{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tests.Readers.Org (tests) where import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Test.Framework import Tests.Helpers import Tests.Arbitrary() import Text.Pandoc.Builder import Text.Pandoc import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.Monoid (mempty, mconcat) org :: String -> Pandoc org = readOrg def infix 4 =: (=:) :: ToString c => String -> (String, c) -> Test (=:) = test org spcSep :: [Inlines] -> Inlines spcSep = mconcat . intersperse space simpleTable' :: Int -> [Blocks] -> [[Blocks]] -> Blocks simpleTable' n = table "" (take n $ repeat (AlignDefault, 0.0)) tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "Inlines" $ [ "Plain String" =: "Hello, World" =?> para (spcSep [ "Hello,", "World" ]) , "Emphasis" =: "/Planet Punk/" =?> para (emph . spcSep $ ["Planet", "Punk"]) , "Strong" =: "*Cider*" =?> para (strong "Cider") , "Strikeout" =: "+Kill Bill+" =?> para (strikeout . spcSep $ [ "Kill", "Bill" ]) , "Code" =: "=Robot.rock()=" =?> para (code "Robot.rock()") , "Verbatim" =: "~word for word~" =?> para (rawInline "" "word for word") , "Symbol" =: "A * symbol" =?> para (str "A" <> space <> str "*" <> space <> "symbol") , "Superscript single char" =: "2^n" =?> para (str "2" <> superscript "n") , "Superscript multi char" =: "2^{n-1}" =?> para (str "2" <> superscript "n-1") , "Subscript single char" =: "a_n" =?> para (str "a" <> subscript "n") , "Subscript multi char" =: "a_{n+1}" =?> para (str "a" <> subscript "n+1") , "Markup-chars not occuring on word break are symbols" =: unlines [ "this+that+ +so+on" , "seven*eight* nine*" , "+not+funny+" ] =?> para (spcSep [ "this+that+", "+so+on" , "seven*eight*", "nine*" , strikeout "not+funny" ]) , "Markup may not span more than two lines" =: unlines [ "/this *is", "not*", "emph/" ] =?> para (spcSep [ "/this" , (strong ("is" <> space <> "not")) , "emph/" ]) , "Explicit link" =: "[[http://zeitlens.com/][pseudo-random nonsense]]" =?> (para $ link "http://zeitlens.com/" "" ("pseudo-random" <> space <> "nonsense")) , "Self-link" =: "[[http://zeitlens.com/]]" =?> (para $ link "http://zeitlens.com/" "" "http://zeitlens.com/") ] , testGroup "Meta Information" $ [ "Comment" =: "# Nothing to see here" =?> (mempty::Blocks) , "Not a comment" =: "#-tag" =?> para "#-tag" , "Comment surrounded by Text" =: unlines [ "Before" , "# Comment" , "After" ] =?> mconcat [ para "Before" , para "After" ] , "Title" =: "#+TITLE: Hello, World" =?> let titleInline = toList $ "Hello," <> space <> "World" meta = setMeta "title" (MetaInlines titleInline) $ nullMeta in Pandoc meta mempty , "Author" =: "#+author: Albert /Emacs-Fanboy/ Krewinkel" =?> let author = toList . spcSep $ [ "Albert", emph "Emacs-Fanboy", "Krewinkel" ] meta = setMeta "author" (MetaInlines author) $ nullMeta in Pandoc meta mempty , "Date" =: "#+Date: Feb. *28*, 2014" =?> let date = toList . spcSep $ [ "Feb.", (strong "28") <> ",", "2014" ] meta = setMeta "date" (MetaInlines date) $ nullMeta in Pandoc meta mempty , "Description" =: "#+DESCRIPTION: Explanatory text" =?> let description = toList . spcSep $ [ "Explanatory", "text" ] meta = setMeta "description" (MetaInlines description) $ nullMeta in Pandoc meta mempty , "Properties drawer" =: unlines [ " :PROPERTIES:" , " :setting: foo" , " :END:" ] =?> (mempty::Blocks) , "Logbook drawer" =: unlines [ " :LogBook:" , " - State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" [2014-03-03 Mon 11:00]" , " :END:" ] =?> (mempty::Blocks) , "Drawer surrounded by text" =: unlines [ "Before" , ":PROPERTIES:" , ":END:" , "After" ] =?> para "Before" <> para "After" , "Drawer start is the only text in first line of a drawer" =: unlines [ " :LOGBOOK: foo" , " :END:" ] =?> para (spcSep [ ":LOGBOOK:", "foo", ":END:" ]) , "Drawers with unknown names are just text" =: unlines [ ":FOO:" , ":END:" ] =?> para (":FOO:" <> space <> ":END:") ] , testGroup "Basic Blocks" $ [ "Paragraph" =: "Paragraph\n" =?> para "Paragraph" , "First Level Header" =: "* Headline\n" =?> header 1 "Headline" , "Third Level Header" =: "*** Third Level Headline\n" =?> header 3 ("Third" <> space <> "Level" <> space <> "Headline") , "Compact Headers with Paragraph" =: unlines [ "* First Level" , "** Second Level" , " Text" ] =?> mconcat [ header 1 ("First" <> space <> "Level") , header 2 ("Second" <> space <> "Level") , para "Text" ] , "Separated Headers with Paragraph" =: unlines [ "* First Level" , "" , "** Second Level" , "" , " Text" ] =?> mconcat [ header 1 ("First" <> space <> "Level") , header 2 ("Second" <> space <> "Level") , para "Text" ] , "Headers not preceded by a blank line" =: unlines [ "** eat dinner" , "Spaghetti and meatballs tonight." , "** walk dog" ] =?> mconcat [ header 2 ("eat" <> space <> "dinner") , para $ spcSep [ "Spaghetti", "and", "meatballs", "tonight." ] , header 2 ("walk" <> space <> "dog") ] , "Paragraph starting with an asterisk" =: "*five" =?> para "*five" , "Paragraph containing asterisk at beginning of line" =: unlines [ "lucky" , "*star" ] =?> para ("lucky" <> space <> "*star") , "Example block" =: unlines [ ": echo hello" , ": echo dear tester" ] =?> codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], []) "echo hello\necho dear tester\n" , "Example block surrounded by text" =: unlines [ "Greetings" , ": echo hello" , ": echo dear tester" , "Bye" ] =?> mconcat [ para "Greetings" , codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], []) "echo hello\necho dear tester\n" , para "Bye" ] , "Horizontal Rule" =: unlines [ "before" , "-----" , "after" ] =?> mconcat [ para "before" , horizontalRule , para "after" ] , "Not a Horizontal Rule" =: "----- five dashes" =?> (para $ spcSep [ "-----", "five", "dashes" ]) , "Comment Block" =: unlines [ "#+BEGIN_COMMENT" , "stuff" , "bla" , "#+END_COMMENT"] =?> (mempty::Blocks) , "Source Block in Text" =: unlines [ "Low German greeting" , " #+BEGIN_SRC haskell" , " main = putStrLn greeting" , " where greeting = \"moin\"" , " #+END_SRC" ] =?> let attr' = ("", ["haskell"], []) code' = "main = putStrLn greeting\n" ++ " where greeting = \"moin\"\n" in mconcat [ para $ spcSep [ "Low", "German", "greeting" ] , codeBlockWith attr' code' ] , "Source Block" =: unlines [ " #+BEGIN_SRC haskell" , " main = putStrLn greeting" , " where greeting = \"moin\"" , " #+END_SRC" ] =?> let attr' = ("", ["haskell"], []) code' = "main = putStrLn greeting\n" ++ " where greeting = \"moin\"\n" in codeBlockWith attr' code' ] , testGroup "Lists" $ [ "Simple Bullet Lists" =: ("- Item1\n" ++ "- Item2\n") =?> bulletList [ plain "Item1" , plain "Item2" ] , "Indented Bullet Lists" =: (" - Item1\n" ++ " - Item2\n") =?> bulletList [ plain "Item1" , plain "Item2" ] , "Multi-line Bullet Lists" =: ("- *Fat\n" ++ " Tony*\n" ++ "- /Sideshow\n" ++ " Bob/") =?> bulletList [ plain $ strong ("Fat" <> space <> "Tony") , plain $ emph ("Sideshow" <> space <> "Bob") ] , "Nested Bullet Lists" =: ("- Discovery\n" ++ " + One More Time\n" ++ " + Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger\n" ++ "- Homework\n" ++ " + Around the World\n"++ "- Human After All\n" ++ " + Technologic\n" ++ " + Robot Rock\n") =?> bulletList [ mconcat [ para "Discovery" , bulletList [ plain ("One" <> space <> "More" <> space <> "Time") , plain ("Harder," <> space <> "Better," <> space <> "Faster," <> space <> "Stronger") ] ] , mconcat [ para "Homework" , bulletList [ plain ("Around" <> space <> "the" <> space <> "World") ] ] , mconcat [ para ("Human" <> space <> "After" <> space <> "All") , bulletList [ plain "Technologic" , plain ("Robot" <> space <> "Rock") ] ] ] , "Simple Ordered List" =: ("1. Item1\n" ++ "2. Item2\n") =?> let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) listStructure = [ plain "Item1" , plain "Item2" ] in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure , "Simple Ordered List with Parens" =: ("1) Item1\n" ++ "2) Item2\n") =?> let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) listStructure = [ plain "Item1" , plain "Item2" ] in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure , "Indented Ordered List" =: (" 1. Item1\n" ++ " 2. Item2\n") =?> let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) listStructure = [ plain "Item1" , plain "Item2" ] in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure , "Nested Ordered Lists" =: ("1. One\n" ++ " 1. One-One\n" ++ " 2. One-Two\n" ++ "2. Two\n" ++ " 1. Two-One\n"++ " 2. Two-Two\n") =?> let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) listStructure = [ mconcat [ para "One" , orderedList [ plain "One-One" , plain "One-Two" ] ] , mconcat [ para "Two" , orderedList [ plain "Two-One" , plain "Two-Two" ] ] ] in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure , "Ordered List in Bullet List" =: ("- Emacs\n" ++ " 1. Org\n") =?> bulletList [ (para "Emacs") <> (orderedList [ plain "Org"]) ] , "Bullet List in Ordered List" =: ("1. GNU\n" ++ " - Freedom\n") =?> orderedList [ (para "GNU") <> bulletList [ (plain "Freedom") ] ] ] , testGroup "Tables" [ "Single cell table" =: "|Test|" =?> simpleTable' 1 mempty [[plain "Test"]] , "Multi cell table" =: "| One | Two |" =?> simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ] , "Multi line table" =: unlines [ "| One |" , "| Two |" , "| Three |" ] =?> simpleTable' 1 mempty [ [ plain "One" ] , [ plain "Two" ] , [ plain "Three" ] ] , "Empty table" =: "||" =?> simpleTable' 1 mempty mempty , "Glider Table" =: unlines [ "| 1 | 0 | 0 |" , "| 0 | 1 | 1 |" , "| 1 | 1 | 0 |" ] =?> simpleTable' 3 mempty [ [ plain "1", plain "0", plain "0" ] , [ plain "0", plain "1", plain "1" ] , [ plain "1", plain "1", plain "0" ] ] , "Table between Paragraphs" =: unlines [ "Before" , "| One | Two |" , "After" ] =?> mconcat [ para "Before" , simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ] , para "After" ] , "Table with Header" =: unlines [ "| Species | Status |" , "|--------------+--------------|" , "| cervisiae | domesticated |" , "| paradoxus | wild |" ] =?> simpleTable [ plain "Species", plain "Status" ] [ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ] , [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ] ] , "Table with final hline" =: unlines [ "| cervisiae | domesticated |" , "| paradoxus | wild |" , "|--------------+--------------|" ] =?> simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ] , [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ] ] , "Table in a box" =: unlines [ "|---------|---------|" , "| static | Haskell |" , "| dynamic | Lisp |" , "|---------+---------|" ] =?> simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "static", plain "Haskell" ] , [ plain "dynamic", plain "Lisp" ] ] , "Table with alignment row" =: unlines [ "| Numbers | Text | More |" , "| | | |" , "| 1 | One | foo |" , "| 2 | Two | bar |" ] =?> table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0]) [] [ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text", plain "More" ] , [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ] , [ plain "2" , plain "Two" , plain "bar" ] ] , "Pipe within text doesn't start a table" =: "Ceci n'est pas une | pipe " =?> para (spcSep [ "Ceci", "n'est", "pas", "une", "|", "pipe" ]) , "Missing pipe at end of row" =: "|incomplete-but-valid" =?> simpleTable' 1 mempty [ [ plain "incomplete-but-valid" ] ] , "Table with differing row lengths" =: unlines [ "| Numbers | Text " , "|-" , "| | |" , "| 1 | One | foo |" , "| 2" ] =?> table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0]) [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text" , plain mempty ] [ [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ] , [ plain "2" , plain mempty , plain mempty ] ] ] ]