path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers
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1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Jira.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Jira.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..362693af9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Jira.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org
+ Copyright : © 2019 Albert Krewinkel
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb+pandoc@moltkeplatz.de>
+Conversion of jira wiki formatted plain text to 'Pandoc' document.
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Jira ( readJira ) where
+import Prelude
+import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
+import Data.Text (Text, append, pack, singleton, unpack)
+import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Entity (lookupEntity)
+import Text.Jira.Parser (parse)
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError (PandocParseError))
+import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+import qualified Text.Jira.Markup as Jira
+-- | Read Jira wiki markup.
+readJira :: PandocMonad m
+ => ReaderOptions
+ -> Text
+ -> m Pandoc
+readJira _opts s = case parse s of
+ Right d -> return $ jiraToPandoc d
+ Left e -> throwError . PandocParseError $
+ "Jira parse error" `append` pack (show e)
+jiraToPandoc :: Jira.Doc -> Pandoc
+jiraToPandoc (Jira.Doc blks) = doc $ foldMap jiraToPandocBlocks blks
+-- Blocks
+-- | Converts a Jira block to a Pandoc block.
+jiraToPandocBlocks :: Jira.Block -> Blocks
+jiraToPandocBlocks = \case
+ Jira.BlockQuote blcks -> blockQuote $ foldMap jiraToPandocBlocks blcks
+ Jira.Code lang ps txt -> toPandocCodeBlocks (Just lang) ps txt
+ Jira.Color c blcks -> divWith (mempty, mempty, [("color", colorName c)]) $
+ foldMap jiraToPandocBlocks blcks
+ Jira.Header lvl inlns -> header lvl $ foldMap jiraToPandocInlines inlns
+ Jira.HorizontalRule -> horizontalRule
+ Jira.List style items -> toPandocList style items
+ Jira.NoFormat ps txt -> toPandocCodeBlocks Nothing ps txt
+ Jira.Panel ps blcks -> toPandocDiv ps blcks
+ Jira.Para inlns -> para $ foldMap jiraToPandocInlines inlns
+ Jira.Table rows -> toPandocTable rows
+-- | Create a pandoc list – either to a @'BulletList'@ or an @'OrderedList'@.
+toPandocList :: Jira.ListStyle -> [[Jira.Block]] -> Blocks
+toPandocList style items =
+ let items' = map (foldMap jiraToPandocBlocks) items
+ in if style == Jira.Enumeration
+ then orderedList items'
+ else bulletList items'
+-- | Create a pandoc @'CodeBlock'@
+toPandocCodeBlocks :: Maybe Jira.Language -> [Jira.Parameter] -> Text -> Blocks
+toPandocCodeBlocks langMay params txt =
+ let classes = case langMay of
+ Just (Jira.Language lang) -> [lang]
+ Nothing -> []
+ in codeBlockWith ("", classes, map paramToPair params) txt
+-- | Create a pandoc @'Div'@
+toPandocDiv :: [Jira.Parameter] -> [Jira.Block] -> Blocks
+toPandocDiv params =
+ divWith ("", [], map paramToPair params) . foldMap jiraToPandocBlocks
+paramToPair :: Jira.Parameter -> (Text, Text)
+paramToPair (Jira.Parameter key value) = (key, value)
+-- | Give textual representation of a color.
+colorName :: Jira.ColorName -> Text
+colorName (Jira.ColorName name) = name
+-- | Create a pandoc @'Table'@.
+-- This relies on 'simpleTable' to sanitize the table.
+toPandocTable :: [Jira.Row] -> Blocks
+toPandocTable rows =
+ let (headerRow, bodyRows) = splitIntoHeaderAndBody rows
+ in simpleTable
+ (rowToBlocksList headerRow)
+ (map rowToBlocksList bodyRows)
+rowToBlocksList :: Jira.Row -> [Blocks]
+rowToBlocksList (Jira.Row cells) =
+ map cellContent cells
+ where
+ cellContent cell = let content = case cell of
+ Jira.HeaderCell x -> x
+ Jira.BodyCell x -> x
+ in foldMap jiraToPandocBlocks content
+splitIntoHeaderAndBody :: [Jira.Row] -> (Jira.Row, [Jira.Row])
+splitIntoHeaderAndBody [] = (Jira.Row [], [])
+splitIntoHeaderAndBody rows@(first@(Jira.Row cells) : rest) =
+ let isHeaderCell (Jira.HeaderCell{}) = True
+ isHeaderCell (Jira.BodyCell{}) = False
+ in if all isHeaderCell cells
+ then (first, rest)
+ else (Jira.Row [], rows)
+-- Inlines
+-- | Converts a Jira inline to a Pandoc block.
+jiraToPandocInlines :: Jira.Inline -> Inlines
+jiraToPandocInlines = \case
+ Jira.Anchor t -> spanWith (t, [], []) mempty
+ Jira.AutoLink url -> link (Jira.fromURL url) "" (str (Jira.fromURL url))
+ Jira.Emoji icon -> str . iconUnicode $ icon
+ Jira.Entity entity -> str . fromEntity $ entity
+ Jira.Image _ url -> image (Jira.fromURL url) "" mempty
+ Jira.Link alias url -> link (Jira.fromURL url) "" (fromInlines alias)
+ Jira.Linebreak -> linebreak
+ Jira.Monospaced inlns -> code . stringify . toList . fromInlines $ inlns
+ Jira.Space -> space
+ Jira.SpecialChar c -> str (Data.Text.singleton c)
+ Jira.Str t -> str t
+ Jira.Styled style inlns -> fromStyle style $ fromInlines inlns
+ where
+ fromInlines = foldMap jiraToPandocInlines
+ fromEntity e = case lookupEntity (unpack e ++ ";") of
+ Nothing -> "&" `append` e `append` ";"
+ Just cs -> pack cs
+ fromStyle = \case
+ Jira.Emphasis -> emph
+ Jira.Insert -> spanWith ("", ["inserted"], [])
+ Jira.Strikeout -> strikeout
+ Jira.Strong -> strong
+ Jira.Subscript -> subscript
+ Jira.Superscript -> superscript
+-- | Get unicode representation of a Jira icon.
+iconUnicode :: Jira.Icon -> Text
+iconUnicode = \case
+ Jira.IconSlightlySmiling -> "🙂"
+ Jira.IconFrowning -> "🙁"
+ Jira.IconTongue -> "😛"
+ Jira.IconSmiling -> "😃"
+ Jira.IconWinking -> "😉"
+ Jira.IconThumbsUp -> "👍"
+ Jira.IconThumbsDown -> "👎"
+ Jira.IconInfo -> "ℹ"
+ Jira.IconCheckmark -> "✓"
+ Jira.IconX -> "🅇"
+ Jira.IconAttention -> "⚠"
+ Jira.IconPlus -> "⊞"
+ Jira.IconMinus -> "⊟"
+ Jira.IconQuestionmark -> "?"
+ Jira.IconOn -> "💡"
+ Jira.IconOff -> "💡"
+ Jira.IconStar -> "★"
+ Jira.IconStarRed -> "★"
+ Jira.IconStarGreen -> "★"
+ Jira.IconStarBlue -> "★"
+ Jira.IconStarYellow -> "★"
+ Jira.IconFlag -> "⚑"
+ Jira.IconFlagOff -> "⚐"