{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.App Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2019 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Does a pandoc conversion based on command-line options. -} module Text.Pandoc.App ( convertWithOpts , Opt(..) , LineEnding(..) , Filter(..) , defaultOpts , parseOptions , options , applyFilters ) where import Prelude import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TE import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TSE import Network.URI (URI (..), parseURI) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.FilePath import System.IO (nativeNewline, stdout) import qualified System.IO as IO (Newline (..)) import Text.Pandoc import Text.Pandoc.App.FormatHeuristics (formatFromFilePaths) import Text.Pandoc.App.Opt (Opt (..), LineEnding (..), defaultOpts) import Text.Pandoc.App.CommandLineOptions (parseOptions, options) import Text.Pandoc.App.OutputSettings (OutputSettings (..), optToOutputSettings) import Text.Pandoc.BCP47 (Lang (..), parseBCP47) import Text.Pandoc.Builder (setMeta, deleteMeta) import Text.Pandoc.Filter (Filter (JSONFilter, LuaFilter), applyFilters) import Text.Pandoc.PDF (makePDF) import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (yamlToMeta) import Text.Pandoc.SelfContained (makeDataURI, makeSelfContained) import Text.Pandoc.Shared (eastAsianLineBreakFilter, stripEmptyParagraphs, headerShift, isURI, tabFilter, uriPathToPath, filterIpynbOutput, defaultUserDataDirs) import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8 #ifndef _WINDOWS import System.Posix.IO (stdOutput) import System.Posix.Terminal (queryTerminal) #endif convertWithOpts :: Opt -> IO () convertWithOpts opts = do let outputFile = fromMaybe "-" (optOutputFile opts) let filters = optFilters opts let verbosity = optVerbosity opts when (optDumpArgs opts) $ do UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout outputFile mapM_ (UTF8.hPutStrLn stdout) (optInputFiles opts) exitSuccess let isPandocCiteproc (JSONFilter f) = takeBaseName f == "pandoc-citeproc" isPandocCiteproc _ = False -- --bibliography implies -F pandoc-citeproc for backwards compatibility: let needsCiteproc = isJust (lookup "bibliography" (optMetadata opts)) && optCiteMethod opts `notElem` [Natbib, Biblatex] && all (not . isPandocCiteproc) filters let filters' = if needsCiteproc then JSONFilter "pandoc-citeproc" : filters else filters let sources = case optInputFiles opts of [] -> ["-"] xs | optIgnoreArgs opts -> ["-"] | otherwise -> xs datadir <- case optDataDir opts of Nothing -> do ds <- defaultUserDataDirs let selectUserDataDir [] = return Nothing selectUserDataDir (dir:dirs) = do exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir if exists then return (Just dir) else selectUserDataDir dirs selectUserDataDir ds Just _ -> return $ optDataDir opts let runIO' :: PandocIO a -> IO a runIO' f = do (res, reports) <- runIOorExplode $ do setTrace (optTrace opts) setVerbosity verbosity x <- f rs <- getLog return (x, rs) case optLogFile opts of Nothing -> return () Just logfile -> BL.writeFile logfile (encodeLogMessages reports) let isWarning msg = messageVerbosity msg == WARNING when (optFailIfWarnings opts && any isWarning reports) $ E.throwIO PandocFailOnWarningError return res let eol = case optEol opts of CRLF -> IO.CRLF LF -> IO.LF Native -> nativeNewline #ifdef _WINDOWS let istty = True #else istty <- liftIO $ queryTerminal stdOutput #endif runIO' $ do setUserDataDir datadir setInputFiles (optInputFiles opts) setOutputFile (optOutputFile opts) -- assign reader and writer based on options and filenames readerName <- case optReader opts of Just f -> return f Nothing -> case formatFromFilePaths sources of Just f' -> return f' Nothing | sources == ["-"] -> return "markdown" | any isURI sources -> return "html" | otherwise -> do report $ UnknownExtensions (map takeExtension sources) "markdown" return "markdown" let pdfOutput = map toLower (takeExtension outputFile) == ".pdf" (reader, readerExts) <- case getReader readerName of Right (r, es) -> return (r :: Reader PandocIO, es) Left e -> throwError $ PandocAppError e' where e' = case readerName of "pdf" -> e ++ "\nPandoc can convert to PDF, but not from PDF." "doc" -> e ++ "\nPandoc can convert from DOCX, but not from DOC.\nTry using Word to save your DOC file as DOCX, and convert that with pandoc." _ -> e let convertTabs = tabFilter (if optPreserveTabs opts || readerName == "t2t" || readerName == "man" then 0 else optTabStop opts) let readSources :: [FilePath] -> PandocIO Text readSources srcs = convertTabs . T.intercalate (T.pack "\n") <$> mapM readSource srcs outputSettings <- optToOutputSettings opts let format = outputFormat outputSettings let writer = outputWriter outputSettings let writerName = outputWriterName outputSettings let writerOptions = outputWriterOptions outputSettings let standalone = optStandalone opts || not (isTextFormat format) || pdfOutput -- We don't want to send output to the terminal if the user -- does 'pandoc -t docx input.txt'; though we allow them to -- force this with '-o -'. On posix systems, we detect -- when stdout is being piped and allow output to stdout -- in that case, but on Windows we can't. when (not (isTextFormat format) && istty && isNothing ( optOutputFile opts)) $ throwError $ PandocAppError $ "Cannot write " ++ format ++ " output to terminal.\n" ++ "Specify an output file using the -o option, or " ++ "use '-o -' to force output to stdout." abbrevs <- Set.fromList . filter (not . null) . lines <$> case optAbbreviations opts of Nothing -> UTF8.toString <$> readDataFile "abbreviations" Just f -> UTF8.toString <$> readFileStrict f metadata <- if format == "jats" && isNothing (lookup "csl" (optMetadata opts)) && isNothing (lookup "citation-style" (optMetadata opts)) then do jatsCSL <- readDataFile "jats.csl" let jatsEncoded = makeDataURI ("application/xml", jatsCSL) return $ ("csl", jatsEncoded) : optMetadata opts else return $ optMetadata opts case lookup "lang" (optMetadata opts) of Just l -> case parseBCP47 l of Left _ -> return () Right l' -> setTranslations l' Nothing -> setTranslations $ Lang "en" "" "US" [] let readerOpts = def{ readerStandalone = standalone , readerColumns = optColumns opts , readerTabStop = optTabStop opts , readerIndentedCodeClasses = optIndentedCodeClasses opts , readerDefaultImageExtension = optDefaultImageExtension opts , readerTrackChanges = optTrackChanges opts , readerAbbreviations = abbrevs , readerExtensions = readerExts , readerStripComments = optStripComments opts } metadataFromFile <- case optMetadataFile opts of Nothing -> return mempty Just file -> readFileLazy file >>= yamlToMeta readerOpts let transforms = (case optBaseHeaderLevel opts of x | x > 1 -> (headerShift (x - 1) :) | otherwise -> id) . (if optStripEmptyParagraphs opts then (stripEmptyParagraphs :) else id) . (if extensionEnabled Ext_east_asian_line_breaks readerExts && not (extensionEnabled Ext_east_asian_line_breaks (writerExtensions writerOptions) && writerWrapText writerOptions == WrapPreserve) then (eastAsianLineBreakFilter :) else id) . (case optIpynbOutput opts of "all" -> id "none" -> (filterIpynbOutput Nothing :) "best" -> (filterIpynbOutput (Just $ if htmlFormat format then Format "html" else case format of "latex" -> Format "latex" "beamer" -> Format "latex" _ -> Format format) :) _ -> id) -- should not happen $ [] let sourceToDoc :: [FilePath] -> PandocIO Pandoc sourceToDoc sources' = case reader of TextReader r | optFileScope opts || readerName == "json" -> mconcat <$> mapM (readSource >=> r readerOpts) sources' | otherwise -> readSources sources' >>= r readerOpts ByteStringReader r -> mconcat <$> mapM (readFile' >=> r readerOpts) sources' when (readerName == "markdown_github" || writerName == "markdown_github") $ report $ Deprecated "markdown_github" "Use gfm instead." setResourcePath (optResourcePath opts) mapM_ (uncurry setRequestHeader) (optRequestHeaders opts) doc <- sourceToDoc sources >>= ( (if isJust (optExtractMedia opts) then fillMediaBag else return) >=> return . addNonPresentMetadata metadataFromFile >=> return . addMetadata metadata >=> applyTransforms transforms >=> applyFilters readerOpts filters' [format] >=> maybe return extractMedia (optExtractMedia opts) ) case writer of ByteStringWriter f -> f writerOptions doc >>= writeFnBinary outputFile TextWriter f -> case outputPdfProgram outputSettings of Just pdfProg -> do res <- makePDF pdfProg (optPdfEngineArgs opts) f writerOptions doc case res of Right pdf -> writeFnBinary outputFile pdf Left err' -> liftIO $ E.throwIO $ PandocPDFError $ TL.unpack (TE.decodeUtf8With TE.lenientDecode err') Nothing -> do let addNl = if standalone then id else (<> T.singleton '\n') output <- addNl <$> f writerOptions doc writerFn eol outputFile =<< if optSelfContained opts && htmlFormat format -- TODO not maximally efficient; change type -- of makeSelfContained so it works w/ Text then T.pack <$> makeSelfContained (T.unpack output) else return output type Transform = Pandoc -> Pandoc htmlFormat :: String -> Bool htmlFormat = (`elem` ["html","html4","html5","s5","slidy", "slideous","dzslides","revealjs"]) isTextFormat :: String -> Bool isTextFormat s = s `notElem` ["odt","docx","epub2","epub3","epub","pptx"] addNonPresentMetadata :: Text.Pandoc.Meta -> Pandoc -> Pandoc addNonPresentMetadata newmeta (Pandoc meta bs) = Pandoc (meta <> newmeta) bs addMetadata :: [(String, String)] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc addMetadata kvs pdc = foldr addMeta (removeMetaKeys kvs pdc) kvs addMeta :: (String, String) -> Pandoc -> Pandoc addMeta (k, v) (Pandoc meta bs) = Pandoc meta' bs where meta' = case lookupMeta k meta of Nothing -> setMeta k v' meta Just (MetaList xs) -> setMeta k (MetaList (xs ++ [v'])) meta Just x -> setMeta k (MetaList [x, v']) meta v' = readMetaValue v removeMetaKeys :: [(String,String)] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc removeMetaKeys kvs pdc = foldr (deleteMeta . fst) pdc kvs readMetaValue :: String -> MetaValue readMetaValue s | s == "true" = MetaBool True | s == "True" = MetaBool True | s == "TRUE" = MetaBool True | s == "false" = MetaBool False | s == "False" = MetaBool False | s == "FALSE" = MetaBool False | otherwise = MetaString s -- Transformations of a Pandoc document post-parsing: applyTransforms :: Monad m => [Transform] -> Pandoc -> m Pandoc applyTransforms transforms d = return $ foldr ($) d transforms readSource :: FilePath -> PandocIO Text readSource src = case parseURI src of Just u | uriScheme u `elem` ["http:","https:"] -> readURI src | uriScheme u == "file:" -> liftIO $ readTextFile (uriPathToPath $ uriPath u) _ -> liftIO $ readTextFile src where readTextFile :: FilePath -> IO Text readTextFile fp = do bs <- if src == "-" then BS.getContents else BS.readFile fp E.catch (return $! UTF8.toText bs) (\e -> case e of TSE.DecodeError _ (Just w) -> do case BS.elemIndex w bs of Just offset -> E.throwIO $ PandocUTF8DecodingError fp offset w _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocUTF8DecodingError fp 0 w _ -> E.throwIO $ PandocAppError (show e)) readURI :: FilePath -> PandocIO Text readURI src = UTF8.toText . fst <$> openURL src readFile' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m BL.ByteString readFile' "-" = liftIO BL.getContents readFile' f = liftIO $ BL.readFile f writeFnBinary :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> BL.ByteString -> m () writeFnBinary "-" = liftIO . BL.putStr writeFnBinary f = liftIO . BL.writeFile (UTF8.encodePath f) writerFn :: MonadIO m => IO.Newline -> FilePath -> Text -> m () -- TODO this implementation isn't maximally efficient: writerFn eol "-" = liftIO . UTF8.putStrWith eol . T.unpack writerFn eol f = liftIO . UTF8.writeFileWith eol f . T.unpack