path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Odt/Generic/Fallible.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann <theCodingMarlin@googlemail.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2015 Martin Linnemann
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : Martin Linnemann <theCodingMarlin@googlemail.com>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+Data types and utilities representing failure. Most of it is based on the
+"Either" type in its usual configuration (left represents failure).
+In most cases, the failure type is implied or required to be a "Monoid".
+The choice of "Either" instead of a custom type makes it easier to write
+compatible instances of "ArrowChoice".
+-- We export everything
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.Generic.Fallible where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.Foldable as F
+import Data.Monoid
+-- | Default for now. Will probably become a class at some point.
+type Failure = ()
+type Fallible a = Either Failure a
+-- | False -> Left (), True -> Right ()
+boolToEither :: Bool -> Fallible ()
+boolToEither False = Left ()
+boolToEither True = Right ()
+-- | False -> Left (), True -> Right ()
+boolToChoice :: Bool -> Fallible ()
+boolToChoice False = Left ()
+boolToChoice True = Right ()
+maybeToEither :: Maybe a -> Fallible a
+maybeToEither (Just a) = Right a
+maybeToEither Nothing = Left ()
+eitherToMaybe :: Either _l a -> Maybe a
+eitherToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing
+eitherToMaybe (Right a) = Just a
+-- | > untagEither === either id id
+untagEither :: Either a a -> a
+untagEither (Left a) = a
+untagEither (Right a) = a
+-- | > fromLeft f === either f id
+fromLeft :: (a -> b) -> Either a b -> b
+fromLeft f (Left a) = f a
+fromLeft _ (Right b) = b
+-- | > fromRight f === either id f
+fromRight :: (a -> b) -> Either b a -> b
+fromRight _ (Left b) = b
+fromRight f (Right a) = f a
+-- | > recover a === fromLeft (const a) === either (const a) id
+recover :: a -> Either _f a -> a
+recover a (Left _) = a
+recover _ (Right a) = a
+-- | I would love to use 'fail'. Alas, 'Monad.fail'...
+failWith :: failure -> Either failure _x
+failWith f = Left f
+failEmpty :: (Monoid failure) => Either failure _x
+failEmpty = failWith mempty
+succeedWith :: a -> Either _x a
+succeedWith = Right
+collapseEither :: Either failure (Either failure x)
+ -> Either failure x
+collapseEither (Left f ) = Left f
+collapseEither (Right (Left f)) = Left f
+collapseEither (Right (Right x)) = Right x
+-- | If either of the values represents an error, the result is a
+-- (possibly combined) error. If both values represent a success,
+-- both are returned.
+chooseMin :: (Monoid a) => Either a b -> Either a b' -> Either a (b,b')
+chooseMin = chooseMinWith (,)
+-- | If either of the values represents an error, the result is a
+-- (possibly combined) error. If both values represent a success,
+-- a combination is returned.
+chooseMinWith :: (Monoid a) => (b -> b' -> c)
+ -> Either a b
+ -> Either a b'
+ -> Either a c
+chooseMinWith (><) (Right a) (Right b) = Right $ a >< b
+chooseMinWith _ (Left a) (Left b) = Left $ a <> b
+chooseMinWith _ (Left a) _ = Left a
+chooseMinWith _ _ (Left b) = Left b
+-- | If either of the values represents a non-error, the result is a
+-- (possibly combined) non-error. If both values represent an error, an error
+-- is returned.
+chooseMax :: (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Either a b -> Either a b -> Either a b
+chooseMax = chooseMaxWith (<>)
+-- | If either of the values represents a non-error, the result is a
+-- (possibly combined) non-error. If both values represent an error, an error
+-- is returned.
+chooseMaxWith :: (Monoid a) => (b -> b -> b)
+ -> Either a b
+ -> Either a b
+ -> Either a b
+chooseMaxWith (><) (Right a) (Right b) = Right $ a >< b
+chooseMaxWith _ (Left a) (Left b) = Left $ a <> b
+chooseMaxWith _ (Right a) _ = Right a
+chooseMaxWith _ _ (Right b) = Right b
+-- | Class of containers that can escalate contained 'Either's.
+-- The word "Vector" is meant in the sense of a disease transmitter.
+class ChoiceVector v where
+ spreadChoice :: v (Either f a) -> Either f (v a)
+-- Let's do a few examples first
+instance ChoiceVector Maybe where
+ spreadChoice (Just (Left f)) = Left f
+ spreadChoice (Just (Right x)) = Right (Just x)
+ spreadChoice Nothing = Right Nothing
+instance ChoiceVector (Either l) where
+ spreadChoice (Right (Left f)) = Left f
+ spreadChoice (Right (Right x)) = Right (Right x)
+ spreadChoice (Left x ) = Right (Left x)
+instance ChoiceVector ((,) a) where
+ spreadChoice (_, Left f) = Left f
+ spreadChoice (x, Right y) = Right (x,y)
+ -- Wasn't there a newtype somewhere with the elements flipped?
+-- More instances later, first some discussion.
+-- I'll have to freshen up on type system details to see how (or if) to do
+-- something like
+-- > instance (ChoiceVector a, ChoiceVector b) => ChoiceVector (a b) where
+-- > :
+-- But maybe it would be even better to use something like
+-- > class ChoiceVector v v' f | v -> v' f where
+-- > spreadChoice :: v -> Either f v'
+-- That way, more places in @v@ could spread the cheer, e.g.:
+-- As before:
+-- -- ( a , Either f b) (a , b) f
+-- > instance ChoiceVector ((,) a (Either f b)) ((,) a b) f where
+-- > spreadChoice (_, Left f) = Left f
+-- > spreadChoice (a, Right b) = Right (a,b)
+-- But also:
+-- -- ( Either f a , b) (a , b) f
+-- > instance ChoiceVector ((,) (Either f a) b) ((,) a b) f where
+-- > spreadChoice (Right a,b) = Right (a,b)
+-- > spreadChoice (Left f,_) = Left f
+-- And maybe even:
+-- -- ( Either f a , Either f b) (a , b) f
+-- > instance ChoiceVector ((,) (Either f a) (Either f b)) ((,) a b) f where
+-- > spreadChoice (Right a , Right b) = Right (a,b)
+-- > spreadChoice (Left f , _ ) = Left f
+-- > spreadChoice ( _ , Left f) = Left f
+-- Of course that would lead to a lot of overlapping instances...
+-- But I can't think of a different way. A selector function might help,
+-- but not even a "Data.Traversable" is powerful enough for that.
+-- But maybe someone has already solved all this with a lens library.
+-- Well, it's an interesting academic question. But for practical purposes,
+-- I have more than enough right now.
+instance ChoiceVector ((,,) a b) where
+ spreadChoice (_,_, Left f) = Left f
+ spreadChoice (a,b, Right x) = Right (a,b,x)
+instance ChoiceVector ((,,,) a b c) where
+ spreadChoice (_,_,_, Left f) = Left f
+ spreadChoice (a,b,c, Right x) = Right (a,b,c,x)
+instance ChoiceVector ((,,,,) a b c d) where
+ spreadChoice (_,_,_,_, Left f) = Left f
+ spreadChoice (a,b,c,d, Right x) = Right (a,b,c,d,x)
+instance ChoiceVector (Const a) where
+ spreadChoice (Const c) = Right (Const c) -- need to repackage because of implicit types
+-- | Fails on the first error
+instance ChoiceVector [] where
+ spreadChoice = sequence -- using the monad instance of Either.
+ -- Could be generalized to "Data.Traversable" - but why play
+ -- with UndecidableInstances unless this is really needed.
+-- | Wrapper for a list. While the normal list instance of 'ChoiceVector'
+-- fails whenever it can, this type will never fail.
+newtype SuccessList a = SuccessList { collectNonFailing :: [a] }
+ deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
+instance ChoiceVector SuccessList where
+ spreadChoice = Right . SuccessList . (foldr unTagRight []) . collectNonFailing
+ where unTagRight (Right x) = (x:)
+ unTagRight _ = id
+-- | Like 'catMaybes', but for 'Either'.
+collectRights :: [Either _l r] -> [r]
+collectRights = collectNonFailing . untag . spreadChoice . SuccessList
+ where untag = fromLeft (error "Unexpected Left")
+-- | A version of 'collectRights' generalized to other containers. The
+-- container must be both "reducible" and "buildable". Most general containers
+-- should fullfill these requirements, but there is no single typeclass
+-- (that I know of) for that.
+-- Therefore, they are split between 'Foldable' and 'MonadPlus'.
+-- (Note that 'Data.Traversable.Traversable' alone would not be enough, either.)
+collectRightsF :: (F.Foldable c, MonadPlus c) => c (Either _l r) -> c r
+collectRightsF = F.foldr unTagRight mzero
+ where unTagRight (Right x) = mplus $ return x
+ unTagRight _ = id