path: root/test/twiki-reader.native
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/twiki-reader.native')
1 files changed, 875 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/test/twiki-reader.native b/test/twiki-reader.native
index 704bcbd9a..d0a225712 100644
--- a/test/twiki-reader.native
+++ b/test/twiki-reader.native
@@ -1,250 +1,875 @@
-Pandoc (Meta {unMeta = fromList []})
-[Header 1 ("header",[],[]) [Str "header"]
-,Header 2 ("header-level-two",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "two"]
-,Header 3 ("header-level-3",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "3"]
-,Header 4 ("header-level-four",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Emph [Str "level"],Space,Str "four"]
-,Header 5 ("header-level-5",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "5"]
-,Header 6 ("header-level-6",[],[]) [Str "header",Space,Str "level",Space,Str "6"]
-,Para [Str "---+++++++",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "header"]
-,Para [Str "--++",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "header"]
-,Header 1 ("emph-and-strong",[],[]) [Str "emph",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "strong"]
-,Para [Emph [Str "emph"],Space,Strong [Str "strong"]]
-,Para [Emph [Strong [Str "strong",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "emph"]]]
-,Para [Strong [Emph [Str "emph",Space,Str "inside"],Space,Str "strong"]]
-,Para [Strong [Str "strong",Space,Str "with",Space,Emph [Str "emph"]]]
-,Para [Emph [Strong [Str "strong",Space,Str "inside"],Space,Str "emph"]]
-,Header 1 ("horizontal-rule",[],[]) [Str "horizontal",Space,Str "rule"]
-,Para [Str "top"]
-,Para [Str "bottom"]
-,Header 1 ("nop",[],[]) [Str "nop"]
-,Para [Str "_not",Space,Str "emph_"]
-,Header 1 ("entities",[],[]) [Str "entities"]
-,Para [Str "hi",Space,Str "&",Space,Str "low"]
-,Para [Str "hi",Space,Str "&",Space,Str "low"]
-,Para [Str "G\246del"]
-,Para [Str "\777\2730"]
-,Header 1 ("comments",[],[]) [Str "comments"]
-,Para [Str "inline",Space,Str "comment"]
-,Para [Str "between",Space,Str "blocks"]
-,Header 1 ("linebreaks",[],[]) [Str "linebreaks"]
-,Para [Str "hi",LineBreak,Str "there"]
-,Para [Str "hi",LineBreak,Str "there"]
-,Header 1 ("inline-code",[],[]) [Str "inline",Space,Str "code"]
-,Para [Code ("",[],[]) "*\8594*",Space,Code ("",[],[]) "typed",Space,Code ("",["haskell"],[]) ">>="]
-,Header 1 ("code-blocks",[],[]) [Str "code",Space,Str "blocks"]
-,CodeBlock ("",[],[]) "case xs of\n (_:_) -> reverse xs\n [] -> ['*']"
-,CodeBlock ("",["haskell"],[]) "case xs of\n (_:_) -> reverse xs\n [] -> ['*']"
-,Header 1 ("block-quotes",[],[]) [Str "block",Space,Str "quotes"]
-,Para [Str "Regular",Space,Str "paragraph"]
- [Para [Str "This",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "block",Space,Str "quote."]
- ,Para [Str "With",Space,Str "two",Space,Str "paragraphs."]]
-,Para [Str "Nother",Space,Str "paragraph."]
-,Header 1 ("external-links",[],[]) [Str "external",Space,Str "links"]
-,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Emph [Str "Google"],Space,Str "search",Space,Str "engine"] ("http://google.com","")]
-,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "http://pandoc.org"] ("http://pandoc.org","")]
-,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "http://google.com"] ("http://google.com",""),Space,Link ("",[],[]) [Str "http://yahoo.com"] ("http://yahoo.com","")]
-,Para [Link ("",[],[]) [Str "email",Space,Str "me"] ("mailto:info@example.org","")]
-,Para [Str "http://google.com"]
-,Para [Str "http://google.com"]
-,Para [Str "http://google.com"]
-,Para [Str "info@example.org"]
-,Para [Str "info@example.org"]
-,Para [Str "info@example.org"]
-,Header 1 ("lists",[],[]) [Str "lists"]
- [[Plain [Str "Start",Space,Str "each",Space,Str "line"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "with",Space,Str "an",Space,Str "asterisk",Space,Str "(*)."]
- ,BulletList
- [[Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "asterisks",Space,Str "gives",Space,Str "deeper"]
- ,BulletList
- [[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "deeper",Space,Str "levels."]]]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Line",Space,Str "breaks",LineBreak,Str "don't",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "levels."]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Continuations",Space,Str "are",Space,Str "also",Space,Str "possible"]
- ,BulletList
- [[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "do",Space,Str "not",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "flow"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Level",Space,Str "one"]]]
-,Para [Str "Any",Space,Str "other",Space,Str "start",Space,Str "ends",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list."]
-,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "Start",Space,Str "each",Space,Str "line"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "with",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "number",Space,Str "(1.)."]
- ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "More",Space,Str "number",Space,Str "signs",Space,Str "gives",Space,Str "deeper"]
- ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "deeper"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "levels."]]]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Line",Space,Str "breaks",LineBreak,Str "don't",Space,Str "break",Space,Str "levels."]]
- ,[Plain [Str "Blank",Space,Str "lines"]]]
-,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "end",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "start",Space,Str "another."]]]
-,Para [Str "Any",Space,Str "other",Space,Str "start",Space,Str "also",Space,Str "ends",Space,Str "the",Space,Str "list."]
- [([Str "item",Space,Str "1"],
- [[Plain [Str "definition",Space,Str "1"]]])
- ,([Str "item",Space,Str "2"],
- [[Plain [Str "definition",Space,Str "2-1",Space,Str "definition",Space,Str "2-2"]]])
- ,([Str "item",Space,Emph [Str "3"]],
- [[Plain [Str "definition",Space,Emph [Str "3"]]]])]
-,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "one"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "two"]
- ,BulletList
- [[Plain [Str "two",Space,Str "point",Space,Str "one"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "two",Space,Str "point",Space,Str "two"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "three"]
- ,DefinitionList
- [([Str "three",Space,Str "item",Space,Str "one"],
- [[Plain [Str "three",Space,Str "def",Space,Str "one"]]])]]
- ,[Plain [Str "four"]
- ,DefinitionList
- [([Str "four",Space,Str "def",Space,Str "one"],
- [[Plain [Str "this",Space,Str "is",Space,Str "a",Space,Str "continuation"]]])]]
- ,[Plain [Str "five"]
- ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1"]
- ,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "1"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "five",Space,Str "sub",Space,Str "2"]]]]]
-,OrderedList (1,DefaultStyle,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "other"]
- ,OrderedList (1,UpperRoman,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "list"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "styles"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "are"]
- ,OrderedList (1,LowerRoman,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "also"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "possible"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "all"]
- ,OrderedList (1,LowerAlpha,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "the"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "different"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "styles"]]]]
- ,[Plain [Str "are"]
- ,OrderedList (1,UpperAlpha,DefaultDelim)
- [[Plain [Str "implemented"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "and"]]
- ,[Plain [Str "supported"]]]]]
-,Header 1 ("tables",[],[]) [Str "tables"]
-,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
- [])
- [(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)]
- (TableHead ("",[],[])
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- []
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- []]])
- [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
- []
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Butter"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
-,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
- [])
- [(AlignLeft,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignLeft,ColWidthDefault)]
- (TableHead ("",[],[])
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]])
- [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
- []
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Pie"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Strong [Str "Butter"]]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
-,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
- [])
- [(AlignLeft,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignLeft,ColWidthDefault)]
- (TableHead ("",[],[])
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Apple"]]]])
- [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
- []
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Bread",LineBreak,LineBreak,Str "and",Space,Str "cheese"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Pie",LineBreak,LineBreak,Strong [Str "apple"],Space,Str "and",Space,Emph [Str "carrot"]]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
-,Table ("",[],[]) (Caption Nothing
- [])
- [(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)
- ,(AlignDefault,ColWidthDefault)]
- (TableHead ("",[],[])
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- []
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- []
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- []]])
- [(TableBody ("",[],[]) (RowHeadColumns 0)
- []
- [Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Orange"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Apple"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "more"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Bread"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Pie"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "more"]]]
- ,Row ("",[],[])
- [Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Butter"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "Ice",Space,Str "cream"]]
- ,Cell ("",[],[]) AlignDefault (RowSpan 1) (ColSpan 1)
- [Plain [Str "and",Space,Str "more"]]]])]
- (TableFoot ("",[],[])
- [])
-,Header 1 ("macros",[],[]) [Str "macros"]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) []]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str ""]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str "content with spaces"]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str "content with spaces"]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test")]) [Str "content with spaces"]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[]) [Str "content with spaces ARG1=test"]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test")]) [Str "content with spaces"]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test"),("ARG2","test2")]) [Str ""]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test"),("ARG2","test2")]) [Str ""]]
-,Para [Span ("",["twiki-macro","TEST"],[("ARG1","test"),("ARG2","test2")]) [Str "multiline\ndoes also work"]]]
+ ( Meta { unMeta = fromList [] } )
+ [ Header 1
+ ( "header", [], [] )
+ [ Str "header" ]
+ , Header 2
+ ( "header-level-two", [], [] )
+ [ Str "header", Space, Str "level", Space, Str "two" ]
+ , Header 3
+ ( "header-level-3", [], [] )
+ [ Str "header", Space, Str "level", Space, Str "3" ]
+ , Header 4
+ ( "header-level-four", [], [] )
+ [ Str "header", Space, Emph [ Str "level" ], Space, Str "four" ]
+ , Header 5
+ ( "header-level-5", [], [] )
+ [ Str "header", Space, Str "level", Space, Str "5" ]
+ , Header 6
+ ( "header-level-6", [], [] )
+ [ Str "header", Space, Str "level", Space, Str "6" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "---+++++++"
+ , Space
+ , Str "not"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "header"
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "--++"
+ , Space
+ , Str "not"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "header"
+ ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "emph-and-strong", [], [] )
+ [ Str "emph", Space, Str "and", Space, Str "strong" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Emph [ Str "emph" ], Space, Strong [ Str "strong" ] ]
+ , Para
+ [ Emph
+ [ Strong [ Str "strong", Space, Str "and", Space, Str "emph" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Strong
+ [ Emph [ Str "emph", Space, Str "inside" ], Space, Str "strong" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Strong
+ [ Str "strong", Space, Str "with", Space, Emph [ Str "emph" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Emph
+ [ Strong
+ [ Str "strong", Space, Str "inside" ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "emph"
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "horizontal-rule", [], [] )
+ [ Str "horizontal", Space, Str "rule" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "top" ]
+ , HorizontalRule
+ , Para
+ [ Str "bottom" ]
+ , HorizontalRule
+ , Header 1
+ ( "nop", [], [] )
+ [ Str "nop" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "_not", Space, Str "emph_" ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "entities", [], [] )
+ [ Str "entities" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "hi", Space, Str "&", Space, Str "low" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "hi", Space, Str "&", Space, Str "low" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "G\246del" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "\777\2730" ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "comments", [], [] )
+ [ Str "comments" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "inline", Space, Str "comment" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "between", Space, Str "blocks" ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "linebreaks", [], [] )
+ [ Str "linebreaks" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "hi", LineBreak, Str "there" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "hi", LineBreak, Str "there" ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "inline-code", [], [] )
+ [ Str "inline", Space, Str "code" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Code
+ ( "", [], [] ) "*\8594*"
+ , Space
+ , Code
+ ( "", [], [] ) "typed"
+ , Space
+ , Code
+ ( "", [ "haskell" ], [] ) ">>="
+ ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "code-blocks", [], [] )
+ [ Str "code", Space, Str "blocks" ]
+ , CodeBlock
+ ( ""
+ , []
+ , []
+ ) "case xs of\n (_:_) -> reverse xs\n [] -> ['*']"
+ , CodeBlock
+ ( ""
+ , [ "haskell" ]
+ , []
+ ) "case xs of\n (_:_) -> reverse xs\n [] -> ['*']"
+ , Header 1
+ ( "block-quotes", [], [] )
+ [ Str "block", Space, Str "quotes" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Regular", Space, Str "paragraph" ]
+ , BlockQuote
+ [ Para
+ [ Str "This"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "block"
+ , Space
+ , Str "quote."
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "With", Space, Str "two", Space, Str "paragraphs." ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Nother", Space, Str "paragraph." ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "external-links", [], [] )
+ [ Str "external", Space, Str "links" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Link
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Emph
+ [ Str "Google" ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "search"
+ , Space
+ , Str "engine"
+ ]
+ ( "http://google.com", "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Link
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Str "http://pandoc.org" ]
+ ( "http://pandoc.org", "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Link
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Str "http://google.com" ]
+ ( "http://google.com", "" )
+ , Space
+ , Link
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Str "http://yahoo.com" ]
+ ( "http://yahoo.com", "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Link
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Str "email", Space, Str "me" ]
+ ( "mailto:info@example.org", "" )
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "http://google.com" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "http://google.com" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "http://google.com" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "info@example.org" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "info@example.org" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "info@example.org" ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "lists", [], [] )
+ [ Str "lists" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "Start", Space, Str "each", Space, Str "line" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "an"
+ , Space
+ , Str "asterisk"
+ , Space
+ , Str "(*)."
+ ]
+ , BulletList
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "More"
+ , Space
+ , Str "asterisks"
+ , Space
+ , Str "gives"
+ , Space
+ , Str "deeper"
+ ]
+ , BulletList
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "and", Space, Str "deeper", Space, Str "levels." ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Line"
+ , Space
+ , Str "breaks"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "don't"
+ , Space
+ , Str "break"
+ , Space
+ , Str "levels."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Continuations"
+ , Space
+ , Str "are"
+ , Space
+ , Str "also"
+ , Space
+ , Str "possible"
+ ]
+ , BulletList
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "do"
+ , Space
+ , Str "not"
+ , Space
+ , Str "break"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "list"
+ , Space
+ , Str "flow"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "Level", Space, Str "one" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Any"
+ , Space
+ , Str "other"
+ , Space
+ , Str "start"
+ , Space
+ , Str "ends"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "list."
+ ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "Start", Space, Str "each", Space, Str "line" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "with"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "number"
+ , Space
+ , Str "(1.)."
+ ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "More"
+ , Space
+ , Str "number"
+ , Space
+ , Str "signs"
+ , Space
+ , Str "gives"
+ , Space
+ , Str "deeper"
+ ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "and", Space, Str "deeper" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "levels." ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Line"
+ , Space
+ , Str "breaks"
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "don't"
+ , Space
+ , Str "break"
+ , Space
+ , Str "levels."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "Blank", Space, Str "lines" ] ]
+ ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "end"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "list"
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "start"
+ , Space
+ , Str "another."
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Str "Any"
+ , Space
+ , Str "other"
+ , Space
+ , Str "start"
+ , Space
+ , Str "also"
+ , Space
+ , Str "ends"
+ , Space
+ , Str "the"
+ , Space
+ , Str "list."
+ ]
+ , DefinitionList
+ [
+ (
+ [ Str "item", Space, Str "1" ]
+ ,
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "definition", Space, Str "1" ] ] ]
+ )
+ ,
+ (
+ [ Str "item", Space, Str "2" ]
+ ,
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "definition"
+ , Space
+ , Str "2-1"
+ , Space
+ , Str "definition"
+ , Space
+ , Str "2-2"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ ,
+ (
+ [ Str "item", Space, Emph [ Str "3" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "definition", Space, Emph [ Str "3" ] ] ] ]
+ )
+ ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "one" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "two" ]
+ , BulletList
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "two", Space, Str "point", Space, Str "one" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "two", Space, Str "point", Space, Str "two" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "three" ]
+ , DefinitionList
+ [
+ (
+ [ Str "three", Space, Str "item", Space, Str "one" ]
+ ,
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "three", Space, Str "def", Space, Str "one" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "four" ]
+ , DefinitionList
+ [
+ (
+ [ Str "four", Space, Str "def", Space, Str "one" ]
+ ,
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "this"
+ , Space
+ , Str "is"
+ , Space
+ , Str "a"
+ , Space
+ , Str "continuation"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "five" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "five", Space, Str "sub", Space, Str "1" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "five"
+ , Space
+ , Str "sub"
+ , Space
+ , Str "1"
+ , Space
+ , Str "sub"
+ , Space
+ , Str "1"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "five", Space, Str "sub", Space, Str "2" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "other" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, UpperRoman, DefaultDelim )
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "list" ] ], [ Plain [ Str "styles" ] ] ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "are" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, LowerRoman, DefaultDelim )
+ [ [ Plain [ Str "also" ] ], [ Plain [ Str "possible" ] ] ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "all" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, LowerAlpha, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "the" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "different" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "styles" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "are" ]
+ , OrderedList
+ ( 1, UpperAlpha, DefaultDelim )
+ [
+ [ Plain [ Str "implemented" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "and" ] ]
+ ,
+ [ Plain [ Str "supported" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Header 1
+ ( "tables", [], [] )
+ [ Str "tables" ]
+ , Table
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( Caption Nothing [] )
+ [
+ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
+ ,
+ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
+ ]
+ ( TableHead
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 ) []
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 ) []
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Orange" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Apple" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Bread" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Pie" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Butter" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Ice", Space, Str "cream" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
+ , Table
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( Caption Nothing [] )
+ [ ( AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault ), ( AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault ) ]
+ ( TableHead
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Orange" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Apple" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Bread" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Pie" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Strong [ Str "Butter" ] ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Ice", Space, Str "cream" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
+ , Table
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( Caption Nothing [] )
+ [ ( AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault ), ( AlignLeft, ColWidthDefault ) ]
+ ( TableHead
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Orange" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Apple" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Bread"
+ , LineBreak
+ , LineBreak
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Str "cheese"
+ ]
+ ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain
+ [ Str "Pie"
+ , LineBreak
+ , LineBreak
+ , Strong
+ [ Str "apple" ]
+ , Space
+ , Str "and"
+ , Space
+ , Emph
+ [ Str "carrot" ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
+ , Table
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( Caption Nothing [] )
+ [
+ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
+ ,
+ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
+ ,
+ ( AlignDefault, ColWidthDefault )
+ ]
+ ( TableHead
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 ) []
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 ) []
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 ) []
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ [ TableBody
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ ( RowHeadColumns 0 ) []
+ [ Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Orange" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Apple" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "more" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Bread" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Pie" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "more" ] ]
+ ]
+ , Row
+ ( "", [], [] )
+ [ Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Butter" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "Ice", Space, Str "cream" ] ]
+ , Cell
+ ( "", [], [] ) AlignDefault
+ ( RowSpan 1 )
+ ( ColSpan 1 )
+ [ Plain [ Str "and", Space, Str "more" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ( TableFoot ( "", [], [] ) [] )
+ , Header 1
+ ( "macros", [], [] )
+ [ Str "macros" ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [] ) [] ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [] ) [ Str "" ] ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [] )
+ [ Str "content with spaces" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [] )
+ [ Str "content with spaces" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [ ( "ARG1", "test" ) ] )
+ [ Str "content with spaces" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [] )
+ [ Str "content with spaces ARG1=test" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( "", [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ], [ ( "ARG1", "test" ) ] )
+ [ Str "content with spaces" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( ""
+ ,
+ [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ]
+ ,
+ [ ( "ARG1", "test" ), ( "ARG2", "test2" ) ]
+ )
+ [ Str "" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( ""
+ ,
+ [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ]
+ ,
+ [ ( "ARG1", "test" ), ( "ARG2", "test2" ) ]
+ )
+ [ Str "" ]
+ ]
+ , Para
+ [ Span
+ ( ""
+ ,
+ [ "twiki-macro", "TEST" ]
+ ,
+ [ ( "ARG1", "test" ), ( "ARG2", "test2" ) ]
+ )
+ [ Str "multiline\ndoes also work" ]
+ ]
+ ]