diff options
19 files changed, 1885 insertions, 299 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index f405e2c4a..ea47c94e6 100644
@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ you will need [zip-archive] and (if you want syntax highlighting)
- `wrappers`: build the wrapper `markdown2pdf` (default yes)
- `highlighting`: compile with syntax highlighting support (increases
the size of the executable) (default no)
- - `citeproc`: compile with bibliographic support using `citeproc-hs`
- (default no)
So, for example,
@@ -109,22 +107,3 @@ you will need [zip-archive] and (if you want syntax highlighting)
[highlighting-kate]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/highlighting-kate
[Cabal User's Guide]: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/latest/doc/users-guide/builders.html#setup-configure-paths
-Optional citeproc support
-Pandoc can optionally be compiled with support for bibliographic citations
-using Andrea Rossato's [`citeproc-hs` library]. This allows you
-to specify citations in markdown using an intuitive syntax (for example,
-`[jones2005@p. 3; smith2006]`). These are automatically changed into
-appropriately styled citations in the output, and a bibliography is
-added. The bibliography data and style information are taken from XML
-files that must be specified on the command line. (Note: `citeproc-hs`
-support is experimental, and the interface may change in the future.)
-If you are using Cabal to compile pandoc, specify the `citeproc` flag in
-the configure step:
- runhaskell Setup configure --flags="citeproc"
-[`citeproc-hs` library]: http://code.haskell.org/citeproc-hs/
diff --git a/default.csl b/default.csl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f16f82305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default.csl
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" class="in-text" version="1.0" page-range-format="chicago">
+ <info>
+ <title>Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date format)</title>
+ <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date</id>
+ <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date" rel="self"/>
+ <author>
+ <name>Julian Onions</name>
+ <email>julian.onions@gmail.com</email>
+ </author>
+ <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+ <category field="generic-base"/>
+ <updated>2009-12-04T20:22:16+00:00</updated>
+ <summary>The author-date variant of the Chicago style</summary>
+ <link href="http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html" rel="documentation"/>
+ </info>
+ <macro name="secondary-contributors">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" type="chapter">
+ <group delimiter=". ">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="author">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <if match="any" variable="author editor">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="container-contributors">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="chapter">
+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=",">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="author">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="lowercase" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <if match="any" variable="author editor">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="lowercase" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="anon">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" variable="author editor translator">
+ <text form="short" term="anonymous" text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="editor">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " />
+ <label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="." />
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="translator">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " />
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="." />
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="recipient">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="personal_communication">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="genre">
+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" />
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <text term="letter" text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <names delimiter=", " variable="recipient">
+ <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" " text-case="lowercase" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="contributors">
+ <names variable="author">
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " />
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="." text-case="lowercase" />
+ <substitute>
+ <text macro="editor" />
+ <text macro="translator" />
+ </substitute>
+ </names>
+ <text macro="anon" />
+ <text macro="recipient" />
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="contributors-short">
+ <names variable="author">
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " form="short" />
+ <substitute>
+ <names variable="editor" />
+ <names variable="translator" />
+ </substitute>
+ </names>
+ <text macro="anon" />
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="interviewer">
+ <names delimiter=", " variable="interviewer">
+ <label form="verb" prefix=" " suffix=" " text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="archive">
+ <group delimiter=". ">
+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="archive_location" />
+ <text variable="archive" />
+ <text variable="archive-place" />
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="access">
+ <group delimiter=". ">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="any" type="graphic report">
+ <text macro="archive" />
+ </if>
+ <else-if match="none" type="book thesis chapter article-journal article-newspaper article-magazine">
+ <text macro="archive" />
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ <text prefix="doi:" variable="DOI" />
+ <text variable="URL" />
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="title">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" variable="title">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" type="personal_communication">
+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="book">
+ <text font-style="italic" variable="title" />
+ </else-if>
+ <else>
+ <text variable="title" />
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="edition">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="any" type="book chapter">
+ <choose>
+ <if is-numeric="edition">
+ <group delimiter=" ">
+ <number form="ordinal" variable="edition" />
+ <text form="short" suffix="." term="edition" />
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <text suffix="." variable="edition" />
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="locators">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-journal">
+ <text prefix=" " variable="volume" />
+ <text prefix=", no. " variable="issue" />
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="book">
+ <group delimiter=". " prefix=". ">
+ <group>
+ <text form="short" suffix=". " term="volume" text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ <number form="numeric" variable="volume" />
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <number form="numeric" variable="number-of-volumes" />
+ <text form="short" plural="true" prefix=" " suffix="." term="volume" />
+ </group>
+ </group>
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="locators-chapter">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="chapter">
+ <group prefix=", ">
+ <text suffix=":" variable="volume" />
+ <text variable="page" />
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="locators-article">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-newspaper">
+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=", ">
+ <group>
+ <text suffix=" " variable="edition" />
+ <text prefix=" " term="edition" />
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <text form="short" suffix=". " term="section" />
+ <text variable="section" />
+ </group>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="article-journal">
+ <text prefix=": " variable="page" />
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="point-locators">
+ <group>
+ <choose>
+ <if locator="page" match="none">
+ <label form="short" suffix=" " variable="locator" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <text variable="locator" />
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="container-prefix">
+ <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="container-title">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="chapter">
+ <text macro="container-prefix" suffix=" " />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <text font-style="italic" variable="container-title" />
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="publisher">
+ <group delimiter=": ">
+ <text variable="publisher-place" />
+ <text variable="publisher" />
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="date">
+ <date variable="issued">
+ <date-part name="year" />
+ </date>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="day-month">
+ <date variable="issued">
+ <date-part name="month" />
+ <date-part name="day" prefix=" " />
+ </date>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="collection-title">
+ <text variable="collection-title" />
+ <text prefix=" " variable="collection-number" />
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="event">
+ <group>
+ <text suffix=" " term="presented at" />
+ <text variable="event" />
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="description">
+ <group delimiter=". ">
+ <text macro="interviewer" />
+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="medium" />
+ </group>
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" variable="title"> </if>
+ <else-if type="thesis"> </else-if>
+ <else>
+ <text prefix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" />
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="issue">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-journal">
+ <text macro="day-month" prefix=" (" suffix=")" />
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="speech">
+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=" ">
+ <text macro="event" />
+ <text macro="day-month" />
+ <text variable="event-place" />
+ </group>
+ </else-if>
+ <else-if match="any" type="article-newspaper article-magazine">
+ <text macro="day-month" prefix=", " />
+ </else-if>
+ <else>
+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=". ">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="thesis">
+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <text macro="publisher" />
+ <text macro="day-month" />
+ </group>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <citation
+ disambiguate-add-givenname="true"
+ disambiguate-add-names="true"
+ disambiguate-add-year-suffix="true"
+ et-al-min="4"
+ et-al-subsequent-min="4"
+ et-al-subsequent-use-first="1"
+ et-al-use-first="1">
+ <layout delimiter="; " prefix="(" suffix=")">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <group delimiter=" ">
+ <text macro="contributors-short" />
+ <text macro="date" />
+ </group>
+ <text macro="point-locators" />
+ </group>
+ </layout>
+ </citation>
+ <bibliography
+ entry-spacing="0"
+ et-al-min="11"
+ et-al-use-first="7"
+ hanging-indent="true"
+ subsequent-author-substitute="---">
+ <sort>
+ <key macro="contributors" />
+ <key variable="issued" />
+ <key variable="title" />
+ </sort>
+ <layout suffix=".">
+ <text macro="contributors" suffix=". " />
+ <text macro="date" suffix=". " />
+ <text macro="title" />
+ <text macro="description" />
+ <text macro="secondary-contributors" prefix=". " />
+ <text macro="container-title" prefix=". " />
+ <text macro="container-contributors" />
+ <text macro="locators-chapter" />
+ <text macro="edition" prefix=". " />
+ <text macro="locators" />
+ <text macro="collection-title" prefix=". " />
+ <text macro="issue" />
+ <text macro="locators-article" />
+ <text macro="access" prefix=". " />
+ </layout>
+ </bibliography>
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index ddcb94ee0..bacb2790f 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: pandoc
-Version: 1.6.1
+Version: 1.7
Cabal-Version: >= 1.2
Build-Type: Custom
License: GPL
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ Data-Files:
-- data for slidy writer
+ -- data for citeproc
+ default.csl,
-- documentation
@@ -146,9 +148,6 @@ Flag library
Flag wrappers
Description: Build the wrappers (markdown2pdf).
Default: True
-Flag citeproc
- Description: Compile in support for citeproc-hs bibliographic formatting.
- Default: False
-- Note: the following material must be in both Library and Executable stanzas.
@@ -161,7 +160,9 @@ Library
bytestring >= 0.9, zip-archive >=,
utf8-string >= 0.3, old-time >= 1,
HTTP >= 4000.0.5, texmath >= 0.4, xml >= 1.3.5 && < 1.4,
- random, extensible-exceptions
+ random, extensible-exceptions,
+ citeproc-hs >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
+ pandoc-types == 1.7.*
if impl(ghc >= 6.10)
Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, syb
@@ -169,9 +170,6 @@ Library
if flag(highlighting)
Build-depends: highlighting-kate >=
cpp-options: -D_HIGHLIGHTING
- if flag(citeproc)
- Build-depends: citeproc-hs >= 0.2
- cpp-options: -D_CITEPROC
if impl(ghc >= 6.12)
Ghc-Options: -O2 -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
@@ -183,7 +181,6 @@ Library
Exposed-Modules: Text.Pandoc,
- Text.Pandoc.Definition,
@@ -210,13 +207,12 @@ Library
+ Text.Pandoc.Biblio
Other-Modules: Text.Pandoc.XML,
- if flag(citeproc)
- Exposed-Modules: Text.Pandoc.Biblio
if flag(library)
Buildable: True
@@ -233,7 +229,9 @@ Executable pandoc
bytestring >= 0.9, zip-archive >=,
utf8-string >= 0.3, old-time >= 1,
HTTP >= 4000.0.5, texmath, xml >= 1.3.5 && < 1.4,
- random, extensible-exceptions
+ random, extensible-exceptions,
+ citeproc-hs >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
+ pandoc-types == 1.7.*
if impl(ghc >= 6.10)
Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, syb
@@ -241,9 +239,6 @@ Executable pandoc
if flag(highlighting)
Build-depends: highlighting-kate >=
cpp-options: -D_HIGHLIGHTING
- if flag(citeproc)
- Build-depends: citeproc-hs >= 0.2
- cpp-options: -D_CITEPROC
if impl(ghc >= 6.12)
Ghc-Options: -O2 -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Biblio.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Biblio.hs
index 436eadd68..efaafd77d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Biblio.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Biblio.hs
@@ -22,45 +22,192 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Copyright : Copyright (C) 2008 Andrea Rossato
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
- Maintainer : Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@ing.unitn.it>
+ Maintainer : Andrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unitn.it>
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
module Text.Pandoc.Biblio ( processBiblio ) where
-import Control.Monad ( when )
import Data.List
-import Text.CSL
+import Data.Unique
+import Data.Char ( isDigit )
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Text.CSL hiding ( Cite(..), Citation(..) )
+import qualified Text.CSL as CSL ( Cite(..) )
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
+import Control.Monad
-- | Process a 'Pandoc' document by adding citations formatted
-- according to a CSL style, using 'citeproc' from citeproc-hs.
-processBiblio :: String -> [Reference] -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
-processBiblio cf r p
+processBiblio :: FilePath -> [Reference] -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
+processBiblio cslfile r p
= if null r then return p
else do
- when (null cf) $ error "Missing the needed citation style file"
- csl <- readCSLFile cf
- let groups = queryWith getCite p
- result = citeproc csl r groups
- cits_map = zip groups (citations result)
- biblioList = map (read . renderPandoc' csl) (bibliography result)
- Pandoc m b = processWith (processCite csl cits_map) p
- return $ Pandoc m $ b ++ biblioList
+ csl <- readCSLFile cslfile
+ p' <- processWithM setHash p
+ let (nts,grps) = if styleClass csl == "note"
+ then let cits = queryWith getCite p'
+ ncits = map (queryWith getCite) $ queryWith getNote p'
+ needNt = cits \\ concat ncits
+ in (,) needNt $ getNoteCitations needNt p'
+ else (,) [] $ queryWith getCitation p'
+ result = citeproc procOpts csl r (setNearNote csl $
+ map (map toCslCite) grps)
+ cits_map = M.fromList $ zip grps (citations result)
+ biblioList = map (renderPandoc' csl) (bibliography result)
+ Pandoc m b = processWith (procInlines $ processCite csl cits_map) p'
+ return . generateNotes nts . Pandoc m $ b ++ biblioList
-- | Substitute 'Cite' elements with formatted citations.
-processCite :: Style -> [([Target],[FormattedOutput])] -> Inline -> Inline
-processCite s cs il
- | Cite t _ <- il = Cite t (process t)
- | otherwise = il
+processCite :: Style -> M.Map [Citation] [FormattedOutput] -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
+processCite _ _ [] = []
+processCite s cs (i:is)
+ | Cite t _ <- i = process t ++ processCite s cs is
+ | otherwise = i : processCite s cs is
- process t = case elemIndex t (map fst cs) of
- Just i -> read . renderPandoc s $ snd (cs !! i)
+ addNt t x = if null x then [] else [Cite t $ renderPandoc s x]
+ process t = case M.lookup t cs of
+ Just x -> if isTextualCitation t && x /= []
+ then renderPandoc s [head x] ++ [Space] ++ addNt t (tail x)
+ else [Cite t $ renderPandoc s x]
Nothing -> [Str ("Error processing " ++ show t)]
+isTextualCitation :: [Citation] -> Bool
+isTextualCitation (c:_) = citationMode c == AuthorInText
+isTextualCitation _ = False
-- | Retrieve all citations from a 'Pandoc' docuument. To be used with
-- 'queryWith'.
-getCite :: Inline -> [[(String,String)]]
-getCite i | Cite t _ <- i = [t]
+getCitation :: Inline -> [[Citation]]
+getCitation i | Cite t _ <- i = [t]
+ | otherwise = []
+getNote :: Inline -> [Inline]
+getNote i | Note _ <- i = [i]
+ | otherwise = []
+getCite :: Inline -> [Inline]
+getCite i | Cite _ _ <- i = [i]
| otherwise = []
+getNoteCitations :: [Inline] -> Pandoc -> [[Citation]]
+getNoteCitations needNote
+ = let mvCite i = if i `elem` needNote then Note [Para [i]] else i
+ setNote = processWith mvCite
+ getCits = concat . flip (zipWith $ setCiteNoteNum) [1..] .
+ map (queryWith getCite) . queryWith getNote . setNote
+ in queryWith getCitation . getCits
+setHash :: Citation -> IO Citation
+setHash (Citation i p s cm nn _)
+ = hashUnique `fmap` newUnique >>= return . Citation i p s cm nn
+generateNotes :: [Inline] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
+generateNotes needNote = processWith (mvCiteInNote needNote)
+procInlines :: ([Inline] -> [Inline]) -> Block -> Block
+procInlines f b
+ | Plain inls <- b = Plain $ f inls
+ | Para inls <- b = Para $ f inls
+ | Header i inls <- b = Header i $ f inls
+ | otherwise = b
+mvCiteInNote :: [Inline] -> Block -> Block
+mvCiteInNote is = procInlines mvCite
+ where
+ mvCite :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
+ mvCite inls
+ | x:i:xs <- inls, startWithPunct xs
+ , x == Space, i `elem_` is = switch i xs ++ mvCite (tailFirstInlineStr xs)
+ | x:i:xs <- inls
+ , x == Space, i `elem_` is = mvInNote i : mvCite xs
+ | i:xs <- inls, i `elem_` is
+ , startWithPunct xs = switch i xs ++ mvCite (tailFirstInlineStr xs)
+ | i:xs <- inls, Note _ <- i = checkNt i : mvCite xs
+ | i:xs <- inls = i : mvCite xs
+ | otherwise = []
+ elem_ x xs = case x of Cite cs _ -> (Cite cs []) `elem` xs; _ -> False
+ switch i xs = Str (headInline xs) : mvInNote i : []
+ mvInNote i
+ | Cite t o <- i = Note [Para [Cite t $ sanitize o]]
+ | otherwise = Note [Para [i ]]
+ sanitize i
+ | endWithPunct i = toCapital i
+ | otherwise = toCapital (i ++ [Str "."])
+ checkPt i
+ | Cite c o : xs <- i
+ , endWithPunct o, startWithPunct xs
+ , endWithPunct o = Cite c (initInline o) : checkPt xs
+ | x:xs <- i = x : checkPt xs
+ | otherwise = []
+ checkNt = processWith $ procInlines checkPt
+setCiteNoteNum :: [Inline] -> Int -> [Inline]
+setCiteNoteNum ((Cite cs o):xs) n = Cite (setCitationNoteNum n cs) o : setCiteNoteNum xs n
+setCiteNoteNum _ _ = []
+setCitationNoteNum :: Int -> [Citation] -> [Citation]
+setCitationNoteNum i = map $ \c -> c { citationNoteNum = i}
+toCslCite :: Citation -> CSL.Cite
+toCslCite c
+ = let (l, s) = locatorWords $ citationSuffix c
+ (la,lo) = parseLocator l
+ citMode = case citationMode c of
+ AuthorInText -> (True, False)
+ SuppressAuthor -> (False,True )
+ NormalCitation -> (False,False)
+ in emptyCite { CSL.citeId = citationId c
+ , CSL.citePrefix = PandocText $ citationPrefix c
+ , CSL.citeSuffix = PandocText $ s
+ , CSL.citeLabel = la
+ , CSL.citeLocator = lo
+ , CSL.citeNoteNumber = show $ citationNoteNum c
+ , CSL.authorInText = fst citMode
+ , CSL.suppressAuthor = snd citMode
+ , CSL.citeHash = citationHash c
+ }
+locatorWords :: [Inline] -> (String, [Inline])
+locatorWords inp =
+ case parse pLocatorWords "suffix" inp of
+ Right r -> r
+ Left _ -> ("",inp)
+pLocatorWords :: GenParser Inline st (String, [Inline])
+pLocatorWords = do
+ l <- pLocator
+ s <- getInput -- rest is suffix
+ if length l > 0 && last l == ','
+ then return (init l, Str "," : s)
+ else return (l, s)
+pMatch :: (Inline -> Bool) -> GenParser Inline st Inline
+pMatch condition = try $ do
+ t <- anyToken
+ guard $ condition t
+ return t
+pSpace :: GenParser Inline st Inline
+pSpace = pMatch (== Space)
+pLocator :: GenParser Inline st String
+pLocator = try $ do
+ optional $ pMatch (== Str ",")
+ optional pSpace
+ f <- many1 (notFollowedBy pSpace >> anyToken)
+ gs <- many1 pWordWithDigits
+ return $ stringify f ++ (' ' : unwords gs)
+pWordWithDigits :: GenParser Inline st String
+pWordWithDigits = try $ do
+ pSpace
+ r <- many1 (notFollowedBy pSpace >> anyToken)
+ let s = stringify r
+ guard $ any isDigit s
+ return s
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fffca3b2e..000000000
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Definition.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} -- for deriving Typeable
-Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-{- |
- Module : Text.Pandoc.Definition
- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane
- License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
- Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
- Stability : alpha
- Portability : portable
-Definition of 'Pandoc' data structure for format-neutral representation
-of documents.
-module Text.Pandoc.Definition where
-import Data.Generics
-data Pandoc = Pandoc Meta [Block] deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
--- | Bibliographic information for the document: title, authors, date.
-data Meta = Meta { docTitle :: [Inline]
- , docAuthors :: [[Inline]]
- , docDate :: [Inline] }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | Alignment of a table column.
-data Alignment = AlignLeft
- | AlignRight
- | AlignCenter
- | AlignDefault deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | List attributes.
-type ListAttributes = (Int, ListNumberStyle, ListNumberDelim)
--- | Style of list numbers.
-data ListNumberStyle = DefaultStyle
- | Example
- | Decimal
- | LowerRoman
- | UpperRoman
- | LowerAlpha
- | UpperAlpha deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | Delimiter of list numbers.
-data ListNumberDelim = DefaultDelim
- | Period
- | OneParen
- | TwoParens deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | Attributes: identifier, classes, key-value pairs
-type Attr = (String, [String], [(String, String)])
--- | Block element.
-data Block
- = Plain [Inline] -- ^ Plain text, not a paragraph
- | Para [Inline] -- ^ Paragraph
- | CodeBlock Attr String -- ^ Code block (literal) with attributes
- | RawHtml String -- ^ Raw HTML block (literal)
- | BlockQuote [Block] -- ^ Block quote (list of blocks)
- | OrderedList ListAttributes [[Block]] -- ^ Ordered list (attributes
- -- and a list of items, each a list of blocks)
- | BulletList [[Block]] -- ^ Bullet list (list of items, each
- -- a list of blocks)
- | DefinitionList [([Inline],[[Block]])] -- ^ Definition list
- -- Each list item is a pair consisting of a
- -- term (a list of inlines) and one or more
- -- definitions (each a list of blocks)
- | Header Int [Inline] -- ^ Header - level (integer) and text (inlines)
- | HorizontalRule -- ^ Horizontal rule
- | Table [Inline] [Alignment] [Double] [[Block]] [[[Block]]] -- ^ Table,
- -- with caption, column alignments,
- -- relative column widths (0 = default),
- -- column headers (each a list of blocks), and
- -- rows (each a list of lists of blocks)
- | Null -- ^ Nothing
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
--- | Type of quotation marks to use in Quoted inline.
-data QuoteType = SingleQuote | DoubleQuote deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | Link target (URL, title).
-type Target = (String, String)
--- | Type of math element (display or inline).
-data MathType = DisplayMath | InlineMath deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | Inline elements.
-data Inline
- = Str String -- ^ Text (string)
- | Emph [Inline] -- ^ Emphasized text (list of inlines)
- | Strong [Inline] -- ^ Strongly emphasized text (list of inlines)
- | Strikeout [Inline] -- ^ Strikeout text (list of inlines)
- | Superscript [Inline] -- ^ Superscripted text (list of inlines)
- | Subscript [Inline] -- ^ Subscripted text (list of inlines)
- | SmallCaps [Inline] -- ^ Small caps text (list of inlines)
- | Quoted QuoteType [Inline] -- ^ Quoted text (list of inlines)
- | Cite [Target] [Inline] -- ^ Citation (list of inlines)
- | Code String -- ^ Inline code (literal)
- | Space -- ^ Inter-word space
- | EmDash -- ^ Em dash
- | EnDash -- ^ En dash
- | Apostrophe -- ^ Apostrophe
- | Ellipses -- ^ Ellipses
- | LineBreak -- ^ Hard line break
- | Math MathType String -- ^ TeX math (literal)
- | TeX String -- ^ LaTeX code (literal)
- | HtmlInline String -- ^ HTML code (literal)
- | Link [Inline] Target -- ^ Hyperlink: text (list of inlines), target
- | Image [Inline] Target -- ^ Image: alt text (list of inlines), target
- -- and target
- | Note [Block] -- ^ Footnote or endnote
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable, Data)
--- | Applies a transformation on @a@s to matching elements in a @b@.
-processWith :: (Data a, Data b) => (a -> a) -> b -> b
-processWith f = everywhere (mkT f)
--- | Like 'processWith', but with monadic transformations.
-processWithM :: (Monad m, Data a, Data b) => (a -> m a) -> b -> m b
-processWithM f = everywhereM (mkM f)
--- | Runs a query on matching @a@ elements in a @c@.
-queryWith :: (Data a, Data c) => (a -> [b]) -> c -> [b]
-queryWith f = everything (++) ([] `mkQ` f)
-{-# DEPRECATED processPandoc "Use processWith instead" #-}
-processPandoc :: Data a => (a -> a) -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
-processPandoc = processWith
-{-# DEPRECATED queryPandoc "Use queryWith instead" #-}
-queryPandoc :: Data a => (a -> [b]) -> Pandoc -> [b]
-queryPandoc = queryWith
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
index dce99fd75..47e97c7cc 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -586,9 +586,7 @@ data ParserState = ParserState
stateQuoteContext :: QuoteContext, -- ^ Inside quoted environment?
stateSanitizeHTML :: Bool, -- ^ Sanitize HTML?
stateKeys :: KeyTable, -- ^ List of reference keys
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
stateCitations :: [String], -- ^ List of available citations
stateNotes :: NoteTable, -- ^ List of notes
stateTabStop :: Int, -- ^ Tab stop
stateStandalone :: Bool, -- ^ Parse bibliographic info?
@@ -616,9 +614,7 @@ defaultParserState =
stateQuoteContext = NoQuote,
stateSanitizeHTML = False,
stateKeys = M.empty,
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
stateCitations = [],
stateNotes = [],
stateTabStop = 4,
stateStandalone = False,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
index 5ccbc4fb1..462267d89 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/HTML.hs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (
+ htmlTag,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index b655ea1a9..d39050243 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown (
import Data.List ( transpose, isSuffixOf, sortBy, findIndex, intercalate )
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
-import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum )
+import Data.Char ( isAlphaNum, isPunctuation )
import Data.Maybe
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
@@ -373,6 +373,7 @@ attributes = try $ do
attribute :: GenParser Char st ([Char], [[Char]], [([Char], [Char])])
attribute = identifierAttr <|> classAttr <|> keyValAttr
identifier :: GenParser Char st [Char]
identifier = do
first <- letter
@@ -912,9 +913,7 @@ inlineParsers = [ str
, note
, inlineNote
, link
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- , inlineCitation
+ , cite
, image
, math
, strikeout
@@ -1305,38 +1304,94 @@ rawHtmlInline' = do
else choice [htmlComment, anyHtmlInlineTag]
return $ HtmlInline result
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
-inlineCitation :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
-inlineCitation = try $ do
+-- Citations
+cite :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
+cite = do
- cit <- citeMarker
- let citations = readWith parseCitation defaultParserState cit
- mr <- mapM chkCit citations
- if catMaybes mr /= []
- then return $ Cite citations []
- else fail "no citation found"
-chkCit :: Target -> GenParser Char ParserState (Maybe Target)
-chkCit t = do
+ citations <- textualCite <|> normalCite
+ return $ Cite citations []
+spnl :: GenParser Char st ()
+spnl = try $ do
+ skipSpaces
+ optional newline
+ skipSpaces
+ notFollowedBy (char '\n')
+textualCite :: GenParser Char ParserState [Citation]
+textualCite = try $ do
+ (_, key) <- citeKey
+ let first = Citation{ citationId = key
+ , citationPrefix = []
+ , citationSuffix = []
+ , citationMode = AuthorInText
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+ rest <- option [] $ try $ spnl >> normalCite
+ if null rest
+ then option [first] $ bareloc first
+ else return $ first : rest
+bareloc :: Citation -> GenParser Char ParserState [Citation]
+bareloc c = try $ do
+ spnl
+ char '['
+ suff <- suffix
+ rest <- option [] $ try $ char ';' >> citeList
+ spnl
+ char ']'
+ return $ c{ citationSuffix = suff } : rest
+normalCite :: GenParser Char ParserState [Citation]
+normalCite = try $ do
+ char '['
+ spnl
+ citations <- citeList
+ spnl
+ char ']'
+ return citations
+citeKey :: GenParser Char ParserState (Bool, String)
+citeKey = try $ do
+ suppress_author <- option False (char '-' >> return True)
+ char '@'
+ first <- letter
+ rest <- many $ (noneOf ",;]@ \t\n")
+ let key = first:rest
st <- getState
- case lookupKeySrc (stateKeys st) (Key [Str $ fst t]) of
- Just _ -> fail "This is a link"
- Nothing -> if elem (fst t) $ stateCitations st
- then return $ Just t
- else return $ Nothing
-citeMarker :: GenParser Char ParserState String
-citeMarker = char '[' >> manyTill ( noneOf "\n" <|> (newline >>~ notFollowedBy blankline) ) (char ']')
-parseCitation :: GenParser Char ParserState [(String,String)]
-parseCitation = try $ sepBy (parseLabel) (oneOf ";")
-parseLabel :: GenParser Char ParserState (String,String)
-parseLabel = try $ do
- res <- sepBy (skipSpaces >> optional newline >> skipSpaces >> many1 (noneOf "@;")) (oneOf "@")
- case res of
- [lab,loc] -> return (lab, loc)
- [lab] -> return (lab, "" )
- _ -> return ("" , "" )
+ guard $ key `elem` stateCitations st
+ return (suppress_author, key)
+suffix :: GenParser Char ParserState [Inline]
+suffix = try $ do
+ spnl
+ res <- many $ notFollowedBy (oneOf ";]") >> inline
+ return $ case res of
+ [] -> []
+ (Str (y:_) : _) | isPunctuation y
+ -> res
+ _ -> Str "," : Space : res
+prefix :: GenParser Char ParserState [Inline]
+prefix = liftM normalizeSpaces $
+ manyTill inline (char ']' <|> liftM (const ']') (lookAhead citeKey))
+citeList :: GenParser Char ParserState [Citation]
+citeList = sepBy1 citation (try $ char ';' >> spnl)
+citation :: GenParser Char ParserState Citation
+citation = try $ do
+ pref <- prefix
+ (suppress_author, key) <- citeKey
+ suff <- suffix
+ return $ Citation{ citationId = key
+ , citationPrefix = pref
+ , citationSuffix = suff
+ , citationMode = if suppress_author
+ then SuppressAuthor
+ else NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
index 0fdaf42f3..f2f38519b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
-- * Pandoc block and inline list processing
+ stringify,
Element (..),
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Shared (
-- * File handling
+ findDataFile,
) where
@@ -339,6 +341,15 @@ normalizeSpaces list =
else lst
in removeLeading $ removeTrailing $ removeDoubles list
+-- | Convert list of inlines to a string with formatting removed.
+stringify :: [Inline] -> String
+stringify = queryWith go
+ where go :: Inline -> [Char]
+ go Space = " "
+ go (Str x) = x
+ go (Code x) = x
+ go _ = ""
-- | Change final list item from @Para@ to @Plain@ if the list contains
-- no other @Para@ blocks.
compactify :: [[Block]] -- ^ List of list items (each a list of blocks)
@@ -538,11 +549,17 @@ inDirectory path action = do
setCurrentDirectory oldDir
return result
+-- | Get file path for data file, either from specified user data directory,
+-- or, if not found there, from Cabal data directory.
+findDataFile :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
+findDataFile Nothing f = getDataFileName f
+findDataFile (Just u) f = do
+ ex <- doesFileExist (u </> f)
+ if ex
+ then return (u </> f)
+ else getDataFileName f
-- | Read file from specified user data directory or, if not found there, from
-- Cabal data directory.
readDataFile :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO String
-readDataFile userDir fname =
- case userDir of
- Nothing -> getDataFileName fname >>= UTF8.readFile
- Just u -> catch (UTF8.readFile $ u </> fname)
- (\_ -> getDataFileName fname >>= UTF8.readFile)
+readDataFile userDir fname = findDataFile userDir fname >>= UTF8.readFile
diff --git a/src/pandoc.hs b/src/pandoc.hs
index 4f5a1c32a..f73391b6b 100644
--- a/src/pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/pandoc.hs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module Main where
import Text.Pandoc
import Text.Pandoc.S5 (s5HeaderIncludes)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( tabFilter, ObfuscationMethod (..), readDataFile,
- headerShift )
+ headerShift, findDataFile )
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( languages )
@@ -42,13 +42,11 @@ import System.FilePath
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Data.Char ( toLower, isDigit )
import Data.List ( intercalate, isSuffixOf )
-import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )
+import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory, doesFileExist )
import System.IO ( stdout, stderr )
import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
import Text.CSL
import Text.Pandoc.Biblio
import Control.Monad (when, unless, liftM)
import Network.HTTP (simpleHTTP, mkRequest, getResponseBody, RequestMethod(..))
import Network.URI (parseURI, isURI, URI(..))
@@ -64,9 +62,7 @@ copyrightMessage = "\nCopyright (C) 2006-2010 John MacFarlane\n" ++
compileInfo :: String
compileInfo =
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
"\nCompiled with citeproc support." ++
"\nCompiled with syntax highlighting support for:\n" ++
wrapWords 78 languages ++
@@ -163,11 +159,8 @@ data Opt = Opt
, optIdentifierPrefix :: String
, optIndentedCodeClasses :: [String] -- ^ Default classes for indented code blocks
, optDataDir :: Maybe FilePath
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- , optBiblioFile :: String
- , optBiblioFormat :: String
- , optCslFile :: String
+ , optBibliography :: [Reference]
+ , optCslFile :: FilePath
-- | Defaults for command-line options.
@@ -205,11 +198,8 @@ defaultOpts = Opt
, optIdentifierPrefix = ""
, optIndentedCodeClasses = []
, optDataDir = Nothing
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- , optBiblioFile = []
- , optBiblioFormat = []
- , optCslFile = []
+ , optBibliography = []
+ , optCslFile = ""
-- | A list of functions, each transforming the options data structure
@@ -520,23 +510,23 @@ options =
exitWith ExitSuccess)
"" -- "Print default template for FORMAT"
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- , Option "" ["biblio"]
+ , Option "" ["bibliography"]
- (\arg opt -> return opt { optBiblioFile = arg} )
+ (\arg opt -> do
+ refs <- catch (readBiblioFile arg) $ \e -> do
+ UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $
+ "Error reading bibliography `" ++ arg ++ "'"
+ UTF8.hPutStrLn stderr $ show e
+ exitWith (ExitFailure 23)
+ return opt { optBibliography =
+ optBibliography opt ++ refs } )
- , Option "" ["biblio-format"]
- (ReqArg
- (\arg opt -> return opt { optBiblioFormat = arg} )
- ""
, Option "" ["csl"]
- (\arg opt -> return opt { optCslFile = arg} )
+ (\arg opt -> return opt { optCslFile = arg })
, Option "" ["data-dir"]
(\arg opt -> return opt { optDataDir = Just arg })
@@ -684,11 +674,8 @@ main = do
, optIdentifierPrefix = idPrefix
, optIndentedCodeClasses = codeBlockClasses
, optDataDir = mbDataDir
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- , optBiblioFile = biblioFile
- , optBiblioFormat = biblioFormat
- , optCslFile = cslFile
+ , optBibliography = refs
+ , optCslFile = cslfile
} = opts
when dumpArgs $
@@ -747,10 +734,6 @@ main = do
let standalone' = standalone || isNonTextOutput writerName'
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- refs <- if null biblioFile then return [] else readBiblioFile biblioFile biblioFormat
variables' <- case (writerName', standalone', offline) of
("s5", True, True) -> do
inc <- s5HeaderIncludes datadir
@@ -789,9 +772,7 @@ main = do
stateLiterateHaskell = "+lhs" `isSuffixOf` readerName' ||
lhsExtension sources,
stateStandalone = standalone',
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- stateCitations = map citeKey refs,
+ stateCitations = map refId refs,
stateSmart = smart || writerName' `elem`
["latex", "context", "latex+lhs", "man"],
stateColumns = columns,
@@ -849,11 +830,21 @@ main = do
let doc' = foldr ($) doc transforms
doc'' <- do
-#ifdef _CITEPROC
- processBiblio cslFile refs doc'
- return doc'
+ if null refs
+ then return doc'
+ else do
+ csldir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "csl"
+ cslfile' <- if null cslfile
+ then findDataFile datadir "default.csl"
+ else do
+ ex <- doesFileExist cslfile
+ if ex
+ then return cslfile
+ else findDataFile datadir $
+ replaceDirectory
+ (replaceExtension cslfile "csl")
+ csldir
+ processBiblio cslfile' refs doc'
writerOutput <- writer writerOptions doc''
diff --git a/tests/RunTests.hs b/tests/RunTests.hs
index cf2997a06..5c6e136e3 100644
--- a/tests/RunTests.hs
+++ b/tests/RunTests.hs
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ main = do
"latex-reader.latex" "latex-reader.native"
r11 <- runTest "native reader" ["-r", "native", "-w", "native", "-s"]
"testsuite.native" "testsuite.native"
+ r14s <- mapM (\style -> runTest ("markdown reader (citations) (" ++ style ++ ")") ["-r", "markdown", "-w", "html", "--bibliography", "biblio.bib", "--csl", style ++ ".csl"] "markdown-citations.txt" ("markdown-citations." ++ style ++ ".html")) ["chicago-author-date","ieee","mhra"]
r12s <- if runLhsTests
then mapM runLhsWriterTest lhsWriterFormats
else putStrLn "Skipping lhs writer tests because they presuppose highlighting support" >> return []
@@ -114,13 +115,14 @@ main = do
then mapM runLhsReaderTest lhsReaderFormats
else putStrLn "Skipping lhs reader tests because they presuppose highlighting support" >> return []
let results = r1s ++
[ r2, r3, r4, r5 -- S5
, r6, r7, r7a -- markdown reader
, r8, r8a -- rst
, r9 -- html
, r10 -- latex
, r11 -- native
- ] ++ r12s ++ r13s
+ ] ++ r12s ++ r13s ++ r14s
if all id results
then do
putStrLn "\nAll tests passed."
@@ -166,7 +168,8 @@ runTest testname opts inp norm = do
let normPath = norm
hFlush stdout
-- Note: COLUMNS must be set for markdown table reader
- ph <- runProcess pandocPath (opts ++ [inpPath] ++ ["--data-dir", ".."]) Nothing (Just [("COLUMNS", "80")]) Nothing (Just hOut) (Just stderr)
+ ph <- runProcess pandocPath (opts ++ [inpPath] ++ ["--data-dir", ".."]) Nothing
+ (Just [("LANG","en_US.UTF-8"),("COLUMNS", "80"),("HOME", "./")]) Nothing (Just hOut) (Just stderr)
ec <- waitForProcess ph
result <- if ec == ExitSuccess
then do
diff --git a/tests/biblio.bib b/tests/biblio.bib
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..755d535a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/biblio.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+author="John Doe",
+title="First Book",
+publisher="Cambridge University Press"
+author="John Doe",
+journal="Journal of Generic Studies",
+author="John Doe and Jenny Roe",
+title="Why Water Is Wet",
+booktitle="Third Book",
+editor="Sam Smith",
+publisher="Oxford University Press",
diff --git a/tests/chicago-author-date.csl b/tests/chicago-author-date.csl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f16f82305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/chicago-author-date.csl
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<style xmlns="http://purl.org/net/xbiblio/csl" class="in-text" version="1.0" page-range-format="chicago">
+ <info>
+ <title>Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date format)</title>
+ <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date</id>
+ <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date" rel="self"/>
+ <author>
+ <name>Julian Onions</name>
+ <email>julian.onions@gmail.com</email>
+ </author>
+ <category citation-format="author-date"/>
+ <category field="generic-base"/>
+ <updated>2009-12-04T20:22:16+00:00</updated>
+ <summary>The author-date variant of the Chicago style</summary>
+ <link href="http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html" rel="documentation"/>
+ </info>
+ <macro name="secondary-contributors">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" type="chapter">
+ <group delimiter=". ">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="author">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <if match="any" variable="author editor">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="container-contributors">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="chapter">
+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=",">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="author">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="lowercase" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <choose>
+ <if match="any" variable="author editor">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=" " suffix=". " text-case="lowercase" />
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " />
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="anon">
+ <choose>
+ <if match="none" variable="author editor translator">
+ <text form="short" term="anonymous" text-case="capitalize-first" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="editor">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " />
+ <label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="." />
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="translator">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always" name-as-sort-order="first" sort-separator=", " />
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="." />
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="recipient">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="personal_communication">
+ <choose>
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+ <substitute>
+ <names variable="editor" />
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+ <text variable="URL" />
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+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
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+ <else>
+ <text variable="title" />
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+ </choose>
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+ <choose>
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+ <choose>
+ <if is-numeric="edition">
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+ <number form="ordinal" variable="edition" />
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+ </if>
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+ <text prefix=", no. " variable="issue" />
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+ </group>
+ <group>
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+ </group>
+ </group>
+ </else-if>
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+ <if type="chapter">
+ <group prefix=", ">
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+ <text variable="page" />
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+ </if>
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+ <group delimiter=". ">
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+ <macro name="issue">
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+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=" ">
+ <text macro="event" />
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+ <text variable="event-place" />
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+ <text macro="day-month" prefix=", " />
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+ <else>
+ <group delimiter=", " prefix=". ">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="thesis">
+ <text text-case="capitalize-first" variable="genre" />
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <text macro="publisher" />
+ <text macro="day-month" />
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+ <key macro="contributors" />
+ <key variable="issued" />
+ <key variable="title" />
+ </sort>
+ <layout suffix=".">
+ <text macro="contributors" suffix=". " />
+ <text macro="date" suffix=". " />
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+ <text macro="description" />
+ <text macro="secondary-contributors" prefix=". " />
+ <text macro="container-title" prefix=". " />
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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+ <title>IEEE</title>
+ <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/ieee</id>
+ <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/ieee" rel="self"/>
+ <author>
+ <name>Michael Berkowitz</name>
+ <email>mberkowi@gmu.edu</email>
+ </author>
+ <contributor>
+ <name>Julian Onions</name>
+ <email>julian.onions@gmail.com</email>
+ </contributor>
+ <contributor>
+ <name>Rintze Zelle</name>
+ <uri>http://forums.zotero.org/account/831/</uri>
+ </contributor>
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+ <else>
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+ <date-part name="year"/>
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+ <date-part name="day" suffix=", "/>
+ <date-part name="year"/>
+ </date>
+ </else-if>
+ <else-if type="thesis">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text macro="title"/>
+ <text variable="genre"/>
+ <text variable="publisher"/>
+ <date variable="issued">
+ <date-part name="year"/>
+ </date>
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+ <date-part name="month" form="short" suffix=". " strip-periods="true"/>
+ <date-part name="year"/>
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+ </group>
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+ </bibliography>
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d3809c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.chicago-author-date.html
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<h1 id="pandoc-with-citeproc-hs"
+>Pandoc with citeproc-hs</h1
+>Doe (2005) says blah. Doe (2005, 30) says blah. Doe (2005, 30, with suffix) says blah. Doe (2005; 2006, 30; see also Doe and Roe 2007) says blah.</p
+>In a note.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn1" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref1"
+ >1</a
+ ></sup
+ > A citation group (see Doe 2005, 34-35; also Doe and Roe 2007, chap. 3). Another one (see Doe 2005, 34-35). And another one in a note.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn2" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref2"
+ >2</a
+ ></sup
+ > Citation with a suffix and locator (Doe 2005, 33, 35-37, and nowhere else). Citation with suffix only (Doe 2005, and nowhere else).</p
+>Now some modifiers.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn3" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref3"
+ >3</a
+ ></sup
+ ></p
+><h1 id="references"
+>Doe, John. 2005. <em
+ >First Book</em
+ >. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</p
+>---. 2006. Article. <em
+ >Journal of Generic Studies</em
+ > 6: 33-34.</p
+>Doe, John, and Jenny Roe. 2007. Why Water Is Wet. In <em
+ >Third Book</em
+ >, ed. Sam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press.</p
+><div class="footnotes"
+ /><ol
+ ><li id="fn1"
+ ><p
+ >A citation without locators (Doe and Roe 2007). <a href="#fnref1" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 1">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn2"
+ ><p
+ >Some citations (see Doe 2006, chap. 3; Doe and Roe 2007; Doe 2005). <a href="#fnref2" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 2">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn3"
+ ><p
+ >Like a citation without author: (2005), and now Doe with a locator (2006, 44). <a href="#fnref3" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 3">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ></ol
+ ></div
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/markdown-citations.ieee.html b/tests/markdown-citations.ieee.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..753ebe82e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.ieee.html
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<h1 id="pandoc-with-citeproc-hs"
+>Pandoc with citeproc-hs</h1
+>Reference [1] says blah. Reference [1] says blah. Reference [1] says blah. Reference [1] says blah.</p
+>In a note.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn1" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref1"
+ >1</a
+ ></sup
+ > A citation group [1],[3]. Another one [1]. And another one in a note.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn2" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref2"
+ >2</a
+ ></sup
+ > Citation with a suffix and locator [1]. Citation with suffix only [1].</p
+>Now some modifiers.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn3" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref3"
+ >3</a
+ ></sup
+ ></p
+><h1 id="references"
+>[1] J. Doe, <em
+ >First Book</em
+ >, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.</p
+>[2] J. Doe, “Article”, <em
+ >Journal of Generic Studies</em
+ >, vol. 6, 2006, pp. 33-34.</p
+>[3] J. Doe and J. Roe, “Why Water Is Wet”, <em
+ >Third Book</em
+ >, Smith, S., Ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.</p
+><div class="footnotes"
+ /><ol
+ ><li id="fn1"
+ ><p
+ >A citation without locators [3]. <a href="#fnref1" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 1">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn2"
+ ><p
+ >Some citations [1]-[3]. <a href="#fnref2" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 2">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn3"
+ ><p
+ >Like a citation without author: [1], and now Doe with a locator [2]. <a href="#fnref3" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 3">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ></ol
+ ></div
+> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.html b/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..76ca1b2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.mhra.html
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+<h1 id="pandoc-with-citeproc-hs"
+>Pandoc with citeproc-hs</h1
+>John Doe<sup
+ ><a href="#fn1" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref1"
+ >1</a
+ ></sup
+ > says blah. Doe<sup
+ ><a href="#fn2" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref2"
+ >2</a
+ ></sup
+ > says blah. Doe<sup
+ ><a href="#fn3" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref3"
+ >3</a
+ ></sup
+ > says blah. Doe<sup
+ ><a href="#fn4" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref4"
+ >4</a
+ ></sup
+ > says blah.</p
+>In a note.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn5" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref5"
+ >5</a
+ ></sup
+ > A citation group.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn6" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref6"
+ >6</a
+ ></sup
+ > Another one.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn7" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref7"
+ >7</a
+ ></sup
+ > And another one in a note.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn8" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref8"
+ >8</a
+ ></sup
+ > Citation with a suffix and locator.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn9" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref9"
+ >9</a
+ ></sup
+ > Citation with suffix only.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn10" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref10"
+ >10</a
+ ></sup
+ ></p
+>Now some modifiers.<sup
+ ><a href="#fn11" class="footnoteRef" id="fnref11"
+ >11</a
+ ></sup
+ ></p
+><h1 id="references"
+>Doe, John, ‘Article’, <em
+ >Journal of Generic Studies</em
+ >, 6 (2006), 33-34.</p
+>---, <em
+ >First Book</em
+ > (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).</p
+>Doe, John, and Jenny Roe, ‘Why Water Is Wet’, in <em
+ >Third Book</em
+ >, ed by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007).</p
+><div class="footnotes"
+ /><ol
+ ><li id="fn1"
+ ><p
+ ><em
+ >First Book</em
+ > (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005). <a href="#fnref1" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 1">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn2"
+ ><p
+ >First Book, p. 30. <a href="#fnref2" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 2">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn3"
+ ><p
+ >First Book, p. 30, with suffix. <a href="#fnref3" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 3">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn4"
+ ><p
+ >First Book; ‘Article’, <em
+ >Journal of Generic Studies</em
+ >, 6 (2006), 33-34 (p. 30); see also John Doe and Jenny Roe, ‘Why Water Is Wet’, in <em
+ >Third Book</em
+ >, ed by Sam Smith (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007). <a href="#fnref4" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 4">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn5"
+ ><p
+ >A citation without locators Doe and Roe. <a href="#fnref5" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 5">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn6"
+ ><p
+ >See Doe, First Book, pp. 34-35; also Doe and Roe, chap. 3. <a href="#fnref6" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 6">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn7"
+ ><p
+ >See Doe, First Book, pp. 34-35. <a href="#fnref7" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 7">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn8"
+ ><p
+ >Some citations see Doe, Article, 33-34 (chap. 3); Doe and Roe; Doe, First Book. <a href="#fnref8" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 8">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn9"
+ ><p
+ >Doe, First Book, pp. 33, 35-37, and nowhere else. <a href="#fnref9" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 9">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn10"
+ ><p
+ >Doe, First Book, and nowhere else. <a href="#fnref10" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 10">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ><li id="fn11"
+ ><p
+ >Like a citation without author: First Book, and now Doe with a locator Article, 33-34 (p. 44). <a href="#fnref11" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 11">↩</a></p
+ ></li
+ ></ol
+ ></div
+> \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c54a41304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/markdown-citations.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Pandoc with citeproc-hs
+@item1 says blah.
+@item1 [p. 30] says blah.
+@item1 [p. 30, with suffix] says blah.
+@item1 [-@item2 p. 30; see also @item3] says blah.
+In a note.[^1] A citation group [see
+@item1 p. 34-35; also @item3 chap. 3]. Another one [see
+@item1 p. 34-35]. And another one in a note.[^2]
+Citation with a suffix and locator [@item1 pp. 33, 35-37,
+and nowhere else]. Citation with suffix only
+[@item1, and nowhere else].
+Now some modifiers.[^3]
+ A citation without locators [@item3].
+ Some citations [see @item2 chap. 3; @item3; @item1].
+ Like a citation without author: [-@item1], and now Doe with a
+ locator [-@item2 p. 44].
+# References
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4749cdcd7
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+ <title>Modern Humanities Research Association (Note with Bibliography)</title>
+ <id>http://www.zotero.org/styles/mhra</id>
+ <link href="http://www.zotero.org/styles/mhra" rel="self"/>
+ <link href="http://www.mhra.org.uk/Publications/Books/StyleGuide/download.shtml" rel="documentation"/>
+ <author>
+ <name>Rintze Zelle</name>
+ <uri>http://forums.zotero.org/account/831/</uri>
+ </author>
+ <contributor>
+ <name>Sebastian Karcher</name>
+ </contributor>
+ <summary>MHRA format with full notes and bibliography</summary>
+ <category field="generic-base"/>
+ <category citation-format="note"/>
+ <updated>2009-12-15T12:42:52+00:00</updated>
+ </info>
+ <locale xml:lang="en">
+ <terms>
+ <term name="et-al">and others</term>
+ <term name="editor" form="verb-short">ed. by</term>
+ <term name="edition" form="short">edn</term>
+ <term name="translator" form="verb-short">trans. by</term>
+ </terms>
+ </locale>
+ <macro name="author">
+ <names variable="author">
+ <name name-as-sort-order="first" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>
+ <label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
+ <substitute>
+ <names variable="editor"/>
+ <names variable="translator"/>
+ <text macro="title-note"/>
+ </substitute>
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="contributors-note">
+ <names variable="author">
+ <name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+ </names>
+ <text macro="recipient-note"/>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="title-note">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song" match="any">
+ <text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <text variable="title" prefix="‘" suffix="’"/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="editor-translator">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <names variable="editor" delimiter=", ">
+ <label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"/>
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+ </names>
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="author editor" match="any">
+ <names variable="translator" delimiter=", ">
+ <label form="verb-short" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" " strip-periods="true"/>
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+ </names>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="collection-title">
+ <text variable="collection-title"/>
+ <text variable="collection-number" prefix=", "/>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="locators-note">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-journal">
+ <text variable="volume"/>
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text macro="edition-note"/>
+ <group>
+ <number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
+ <text term="volume" form="short" prefix=" " plural="true" strip-periods="true"/>
+ </group>
+ </group>
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="volume">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-journal">
+ <text variable="volume"/>
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text macro="edition-note"/>
+ <group>
+ <number variable="number-of-volumes" form="numeric"/>
+ <text term="volume" form="short" prefix=" " plural="true" strip-periods="true"/>
+ </group>
+ </group>
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="issue-note">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-journal">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="volume">
+ <text macro="issued" prefix=" (" suffix=")"/>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </if>
+ <else-if variable="publisher-place publisher" match="any">
+ <group prefix=" (" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
+ <group delimiter=" ">
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="title" match="none"/>
+ <else-if type="thesis speech" match="any">
+ <text variable="genre" prefix="unpublished "/>
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ <text macro="event"/>
+ </group>
+ <text macro="publisher"/>
+ <text macro="issued"/>
+ </group>
+ </else-if>
+ <else>
+ <text macro="issued" prefix=", "/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="locators-specific-note">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+ <choose>
+ <if is-numeric="volume">
+ <number variable="volume" form="roman" font-variant="small-caps"/>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="container-title-note">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+ <text term="in" text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ <text variable="container-title" font-style="italic"/>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="edition-note">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+ <choose>
+ <if is-numeric="edition">
+ <group delimiter=" ">
+ <number variable="edition" form="ordinal"/>
+ <text term="edition" form="short" strip-periods="true"/>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <text variable="edition"/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="editor-note">
+ <names variable="editor">
+ <name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", "/>
+ <label form="short" prefix=", " suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="translator-note">
+ <names variable="translator">
+ <name and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", "/>
+ <label form="verb-short" prefix=", " suffix="." strip-periods="true"/>
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="recipient-note">
+ <names variable="recipient" delimiter=", ">
+ <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="recipient-short">
+ <names variable="recipient">
+ <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
+ <name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", "/>
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="contributors-short">
+ <names variable="author">
+ <name form="short" and="text" sort-separator=", " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="never"/>
+ <substitute>
+ <names variable="editor"/>
+ <names variable="translator"/>
+ </substitute>
+ </names>
+ <text macro="recipient-short"/>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="interviewer-note">
+ <names variable="interviewer" delimiter=", ">
+ <label form="verb" prefix=" " text-case="lowercase" suffix=" "/>
+ <name and="text" delimiter=", "/>
+ </names>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="locators-newspaper">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-newspaper">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <group>
+ <text variable="edition" suffix=" "/>
+ <text term="edition" prefix=" "/>
+ </group>
+ <group>
+ <text term="section" suffix=" "/>
+ <text variable="section"/>
+ </group>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="event">
+ <group>
+ <text term="presented at" suffix=" "/>
+ <text variable="event"/>
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="publisher">
+ <group delimiter=": ">
+ <text variable="publisher-place"/>
+ <text variable="publisher"/>
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="issued">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="graphic report article-newspaper" match="any">
+ <date variable="issued">
+ <date-part name="day" suffix=" "/>
+ <date-part name="month" suffix=" "/>
+ <date-part name="year"/>
+ </date>
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song thesis chapter paper-conference" match="any">
+ <date variable="issued">
+ <date-part name="year"/>
+ </date>
+ </else-if>
+ <else>
+ <date variable="issued">
+ <date-part name="year"/>
+ </date>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="pages">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="article-journal">
+ <text variable="page" prefix=", "/>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="volume">
+ <text variable="page" prefix=", "/>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <label variable="page" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
+ <text variable="page"/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="point-locators">
+ <text macro="pages"/>
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="page">
+ <group prefix=" (" suffix=")">
+ <label variable="locator" form="short" suffix=" "/>
+ <text variable="locator"/>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <label variable="locator" form="short" prefix=", " suffix=" "/>
+ <text variable="locator"/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="archive-note">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text variable="archive_location"/>
+ <text variable="archive"/>
+ <text variable="archive-place"/>
+ </group>
+ </macro>
+ <macro name="access-note">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <choose>
+ <if type="graphic report" match="any">
+ <text macro="archive-note" prefix=", "/>
+ </if>
+ <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case motion_picture report song article-journal article-magazine article-newspaper thesis chapter paper-conference" match="none">
+ <text macro="archive-note" prefix=", "/>
+ </else-if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="DOI">
+ <text variable="DOI" prefix=" &lt;doi:" suffix="&gt;"/>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <text variable="URL" prefix=" &lt;" suffix="&gt;"/>
+ <choose>
+ <if variable="accessed">
+ <group prefix=" [" suffix="]">
+ <text term="accessed" text-case="lowercase"/>
+ <date variable="accessed">
+ <date-part name="day" prefix=" "/>
+ <date-part name="month" prefix=" "/>
+ <date-part name="year" prefix=" "/>
+ </date>
+ </group>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </macro>
+ <citation et-al-min="4" et-al-use-first="1" et-al-subsequent-min="4" et-al-subsequent-use-first="1" disambiguate-add-names="true" disambiguate-add-givenname="true" givenname-disambiguation-rule="by-cite">
+ <layout prefix="" suffix="." delimiter="; ">
+ <choose>
+ <if position="subsequent">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text macro="contributors-short"/>
+ <choose>
+ <if disambiguate="true">
+ <text variable="title" form="short"/>
+ </if>
+ </choose>
+ </group>
+ <text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
+ <text macro="point-locators"/>
+ </if>
+ <else>
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text macro="contributors-note"/>
+ <text macro="title-note"/>
+ <text macro="container-title-note"/>
+ <text macro="editor-translator"/>
+ <text macro="collection-title"/>
+ <text macro="locators-note"/>
+ </group>
+ <text macro="issue-note"/>
+ <text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
+ <text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
+ <text macro="point-locators"/>
+ <text macro="access-note"/>
+ </else>
+ </choose>
+ </layout>
+ </citation>
+ <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="6" et-al-use-first="6" subsequent-author-substitute="---">
+ <sort>
+ <key macro="author"/>
+ <key variable="title"/>
+ </sort>
+ <layout suffix=".">
+ <group delimiter=", ">
+ <text macro="author"/>
+ <text macro="title-note"/>
+ <text macro="container-title-note"/>
+ <text macro="editor-translator"/>
+ <text macro="collection-title"/>
+ <text macro="volume"/>
+ </group>
+ <text macro="issue-note"/>
+ <text macro="locators-specific-note" prefix=", "/>
+ <text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
+ <text macro="pages"/>
+ <text macro="access-note"/>
+ </layout>
+ </bibliography>
+</style> \ No newline at end of file