{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Module : Tests.Readers.DokuWiki Copyright : © 2018-2020 Alexander Krotov License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Alexander Krotov Stability : alpha Portability : portable Tests for DokuWiki reader. -} module Tests.Readers.DokuWiki (tests) where import Prelude import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Test.Tasty import Tests.Helpers import Text.Pandoc import Text.Pandoc.Arbitrary () import Text.Pandoc.Builder import Text.Pandoc.Shared (underlineSpan) dokuwiki :: Text -> Pandoc dokuwiki = purely $ readDokuWiki def{ readerStandalone = True } infix 4 =: (=:) :: ToString c => String -> (Text, c) -> TestTree (=:) = test dokuwiki tests :: [TestTree] tests = [ testGroup "inlines" [ "Bold" =: "**bold**" =?> para (strong "bold") , "Italic" =: "//italic//" =?> para (emph "italic") , "Underlined" =: "__underlined__" =?> para (underlineSpan "underlined") , "Monospaced" =: "''monospaced''" =?> para (code "monospaced") , "Monospaced with nowiki" =: "''%%monospaced%%''" =?> para (code "monospaced") , "Combined" =: "**__//''combine''//__**" =?> para (strong $ underlineSpan $ emph $ code "combine") , "Nowiki" =: T.unlines [ "" , "This is some text which contains addresses like this: http://www.splitbrain.org and **formatting**, but nothing is done with it." , "" ] =?> para "This is some text which contains addresses like this: http://www.splitbrain.org and **formatting**, but nothing is done with it." , "Percent" =: "The same is true for %%//__this__ text// with a smiley ;-)%%." =?> para "The same is true for //__this__ text// with a smiley ;-)." , "Subscript" =: "subscript" =?> para (subscript "subscript") , "Superscript" =: "superscript" =?> para (superscript "superscript") , "Deleted" =: "deleted" =?> para (strikeout "deleted") , "Inline code" =: "foo public static void main bar" =?> para (text "foo " <> codeWith ("", ["java"], []) "public static void main" <> text " bar") , "Inline file" =: "foo bar" =?> para (text "foo " <> code "" <> text " bar") , "Inline HTML" =: "\nThis is some inline HTML\n" =?> para (rawInline "html" "\nThis is some inline HTML\n") , "Inline PHP" =: "echo '

Hello World

" =?> para (codeWith ("", ["php"], []) "echo '

Hello World

';") , "Linebreak" =: T.unlines [ "This is some text with some linebreaks\\\\ Note that the" , "two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line\\\\" , "or followed by\\\\ a whitespace \\\\this happens without it." ] =?> para ("This is some text with some linebreaks" <> linebreak <> "Note that the\n" <> "two backslashes are only recognized at the end of a line" <> linebreak <> "or followed by" <> linebreak <> "a whitespace \\\\this happens without it.") , testGroup "External links" [ "Autolink" =: "http://www.google.com" =?> para (link "http://www.google.com" "" (str "http://www.google.com")) , "Link without description" =: "[[https://example.com]]" =?> para (link "https://example.com" "" (str "https://example.com")) , "Link with description" =: "[[http://www.google.com|This Link points to google]]" =?> para (link "http://www.google.com" "" (text "This Link points to google")) , "Trim whitespace around link and description" =: "[[ http://www.google.com | This Link points to google ]]" =?> para (link "http://www.google.com" "" (text "This Link points to google")) , "Email address" =: "" =?> para (link "mailto:andi@splitbrain.org" "" (str "andi@splitbrain.org")) ] , testGroup "Internal links" [ "Current namespace" =: "[[example]]" =?> para (link "example" "" (str "example")) , "Current namespace starting with dot" =: "[[.example]]" =?> para (link "example" "" (str ".example")) , "Current namespace starting with dot and colon" =: "[[.:example]]" =?> para (link "example" "" (str "example")) , "Root namespace" =: "[[:example]]" =?> para (link "/example" "" (str "example")) , "Parent namespace" =: "[[..example]]" =?> para (link "../example" "" (str "..example")) , "Parent namespace with colon" =: "[[..:example]]" =?> para (link "../example" "" (str "example")) , "Beneath the root namespace" =: "[[wiki:example]]" =?> para (link "/wiki/example" "" (str "example")) , "Explicitly beneath the root namespace" =: "[[:wiki:example]]" =?> para (link "/wiki/example" "" (str "example")) ] , testGroup "Interwiki links" [ "Interwiki without description" =: "[[doku>DokuWiki]]" =?> para (link "https://www.dokuwiki.org/DokuWiki" "" (str "DokuWiki")) , "Interwiki link with description" =: "[[doku>toolbar|quickbuttons]]" =?> para (link "https://www.dokuwiki.org/toolbar" "" (str "quickbuttons")) ] , "Footnote" =: "((This is a footnote))" =?> para (note (para "This is a footnote")) , testGroup "Images" [ "Image" =: "{{image.jpg}}" =?> para (image "image.jpg" "" (str "image.jpg")) , "Image with caption" =: "{{image.png|This is the caption}}" =?> para (image "image.png" "" "This is the caption") , "Image with } in caption" =: "{{image.png|There is an } in the caption}}" =?> para (image "image.png" "" "There is an } in the caption") , "Wiki namespace starting with dot" =: "{{.wiki:image.jpg}}" =?> para (image "wiki/image.jpg" "" (str "image.jpg")) , "Left aligned image" =: "{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}" =?> para (imageWith ("", ["align-left"], []) "/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" "" (str "dokuwiki-128.png")) , "Right aligned image" =: "{{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}" =?> para (imageWith ("", ["align-right"], []) "/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" "" (str "dokuwiki-128.png")) , "Centered image" =: "{{ wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}" =?> para (imageWith ("", ["align-center"], []) "/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" "" (str "dokuwiki-128.png")) , "Image with width" =: "{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?50}}" =?> para (imageWith ("", [], [("width", "50")]) "/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" "" (str "dokuwiki-128.png")) , "Image with width and height" =: "{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?nocache&50x100}}" =?> para (imageWith ("", [], [("width", "50"), ("height", "100")]) "/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" "" (str "dokuwiki-128.png")) , "Linkonly" =: "{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?linkonly}}" =?> para (link "/wiki/dokuwiki-128.png" "" (str "dokuwiki-128.png")) ] , "Ignore ~~NOTOC~~" =: "Here is a ~~NOTOC~~ macro" =?> para "Here is a macro" , "Ignore ~~NOCACHE~~" =: "Here is a ~~NOCACHE~~ macro" =?> para "Here is a macro" ] , testGroup "Sectioning" [ "Headline level 1" =: "====== Headline Level 1 ======" =?> header 1 "Headline Level 1" , "Headline level 2" =: "===== Headline Level 2 =====" =?> header 2 "Headline Level 2" , "Headline level 3" =: "==== Headline Level 3 ====" =?> header 3 "Headline Level 3" , "Headline level 4" =: "=== Headline Level 4 ===" =?> header 4 "Headline Level 4" , "Headline level 5" =: "== Headline Level 5 ==" =?> header 5 "Headline Level 5" , "Only two closing = are required" =: "====== Headline Level 1 ==" =?> header 1 "Headline Level 1" , "One closing = is not enough" =: "====== Headline Level 1 =" =?> para "====== Headline Level 1 =" , "One closing = is not enough" =: "== Headline with = sign ==" =?> header 5 "Headline with = sign" ] , "Horizontal line" =: "----" =?> horizontalRule , testGroup "Lists" [ "Unordered list" =: T.unlines [ " * This is a list" , " * The second item" , " * You may have different levels" , " * Another item" ] =?> bulletList [ plain "This is a list" , plain "The second item" <> bulletList [ plain "You may have different levels" ] , plain "Another item" ] , "Ordered list" =: T.unlines [ " - The same list but ordered" , " - Another item" , " - Just use indention for deeper levels" , " - That's it" ] =?> orderedList [ plain "The same list but ordered" , plain "Another item" <> orderedList [ plain "Just use indention for deeper levels" ] , plain "That's it" ] , "Multiline list items" =: -- https://www.dokuwiki.org/faq:lists T.unlines [ " - first item" , " - second item with linebreak\\\\ second line" , " - third item with code: " , "some code" , "comes here" , "" , " - fourth item" ] =?> orderedList [ plain "first item" , plain ("second item with linebreak" <> linebreak <> " second line") , plain ("third item with code: " <> code "some code\ncomes here\n") , plain "fourth item" ] ] , "Block HTML" =: T.unlines [ "" , "

And this is some block HTML

" , "" ] =?> rawBlock "html" "

And this is some block HTML

\n" , "Block PHP" =: T.unlines [ "" , "echo '

Hello World

';" , "
" ] =?> codeBlockWith ("", ["php"], []) "echo '

Hello World

';\n" , "Quote" =: T.unlines [ "> foo" , ">no space is required after >" , "> bar" , ">> baz" , "> bat" ] =?> blockQuote (plain "foo" <> plain "no space is required after >" <> plain "bar" <> blockQuote (plain "baz") <> plain "bat") , "Code block" =: T.unlines [ "" , "foo bar baz" , "" ] =?> codeBlock "foo bar baz\n" , "Java code block" =: T.unlines [ "" , "public static void main" , "" ] =?> codeBlockWith ("", ["java"], []) "public static void main\n" , "File with filename and no language" =: T.unlines [ "" , "file contents" , "" ] =?> codeBlock "file contents\n" , "Table" =: T.unlines [ "| foo | bar |" , "| bat | baz |" ] =?> simpleTable [] [[plain "foo", plain "bar"] ,[plain "bat", plain "baz"]] , "Table with header" =: T.unlines [ "^ foo ^ bar ^" , "| bat | baz |" ] =?> simpleTable [plain "foo", plain "bar"] [[plain "bat", plain "baz"]] , "Table with colspan" =: T.unlines [ "^ 0,0 ^ 0,1 ^ 0,2 ^" , "| 1,0 | 1,1 ||" , "| 2,0 | 2,1 | 2,2 |" ] =?> simpleTable [plain "0,0", plain "0,1", plain "0,2"] [[plain "1,0", plain "1,1", mempty] ,[plain "2,0", plain "2,1", plain "2,2"] ] , "Indented code block" =: T.unlines [ "foo" , " bar" , " bat" , "baz" ] =?> para "foo" <> codeBlock "bar\n bat\n" <> para "baz" ]