path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs')
1 files changed, 616 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fbfb3968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/FB2.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Sergey Astanin
+All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- | Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to FB2 (FictionBook2) format.
+FictionBook is an XML-based e-book format. For more information see:
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.FB2 (writeFB2) where
+import Control.Monad.State (StateT, evalStateT, get, modify)
+import Control.Monad.State (liftM, liftM2, liftIO)
+import Data.ByteString.Base64 (encode)
+import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower, isSpace, isAscii, isControl)
+import Data.List (intersperse, intercalate, isPrefixOf)
+import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
+import Network.Browser (browse, request, setAllowRedirects, setOutHandler)
+import Network.HTTP (catchIO_, getRequest, getHeaders, getResponseBody)
+import Network.HTTP (lookupHeader, HeaderName(..), urlEncode)
+import Network.URI (isURI, unEscapeString)
+import System.FilePath (takeExtension)
+import Text.XML.Light
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Text.XML.Light as X
+import qualified Text.XML.Light.Cursor as XC
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (WriterOptions(..), HTMLMathMethod(..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (orderedListMarkers, defaultWriterOptions)
+import Text.Pandoc.Generic (bottomUp)
+-- | Data to be written at the end of the document:
+-- (foot)notes, URLs, references, images.
+data FbRenderState = FbRenderState
+ { footnotes :: [ (Int, String, [Content]) ] -- ^ #, ID, text
+ , imagesToFetch :: [ (String, String) ] -- ^ filename, URL or path
+ , parentListMarker :: String -- ^ list marker of the parent ordered list
+ , parentBulletLevel :: Int -- ^ nesting level of the unordered list
+ , writerOptions :: WriterOptions
+ } deriving (Show)
+-- | FictionBook building monad.
+type FBM = StateT FbRenderState IO
+newFB :: FbRenderState
+newFB = FbRenderState { footnotes = [], imagesToFetch = []
+ , parentListMarker = "", parentBulletLevel = 0
+ , writerOptions = defaultWriterOptions }
+data ImageMode = NormalImage | InlineImage deriving (Eq)
+instance Show ImageMode where
+ show NormalImage = "imageType"
+ show InlineImage = "inlineImageType"
+-- | Produce an FB2 document from a 'Pandoc' document.
+writeFB2 :: WriterOptions -- ^ conversion options
+ -> Pandoc -- ^ document to convert
+ -> IO String -- ^ FictionBook2 document (not encoded yet)
+writeFB2 opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = flip evalStateT newFB $ do
+ modify (\s -> s { writerOptions = opts { writerStandalone = True } })
+ desc <- description meta
+ fp <- frontpage meta
+ secs <- renderSections 1 blocks
+ let body = el "body" $ fp ++ secs
+ notes <- renderFootnotes
+ (imgs,missing) <- liftM imagesToFetch get >>= \s -> liftIO (fetchImages s)
+ let body' = replaceImagesWithAlt missing body
+ let fb2_xml = el "FictionBook" (fb2_attrs, [desc, body'] ++ notes ++ imgs)
+ return $ xml_head ++ (showContent fb2_xml)
+ where
+ xml_head = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+ fb2_attrs =
+ let xmlns = "http://www.gribuser.ru/xml/fictionbook/2.0"
+ xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ in [ uattr "xmlns" xmlns
+ , attr ("xmlns", "l") xlink ]
+ --
+ frontpage :: Meta -> FBM [Content]
+ frontpage meta' = do
+ t <- cMapM toXml . docTitle $ meta'
+ return $
+ [ el "title" (el "p" t)
+ , el "annotation" (map (el "p" . cMap plain)
+ (docAuthors meta' ++ [docDate meta']))
+ ]
+ description :: Meta -> FBM Content
+ description meta' = do
+ bt <- booktitle meta'
+ let as = authors meta'
+ dd <- docdate meta'
+ return $ el "description"
+ [ el "title-info" (bt ++ as ++ dd)
+ , el "document-info" [ el "program-used" "pandoc" ] -- FIXME: +version
+ ]
+ booktitle :: Meta -> FBM [Content]
+ booktitle meta' = do
+ t <- cMapM toXml . docTitle $ meta'
+ return $ if null t
+ then []
+ else [ el "book-title" t ]
+ authors :: Meta -> [Content]
+ authors meta' = cMap author (docAuthors meta')
+ author :: [Inline] -> [Content]
+ author ss =
+ let ws = words . cMap plain $ ss
+ email = (el "email") `fmap` (take 1 $ filter ('@' `elem`) ws)
+ ws' = filter ('@' `notElem`) ws
+ names = case ws' of
+ (nickname:[]) -> [ el "nickname" nickname ]
+ (fname:lname:[]) -> [ el "first-name" fname
+ , el "last-name" lname ]
+ (fname:rest) -> [ el "first-name" fname
+ , el "middle-name" (concat . init $ rest)
+ , el "last-name" (last rest) ]
+ ([]) -> []
+ in list $ el "author" (names ++ email)
+ docdate :: Meta -> FBM [Content]
+ docdate meta' = do
+ let ss = docDate meta'
+ d <- cMapM toXml ss
+ return $ if null d
+ then []
+ else [el "date" d]
+-- | Divide the stream of blocks into sections and convert to XML
+-- representation.
+renderSections :: Int -> [Block] -> FBM [Content]
+renderSections level blocks = do
+ let secs = splitSections level blocks
+ mapM (renderSection level) secs
+renderSection :: Int -> ([Inline], [Block]) -> FBM Content
+renderSection level (ttl, body) = do
+ title <- if null ttl
+ then return []
+ else return . list . el "title" . formatTitle $ ttl
+ content <- if (hasSubsections body)
+ then renderSections (level + 1) body
+ else cMapM blockToXml body
+ return $ el "section" (title ++ content)
+ where
+ hasSubsections = any isHeader
+ isHeader (Header _ _) = True
+ isHeader _ = False
+-- | Only <p> and <empty-line> are allowed within <title> in FB2.
+formatTitle :: [Inline] -> [Content]
+formatTitle inlines =
+ let lns = split isLineBreak inlines
+ lns' = map (el "p" . cMap plain) lns
+ in intersperse (el "empty-line" ()) lns'
+split :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+split _ [] = []
+split cond xs = let (b,a) = break cond xs
+ in (b:split cond (drop 1 a))
+isLineBreak :: Inline -> Bool
+isLineBreak LineBreak = True
+isLineBreak _ = False
+-- | Divide the stream of block elements into sections: [(title, blocks)].
+splitSections :: Int -> [Block] -> [([Inline], [Block])]
+splitSections level blocks = reverse $ revSplit (reverse blocks)
+ where
+ revSplit [] = []
+ revSplit rblocks =
+ let (lastsec, before) = break sameLevel rblocks
+ (header, prevblocks) =
+ case before of
+ ((Header n title):prevblocks') ->
+ if n == level
+ then (title, prevblocks')
+ else ([], before)
+ _ -> ([], before)
+ in (header, reverse lastsec) : revSplit prevblocks
+ sameLevel (Header n _) = n == level
+ sameLevel _ = False
+-- | Make another FictionBook body with footnotes.
+renderFootnotes :: FBM [Content]
+renderFootnotes = do
+ fns <- footnotes `liftM` get
+ if null fns
+ then return [] -- no footnotes
+ else return . list $
+ el "body" ([uattr "name" "notes"], map renderFN (reverse fns))
+ where
+ renderFN (n, idstr, cs) =
+ let fn_texts = (el "title" (el "p" (show n))) : cs
+ in el "section" ([uattr "id" idstr], fn_texts)
+-- | Fetch images and encode them for the FictionBook XML.
+-- Return image data and a list of hrefs of the missing images.
+fetchImages :: [(String,String)] -> IO ([Content],[String])
+fetchImages links = do
+ imgs <- mapM (uncurry fetchImage) links
+ return $ (rights imgs, lefts imgs)
+-- | Fetch image data from disk or from network and make a <binary> XML section.
+-- Return either (Left hrefOfMissingImage) or (Right xmlContent).
+fetchImage :: String -> String -> IO (Either String Content)
+fetchImage href link = do
+ mbimg <-
+ case (isURI link, readDataURI link) of
+ (True, Just (mime,_,True,base64)) ->
+ let mime' = map toLower mime
+ in if mime' == "image/png" || mime' == "image/jpeg"
+ then return (Just (mime',base64))
+ else return Nothing
+ (True, Just _) -> return Nothing -- not base64-encoded
+ (True, Nothing) -> fetchURL link
+ (False, _) -> do
+ d <- nothingOnError $ B.readFile (unEscapeString link)
+ let t = case map toLower (takeExtension link) of
+ ".png" -> Just "image/png"
+ ".jpg" -> Just "image/jpeg"
+ ".jpeg" -> Just "image/jpeg"
+ ".jpe" -> Just "image/jpeg"
+ _ -> Nothing -- only PNG and JPEG are supported in FB2
+ return $ liftM2 (,) t (liftM (toStr . encode) d)
+ case mbimg of
+ Just (imgtype, imgdata) -> do
+ return . Right $ el "binary"
+ ( [uattr "id" href
+ , uattr "content-type" imgtype]
+ , txt imgdata )
+ _ -> return (Left ('#':href))
+ where
+ nothingOnError :: (IO B.ByteString) -> (IO (Maybe B.ByteString))
+ nothingOnError action = liftM Just action `E.catch` omnihandler
+ omnihandler :: E.SomeException -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
+ omnihandler _ = return Nothing
+-- | Extract mime type and encoded data from the Data URI.
+readDataURI :: String -- ^ URI
+ -> Maybe (String,String,Bool,String)
+ -- ^ Maybe (mime,charset,isBase64,data)
+readDataURI uri =
+ let prefix = "data:"
+ in if not (prefix `isPrefixOf` uri)
+ then Nothing
+ else
+ let rest = drop (length prefix) uri
+ meta = takeWhile (/= ',') rest -- without trailing ','
+ uridata = drop (length meta + 1) rest
+ parts = split (== ';') meta
+ (mime,cs,enc)=foldr upd ("text/plain","US-ASCII",False) parts
+ in Just (mime,cs,enc,uridata)
+ where
+ upd str m@(mime,cs,enc)
+ | isMimeType str = (str,cs,enc)
+ | "charset=" `isPrefixOf` str = (mime,drop (length "charset=") str,enc)
+ | str == "base64" = (mime,cs,True)
+ | otherwise = m
+-- Without parameters like ;charset=...; see RFC 2045, 5.1
+isMimeType :: String -> Bool
+isMimeType s =
+ case split (=='/') s of
+ [mtype,msubtype] ->
+ ((map toLower mtype) `elem` types
+ || "x-" `isPrefixOf` (map toLower mtype))
+ && all valid mtype
+ && all valid msubtype
+ _ -> False
+ where
+ types = ["text","image","audio","video","application","message","multipart"]
+ valid c = isAscii c && not (isControl c) && not (isSpace c) &&
+ c `notElem` "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?="
+-- | Fetch URL, return its Content-Type and binary data on success.
+fetchURL :: String -> IO (Maybe (String, String))
+fetchURL url = do
+ flip catchIO_ (return Nothing) $ do
+ r <- browse $ do
+ setOutHandler (const (return ()))
+ setAllowRedirects True
+ liftM snd . request . getRequest $ url
+ let content_type = lookupHeader HdrContentType (getHeaders r)
+ content <- liftM (Just . toStr . encode . toBS) . getResponseBody $ Right r
+ return $ liftM2 (,) content_type content
+ where
+toBS :: String -> B.ByteString
+toBS = B.pack . map (toEnum . fromEnum)
+toStr :: B.ByteString -> String
+toStr = map (toEnum . fromEnum) . B.unpack
+footnoteID :: Int -> String
+footnoteID i = "n" ++ (show i)
+linkID :: Int -> String
+linkID i = "l" ++ (show i)
+-- | Convert a block-level Pandoc's element to FictionBook XML representation.
+blockToXml :: Block -> FBM [Content]
+blockToXml (Plain ss) = cMapM toXml ss -- FIXME: can lead to malformed FB2
+blockToXml (Para [Math DisplayMath formula]) = insertMath NormalImage formula
+blockToXml (Para [img@(Image _ _)]) = insertImage NormalImage img
+blockToXml (Para ss) = liftM (list . el "p") $ cMapM toXml ss
+blockToXml (CodeBlock _ s) = return . spaceBeforeAfter .
+ map (el "p" . el "code") . lines $ s
+blockToXml (RawBlock _ s) = return . spaceBeforeAfter .
+ map (el "p" . el "code") . lines $ s
+blockToXml (BlockQuote bs) = liftM (list . el "cite") $ cMapM blockToXml bs
+blockToXml (OrderedList a bss) = do
+ state <- get
+ let pmrk = parentListMarker state
+ let markers = map ((pmrk ++ " ") ++) $ orderedListMarkers a
+ let mkitem mrk bs = do
+ modify (\s -> s { parentListMarker = mrk })
+ itemtext <- cMapM blockToXml . paraToPlain $ bs
+ modify (\s -> s { parentListMarker = pmrk }) -- old parent marker
+ return . el "p" $ [ txt mrk, txt " " ] ++ itemtext
+ mapM (uncurry mkitem) (zip markers bss)
+blockToXml (BulletList bss) = do
+ state <- get
+ let level = parentBulletLevel state
+ let pmrk = parentListMarker state
+ let prefix = replicate (length pmrk) ' '
+ let bullets = ["\x2022", "\x25e6", "*", "\x2043", "\x2023"]
+ let mrk = prefix ++ bullets !! (level `mod` (length bullets))
+ let mkitem bs = do
+ modify (\s -> s { parentBulletLevel = (level+1) })
+ itemtext <- cMapM blockToXml . paraToPlain $ bs
+ modify (\s -> s { parentBulletLevel = level }) -- restore bullet level
+ return $ el "p" $ [ txt (mrk ++ " ") ] ++ itemtext
+ mapM mkitem bss
+blockToXml (DefinitionList defs) =
+ cMapM mkdef defs
+ where
+ mkdef (term, bss) = do
+ def <- cMapM (cMapM blockToXml . sep . paraToPlain . map indent) bss
+ t <- wrap "strong" term
+ return [ el "p" t, el "p" def ]
+ sep blocks =
+ if all needsBreak blocks then
+ blocks ++ [Plain [LineBreak]]
+ else
+ blocks
+ needsBreak (Para _) = False
+ needsBreak (Plain ins) = LineBreak `notElem` ins
+ needsBreak _ = True
+blockToXml (Header _ _) = -- should never happen, see renderSections
+ error "unexpected header in section text"
+blockToXml HorizontalRule = return
+ [ el "empty-line" ()
+ , el "p" (txt (replicate 10 '—'))
+ , el "empty-line" () ]
+blockToXml (Table caption aligns _ headers rows) = do
+ hd <- mkrow "th" headers aligns
+ bd <- mapM (\r -> mkrow "td" r aligns) rows
+ c <- return . el "emphasis" =<< cMapM toXml caption
+ return [el "table" (hd : bd), el "p" c]
+ where
+ mkrow :: String -> [TableCell] -> [Alignment] -> FBM Content
+ mkrow tag cells aligns' =
+ (el "tr") `liftM` (mapM (mkcell tag) (zip cells aligns'))
+ --
+ mkcell :: String -> (TableCell, Alignment) -> FBM Content
+ mkcell tag (cell, align) = do
+ cblocks <- cMapM blockToXml cell
+ return $ el tag ([align_attr align], cblocks)
+ --
+ align_attr a = Attr (QName "align" Nothing Nothing) (align_str a)
+ align_str AlignLeft = "left"
+ align_str AlignCenter = "center"
+ align_str AlignRight = "right"
+ align_str AlignDefault = "left"
+blockToXml Null = return []
+-- Replace paragraphs with plain text and line break.
+-- Necessary to simulate multi-paragraph lists in FB2.
+paraToPlain :: [Block] -> [Block]
+paraToPlain [] = []
+paraToPlain (Para inlines : rest) =
+ let p = (Plain (inlines ++ [LineBreak]))
+ in p : paraToPlain rest
+paraToPlain (p:rest) = p : paraToPlain rest
+-- Simulate increased indentation level. Will not really work
+-- for multi-line paragraphs.
+indent :: Block -> Block
+indent = indentBlock
+ where
+ -- indentation space
+ spacer :: String
+ spacer = replicate 4 ' '
+ --
+ indentBlock (Plain ins) = Plain ((Str spacer):ins)
+ indentBlock (Para ins) = Para ((Str spacer):ins)
+ indentBlock (CodeBlock a s) =
+ let s' = unlines . map (spacer++) . lines $ s
+ in CodeBlock a s'
+ indentBlock (BlockQuote bs) = BlockQuote (map indent bs)
+ indentBlock (Header l ins) = Header l (indentLines ins)
+ indentBlock everythingElse = everythingElse
+ -- indent every (explicit) line
+ indentLines :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
+ indentLines ins = let lns = split isLineBreak ins :: [[Inline]]
+ in intercalate [LineBreak] $ map ((Str spacer):) lns
+-- | Convert a Pandoc's Inline element to FictionBook XML representation.
+toXml :: Inline -> FBM [Content]
+toXml (Str s) = return [txt s]
+toXml (Emph ss) = list `liftM` wrap "emphasis" ss
+toXml (Strong ss) = list `liftM` wrap "strong" ss
+toXml (Strikeout ss) = list `liftM` wrap "strikethrough" ss
+toXml (Superscript ss) = list `liftM` wrap "sup" ss
+toXml (Subscript ss) = list `liftM` wrap "sub" ss
+toXml (SmallCaps ss) = cMapM toXml $ bottomUp (map toUpper) ss
+toXml (Quoted SingleQuote ss) = do -- FIXME: should be language-specific
+ inner <- cMapM toXml ss
+ return $ [txt "‘"] ++ inner ++ [txt "’"]
+toXml (Quoted DoubleQuote ss) = do
+ inner <- cMapM toXml ss
+ return $ [txt "“"] ++ inner ++ [txt "”"]
+toXml (Cite _ ss) = cMapM toXml ss -- FIXME: support citation styles
+toXml (Code _ s) = return [el "code" s]
+toXml Space = return [txt " "]
+toXml LineBreak = return [el "empty-line" ()]
+toXml (Math _ formula) = insertMath InlineImage formula
+toXml (RawInline _ _) = return [] -- raw TeX and raw HTML are suppressed
+toXml (Link text (url,ttl)) = do
+ fns <- footnotes `liftM` get
+ let n = 1 + length fns
+ let ln_id = linkID n
+ let ln_ref = list . el "sup" . txt $ "[" ++ show n ++ "]"
+ ln_text <- cMapM toXml text
+ let ln_desc =
+ let ttl' = dropWhile isSpace ttl
+ in if null ttl'
+ then list . el "p" $ el "code" url
+ else list . el "p" $ [ txt (ttl' ++ ": "), el "code" url ]
+ modify (\s -> s { footnotes = (n, ln_id, ln_desc) : fns })
+ return $ ln_text ++
+ [ el "a"
+ ( [ attr ("l","href") ('#':ln_id)
+ , uattr "type" "note" ]
+ , ln_ref) ]
+toXml img@(Image _ _) = insertImage InlineImage img
+toXml (Note bs) = do
+ fns <- footnotes `liftM` get
+ let n = 1 + length fns
+ let fn_id = footnoteID n
+ fn_desc <- cMapM blockToXml bs
+ modify (\s -> s { footnotes = (n, fn_id, fn_desc) : fns })
+ let fn_ref = el "sup" . txt $ "[" ++ show n ++ "]"
+ return . list $ el "a" ( [ attr ("l","href") ('#':fn_id)
+ , uattr "type" "note" ]
+ , fn_ref )
+insertMath :: ImageMode -> String -> FBM [Content]
+insertMath immode formula = do
+ htmlMath <- return . writerHTMLMathMethod . writerOptions =<< get
+ case htmlMath of
+ WebTeX url -> do
+ let alt = [Code nullAttr formula]
+ let imgurl = url ++ urlEncode formula
+ let img = Image alt (imgurl, "")
+ insertImage immode img
+ _ -> return [el "code" formula]
+insertImage :: ImageMode -> Inline -> FBM [Content]
+insertImage immode (Image alt (url,ttl)) = do
+ images <- imagesToFetch `liftM` get
+ let n = 1 + length images
+ let fname = "image" ++ show n
+ modify (\s -> s { imagesToFetch = (fname, url) : images })
+ let ttlattr = case (immode, null ttl) of
+ (NormalImage, False) -> [ uattr "title" ttl ]
+ _ -> []
+ return . list $
+ el "image" $
+ [ attr ("l","href") ('#':fname)
+ , attr ("l","type") (show immode)
+ , uattr "alt" (cMap plain alt) ]
+ ++ ttlattr
+insertImage _ _ = error "unexpected inline instead of image"
+replaceImagesWithAlt :: [String] -> Content -> Content
+replaceImagesWithAlt missingHrefs body =
+ let cur = XC.fromContent body
+ cur' = replaceAll cur
+ in XC.toTree . XC.root $ cur'
+ where
+ --
+ replaceAll :: XC.Cursor -> XC.Cursor
+ replaceAll c =
+ let n = XC.current c
+ c' = if isImage n && isMissing n
+ then XC.modifyContent replaceNode c
+ else c
+ in case XC.nextDF c' of
+ (Just cnext) -> replaceAll cnext
+ Nothing -> c' -- end of document
+ --
+ isImage :: Content -> Bool
+ isImage (Elem e) = (elName e) == (uname "image")
+ isImage _ = False
+ --
+ isMissing (Elem img@(Element _ _ _ _)) =
+ let imgAttrs = elAttribs img
+ badAttrs = map (attr ("l","href")) missingHrefs
+ in any (`elem` imgAttrs) badAttrs
+ isMissing _ = False
+ --
+ replaceNode :: Content -> Content
+ replaceNode n@(Elem img@(Element _ _ _ _)) =
+ let attrs = elAttribs img
+ alt = getAttrVal attrs (uname "alt")
+ imtype = getAttrVal attrs (qname "l" "type")
+ in case (alt, imtype) of
+ (Just alt', Just imtype') ->
+ if imtype' == show NormalImage
+ then el "p" alt'
+ else txt alt'
+ (Just alt', Nothing) -> txt alt' -- no type attribute
+ _ -> n -- don't replace if alt text is not found
+ replaceNode n = n
+ --
+ getAttrVal :: [X.Attr] -> QName -> Maybe String
+ getAttrVal attrs name =
+ case filter ((name ==) . attrKey) attrs of
+ (a:_) -> Just (attrVal a)
+ _ -> Nothing
+-- | Wrap all inlines with an XML tag (given its unqualified name).
+wrap :: String -> [Inline] -> FBM Content
+wrap tagname inlines = el tagname `liftM` cMapM toXml inlines
+-- " Create a singleton list.
+list :: a -> [a]
+list = (:[])
+-- | Convert an 'Inline' to plaintext.
+plain :: Inline -> String
+plain (Str s) = s
+plain (Emph ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (Strong ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (Strikeout ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (Superscript ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (Subscript ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (SmallCaps ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (Quoted _ ss) = concat (map plain ss)
+plain (Cite _ ss) = concat (map plain ss) -- FIXME
+plain (Code _ s) = s
+plain Space = " "
+plain LineBreak = "\n"
+plain (Math _ s) = s
+plain (RawInline _ s) = s
+plain (Link text (url,_)) = concat (map plain text ++ [" <", url, ">"])
+plain (Image alt _) = concat (map plain alt)
+plain (Note _) = "" -- FIXME
+-- | Create an XML element.
+el :: (Node t)
+ => String -- ^ unqualified element name
+ -> t -- ^ node contents
+ -> Content -- ^ XML content
+el name cs = Elem $ unode name cs
+-- | Put empty lines around content
+spaceBeforeAfter :: [Content] -> [Content]
+spaceBeforeAfter cs =
+ let emptyline = el "empty-line" ()
+ in [emptyline] ++ cs ++ [emptyline]
+-- | Create a plain-text XML content.
+txt :: String -> Content
+txt s = Text $ CData CDataText s Nothing
+-- | Create an XML attribute with an unqualified name.
+uattr :: String -> String -> Text.XML.Light.Attr
+uattr name val = Attr (uname name) val
+-- | Create an XML attribute with a qualified name from given namespace.
+attr :: (String, String) -> String -> Text.XML.Light.Attr
+attr (ns, name) val = Attr (qname ns name) val
+-- | Unqualified name
+uname :: String -> QName
+uname name = QName name Nothing Nothing
+-- | Qualified name
+qname :: String -> String -> QName
+qname ns name = QName name Nothing (Just ns)
+-- | Abbreviation for 'concatMap'.
+cMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
+cMap = concatMap
+-- | Monadic equivalent of 'concatMap'.
+cMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
+cMapM f xs = concat `liftM` mapM f xs \ No newline at end of file