#!/bin/bash -e DIST=`pwd`/osx_package SANDBOX=`pwd`/.cabal-sandbox VERSION=$(grep -e '^Version' pandoc.cabal | awk '{print $2}') RESOURCES=$DIST/Resources ROOT=$DIST/pandoc DEST=$ROOT/usr/local OSX=osx SCRIPTS=$OSX/osx-resources BASE=pandoc-$VERSION ME=$(whoami) CODESIGNID="Developer ID Application: John Macfarlane" PACKAGEMAKER=/Applications/PackageMaker.app/Contents/MacOS/PackageMaker EXES="pandoc pandoc-citeproc" read -s -p "sudo password: " PASSWORD echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S echo "Password valid, continuing." echo Removing old files... rm -rf $DIST mkdir -p $RESOURCES cabal sandbox init echo Updating database cabal update echo Building pandoc... cabal clean # Use cpphs to avoid problems with clang cpp on ghc 7.8 osx: cabal install cpphs alex happy hsb2hs cabal install --ghc-options="-optl-mmacosx-version-min=10.6" --reinstall --flags="embed_data_files" --ghc-options '-pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp' cabal install --ghc-options="-optl-mmacosx-version-min=10.6" --reinstall --flags="embed_data_files" pandoc-citeproc --ghc-options '-pgmPcpphs -optP--cpp' mkdir -p $DEST/bin mkdir -p $DEST/share/man/man1 mkdir -p $DEST/share/man/man5 for f in $EXES; do cp $SANDBOX/bin/$f $DEST/bin/; cp $SANDBOX/share/man/man1/$f.1 $DEST/share/man/man1/ done cp $SANDBOX/share/man/man5/pandoc_markdown.5 $DEST/share/man/man5/ cp $OSX/uninstall-pandoc.pl $DEST/bin/ chown -R $ME:staff $DIST # gzip $DEST/share/man/man?/*.* # cabal gives man pages the wrong permissions chmod +r $DEST/share/man/man?/*.* echo Copying license... $SANDBOX/bin/pandoc --data data -t rtf -s COPYING -o $RESOURCES/License.rtf echo Signing pandoc executable... codesign --force --sign "$CODESIGNID" $DEST/bin/pandoc # make sure it's valid... returns nonzero exit code if it isn't: spctl --assess --type execute $DEST/bin/pandoc echo Creating OSX package... # remove old package first echo $PASSWORD | sudo -S rm -rf $BASE.pkg $BASE.dmg sudo $PACKAGEMAKER \ --root $ROOT \ --id net.johnmacfarlane.pandoc \ --resources $RESOURCES \ --version $VERSION \ --scripts $SCRIPTS \ --out $BASE.pkg # --no-relocate echo Signing package... sudo codesign --force --sign "$CODESIGNID" $BASE.pkg # make sure it's valid... spctl --assess --type install $BASE.pkg echo Creating zip... zip -9 -r $BASE.pkg.zip $BASE.pkg # echo Creating disk image... # sudo hdiutil create "$BASE.dmg" \ # -format UDZO -ov \ # -volname "pandoc $VERSION" \ # -srcfolder $BASE.pkg # sudo hdiutil internet-enable "$BASE.dmg"