-- Utility functions for the test suite. module Tests.Helpers where import Text.Pandoc import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) data Expect = Inline Inline | Inlines [Inline] | Block Block | Blocks [Block] assertPandoc :: Expect -> Pandoc -> Assertion assertPandoc (Inline e) (Pandoc _ [Para [g]]) = e @=? g assertPandoc (Inlines e) (Pandoc _ [Para g] ) = e @=? g assertPandoc (Block e) (Pandoc _ [g] ) = e @=? g assertPandoc (Blocks e) (Pandoc _ g ) = e @=? g assertPandoc _ _ = assertFailure "Wrong structure of Pandoc document." latexTest :: String -> String -> Expect -> Test latexTest = readerTestWithState defaultParserState readLaTeX readerTestWithState :: ParserState -> (ParserState -> String -> Pandoc) -> String -> String -> Expect -> Test readerTestWithState state reader name string e = testCase name $ e `assertPandoc` reader state string