0200 $changes{'Architecture'} = $ARCH; $changes{'Format'} = '1.8'; $changes{'Maintainer'} = $MAINTAINER; $changes{'Source'} = lc $SOURCE; $changes{'Version'} = $VERSION; $changes{'Distribution'} = $DISTRIB; #TODO: last Hg commit?: $changes{'Changes'} = 'Everything has changed'; $changes{'Description'} = ''; $changes{'Checksums-Sha1'} = ''; $changes{'Checksums-Sha256'} = ''; $changes{'Files'} = ''; $changes{'Binary'} = ''; foreach my $manifest_file (@ARGV) { blab "****** Manifest: `$manifest_file'"; my $manifest_data = read_manifest $manifest_file; my @provides = get_debpkg_names $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'}; my $debname = shift @provides; # main name (web-browser-elinks) my $debsection = get_pkg_section $debname; my $debpriority = $$manifest_data{'pkg.priority'} // 'optional'; my @replaces = (); my @zones = (); @zones = as_array $$manifest_data{'variant.opensolaris.zone'} if exists $$manifest_data{'variant.opensolaris.zone'}; foreach my $l (@{$$manifest_data{'legacy'}}) { push @provides, get_debpkg_name $$l{'pkg'}; } my $pkgdir = "$OUTDIR/$debname"; blab "Main package name: $debname"; my $ipsversion = get_ips_version $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'}; my $debversion = undef; if ($VERSION eq 'ips') { blab "Using IPS version scheme: $ipsversion"; $debversion = $ipsversion; } else { blab "Using given version: $VERSION"; $debversion = $VERSION; } my $basedir_prolog = 'if [ -z "$BASEDIR" ]; then' . "\n" . " BASEDIR=/\n" . "else\n" . ' BASEDIR=`cd $BASEDIR && pwd`' . "\n" . "fi\n\n" . 'if [ $BASEDIR != / ]; then' . "\n" . ' CHROOT="chroot $BASEDIR"' . "\n" . ' _drv_basedir="-b $BASEDIR"' . "\n" . "else\n" . " CHROOT=\n" . " _drv_basedir=\n" . "fi\n\n" ; my $preinst = $basedir_prolog; my $postinst = $basedir_prolog; my $prerm = $basedir_prolog; my $postrm = $basedir_prolog; my $postinst_configure = ''; my $prerm_remove = ''; my @groups = @{$$manifest_data{'group'}}; my @users = @{$$manifest_data{'user'}}; if (@groups) { foreach my $g (@groups) { my $cmd = 'if ! $CHROOT getent group ' . $$g{'groupname'} . ' >/dev/null; then' . "\n"; $cmd .= qq| echo 'Adding group "$$g{'groupname'}"'\n|; $cmd .= ' $CHROOT groupadd '; $cmd .= get_command_line { 'gid' => '-g' }, $g; $cmd .= " $$g{'groupname'} || true\n"; $cmd .= "fi\n"; $postinst_configure .= $cmd; } } if (@users) { foreach my $u (@users) { my $cmd = 'if ! $CHROOT getent passwd ' . $$u{'username'} . ' >/dev/null; then' . "\n"; $cmd .= qq| echo 'Adding user "$$u{'username'}"'\n|; $cmd .= ' $CHROOT useradd '; # map action attributes to options for 'useradd': $cmd .= get_command_line { 'uid' => '-u', 'group' => '-g', 'gcos-field' => '-c', 'home-dir' => '-d', 'uid' => '-u', 'login-shell' => '-s', 'group-list' => '-G', 'inactive' => '-f', 'expire' => '-e', }, $u; $cmd .= " $$u{'username'} || true\n"; $cmd .= "fi\n"; $postinst_configure .= $cmd; } } my_mkdir $pkgdir; # pkg(5): # disable_fmri # refresh_fmri # restart_fmri # suspend_fmri Each of these actuators take the value of an FMRI of # a service instance to operate upon during the package # installation or removal. disable_fmri causes the # mentioned FMRI to be disabled prior to action removal, per # the disable subcommand to svcadm(1M). refresh_fmri and # restart_fmri cause the given FMRI to be refreshed or # restarted after action installation or update, per the # respective subcommands of svcadm(1M). Finally, # suspend_fmri causes the given FMRI to be disabled # temporarily prior to the action install phase, and then # enabled after the completion of that phase. my @disable_fmri = (); my @refresh_fmri = (); my @restart_fmri = (); my @suspend_fmri = (); if (my @dirs = @{$$manifest_data{'dir'}}) { blab "Making dirs ..."; foreach my $dir (@dirs) { my $dir_name = "$pkgdir/$$dir{'path'}"; my_mkdir $dir_name, $$dir{'mode'}; if (grep($$dir{'owner'} eq $$_{'username'}, @users) || grep($$dir{'group'} eq $$_{'groupname'}, @groups)) { my $cmd = "chown $$dir{'owner'}:$$dir{'group'} '/$$dir{'path'}'"; warning "will chown in postinstall: $cmd"; $postinst_configure .= $cmd . " || true\n"; } else { my_chown $$dir{'owner'}, $$dir{'group'}, $dir_name; } push @replaces, get_debpkg_name $$dir{original_name} if exists $$dir{original_name}; push @disable_fmri, as_array $$dir{disable_fmri} if exists $$dir{disable_fmri}; push @refresh_fmri, as_array $$dir{refresh_fmri} if exists $$dir{refresh_fmri}; push @restart_fmri, as_array $$dir{restart_fmri} if exists $$dir{restart_fmri}; push @suspend_fmri, as_array $$dir{suspend_fmri} if exists $$dir{suspend_fmri}; } } my @conffiles = (); if (my @files = @{$$manifest_data{'file'}}) { blab "Copying files ..."; foreach my $file (@files) { my $dst = "$pkgdir/$$file{'path'}"; my $src = $$file{'src'} // $$file{'path'}; # find $src in @PROTO_DIRS: my $src_dir = undef; foreach my $d (@PROTO_DIRS) { # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2238576/what-is-the-default-scope-of-foreach-loop-in-perl if ( -f "$d/$src") { $src_dir = $d; last } } fatal "file `$src' not found in given dirs: ", join(', ', @PROTO_DIRS) unless $src_dir; $src = "$src_dir/$src"; my_copy $src, $dst; my_chmod $$file{'mode'}, $dst; if (grep($$file{'owner'} eq $$_{'username'}, @users) || grep($$file{'group'} eq $$_{'groupname'}, @groups)) { my $cmd = "chown $$file{'owner'}:$$file{'group'} '/$$file{'path'}'"; warning "will chown in postinstall: $cmd"; $postinst_configure .= $cmd . " || true\n"; } else { my_chown $$file{'owner'}, $$file{'group'}, $dst; } if ((exists $$file{'preserve'}) and ($$file{'preserve'} ne 'false')) { push @conffiles, $$file{'path'} } push @replaces, get_debpkg_name $$file{original_name} if exists $$file{original_name}; push @disable_fmri, as_array $$file{disable_fmri} if exists $$file{disable_fmri}; push @refresh_fmri, as_array $$file{refresh_fmri} if exists $$file{refresh_fmri}; push @restart_fmri, as_array $$file{restart_fmri} if exists $$file{restart_fmri}; push @suspend_fmri, as_array $$file{suspend_fmri} if exists $$file{suspend_fmri}; } } if (my @hardlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'hardlink'}}) { blab "Creating hardlinks ..."; my @hl_script = (); foreach my $link (@hardlinks) { if (!my_hardlink $$link{'target'}, "$pkgdir/$$link{'path'}") { warning "Adding code to create hardlink at post-install phase"; push @hl_script, $link; } } if (@hl_script) { $postinst .= 'if [ "$1" = configure ]; then' . "\n"; $postrm .= 'if [ "$1" = remove ]; then' . "\n"; foreach my $l (@hl_script) { my $d = dirname $$l{path}; $d = "/$d" unless $d =~ /^\//; my $b = basename $$l{path}; my $p = $$l{'path'}; $p = "/$p" unless $p =~ /^\//; my $t = $$l{'target'}; $postinst .= " if ! [ -f \${BASEDIR}$p ]; then\n"; $postinst .= " cd \${BASEDIR}$d && ln $t $b || true\n"; $postinst .= " fi\n"; $postrm .= " rm $p || true\n"; } $postinst .= "fi\n"; $postrm .= "fi\n"; } } if (my @symlinks = @{$$manifest_data{'link'}}) { blab "Creating symlinks ..."; foreach my $link (@symlinks) { if (exists $$link{'mediator'}) { blab "$$link{'path'} has a mediator, update-aternatives will be used"; my $l = $$link{'path'}; $l = "/$l" unless $l =~ /^\//; my $n = basename $l; # FIXME : should be absolute: my $p = $$link{'target'}; $p = "/$p" unless $p =~ /^\//; # FIXME : mediator-{version,implementation,priority} # cannot be mapped to update-alternatives $postinst_configure .= '$CHROOT update-alternatives --install ' . "$l $n $p 10 || true\n"; # FIXME : random priority ;-) # FIXME : too many FIXMEs $prerm .= 'if [ "$1" = remove ]; then $CHROOT update-alternatives --remove ' . "$n $p || true; fi\n"; } else { my_symlink $$link{'target'}, "$pkgdir/$$link{'path'}"; } } } # http://src.opensolaris.org/source/xref/pkg/gate/src/modules/actions/driver.py if (my @drivers = @{$$manifest_data{'driver'}}) { blab "Adding code to register drivers ..."; $postinst_configure .= 'if [ -z "$2" ]; then' . "\n"; foreach my $d (@drivers) { my $cmd = 'add_drv -v $_drv_basedir'; $cmd .= "-i '" . my_join(' ', $$d{'alias'}) . "'" if exists $$d{'alias'}; $cmd .= "-c '" . my_join(' ', $$d{'class'}) . "'" if exists $$d{'class'}; $cmd .= "-m '" . my_join(',', $$d{'perms'}) . "'" if exists $$d{'perms'}; $cmd .= "-P '" . my_join(',', $$d{'privs'}) . "'" if exists $$d{'privs'}; $cmd .= "-p '" . my_join(' ', $$d{'policy'}) . "'" if exists $$d{'policy'}; $cmd .= " $$d{name}"; blab $cmd; $postinst_configure .= $cmd . " || true\n"; $postinst_configure .= "update_drv \$_drv_basedir -v -a -m '$$d{'clone_perms'}' clone || true\n" if exists $$d{'clone_perms'}; $prerm_remove .= "rem_drv $$d{name} || true\n"; if (exists $$d{'devlink'}) { foreach my $devlink (as_array($$d{'devlink'})) { $devlink =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $postinst_configure .= "if ! grep -q '$devlink' \$BASEDIR/etc/devlink.tab; then\n"; $postinst_configure .= " echo '$devlink' >> \$BASEDIR/etc/devlink.tab\n"; $postinst_configure .= "fi\n"; $prerm_remove .= "sed -i.dpkg-old '/$devlink/d' \$BASEDIR/etc/devlink.tab || true\n"; } }; } $postinst_configure .= 'fi # new install' . "\n"; } if (my @license = @{$$manifest_data{'license'}}) { # FIXME: install in usr/share/doc//copyright # what are the owner, permissions? # multiple licenses? } my $installed_size = get_dir_size $pkgdir; my @depends = (); my @predepends = (); my @recommends = (); my @suggests = (); my @conflicts = (); blab "Getting dependencies ..."; foreach my $dep (@{$$manifest_data{'depend'}}) { if ($$dep{'fmri'} ne '__TBD') { my $dep_pkg = get_debpkg_name $$dep{'fmri'}; blab "Dependency: $dep_pkg ($$dep{'type'})"; push @depends, $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'require'; push @predepends, $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'origin'; push @suggests, $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'optional'; push @conflicts, $dep_pkg if $$dep{'type'} eq 'exclude'; } } push @depends, @{guess_required_deps($pkgdir)}; uniq \@depends, \@replaces, \@provides, \@predepends, \@recommends, \@suggests, \@conflicts; uniq \@restart_fmri, \@refresh_fmri, \@suspend_fmri, \@disable_fmri; # When a program and a library are in the same package: @depends = grep {($_ ne $debname) && !($_ ~~ @provides)} @depends; my $control = ''; $control .= "Package: $debname\n"; $control .= "Source: $changes{Source}\n"; $control .= "Version: $debversion\n"; $control .= "Section: $debsection\n"; $control .= "Priority: $debpriority\n"; $control .= "Maintainer: $MAINTAINER\n"; $control .= "Architecture: $ARCH\n"; $control .= "Category: $DISTRIB\n"; # Specify zone only is @zones has one zone: global or nonglobal: $control .= "Zone: $zones[0]\n" if scalar(@zones) == 1; $control .= "Description: $$manifest_data{'pkg.summary'}\n"; $changes{'Description'} .= "\n $debname - $$manifest_data{'pkg.summary'}"; $control .= wrap(' ', ' ', $$manifest_data{'pkg.description'}) . "\n" if exists $$manifest_data{'pkg.description'}; $control .= 'Provides: ' . join(', ', @provides) . "\n" if @provides; $control .= 'Depends: ' . join(', ', @depends) . "\n" if @depends; $control .= 'Pre-Depends: ' . join(', ', @predepends) . "\n" if @predepends; $control .= 'Recommends: ' . join(', ', @recommends) . "\n" if @recommends; $control .= 'Suggests: ' . join(', ', @suggests) . "\n" if @suggests; $control .= 'Conflicts: ' . join(', ', @conflicts) . "\n" if @conflicts; $control .= 'Replaces: ' . join(', ', @replaces) . "\n" if @replaces; $control .= "Installed-Size: $installed_size\n"; $control .= "Origin: $$manifest_data{'info.upstream_url'}\n" if exists $$manifest_data{'info.upstream_url'}; $control .= "X-FMRI: $$manifest_data{'pkg.fmri'}\n"; $control .= "X-Upstream-Version: $DEFINES{'COMPONENT_VERSION'}\n"; if (exists $$manifest_data{'info.source_url'} && $$manifest_data{'info.source_url'} !~ /^file:/ ) { $control .= "X-Source-URL: $$manifest_data{'info.source_url'}\n" } my_mkdir "$pkgdir/DEBIAN"; my $check_smf = <<'CHECK_SMF'; HAVE_SMF=no if [ $BASEDIR = / ]; then SMF_INCLUDE=/lib/svc/share/smf_include.sh if [ -f $SMF_INCLUDE ]; then source $SMF_INCLUDE if smf_present; then HAVE_SMF=yes fi fi fi CHECK_SMF if (@suspend_fmri) { $preinst .= $check_smf; $preinst .= 'if [ "$HAVE_SMF" = yes ]; then' . "\n"; $preinst .= ' if [ "$1" = install ] || [ "$1" = upgrade ]; then' . "\n"; $preinst .= " svcadm -v disable -t @suspend_fmri || true\n"; $preinst .= " fi\n"; $preinst .= "fi\n"; $postinst_configure .= " svcadm -v enable @suspend_fmri || true\n"; } if (@disable_fmri) { $prerm .= 'if [ "$1" = "remove" ]; then' . "\n"; $prerm .= " svcadm disable @disable_fmri || true\n"; $prerm .= "fi\n"; } if (@refresh_fmri || @restart_fmri) { $postinst_configure .= $check_smf; $postinst_configure .= 'if [ "$HAVE_SMF" = yes ]; then' . "\n"; $postinst_configure .= " svcadm -v refresh @refresh_fmri || true\n" if @refresh_fmri; $postinst_configure .= " svcadm -v restart @restart_fmri || true\n" if @restart_fmri; $postinst_configure .= "fi\n"; # on upgrade services will be touched in postinst, # so, catch only removing: $postrm .= 'if [ "$1" = remove ]; then' . "\n"; $postrm .= " svcadm -v refresh @refresh_fmri || true\n" if @refresh_fmri; $postrm .= " svcadm -v restart @restart_fmri || true\n" if @restart_fmri; $postrm .= "fi\n"; } if ($postinst_configure) { $postinst .= 'if [ "$1" = configure ]; then' . "\n\n"; $postinst .= $postinst_configure; $postinst .= "\nfi # configure\n" } if ($prerm_remove) { $prerm .= 'if [ "$1" = remove ]; then' . "\n\n"; $prerm .= $prerm_remove; $prerm .= "\nfi # remove\n" } write_script "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/preinst", $preinst if $preinst; write_script "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/prerm", $prerm if $prerm; write_script "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/postinst", $postinst if $postinst; write_script "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/postrm", $postrm if $postrm; write_file "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/control", $control; write_file "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/conffiles", (join "\n", @conffiles) . "\n" if @conffiles; my $shlibs = get_shlib $pkgdir; write_file "$pkgdir/DEBIAN/shlibs", $shlibs if $shlibs; my $pkg_deb = "${pkgdir}_${debversion}_${ARCH}.deb"; # FIXME: we need GNU tar shell_exec "PATH=/usr/gnu/bin:/usr/bin dpkg-deb -b '$pkgdir' '$pkg_deb'"; shell_exec "rm -r -f '$pkgdir'"; my $md5sum = get_output_line "md5sum $pkg_deb | cut -d' ' -f1"; my $sha1 = get_output_line "sha1sum $pkg_deb | cut -d' ' -f1"; my $sha256 = get_output_line "sha256sum $pkg_deb | cut -d' ' -f1"; my $size = (stat $pkg_deb)[7]; my $pkg_deb_base = basename $pkg_deb; $changes{'Checksums-Sha1'} .= "\n $sha1 $size $pkg_deb_base"; $changes{'Checksums-Sha256'} .= "\n $sha256 $size $pkg_deb_base"; $changes{'Files'} .= "\n $md5sum $size $debsection $debpriority $pkg_deb_base"; $changes{'Binary'} .= " $debname"; #print Dumper($manifest_data); } my $changes_cnt = join "\n", map {"$_: $changes{$_}"} sort keys %changes; write_file "$OUTDIR/$changes{'Source'}.changes", $changes_cnt;