path: root/tests/Tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/Tests')
4 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Arbitrary.hs b/tests/Tests/Arbitrary.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bd506a44f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tests/Arbitrary.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+-- provides Arbitrary instance for Pandoc types
+module Tests.Arbitrary ()
+import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
+import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary
+import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)
+import Text.Pandoc
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+realString :: Gen String
+realString = elements wordlist
+wordlist :: [String]
+wordlist = ["foo","Bar","baz","\\","/",":","\"","'","féé"]
+instance Arbitrary Inline where
+ arbitrary = resize 3 $ arbInline 3
+-- restrict to 3 levels of nesting max; otherwise we get
+-- bogged down in indefinitely large structures
+arbInline :: Int -> Gen Inline
+arbInline n = frequency $ [ (60, liftM Str realString)
+ , (60, return Space)
+ , (10, liftM Code realString)
+ , (5, return EmDash)
+ , (5, return EnDash)
+ , (5, return Apostrophe)
+ , (5, return Ellipses)
+ ] ++ [ x | x <- nesters, n > 1]
+ where nesters = [ (10, liftM Emph $ listOf $ arbInline (n-1))
+ , (10, liftM Strong $ listOf $ arbInline (n-1))
+ , (10, liftM Strikeout $ listOf $ arbInline (n-1))
+ , (10, liftM Superscript $ listOf $ arbInline (n-1))
+ , (10, liftM Subscript $ listOf $ arbInline (n-1))
+ , (10, liftM SmallCaps $ listOf $ arbInline (n-1))
+ , (10, do x1 <- arbitrary
+ x2 <- listOf $ arbInline (n-1)
+ return $ Quoted x1 x2)
+ , (10, do x1 <- arbitrary
+ x2 <- realString
+ return $ Math x1 x2)
+ , (10, do x1 <- listOf $ arbInline (n-1)
+ x3 <- realString
+ x2 <- realString
+ return $ Link x1 (x2,x3))
+ , (10, do x1 <- listOf $ arbInline (n-1)
+ x3 <- realString
+ x2 <- realString
+ return $ Image x1 (x2,x3))
+ , (2, liftM Note $ resize 3 $ listOf1 arbitrary)
+ ]
+instance Arbitrary Block where
+ arbitrary = resize 3 $ arbBlock 3
+arbBlock :: Int -> Gen Block
+arbBlock n = frequency $ [ (10, liftM Plain arbitrary)
+ , (15, liftM Para arbitrary)
+ , (5, liftM2 CodeBlock arbitrary realString)
+ , (2, liftM RawHtml realString)
+ , (5, do x1 <- choose (1 :: Int, 6)
+ x2 <- arbitrary
+ return (Header x1 x2))
+ , (2, return HorizontalRule)
+ ] ++ [x | x <- nesters, n > 0]
+ where nesters = [ (5, liftM BlockQuote $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1))
+ , (5, liftM2 OrderedList arbitrary
+ $ (listOf $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)))
+ , (5, liftM BulletList $ (listOf $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)))
+ , (5, do x1 <- listOf $ listOf $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)
+ x2 <- arbitrary
+ return (DefinitionList $ zip x2 x1))
+ , (2, do rs <- choose (1 :: Int, 4)
+ cs <- choose (1 :: Int, 4)
+ x1 <- arbitrary
+ x2 <- vector cs
+ x3 <- vectorOf cs $ elements [0, 0.25]
+ x4 <- vectorOf cs $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)
+ x5 <- vectorOf rs $ vectorOf cs
+ $ listOf $ arbBlock (n-1)
+ return (Table x1 x2 x3 x4 x5))
+ ]
+instance Arbitrary Pandoc where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x1 <- arbitrary
+ x2 <- arbitrary
+ return $ normalize (Pandoc x1 x2)
+instance Arbitrary CitationMode where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 2)
+ case x of
+ 0 -> return AuthorInText
+ 1 -> return SuppressAuthor
+ 2 -> return NormalCitation
+ _ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
+instance Arbitrary Citation where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x1 <- liftM (filter (`notElem` ",;]@ \t\n")) arbitrary
+ x2 <- arbitrary
+ x3 <- arbitrary
+ x4 <- arbitrary
+ x5 <- arbitrary
+ x6 <- arbitrary
+ return (Citation x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
+instance Arbitrary MathType where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 1)
+ case x of
+ 0 -> return DisplayMath
+ 1 -> return InlineMath
+ _ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
+instance Arbitrary QuoteType where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 1)
+ case x of
+ 0 -> return SingleQuote
+ 1 -> return DoubleQuote
+ _ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
+instance Arbitrary Meta where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x1 <- arbitrary
+ x2 <- liftM (filter (not . null)) arbitrary
+ x3 <- arbitrary
+ return (Meta x1 x2 x3)
+instance Arbitrary Alignment where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 3)
+ case x of
+ 0 -> return AlignLeft
+ 1 -> return AlignRight
+ 2 -> return AlignCenter
+ 3 -> return AlignDefault
+ _ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
+instance Arbitrary ListNumberStyle where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 6)
+ case x of
+ 0 -> return DefaultStyle
+ 1 -> return Example
+ 2 -> return Decimal
+ 3 -> return LowerRoman
+ 4 -> return UpperRoman
+ 5 -> return LowerAlpha
+ 6 -> return UpperAlpha
+ _ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
+instance Arbitrary ListNumberDelim where
+ arbitrary
+ = do x <- choose (0 :: Int, 3)
+ case x of
+ 0 -> return DefaultDelim
+ 1 -> return Period
+ 2 -> return OneParen
+ 3 -> return TwoParens
+ _ -> error "FATAL ERROR: Arbitrary instance, logic bug"
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Helpers.hs b/tests/Tests/Helpers.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..539b26dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tests/Helpers.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+-- Utility functions for the test suite.
+module Tests.Helpers where
+import Text.Pandoc
+import Test.Framework
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
+import Test.HUnit hiding (Test)
+data Expect = Inline Inline
+ | Inlines [Inline]
+ | Block Block
+ | Blocks [Block]
+assertPandoc :: Expect -> Pandoc -> Assertion
+assertPandoc (Inline e) (Pandoc _ [Para [g]]) = e @=? g
+assertPandoc (Inlines e) (Pandoc _ [Para g] ) = e @=? g
+assertPandoc (Block e) (Pandoc _ [g] ) = e @=? g
+assertPandoc (Blocks e) (Pandoc _ g ) = e @=? g
+assertPandoc _ _ = assertFailure "Wrong structure of Pandoc document."
+latexTest :: String -> String -> Expect -> Test
+latexTest = readerTestWithState defaultParserState readLaTeX
+readerTestWithState :: ParserState
+ -> (ParserState -> String -> Pandoc)
+ -> String
+ -> String
+ -> Expect
+ -> Test
+readerTestWithState state reader name string e =
+ testCase name $ e `assertPandoc` reader state string
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Old.hs b/tests/Tests/Old.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d1df3758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tests/Old.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+module Tests.Old (tests) where
+import Test.Framework (testGroup, Test )
+import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
+import Test.HUnit ( assertBool )
+import System.IO ( openTempFile, stderr )
+import System.Process ( runProcess, waitForProcess )
+import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
+import System.Directory
+import System.Exit
+import Data.Algorithm.Diff
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( substitute, normalize, defaultWriterOptions )
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Native ( writeNative )
+import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( languages )
+import Prelude hiding ( readFile )
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (toString)
+import Text.Printf
+readFileUTF8 :: FilePath -> IO String
+readFileUTF8 f = B.readFile f >>= return . toString
+pandocPath :: FilePath
+pandocPath = ".." </> "dist" </> "build" </> "pandoc" </> "pandoc"
+data TestResult = TestPassed
+ | TestError ExitCode
+ | TestFailed String FilePath [(DI, String)]
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show TestResult where
+ show TestPassed = "PASSED"
+ show (TestError ec) = "ERROR " ++ show ec
+ show (TestFailed cmd file d) = "\n--- " ++ file ++
+ "\n+++ " ++ cmd ++ "\n" ++ showDiff (1,1) d
+showDiff :: (Int,Int) -> [(DI, String)] -> String
+showDiff _ [] = ""
+showDiff (l,r) ((F, ln) : ds) =
+ printf "+%4d " l ++ ln ++ "\n" ++ showDiff (l+1,r) ds
+showDiff (l,r) ((S, ln) : ds) =
+ printf "-%4d " r ++ ln ++ "\n" ++ showDiff (l,r+1) ds
+showDiff (l,r) ((B, _ ) : ds) =
+ showDiff (l+1,r+1) ds
+tests :: [Test]
+tests = [ testGroup "markdown"
+ [ testGroup "writer"
+ $ writerTests "markdown" ++ lhsWriterTests "markdown"
+ , testGroup "reader"
+ [ test "basic" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "-s", "-S"]
+ "testsuite.txt" "testsuite.native"
+ , test "tables" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "--columns=80"]
+ "tables.txt" "tables.native"
+ , test "more" ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "native", "-S"]
+ "markdown-reader-more.txt" "markdown-reader-more.native"
+ , lhsReaderTest "markdown+lhs"
+ ]
+ , testGroup "citations" markdownCitationTests
+ ]
+ , testGroup "rst"
+ [ testGroup "writer" (writerTests "rst" ++ lhsWriterTests "rst")
+ , testGroup "reader"
+ [ test "basic" ["-r", "rst", "-w", "native",
+ "-s", "-S", "--columns=80"] "rst-reader.rst" "rst-reader.native"
+ , test "tables" ["-r", "rst", "-w", "native", "--columns=80"]
+ "tables.rst" "tables-rstsubset.native"
+ , lhsReaderTest "rst+lhs"
+ ]
+ ]
+ , testGroup "latex"
+ [ testGroup "writer" (writerTests "latex" ++ lhsWriterTests "latex")
+ , testGroup "reader"
+ [ test "basic" ["-r", "latex", "-w", "native", "-s", "-R"]
+ "latex-reader.latex" "latex-reader.native"
+ , lhsReaderTest "latex+lhs"
+ ]
+ , latexCitationTests "biblatex"
+ , latexCitationTests "natbib"
+ ]
+ , testGroup "html"
+ [ testGroup "writer" (writerTests "html" ++ lhsWriterTests "html")
+ , test "reader" ["-r", "html", "-w", "native", "-s"]
+ "html-reader.html" "html-reader.native"
+ ]
+ , testGroup "s5"
+ [ s5WriterTest "basic" ["-s"] "s5"
+ , s5WriterTest "fancy" ["-s","-m","-i"] "s5"
+ , s5WriterTest "fragment" [] "html"
+ , s5WriterTest "inserts" ["-s", "-H", "insert",
+ "-B", "insert", "-A", "insert", "-c", "main.css"] "html"
+ ]
+ , testGroup "textile"
+ [ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests "textile"
+ , test "reader" ["-r", "textile", "-w", "native", "-s"]
+ "textile-reader.textile" "textile-reader.native"
+ ]
+ , testGroup "native"
+ [ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests "native"
+ , test "reader" ["-r", "native", "-w", "native", "-s"]
+ "testsuite.native" "testsuite.native"
+ ]
+ , testGroup "other writers" $ map (\f -> testGroup f $ writerTests f)
+ [ "docbook", "opendocument" , "context" , "texinfo"
+ , "man" , "plain" , "mediawiki", "rtf", "org"
+ ]
+ ]
+-- makes sure file is fully closed after reading
+readFile' :: FilePath -> IO String
+readFile' f = do s <- readFileUTF8 f
+ return $! (length s `seq` s)
+lhsWriterTests :: String -> [Test]
+lhsWriterTests format
+ = [ t "lhs to normal" format
+ , t "lhs to lhs" (format ++ "+lhs")
+ ]
+ where
+ t n f = test n ["--columns=78", "-r", "native", "-s", "-w", f]
+ "lhs-test.native" ("lhs-test" <.> ext f)
+ ext f = if null languages && format == "html"
+ then "nohl" <.> f
+ else f
+lhsReaderTest :: String -> Test
+lhsReaderTest format =
+ testWithNormalize normalizer "lhs" ["-r", format, "-w", "native"]
+ ("lhs-test" <.> format) "lhs-test.native"
+ where normalizer = writeNative defaultWriterOptions . normalize . read
+latexCitationTests :: String -> Test
+latexCitationTests n
+ = testGroup (n ++ " citations")
+ [ t ("latex reader (" ++ n ++ " citations)")
+ (["-r", "latex", "-w", "markdown", "-s", "--no-wrap"] ++ o)
+ f "markdown-citations.txt"
+ , t ("latex writer (" ++ n ++ " citations)")
+ (["-r", "markdown", "-w", "latex", "-s", "--no-wrap"] ++ o)
+ "markdown-citations.txt" f
+ ]
+ where
+ o = ["--bibliography", "biblio.bib", "--csl", "chicago-author-date.csl",
+ "--no-citeproc", "--" ++ n]
+ f = n ++ "-citations.latex"
+ normalizer = substitute "\160" " " . substitute "\8211" "-"
+ t = testWithNormalize normalizer
+writerTests :: String -> [Test]
+writerTests format
+ = [ test "basic" (opts ++ ["-s"]) "testsuite.native" ("writer" <.> format)
+ , test "tables" opts "tables.native" ("tables" <.> format)
+ ]
+ where
+ opts = ["-r", "native", "-w", format, "--columns=78"]
+s5WriterTest :: String -> [String] -> String -> Test
+s5WriterTest modifier opts format
+ = test (format ++ " writer (" ++ modifier ++ ")")
+ (["-r", "native", "-w", format] ++ opts)
+ "s5.native" ("s5." ++ modifier <.> "html")
+markdownCitationTests :: [Test]
+ = map styleToTest ["chicago-author-date","ieee","mhra"]
+ ++ [test "no-citeproc" wopts "markdown-citations.txt"
+ "markdown-citations.txt"]
+ where
+ ropts = ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "markdown", "--bibliography",
+ "biblio.bib", "--no-wrap"]
+ wopts = ropts ++ ["--no-citeproc"]
+ styleToTest style = test style (ropts ++ ["--csl", style ++ ".csl"])
+ "markdown-citations.txt"
+ ("markdown-citations." ++ style ++ ".txt")
+-- | Run a test without normalize function, return True if test passed.
+test :: String -- ^ Title of test
+ -> [String] -- ^ Options to pass to pandoc
+ -> String -- ^ Input filepath
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Norm (for test results) filepath
+ -> Test
+test = testWithNormalize id
+-- | Run a test with normalize function, return True if test passed.
+testWithNormalize :: (String -> String) -- ^ Normalize function for output
+ -> String -- ^ Title of test
+ -> [String] -- ^ Options to pass to pandoc
+ -> String -- ^ Input filepath
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Norm (for test results) filepath
+ -> Test
+testWithNormalize normalizer testname opts inp norm = testCase testname $ do
+ (outputPath, hOut) <- openTempFile "" "pandoc-test"
+ let inpPath = inp
+ let normPath = norm
+ let options = ["--data-dir", ".."] ++ [inpPath] ++ opts
+ let cmd = pandocPath ++ " " ++ unwords options
+ ph <- runProcess pandocPath options Nothing
+ (Just [("LANG","en_US.UTF-8"),("HOME", "./")]) Nothing (Just hOut)
+ (Just stderr)
+ ec <- waitForProcess ph
+ result <- if ec == ExitSuccess
+ then do
+ -- filter \r so the tests will work on Windows machines
+ outputContents <- readFile' outputPath >>=
+ return . filter (/='\r') . normalizer
+ normContents <- readFile' normPath >>=
+ return . filter (/='\r') . normalizer
+ if outputContents == normContents
+ then return TestPassed
+ else return
+ $ TestFailed cmd normPath
+ $ getDiff (lines outputContents) (lines normContents)
+ else return $ TestError ec
+ removeFile outputPath
+ assertBool (show result) (result == TestPassed)
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/tests/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99ccb3fe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tests/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module Tests.Readers.LaTeX (tests) where
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Test.Framework
+import Tests.Helpers
+tests :: [Test]
+tests = [ testGroup "basic"
+ [ latexTest "simplest" "word" (Inline $ Str "word")
+ , latexTest "space" "some text"
+ (Inlines $ [Str "some", Space, Str "text"])
+ , latexTest "emphasis" "\\emph{emphasized}"
+ (Inline $ Emph [Str "emphasized"])
+ ]
+ , testGroup "headers"
+ [ latexTest "1. level" "\\section{header}"
+ $ Block $ Header 1 [Str "header"]
+ , latexTest "2. level" "\\subsection{header}"
+ $ Block $ Header 2 [Str "header"]
+ , latexTest "3. level" "\\subsubsection{header}"
+ $ Block $ Header 3 [Str "header"]
+ , latexTest "with emphasis" "\\section{text \\emph{emph}}"
+ $ Block $ Header 1 [Str "text", Space, Emph [Str "emph"]]
+ , latexTest "with link" "\\section{text \\href{/url}{link}}"
+ $ Block
+ $ Header 1 [Str "text", Space, Link [Str "link"] ("/url", "")]
+ ]
+ ]