path: root/src/Text
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text')
5 files changed, 64 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
index 4cd6591c0..8bc042e28 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -464,11 +464,13 @@ mathInlineWith :: String -> String -> Parser [Char] st String
mathInlineWith op cl = try $ do
string op
notFollowedBy space
- words' <- many1Till (count 1 (noneOf "\n\\")
+ words' <- many1Till (count 1 (noneOf " \t\n\\")
<|> (char '\\' >> anyChar >>= \c -> return ['\\',c])
- <|> count 1 newline <* notFollowedBy' blankline
- *> return " ")
- (try $ string cl)
+ <|> do (blankline <* notFollowedBy' blankline) <|>
+ (oneOf " \t" <* skipMany (oneOf " \t"))
+ notFollowedBy (char '$')
+ return " "
+ ) (try $ string cl)
notFollowedBy digit -- to prevent capture of $5
return $ concat words'
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index 5129bc2e3..caa938ed6 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -618,12 +618,19 @@ codeBlockFenced = try $ do
skipMany spaceChar
attr <- option ([],[],[]) $
try (guardEnabled Ext_fenced_code_attributes >> attributes)
- <|> ((\x -> ("",[x],[])) <$> identifier)
+ <|> ((\x -> ("",[toLanguageId x],[])) <$> many1 nonspaceChar)
contents <- manyTill anyLine (blockDelimiter (== c) (Just size))
return $ return $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ intercalate "\n" contents
+-- correctly handle github language identifiers
+toLanguageId :: String -> String
+toLanguageId = map toLower . go
+ where go "c++" = "cpp"
+ go "objective-c" = "objectivec"
+ go x = x
codeBlockIndented :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
codeBlockIndented = do
contents <- many1 (indentedLine <|>
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index 4f506b5a6..d8cbe46d9 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -118,11 +118,13 @@ import System.FilePath ( joinPath, splitDirectories )
import Paths_pandoc (getDataFileName)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toChunks)
-import Network.HTTP.Conduit (httpLbs, parseUrl, withManager,
- responseBody, responseHeaders, addProxy,
- Request(port,host))
+import Network.HTTP.Client (httpLbs, parseUrl, withManager,
+ responseBody, responseHeaders,
+ Request(port,host))
+import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (addProxy)
+import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header ( hContentType)
import Network (withSocketsDo)
@@ -665,7 +667,7 @@ openURL u
let mime = takeWhile (/=',') $ drop 5 u
contents = B8.pack $ unEscapeString $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/=',') u
in return $ Right (decodeLenient contents, Just mime)
| otherwise = withSocketsDo $ E.try $ do
req <- parseUrl u
(proxy :: Either E.SomeException String) <- E.try $ getEnv "http_proxy"
@@ -674,7 +676,7 @@ openURL u
Right pr -> case parseUrl pr of
Just r -> addProxy (host r) (port r) req
Nothing -> req
- resp <- withManager $ httpLbs req'
+ resp <- withManager tlsManagerSettings $ httpLbs req'
return (BS.concat $ toChunks $ responseBody resp,
UTF8.toString `fmap` lookup hContentType (responseHeaders resp))
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs
index 33c9ec1c5..cf25de85b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs
@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ import System.IO hiding (readFile, writeFile, getContents,
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, getContents, putStr, putStrLn)
-import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, getContents, putStr, putStrLn,
- catch)
+import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, getContents, putStr, putStrLn)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index 4d2a39846..b6687c330 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -59,11 +59,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown ( writePlain )
import Data.Char ( toLower, isDigit, isAlphaNum )
import Network.URI ( unEscapeString )
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (getMimeType)
-#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
-import Prelude hiding (catch)
-import Control.Exception (catch, SomeException)
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
@@ -76,7 +72,7 @@ data Chapter = Chapter (Maybe [Int]) [Block]
data EPUBMetadata = EPUBMetadata{
epubIdentifier :: [Identifier]
, epubTitle :: [Title]
- , epubDate :: String
+ , epubDate :: [Date]
, epubLanguage :: String
, epubCreator :: [Creator]
, epubContributor :: [Creator]
@@ -97,6 +93,11 @@ data Stylesheet = StylesheetPath FilePath
| StylesheetContents String
deriving Show
+data Date = Date{
+ dateText :: String
+ , dateEvent :: Maybe String
+ } deriving Show
data Creator = Creator{
creatorText :: String
, creatorRole :: Maybe String
@@ -153,17 +154,19 @@ getEPUBMetadata opts meta = do
then case lookup "lang" (writerVariables opts) of
Just x -> return m{ epubLanguage = x }
Nothing -> do
- localeLang <- catch (liftM
+ localeLang <- E.catch (liftM
(map (\c -> if c == '_' then '-' else c) .
takeWhile (/='.')) $ getEnv "LANG")
- (\e -> let _ = (e :: SomeException) in return "en-US")
+ (\e -> let _ = (e :: E.SomeException) in return "en-US")
return m{ epubLanguage = localeLang }
else return m
let fixDate m =
if null (epubDate m)
then do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
- return $ m{ epubDate = showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime }
+ return $ m{ epubDate = [ Date{
+ dateText = showDateTimeISO8601 currentTime
+ , dateEvent = Nothing } ] }
else return m
let addAuthor m =
if any (\c -> creatorRole c == Just "aut") $ epubCreator m
@@ -187,8 +190,10 @@ addMetadataFromXML e@(Element (QName name _ (Just "dc")) attrs _ _) md
, titleFileAs = getAttr "file-as"
, titleType = getAttr "type"
} : epubTitle md }
- | name == "date" = md{ epubDate = fromMaybe "" $ normalizeDate'
- $ strContent e }
+ | name == "date" = md{ epubDate =
+ Date{ dateText = fromMaybe "" $ normalizeDate' $ strContent e
+ , dateEvent = getAttr "event"
+ } : epubDate md }
| name == "language" = md{ epubLanguage = strContent e }
| name == "creator" = md{ epubCreator =
Creator{ creatorText = strContent e
@@ -253,6 +258,16 @@ getCreator s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
, creatorRole = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "role" m }
handleMetaValue mv = Creator (metaValueToString mv) Nothing Nothing
+getDate :: String -> Meta -> [Date]
+getDate s meta = getList s meta handleMetaValue
+ where handleMetaValue (MetaMap m) =
+ Date{ dateText = maybe "" id $
+ M.lookup "text" m >>= normalizeDate' . metaValueToString
+ , dateEvent = metaValueToString <$> M.lookup "event" m }
+ handleMetaValue mv = Date { dateText = maybe ""
+ id $ normalizeDate' $ metaValueToString mv
+ , dateEvent = Nothing }
simpleList :: String -> Meta -> [String]
simpleList s meta =
case lookupMeta s meta of
@@ -282,8 +297,7 @@ metadataFromMeta opts meta = EPUBMetadata{
where identifiers = getIdentifier meta
titles = getTitle meta
- date = fromMaybe "" $
- (metaValueToString <$> lookupMeta "date" meta) >>= normalizeDate'
+ date = getDate "date" meta
language = maybe "" metaValueToString $
lookupMeta "language" meta `mplus` lookupMeta "lang" meta
creators = getCreator "creator" meta
@@ -641,7 +655,14 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
identifierNodes = withIds "epub-id" toIdentifierNode $
epubIdentifier md
titleNodes = withIds "epub-title" toTitleNode $ epubTitle md
- dateNodes = dcTag' "date" $ epubDate md
+ dateNodes = if version == EPUB2
+ then withIds "epub-date" toDateNode $ epubDate md
+ else -- epub3 allows only one dc:date
+ -- http://www.idpf.org/epub/30/spec/epub30-publications.html#sec-opf-dcdate
+ case epubDate md of
+ [] -> []
+ (x:_) -> [dcNode "date" ! [("id","epub-date")]
+ $ dateText x]
languageNodes = [dcTag "language" $ epubLanguage md]
creatorNodes = withIds "epub-creator" (toCreatorNode "creator") $
epubCreator md
@@ -675,7 +696,7 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
(schemeToOnix `fmap` scheme)
toCreatorNode s id' creator
| version == EPUB2 = [dcNode s !
- ([("id",id')] ++
+ (("id",id') :
maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:file-as",x)]) (creatorFileAs creator) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:role",x)])
(creatorRole creator >>= toRelator)) $ creatorText creator]
@@ -689,7 +710,7 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
(creatorRole creator >>= toRelator)
toTitleNode id' title
| version == EPUB2 = [dcNode "title" !
- ([("id",id')] ++
+ (("id",id') :
maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:file-as",x)]) (titleFileAs title) ++
maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:title-type",x)]) (titleType title)) $
titleText title]
@@ -701,6 +722,10 @@ metadataElement version md currentTime =
maybe [] (\x -> [unode "meta" !
[("refines",'#':id'),("property","title-type")] $ x])
(titleType title)
+ toDateNode id' date = [dcNode "date" !
+ (("id",id') :
+ maybe [] (\x -> [("opf:event",x)]) (dateEvent date)) $
+ dateText date]
schemeToOnix "ISBN-10" = "02"
schemeToOnix "GTIN-13" = "03"
schemeToOnix "UPC" = "04"