# Overview This is Common [IPS](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris11/technologies/ips-323421.html) Build System (CIBS). It intend to replace all userland-hell known from OpenSolaris and OpenIndiana. CIBS is inspired by [Common Debian Build System](http://cdbs-doc.duckcorp.org/en/cdbs-doc.xhtml) Major features are: * Makefile-based (need GNU `make`) * Modular design (include `autotools.mk` for GNU configure, or `cmake.mk` for CMake-based packages) * Tracking build dependencies * Building packages independently (no more terrible "consolidations" or "incorporations") To create and publish an IPS package you need: * CIBS package installed (`pkg:/developer/pkg/cibs`) * `Makefile` describing what and how you are building * At least one canonical IPS manifest. Look into directory `examples` for examples. # CIBS modules ## common.mk This module defines common variables and targets. All other modules include this module, and it should not be included directly, unless you are doing something really special. ### Targets provided by common.mk All targets (but `clean`) provided by this module are abstract and do nothing. Other modules extend these targets. Each target has its annex `target-stamp` which does the real job. Each `*-stamp` is a file created with `touch` command. All internal dependencies are implemented through these "stamps", but developer can use only basename for target, e. g. `make unpack` instead of `make unpack-stamp`. Meaning of these targets depends on other included modules: * `unpack` - put sources into the source directory (`./work/source` by default), * `patch` - modify sources, * `configure` - configure sources, e. g. execute GNU configure or CMake, * `build` - build sources, e. g. compile with C compiler, * `install` - install files into proto directory. * `clean` - remove all stamps and working directory (`./work` by default) Each target in the list above depends on previous target. Yes, except `clean`. `clean` has [double-colon rule](http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Double_002dColon.html) and by default it is: clean:: rm -f *-stamp rm -rf $(workdir) ## ips.mk This module provides functions to work with IPS manifests and publish packages. When `ips.mk` modules is included these targets are available from main `Makefile`: * `publish` - publish IPS package into IPS repository * `pre-publish` - make everything required to publish (including downloading archive, patching, compiling, mogrifying manifests etc), but do not publish. Usefull for final verifications what is going into IPS repository. All intermediate and final manifests are in `work/manifests` directory. * `build-dep` - install build dependencies Any variable defined in `Makefile` will be passed to `pkgmogrify`, for example: `pkgmogrify -Darchive="mpfr-3.1.1.tar.xz" -Ddownload="http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mpfr/mpfr-3.1.1.tar.xz" -Dhome="http://www.mpfr.org/" -Dlicense="LGPLv3" -Dname="mpfr" -Dsummary="GNU library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding" -Dversion="3.1.1" ...`