diff options
4 files changed, 569 insertions, 621 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
index 28ea2bd2f..aebdcae4c 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Parsing ( anyLine,
- readWithWarnings,
+ returnWarnings,
+ returnState,
@@ -104,11 +105,8 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Parsing ( anyLine,
- F(..),
- runF,
- askF,
- asksF,
+ generalize,
-- * Re-exports from Text.Pandoc.Parsec
@@ -188,7 +186,7 @@ import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Identity
-import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (*>), (<*), (<$), Applicative)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (*>), (<*), (<$))
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
@@ -196,22 +194,6 @@ type Parser t s = Parsec t s
type ParserT = ParsecT
-newtype F a = F { unF :: Reader ParserState a } deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor)
-runF :: F a -> ParserState -> a
-runF = runReader . unF
-askF :: F ParserState
-askF = F ask
-asksF :: (ParserState -> a) -> F a
-asksF f = F $ asks f
-instance Monoid a => Monoid (F a) where
- mempty = return mempty
- mappend = liftM2 mappend
- mconcat = liftM mconcat . sequence
-- | Parse any line of text
anyLine :: Stream [Char] m Char => ParserT [Char] st m [Char]
anyLine = do
@@ -884,15 +866,18 @@ readWith :: Parser [Char] st a
-> a
readWith p t inp = runIdentity $ readWithM p t inp
-readWithWarnings :: Parser [Char] ParserState a
- -> ParserState
- -> String
- -> (a, [String])
-readWithWarnings p = readWith $ do
+returnWarnings :: (Stream s m c)
+ => ParserT s ParserState m a
+ -> ParserT s ParserState m (a, [String])
+returnWarnings p = do
doc <- p
warnings <- stateWarnings <$> getState
return (doc, warnings)
+-- | Return the final internal state with the result of a parser
+returnState :: (Stream s m c) => ParsecT s st m a -> ParsecT s st m (a, st)
+returnState p = (,) <$> p <*> getState
-- | Parse a string with @parser@ (for testing).
testStringWith :: (Show a, Stream [Char] Identity Char)
=> ParserT [Char] ParserState Identity a
@@ -914,7 +899,6 @@ data ParserState = ParserState
stateNotes :: NoteTable, -- ^ List of notes (raw bodies)
stateNotes' :: NoteTable', -- ^ List of notes (parsed bodies)
stateMeta :: Meta, -- ^ Document metadata
- stateMeta' :: F Meta, -- ^ Document metadata
stateHeaderTable :: [HeaderType], -- ^ Ordered list of header types used
stateHeaders :: M.Map Inlines String, -- ^ List of headers and ids (used for implicit ref links)
stateIdentifiers :: [String], -- ^ List of header identifiers used
@@ -929,7 +913,8 @@ data ParserState = ParserState
stateCaption :: Maybe Inlines, -- ^ Caption in current environment
stateInHtmlBlock :: Maybe String, -- ^ Tag type of HTML block being parsed
stateMarkdownAttribute :: Bool, -- ^ True if in markdown=1 context
- stateWarnings :: [String] -- ^ Warnings generated by the parser
+ stateWarnings :: [String], -- ^ Warnings generated by the parser
+ stateInFootnote :: Bool -- ^ True if in a footnote block.
instance Default ParserState where
@@ -1011,7 +996,6 @@ defaultParserState =
stateNotes = [],
stateNotes' = [],
stateMeta = nullMeta,
- stateMeta' = return nullMeta,
stateHeaderTable = [],
stateHeaders = M.empty,
stateIdentifiers = [],
@@ -1024,7 +1008,8 @@ defaultParserState =
stateCaption = Nothing,
stateInHtmlBlock = Nothing,
stateMarkdownAttribute = False,
- stateWarnings = []}
+ stateWarnings = [],
+ stateInFootnote = False }
-- | Succeed only if the extension is enabled.
guardEnabled :: (Stream s m a, HasReaderOptions st) => Extension -> ParserT s st m ()
@@ -1063,7 +1048,7 @@ data QuoteContext
type NoteTable = [(String, String)]
-type NoteTable' = [(String, F Blocks)] -- used in markdown reader
+type NoteTable' = [(String, Blocks)] -- used in markdown reader
newtype Key = Key String deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
@@ -1259,8 +1244,11 @@ applyMacros' target = do
else return target
-- | Append a warning to the log.
-addWarning :: Maybe SourcePos -> String -> Parser [Char] ParserState ()
+addWarning :: (Stream s m c) => Maybe SourcePos -> String -> ParserT s ParserState m ()
addWarning mbpos msg =
updateState $ \st -> st{
stateWarnings = (msg ++ maybe "" (\pos -> " " ++ show pos) mbpos) :
stateWarnings st }
+generalize :: (Monad m) => Parser s st a -> ParserT s st m a
+generalize m = mkPT (\ s -> (return $ (return . runIdentity) <$> runIdentity (runParsecT m s)))
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index a36c2acde..638c8c9cf 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Conversion of markdown-formatted plain text to 'Pandoc' document.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown ( readMarkdown,
readMarkdownWithWarnings ) where
-import Data.List ( transpose, sortBy, findIndex, intersperse, intercalate )
+import Data.List ( transpose, sortBy, intersperse, intercalate, elemIndex)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Scientific (coefficient, base10Exponent)
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
@@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX ( rawLaTeXInline, rawLaTeXBlock )
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML ( htmlTag, htmlInBalanced, isInlineTag, isBlockTag,
isTextTag, isCommentTag )
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty)
-import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*), (*>), (<$))
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*), (*>), (<$), (<*>))
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Reader
import System.FilePath (takeExtension, addExtension)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match (tagOpen)
@@ -64,25 +65,29 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
-type MarkdownParser = Parser [Char] ParserState
+type MarkdownParser a = ParserT [Char] ParserState (Reader ParserState) a
-- | Read markdown from an input string and return a Pandoc document.
readMarkdown :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
-> String -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
-> Pandoc
readMarkdown opts s =
- (readWith parseMarkdown) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
+ runMarkdown opts s parseMarkdown
-- | Read markdown from an input string and return a pair of a Pandoc document
-- and a list of warnings.
readMarkdownWithWarnings :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
-> String -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
-> (Pandoc, [String])
-readMarkdownWithWarnings opts s =
- (readWithWarnings parseMarkdown) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
+readMarkdownWithWarnings opts s = runMarkdown opts s (returnWarnings parseMarkdown)
-trimInlinesF :: F Inlines -> F Inlines
-trimInlinesF = liftM trimInlines
+runMarkdown :: ReaderOptions -> String -> MarkdownParser a -> a
+runMarkdown opts inp p = fst res
+ where
+ imd = readWithM (returnState p) def{ stateOptions = opts } (inp ++ "\n\n")
+ res = runReader imd s
+ s :: ParserState
+ s = snd $ runReader imd s
-- Constants and data structure definitions
@@ -119,10 +124,10 @@ inList = do
ctx <- stateParserContext <$> getState
guard (ctx == ListItemState)
-isNull :: F Inlines -> Bool
-isNull ils = B.isNull $ runF ils def
+isNull :: Inlines -> Bool
+isNull = B.isNull
-spnl :: Parser [Char] st ()
+spnl :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] st m ()
spnl = try $ do
optional newline
@@ -162,9 +167,9 @@ litChar = escapedChar'
-- | Parse a sequence of inline elements between square brackets,
-- including inlines between balanced pairs of square brackets.
-inlinesInBalancedBrackets :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+inlinesInBalancedBrackets :: MarkdownParser Inlines
inlinesInBalancedBrackets = charsInBalancedBrackets >>=
- parseFromString (trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many inline)
+ parseFromString (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline)
charsInBalancedBrackets :: MarkdownParser [Char]
charsInBalancedBrackets = do
@@ -181,16 +186,16 @@ charsInBalancedBrackets = do
-- document structure
-titleLine :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+titleLine :: MarkdownParser Inlines
titleLine = try $ do
char '%'
res <- many $ (notFollowedBy newline >> inline)
<|> try (endline >> whitespace)
- return $ trimInlinesF $ mconcat res
+ return $ trimInlines $ mconcat res
-authorsLine :: MarkdownParser (F [Inlines])
+authorsLine :: MarkdownParser [Inlines]
authorsLine = try $ do
char '%'
@@ -199,13 +204,13 @@ authorsLine = try $ do
(char ';' <|>
try (newline >> notFollowedBy blankline >> spaceChar))
- return $ sequence $ filter (not . isNull) $ map (trimInlinesF . mconcat) authors
+ return $ filter (not . isNull) $ map (trimInlines . mconcat) authors
-dateLine :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+dateLine :: MarkdownParser Inlines
dateLine = try $ do
char '%'
- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline
+ trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline
titleBlock :: MarkdownParser ()
titleBlock = pandocTitleBlock <|> mmdTitleBlock
@@ -215,20 +220,16 @@ pandocTitleBlock = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_pandoc_title_block
lookAhead (char '%')
title <- option mempty titleLine
- author <- option (return []) authorsLine
+ author <- option [] authorsLine
date <- option mempty dateLine
optional blanklines
- let meta' = do title' <- title
- author' <- author
- date' <- date
- return $
- (if B.isNull title' then id else B.setMeta "title" title')
- . (if null author' then id else B.setMeta "author" author')
- . (if B.isNull date' then id else B.setMeta "date" date')
- $ nullMeta
- updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta' = stateMeta' st <> meta' }
-yamlMetaBlock :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+ let meta' = (if B.isNull title then id else B.setMeta "title" title)
+ . (if null author then id else B.setMeta "author" author)
+ . (if B.isNull date then id else B.setMeta "date" date)
+ $ nullMeta
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta = stateMeta st <> meta' }
+yamlMetaBlock :: MarkdownParser Blocks
yamlMetaBlock = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_yaml_metadata_block
pos <- getPosition
@@ -241,17 +242,17 @@ yamlMetaBlock = try $ do
optional blanklines
opts <- stateOptions <$> getState
meta' <- case Yaml.decodeEither' $ UTF8.fromString rawYaml of
- Right (Yaml.Object hashmap) -> return $ return $
+ Right (Yaml.Object hashmap) -> return $
H.foldrWithKey (\k v m ->
if ignorable k
then m
else B.setMeta (T.unpack k)
(yamlToMeta opts v) m)
nullMeta hashmap
- Right Yaml.Null -> return $ return nullMeta
+ Right Yaml.Null -> return nullMeta
Right _ -> do
addWarning (Just pos) "YAML header is not an object"
- return $ return nullMeta
+ return nullMeta
Left err' -> do
case err' of
InvalidYaml (Just YamlParseException{
@@ -270,13 +271,13 @@ yamlMetaBlock = try $ do
_ -> addWarning (Just pos)
$ "Could not parse YAML header: " ++
show err'
- return $ return nullMeta
- updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta' = stateMeta' st <> meta' }
+ return nullMeta
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta = stateMeta st <> meta' }
return mempty
-- ignore fields ending with _
ignorable :: Text -> Bool
-ignorable t = (T.pack "_") `T.isSuffixOf` t
+ignorable t = T.pack "_" `T.isSuffixOf` t
toMetaValue :: ReaderOptions -> Text -> MetaValue
toMetaValue opts x =
@@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ toMetaValue opts x =
| endsWithNewline x -> MetaBlocks [Para xs]
| otherwise -> MetaInlines xs
Pandoc _ bs -> MetaBlocks bs
- where endsWithNewline t = (T.pack "\n") `T.isSuffixOf` t
+ where endsWithNewline t = T.pack "\n" `T.isSuffixOf` t
yamlToMeta :: ReaderOptions -> Yaml.Value -> MetaValue
yamlToMeta opts (Yaml.String t) = toMetaValue opts t
@@ -314,8 +315,8 @@ mmdTitleBlock = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_mmd_title_block
kvPairs <- many1 kvPair
- updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta' = stateMeta' st <>
- return (Meta $ M.fromList kvPairs) }
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ stateMeta = stateMeta st <>
+ (Meta $ M.fromList kvPairs) }
kvPair :: MarkdownParser (String, MetaValue)
kvPair = try $ do
@@ -335,11 +336,11 @@ parseMarkdown = do
optional titleBlock
blocks <- parseBlocks
st <- getState
- let meta = runF (stateMeta' st) st
- let Pandoc _ bs = B.doc $ runF blocks st
+ let meta = stateMeta st
+ let Pandoc _ bs = B.doc blocks
return $ Pandoc meta bs
-referenceKey :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+referenceKey :: MarkdownParser Blocks
referenceKey = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ referenceKey = try $ do
Just _ -> addWarning (Just pos) $ "Duplicate link reference `" ++ raw ++ "'"
Nothing -> return ()
updateState $ \s -> s { stateKeys = M.insert key target oldkeys }
- return $ return mempty
+ return mempty
referenceTitle :: MarkdownParser String
referenceTitle = try $ do
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ quotedTitle c = try $ do
-- | PHP Markdown Extra style abbreviation key. Currently
-- we just skip them, since Pandoc doesn't have an element for
-- an abbreviation.
-abbrevKey :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+abbrevKey :: MarkdownParser Blocks
abbrevKey = do
guardEnabled Ext_abbreviations
try $ do
@@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ abbrevKey = do
char ':'
skipMany (satisfy (/= '\n'))
- return $ return mempty
+ return mempty
noteMarker :: MarkdownParser String
noteMarker = string "[^" >> many1Till (satisfy $ not . isBlank) (char ']')
@@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ rawLines = do
rest <- many rawLine
return $ unlines (first:rest)
-noteBlock :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+noteBlock :: MarkdownParser Blocks
noteBlock = try $ do
pos <- getPosition
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ noteBlock = try $ do
rest <- many $ try $ blanklines >> indentSpaces >> rawLines
let raw = unlines (first:rest) ++ "\n"
optional blanklines
- parsed <- parseFromString parseBlocks raw
+ parsed <- parseFromString (inFootnote parseBlocks) raw
let newnote = (ref, parsed)
oldnotes <- stateNotes' <$> getState
case lookup ref oldnotes of
@@ -434,14 +435,22 @@ noteBlock = try $ do
updateState $ \s -> s { stateNotes' = newnote : oldnotes }
return mempty
+inFootnote :: MarkdownParser a -> MarkdownParser a
+inFootnote p = do
+ st <- stateInFootnote <$> getState
+ updateState (\s -> s { stateInFootnote = True } )
+ r <- p
+ updateState (\s -> s { stateInFootnote = st } )
+ return r
-- parsing blocks
-parseBlocks :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+parseBlocks :: MarkdownParser Blocks
parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof
-block :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+block :: MarkdownParser Blocks
block = do
tr <- getOption readerTrace
pos <- getPosition
@@ -457,7 +466,7 @@ block = do
, htmlBlock
, table
, codeBlockIndented
- , guardEnabled Ext_latex_macros *> (macro >>= return . return)
+ , guardEnabled Ext_latex_macros *> macro
, rawTeXBlock
, lineBlock
, blockQuote
@@ -470,29 +479,28 @@ block = do
, para
, plain
] <?> "block"
- when tr $ do
- st <- getState
+ when tr $
trace (printf "line %d: %s" (sourceLine pos)
- (take 60 $ show $ B.toList $ runF res st)) (return ())
+ (take 60 . show . B.toList $ res)) (return ())
return res
-- header blocks
-header :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+header :: MarkdownParser Blocks
header = setextHeader <|> atxHeader <?> "header"
-atxHeader :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+atxHeader :: MarkdownParser Blocks
atxHeader = try $ do
- level <- many1 (char '#') >>= return . length
+ level <- length <$> many1 (char '#')
notFollowedBy $ guardEnabled Ext_fancy_lists >>
(char '.' <|> char ')') -- this would be a list
- text <- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy atxClosing >> inline)
+ text <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy atxClosing >> inline)
attr <- atxClosing
- attr' <- registerHeader attr (runF text defaultParserState)
- return $ B.headerWith attr' level <$> text
+ attr' <- registerHeader attr text
+ return $ B.headerWith attr' level text
atxClosing :: MarkdownParser Attr
atxClosing = try $ do
@@ -519,25 +527,25 @@ mmdHeaderIdentifier = do
return (ident,[],[])
-setextHeader :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+setextHeader :: MarkdownParser Blocks
setextHeader = try $ do
-- This lookahead prevents us from wasting time parsing Inlines
-- unless necessary -- it gives a significant performance boost.
lookAhead $ anyLine >> many1 (oneOf setextHChars) >> blankline
- text <- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1 (notFollowedBy setextHeaderEnd >> inline)
+ text <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 (notFollowedBy setextHeaderEnd >> inline)
attr <- setextHeaderEnd
underlineChar <- oneOf setextHChars
many (char underlineChar)
- let level = (fromMaybe 0 $ findIndex (== underlineChar) setextHChars) + 1
- attr' <- registerHeader attr (runF text defaultParserState)
- return $ B.headerWith attr' level <$> text
+ let level = (fromMaybe 0 $ elemIndex underlineChar setextHChars) + 1
+ attr' <- registerHeader attr text
+ return $ B.headerWith attr' level text
-- hrule block
-hrule :: Parser [Char] st (F Blocks)
+hrule :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] st m Blocks
hrule = try $ do
start <- satisfy isHruleChar
@@ -545,24 +553,24 @@ hrule = try $ do
skipMany (spaceChar <|> char start)
optional blanklines
- return $ return B.horizontalRule
+ return B.horizontalRule
-- code blocks
indentedLine :: MarkdownParser String
-indentedLine = indentSpaces >> anyLine >>= return . (++ "\n")
+indentedLine = indentSpaces >> ((++ "\n") <$> anyLine)
-blockDelimiter :: (Char -> Bool)
+blockDelimiter :: Monad m
+ => (Char -> Bool)
-> Maybe Int
- -> Parser [Char] st Int
+ -> ParserT [Char] st m Int
blockDelimiter f len = try $ do
c <- lookAhead (satisfy f)
case len of
Just l -> count l (char c) >> many (char c) >> return l
- Nothing -> count 3 (char c) >> many (char c) >>=
- return . (+ 3) . length
+ Nothing -> count 3 (char c) >> ((+ 3) . length <$> many (char c))
attributes :: MarkdownParser Attr
attributes = try $ do
@@ -607,7 +615,7 @@ specialAttr = do
char '-'
return $ \(id',cs,kvs) -> (id',cs ++ ["unnumbered"],kvs)
-codeBlockFenced :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+codeBlockFenced :: MarkdownParser Blocks
codeBlockFenced = try $ do
c <- try (guardEnabled Ext_fenced_code_blocks >> lookAhead (char '~'))
<|> (guardEnabled Ext_backtick_code_blocks >> lookAhead (char '`'))
@@ -619,7 +627,7 @@ codeBlockFenced = try $ do
contents <- manyTill anyLine (blockDelimiter (== c) (Just size))
- return $ return $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ intercalate "\n" contents
+ return $ B.codeBlockWith attr $ intercalate "\n" contents
-- correctly handle github language identifiers
toLanguageId :: String -> String
@@ -628,7 +636,7 @@ toLanguageId = map toLower . go
go "objective-c" = "objectivec"
go x = x
-codeBlockIndented :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+codeBlockIndented :: MarkdownParser Blocks
codeBlockIndented = do
contents <- many1 (indentedLine <|>
try (do b <- blanklines
@@ -636,15 +644,15 @@ codeBlockIndented = do
return $ b ++ l))
optional blanklines
classes <- getOption readerIndentedCodeClasses
- return $ return $ B.codeBlockWith ("", classes, []) $
+ return $ B.codeBlockWith ("", classes, []) $
stripTrailingNewlines $ concat contents
-lhsCodeBlock :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+lhsCodeBlock :: MarkdownParser Blocks
lhsCodeBlock = do
guardEnabled Ext_literate_haskell
- (return . B.codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) <$>
+ (B.codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","literate","haskell"],[]) <$>
(lhsCodeBlockBird <|> lhsCodeBlockLaTeX))
- <|> (return . B.codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","haskell"],[]) <$>
+ <|> (B.codeBlockWith ("",["sourceCode","haskell"],[]) <$>
lhsCodeBlockLaTeX :: MarkdownParser String
@@ -673,7 +681,7 @@ lhsCodeBlockBirdWith c = try $ do
return $ intercalate "\n" lns'
-birdTrackLine :: Char -> Parser [Char] st String
+birdTrackLine :: Monad m => Char -> ParserT [Char] st m String
birdTrackLine c = try $ do
char c
-- allow html tags on left margin:
@@ -701,12 +709,12 @@ emailBlockQuote = try $ do
optional blanklines
return raw
-blockQuote :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+blockQuote :: MarkdownParser Blocks
blockQuote = do
raw <- emailBlockQuote
-- parse the extracted block, which may contain various block elements:
- contents <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ (intercalate "\n" raw) ++ "\n\n"
- return $ B.blockQuote <$> contents
+ contents <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ intercalate "\n" raw ++ "\n\n"
+ return $ B.blockQuote contents
-- list blocks
@@ -749,7 +757,7 @@ anyOrderedListStart = try $ do
return res
listStart :: MarkdownParser ()
-listStart = bulletListStart <|> (anyOrderedListStart >> return ())
+listStart = bulletListStart <|> void anyOrderedListStart
listLine :: MarkdownParser String
listLine = try $ do
@@ -804,7 +812,7 @@ listContinuationLine = try $ do
return $ result ++ "\n"
listItem :: MarkdownParser a
- -> MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+ -> MarkdownParser Blocks
listItem start = try $ do
first <- rawListItem start
continuations <- many listContinuation
@@ -820,14 +828,14 @@ listItem start = try $ do
updateState (\st -> st {stateParserContext = oldContext})
return contents
-orderedList :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+orderedList :: MarkdownParser Blocks
orderedList = try $ do
(start, style, delim) <- lookAhead anyOrderedListStart
unless (style `elem` [DefaultStyle, Decimal, Example] &&
delim `elem` [DefaultDelim, Period]) $
guardEnabled Ext_fancy_lists
when (style == Example) $ guardEnabled Ext_example_lists
- items <- fmap sequence $ many1 $ listItem
+ items <- many1 $ listItem
( try $ do
optional newline -- if preceded by Plain block in a list
startpos <- sourceColumn <$> getPosition
@@ -839,12 +847,12 @@ orderedList = try $ do
atMostSpaces (tabStop - (endpos - startpos))
return res )
start' <- option 1 $ guardEnabled Ext_startnum >> return start
- return $ B.orderedListWith (start', style, delim) <$> fmap compactify' items
+ return $ B.orderedListWith (start', style, delim) (compactify' items)
-bulletList :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+bulletList :: MarkdownParser Blocks
bulletList = do
- items <- fmap sequence $ many1 $ listItem bulletListStart
- return $ B.bulletList <$> fmap compactify' items
+ items <- many1 $ listItem bulletListStart
+ return $ B.bulletList (compactify' items)
-- definition lists
@@ -859,14 +867,14 @@ defListMarker = do
else mzero
return ()
-definitionListItem :: Bool -> MarkdownParser (F (Inlines, [Blocks]))
+definitionListItem :: Bool -> MarkdownParser (Inlines, [Blocks])
definitionListItem compact = try $ do
rawLine' <- anyLine
raw <- many1 $ defRawBlock compact
- term <- parseFromString (trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many inline) rawLine'
+ term <- parseFromString (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline) rawLine'
contents <- mapM (parseFromString parseBlocks) raw
optional blanklines
- return $ liftM2 (,) term (sequence contents)
+ return (term, contents)
defRawBlock :: Bool -> MarkdownParser String
defRawBlock compact = try $ do
@@ -889,32 +897,32 @@ defRawBlock compact = try $ do
return $ trimr (firstline ++ "\n" ++ unlines rawlines ++ cont) ++
if hasBlank || not (null cont) then "\n\n" else ""
-definitionList :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+definitionList :: MarkdownParser Blocks
definitionList = try $ do
lookAhead (anyLine >> optional blankline >> defListMarker)
compactDefinitionList <|> normalDefinitionList
-compactDefinitionList :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+compactDefinitionList :: MarkdownParser Blocks
compactDefinitionList = do
guardEnabled Ext_compact_definition_lists
- items <- fmap sequence $ many1 $ definitionListItem True
- return $ B.definitionList <$> fmap compactify'DL items
+ items <- many1 $ definitionListItem True
+ return $ B.definitionList (compactify'DL items)
-normalDefinitionList :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+normalDefinitionList :: MarkdownParser Blocks
normalDefinitionList = do
guardEnabled Ext_definition_lists
- items <- fmap sequence $ many1 $ definitionListItem False
- return $ B.definitionList <$> items
+ items <- many1 $ definitionListItem False
+ return $ B.definitionList items
-- paragraph block
-para :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+para :: MarkdownParser Blocks
para = try $ do
exts <- getOption readerExtensions
- result <- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1 inline
- option (B.plain <$> result)
+ result <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline
+ option (B.plain result)
$ try $ do
(blanklines >> return mempty)
@@ -931,18 +939,17 @@ para = try $ do
Just "div" -> () <$
lookAhead (htmlTag (~== TagClose "div"))
_ -> mzero
- return $ do
- result' <- result
- case B.toList result' of
+ return $
+ case B.toList result of
[Image alt (src,tit)]
| Ext_implicit_figures `Set.member` exts ->
-- the fig: at beginning of title indicates a figure
- return $ B.para $ B.singleton
+ B.para $ B.singleton
$ Image alt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)
- _ -> return $ B.para result'
+ _ -> B.para result
-plain :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
-plain = fmap B.plain . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1 inline
+plain :: MarkdownParser Blocks
+plain = B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline
-- raw html
@@ -953,13 +960,13 @@ htmlElement = rawVerbatimBlock
<|> strictHtmlBlock
<|> liftM snd (htmlTag isBlockTag)
-htmlBlock :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+htmlBlock :: MarkdownParser Blocks
htmlBlock = do
guardEnabled Ext_raw_html
try (do
(TagOpen t attrs) <- lookAhead $ fst <$> htmlTag isBlockTag
(guard (t `elem` ["pre","style","script"]) >>
- (return . B.rawBlock "html") <$> rawVerbatimBlock)
+ B.rawBlock "html" <$> rawVerbatimBlock)
<|> (do guardEnabled Ext_markdown_attribute
oldMarkdownAttribute <- stateMarkdownAttribute <$> getState
markdownAttribute <-
@@ -978,35 +985,35 @@ htmlBlock = do
<|> (guardEnabled Ext_markdown_in_html_blocks >> rawHtmlBlocks))
<|> htmlBlock'
-htmlBlock' :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+htmlBlock' :: MarkdownParser Blocks
htmlBlock' = try $ do
first <- htmlElement
skipMany spaceChar
optional blanklines
- return $ return $ B.rawBlock "html" first
+ return $ B.rawBlock "html" first
strictHtmlBlock :: MarkdownParser String
strictHtmlBlock = htmlInBalanced (not . isInlineTag)
rawVerbatimBlock :: MarkdownParser String
rawVerbatimBlock = try $ do
- (TagOpen tag _, open) <- htmlTag (tagOpen (flip elem
- ["pre", "style", "script"])
- (const True))
+ (TagOpen tag _, open) <-
+ htmlTag (tagOpen (`elem` ["pre", "style", "script"])
+ (const True))
contents <- manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag))
return $ open ++ contents ++ renderTags' [TagClose tag]
-rawTeXBlock :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+rawTeXBlock :: MarkdownParser Blocks
rawTeXBlock = do
guardEnabled Ext_raw_tex
result <- (B.rawBlock "latex" . concat <$>
- rawLaTeXBlock `sepEndBy1` blankline)
+ generalize rawLaTeXBlock `sepEndBy1` blankline)
<|> (B.rawBlock "context" . concat <$>
rawConTeXtEnvironment `sepEndBy1` blankline)
- return $ return result
+ return result
-rawHtmlBlocks :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+rawHtmlBlocks :: MarkdownParser Blocks
rawHtmlBlocks = do
(TagOpen tagtype _, raw) <- htmlTag isBlockTag
-- try to find closing tag
@@ -1018,10 +1025,10 @@ rawHtmlBlocks = do
contents <- mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy' closer >> block)
result <-
(closer >>= \(_, rawcloser) -> return (
- return (B.rawBlock "html" $ stripMarkdownAttribute raw) <>
+ (B.rawBlock "html" $ stripMarkdownAttribute raw) <>
contents <>
- return (B.rawBlock "html" rawcloser)))
- <|> return (return (B.rawBlock "html" raw) <> contents)
+ (B.rawBlock "html" rawcloser)))
+ <|> return (B.rawBlock "html" raw <> contents)
updateState $ \st -> st{ stateInHtmlBlock = oldInHtmlBlock }
return result
@@ -1036,12 +1043,12 @@ stripMarkdownAttribute s = renderTags' $ map filterAttrib $ parseTags s
-- line block
-lineBlock :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+lineBlock :: MarkdownParser Blocks
lineBlock = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_line_blocks
lines' <- lineBlockLines >>=
- mapM (parseFromString (trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many inline))
- return $ B.para <$> (mconcat $ intersperse (return B.linebreak) lines')
+ mapM (parseFromString (trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline))
+ return $ B.para (mconcat $ intersperse B.linebreak lines')
-- Tables
@@ -1049,17 +1056,17 @@ lineBlock = try $ do
-- Parse a dashed line with optional trailing spaces; return its length
-- and the length including trailing space.
-dashedLine :: Char
- -> Parser [Char] st (Int, Int)
+dashedLine :: Monad m => Char
+ -> ParserT [Char] st m (Int, Int)
dashedLine ch = do
dashes <- many1 (char ch)
sp <- many spaceChar
- return $ (length dashes, length $ dashes ++ sp)
+ return (length dashes, length $ dashes ++ sp)
-- Parse a table header with dashed lines of '-' preceded by
-- one (or zero) line of text.
simpleTableHeader :: Bool -- ^ Headerless table
- -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
simpleTableHeader headless = try $ do
rawContent <- if headless
then return ""
@@ -1078,9 +1085,8 @@ simpleTableHeader headless = try $ do
let rawHeads' = if headless
then replicate (length dashes) ""
else rawHeads
- heads <- fmap sequence
- $ mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain))
- $ map trim rawHeads'
+ heads <-
+ mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain) . trim) rawHeads'
return (heads, aligns, indices)
-- Returns an alignment type for a table, based on a list of strings
@@ -1121,30 +1127,30 @@ rawTableLine indices = do
-- Parse a table line and return a list of lists of blocks (columns).
tableLine :: [Int]
- -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks])
+ -> MarkdownParser [Blocks]
tableLine indices = rawTableLine indices >>=
- fmap sequence . mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain))
+ mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain))
-- Parse a multiline table row and return a list of blocks (columns).
multilineRow :: [Int]
- -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks])
+ -> MarkdownParser [Blocks]
multilineRow indices = do
colLines <- many1 (rawTableLine indices)
let cols = map unlines $ transpose colLines
- fmap sequence $ mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain)) cols
+ mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain)) cols
-- Parses a table caption: inlines beginning with 'Table:'
-- and followed by blank lines.
-tableCaption :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+tableCaption :: MarkdownParser Inlines
tableCaption = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_table_captions
string ":" <|> string "Table:"
- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1 inline <* blanklines
+ trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline <* blanklines
-- Parse a simple table with '---' header and one line per row.
simpleTable :: Bool -- ^ Headerless table
- -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], F [Blocks], F [[Blocks]])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], [Blocks], [[Blocks]])
simpleTable headless = do
(aligns, _widths, heads', lines') <-
tableWith (simpleTableHeader headless) tableLine
@@ -1158,12 +1164,12 @@ simpleTable headless = do
-- which may be multiline, separated by blank lines, and
-- ending with a footer (dashed line followed by blank line).
multilineTable :: Bool -- ^ Headerless table
- -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], F [Blocks], F [[Blocks]])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], [Blocks], [[Blocks]])
multilineTable headless =
tableWith (multilineTableHeader headless) multilineRow blanklines tableFooter
multilineTableHeader :: Bool -- ^ Headerless table
- -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
multilineTableHeader headless = try $ do
unless headless $
tableSep >> notFollowedBy blankline
@@ -1185,7 +1191,7 @@ multilineTableHeader headless = try $ do
let rawHeads = if headless
then replicate (length dashes) ""
else map (unlines . map trim) rawHeadsList
- heads <- fmap sequence $
+ heads <-
mapM (parseFromString (mconcat <$> many plain)) $
map trim rawHeads
return (heads, aligns, indices)
@@ -1195,7 +1201,7 @@ multilineTableHeader headless = try $ do
-- which may be grid, separated by blank lines, and
-- ending with a footer (dashed line followed by blank line).
gridTable :: Bool -- ^ Headerless table
- -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], F [Blocks], F [[Blocks]])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], [Blocks], [[Blocks]])
gridTable headless =
tableWith (gridTableHeader headless) gridTableRow
(gridTableSep '-') gridTableFooter
@@ -1204,13 +1210,13 @@ gridTableSplitLine :: [Int] -> String -> [String]
gridTableSplitLine indices line = map removeFinalBar $ tail $
splitStringByIndices (init indices) $ trimr line
-gridPart :: Char -> Parser [Char] st (Int, Int)
+gridPart :: Monad m => Char -> ParserT [Char] st m (Int, Int)
gridPart ch = do
dashes <- many1 (char ch)
char '+'
return (length dashes, length dashes + 1)
-gridDashedLines :: Char -> Parser [Char] st [(Int,Int)]
+gridDashedLines :: Monad m => Char -> ParserT [Char] st m [(Int,Int)]
gridDashedLines ch = try $ char '+' >> many1 (gridPart ch) <* blankline
removeFinalBar :: String -> String
@@ -1223,7 +1229,7 @@ gridTableSep ch = try $ gridDashedLines ch >> return '\n'
-- | Parse header for a grid table.
gridTableHeader :: Bool -- ^ Headerless table
- -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
gridTableHeader headless = try $ do
optional blanklines
dashes <- gridDashedLines '-'
@@ -1232,9 +1238,7 @@ gridTableHeader headless = try $ do
else many1
(notFollowedBy (gridTableSep '=') >> char '|' >>
many1Till anyChar newline)
- if headless
- then return ()
- else gridTableSep '=' >> return ()
+ unless headless (void $ gridTableSep '=')
let lines' = map snd dashes
let indices = scanl (+) 0 lines'
let aligns = replicate (length lines') AlignDefault
@@ -1243,7 +1247,7 @@ gridTableHeader headless = try $ do
then replicate (length dashes) ""
else map (unlines . map trim) $ transpose
$ map (gridTableSplitLine indices) rawContent
- heads <- fmap sequence $ mapM (parseFromString parseBlocks . trim) rawHeads
+ heads <- mapM (parseFromString parseBlocks . trim) rawHeads
return (heads, aligns, indices)
gridTableRawLine :: [Int] -> MarkdownParser [String]
@@ -1254,12 +1258,12 @@ gridTableRawLine indices = do
-- | Parse row of grid table.
gridTableRow :: [Int]
- -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks])
+ -> MarkdownParser [Blocks]
gridTableRow indices = do
colLines <- many1 (gridTableRawLine indices)
let cols = map ((++ "\n") . unlines . removeOneLeadingSpace) $
transpose colLines
- fmap compactify' <$> fmap sequence (mapM (parseFromString parseBlocks) cols)
+ compactify' <$> mapM (parseFromString parseBlocks) cols
removeOneLeadingSpace :: [String] -> [String]
removeOneLeadingSpace xs =
@@ -1285,14 +1289,12 @@ pipeBreak = try $ do
return (first:rest)
-pipeTable :: MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], F [Blocks], F [[Blocks]])
+pipeTable :: MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], [Blocks], [[Blocks]])
pipeTable = try $ do
- (heads,aligns) <- pipeTableRow >>= \row ->
- pipeBreak >>= \als ->
- return (row, als)
- lines' <- sequence <$> many1 pipeTableRow
+ (heads,aligns) <- (,) <$> pipeTableRow <*> pipeBreak
+ lines' <- many1 pipeTableRow
let widths = replicate (length aligns) 0.0
- return $ (aligns, widths, heads, lines')
+ return (aligns, widths, heads, lines')
sepPipe :: MarkdownParser ()
sepPipe = try $ do
@@ -1300,7 +1302,7 @@ sepPipe = try $ do
notFollowedBy blankline
-- parse a row, also returning probable alignments for org-table cells
-pipeTableRow :: MarkdownParser (F [Blocks])
+pipeTableRow :: MarkdownParser [Blocks]
pipeTableRow = do
openPipe <- (True <$ char '|') <|> return False
@@ -1312,16 +1314,14 @@ pipeTableRow = do
guard $ not (null rest && not openPipe)
optional (char '|')
- let cells = sequence (first:rest)
- return $ do
- cells' <- cells
- return $ map
- (\ils ->
+ let cells = first:rest
+ return $
+ map (\ils ->
case trimInlines ils of
ils' | B.isNull ils' -> mempty
- | otherwise -> B.plain $ ils') cells'
+ | otherwise -> B.plain ils') cells
-pipeTableHeaderPart :: Parser [Char] st Alignment
+pipeTableHeaderPart :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] st m Alignment
pipeTableHeaderPart = try $ do
skipMany spaceChar
left <- optionMaybe (char ':')
@@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ pipeTableHeaderPart = try $ do
(Just _,Just _) -> AlignCenter
-- Succeed only if current line contains a pipe.
-scanForPipe :: Parser [Char] st ()
+scanForPipe :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] st m ()
scanForPipe = do
inp <- getInput
case break (\c -> c == '\n' || c == '|') inp of
@@ -1346,22 +1346,22 @@ scanForPipe = do
-- | Parse a table using 'headerParser', 'rowParser',
-- 'lineParser', and 'footerParser'. Variant of the version in
-- Text.Pandoc.Parsing.
-tableWith :: MarkdownParser (F [Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
- -> ([Int] -> MarkdownParser (F [Blocks]))
+tableWith :: MarkdownParser ([Blocks], [Alignment], [Int])
+ -> ([Int] -> MarkdownParser [Blocks])
-> MarkdownParser sep
-> MarkdownParser end
- -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], F [Blocks], F [[Blocks]])
+ -> MarkdownParser ([Alignment], [Double], [Blocks], [[Blocks]])
tableWith headerParser rowParser lineParser footerParser = try $ do
(heads, aligns, indices) <- headerParser
- lines' <- fmap sequence $ rowParser indices `sepEndBy1` lineParser
+ lines' <- rowParser indices `sepEndBy1` lineParser
numColumns <- getOption readerColumns
- let widths = if (indices == [])
- then replicate (length aligns) 0.0
- else widthsFromIndices numColumns indices
- return $ (aligns, widths, heads, lines')
+ let widths = case indices of
+ [] -> replicate (length aligns) 0.0
+ _ -> widthsFromIndices numColumns indices
+ return (aligns, widths, heads, lines')
-table :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+table :: MarkdownParser Blocks
table = try $ do
frontCaption <- option Nothing (Just <$> tableCaption)
(aligns, widths, heads, lns) <-
@@ -1376,19 +1376,15 @@ table = try $ do
(gridTable False <|> gridTable True)) <?> "table"
optional blanklines
caption <- case frontCaption of
- Nothing -> option (return mempty) tableCaption
+ Nothing -> option mempty tableCaption
Just c -> return c
- return $ do
- caption' <- caption
- heads' <- heads
- lns' <- lns
- return $ B.table caption' (zip aligns widths) heads' lns'
+ return $ B.table caption (zip aligns widths) heads lns
-- inline
-inline :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+inline :: MarkdownParser Inlines
inline = choice [ whitespace
, bareURL
, str
@@ -1411,7 +1407,7 @@ inline = choice [ whitespace
, rawLaTeXInline'
, exampleRef
, smart
- , return . B.singleton <$> charRef
+ , B.singleton <$> charRef
, symbol
, ltSign
] <?> "inline"
@@ -1422,43 +1418,42 @@ escapedChar' = try $ do
(guardEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable >> satisfy (not . isAlphaNum))
<|> oneOf "\\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!~\""
-escapedChar :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+escapedChar :: MarkdownParser Inlines
escapedChar = do
result <- escapedChar'
case result of
- ' ' -> return $ return $ B.str "\160" -- "\ " is a nonbreaking space
+ ' ' -> return $ B.str "\160" -- "\ " is a nonbreaking space
'\n' -> guardEnabled Ext_escaped_line_breaks >>
- return (return B.linebreak) -- "\[newline]" is a linebreak
- _ -> return $ return $ B.str [result]
+ return B.linebreak -- "\[newline]" is a linebreak
+ _ -> return $ B.str [result]
-ltSign :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ltSign :: MarkdownParser Inlines
ltSign = do
guardDisabled Ext_raw_html
<|> (notFollowedByHtmlCloser >> notFollowedBy' (htmlTag isBlockTag))
char '<'
- return $ return $ B.str "<"
+ return $ B.str "<"
-exampleRef :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+exampleRef :: MarkdownParser Inlines
exampleRef = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_example_lists
char '@'
lab <- many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_")
- return $ do
- st <- askF
- return $ case M.lookup lab (stateExamples st) of
- Just n -> B.str (show n)
- Nothing -> B.str ('@':lab)
+ st <- ask
+ return $ case M.lookup lab (stateExamples st) of
+ Just n -> B.str (show n)
+ Nothing -> B.str ('@':lab)
-symbol :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+symbol :: MarkdownParser Inlines
symbol = do
result <- noneOf "<\\\n\t "
<|> try (do lookAhead $ char '\\'
notFollowedBy' (() <$ rawTeXBlock)
char '\\')
- return $ return $ B.str [result]
+ return $ B.str [result]
-- parses inline code, between n `s and n `s
-code :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+code :: MarkdownParser Inlines
code = try $ do
starts <- many1 (char '`')
@@ -1468,16 +1463,16 @@ code = try $ do
notFollowedBy (char '`')))
attr <- option ([],[],[]) (try $ guardEnabled Ext_inline_code_attributes >>
optional whitespace >> attributes)
- return $ return $ B.codeWith attr $ trim $ concat result
+ return $ B.codeWith attr $ trim $ concat result
-math :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
-math = (return . B.displayMath <$> (mathDisplay >>= applyMacros'))
- <|> (return . B.math <$> (mathInline >>= applyMacros'))
+math :: MarkdownParser Inlines
+math = (B.displayMath <$> (mathDisplay >>= applyMacros'))
+ <|> (B.math <$> (mathInline >>= applyMacros'))
-- Parses material enclosed in *s, **s, _s, or __s.
-- Designed to avoid backtracking.
enclosure :: Char
- -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ -> MarkdownParser Inlines
enclosure c = do
-- we can't start an enclosure with _ if after a string and
-- the intraword_underscores extension is enabled:
@@ -1485,13 +1480,13 @@ enclosure c = do
<|> guard (c == '*')
<|> (guard =<< notAfterString)
cs <- many1 (char c)
- (return (B.str cs) <>) <$> whitespace
- <|> do
+ (B.str cs <>) <$> whitespace
+ <|>
case length cs of
3 -> three c
2 -> two c mempty
1 -> one c mempty
- _ -> return (return $ B.str cs)
+ _ -> return $ B.str cs
ender :: Char -> Int -> MarkdownParser ()
ender c n = try $ do
@@ -1504,74 +1499,74 @@ ender c n = try $ do
-- If one c, emit emph and then parse two.
-- If two cs, emit strong and then parse one.
-- Otherwise, emit ccc then the results.
-three :: Char -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+three :: Char -> MarkdownParser Inlines
three c = do
contents <- mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy (ender c 1) >> inline)
- (ender c 3 >> return ((B.strong . B.emph) <$> contents))
- <|> (ender c 2 >> one c (B.strong <$> contents))
- <|> (ender c 1 >> two c (B.emph <$> contents))
- <|> return (return (B.str [c,c,c]) <> contents)
+ (ender c 3 >> return ((B.strong . B.emph) contents))
+ <|> (ender c 2 >> one c (B.strong contents))
+ <|> (ender c 1 >> two c (B.emph contents))
+ <|> return (B.str [c,c,c] <> contents)
-- Parse inlines til you hit two c's, and emit strong.
-- If you never do hit two cs, emit ** plus inlines parsed.
-two :: Char -> F Inlines -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+two :: Char -> Inlines -> MarkdownParser Inlines
two c prefix' = do
contents <- mconcat <$> many (try $ notFollowedBy (ender c 2) >> inline)
- (ender c 2 >> return (B.strong <$> (prefix' <> contents)))
- <|> return (return (B.str [c,c]) <> (prefix' <> contents))
+ (ender c 2 >> return (B.strong (prefix' <> contents)))
+ <|> return (B.str [c,c] <> (prefix' <> contents))
-- Parse inlines til you hit a c, and emit emph.
-- If you never hit a c, emit * plus inlines parsed.
-one :: Char -> F Inlines -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+one :: Char -> Inlines -> MarkdownParser Inlines
one c prefix' = do
contents <- mconcat <$> many ( (notFollowedBy (ender c 1) >> inline)
<|> try (string [c,c] >>
notFollowedBy (ender c 1) >>
two c mempty) )
- (ender c 1 >> return (B.emph <$> (prefix' <> contents)))
- <|> return (return (B.str [c]) <> (prefix' <> contents))
+ (ender c 1 >> return (B.emph (prefix' <> contents)))
+ <|> return (B.str [c] <> (prefix' <> contents))
-strongOrEmph :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+strongOrEmph :: MarkdownParser Inlines
strongOrEmph = enclosure '*' <|> enclosure '_'
--- | Parses a list of inlines between start and end delimiters.
+-- | Parses a list oInlines between start and end delimiters.
inlinesBetween :: (Show b)
=> MarkdownParser a
-> MarkdownParser b
- -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ -> MarkdownParser Inlines
inlinesBetween start end =
- (trimInlinesF . mconcat) <$> try (start >> many1Till inner end)
+ (trimInlines . mconcat) <$> try (start >> many1Till inner end)
where inner = innerSpace <|> (notFollowedBy' (() <$ whitespace) >> inline)
innerSpace = try $ whitespace <* notFollowedBy' end
-strikeout :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
-strikeout = fmap B.strikeout <$>
+strikeout :: MarkdownParser Inlines
+strikeout = B.strikeout <$>
(guardEnabled Ext_strikeout >> inlinesBetween strikeStart strikeEnd)
where strikeStart = string "~~" >> lookAhead nonspaceChar
>> notFollowedBy (char '~')
strikeEnd = try $ string "~~"
-superscript :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
-superscript = fmap B.superscript <$> try (do
+superscript :: MarkdownParser Inlines
+superscript = B.superscript <$> try (do
guardEnabled Ext_superscript
char '^'
mconcat <$> many1Till (notFollowedBy spaceChar >> inline) (char '^'))
-subscript :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
-subscript = fmap B.subscript <$> try (do
+subscript :: MarkdownParser Inlines
+subscript = B.subscript <$> try (do
guardEnabled Ext_subscript
char '~'
mconcat <$> many1Till (notFollowedBy spaceChar >> inline) (char '~'))
-whitespace :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
-whitespace = spaceChar >> return <$> (lb <|> regsp) <?> "whitespace"
+whitespace :: MarkdownParser Inlines
+whitespace = spaceChar >> (lb <|> regsp) <?> "whitespace"
where lb = spaceChar >> skipMany spaceChar >> option B.space (endline >> return B.linebreak)
regsp = skipMany spaceChar >> return B.space
-nonEndline :: Parser [Char] st Char
+nonEndline :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] st m Char
nonEndline = satisfy (/='\n')
-str :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+str :: MarkdownParser Inlines
str = do
result <- many1 alphaNum
@@ -1579,14 +1574,14 @@ str = do
isSmart <- getOption readerSmart
if isSmart
then case likelyAbbrev result of
- [] -> return $ return $ B.str result
+ [] -> return $ B.str result
xs -> choice (map (\x ->
try (string x >> oneOf " \n" >>
lookAhead alphaNum >>
- return (return $ B.str
- $ result ++ spacesToNbr x ++ "\160"))) xs)
- <|> (return $ return $ B.str result)
- else return $ return $ B.str result
+ return (B.str $
+ result ++ spacesToNbr x ++ "\160"))) xs)
+ <|> (return $ B.str result)
+ else return $ B.str result
-- | if the string matches the beginning of an abbreviation (before
-- the first period, return strings that would finish the abbreviation.
@@ -1601,7 +1596,7 @@ likelyAbbrev x =
in map snd $ filter (\(y,_) -> y == x) abbrPairs
-- an endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural break
-endline :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+endline :: MarkdownParser Inlines
endline = try $ do
notFollowedBy blankline
@@ -1614,18 +1609,18 @@ endline = try $ do
notFollowedBy (() <$ (lookAhead (char '`') >> codeBlockFenced))
(eof >> return mempty)
- <|> (guardEnabled Ext_hard_line_breaks >> return (return B.linebreak))
+ <|> (guardEnabled Ext_hard_line_breaks >> return B.linebreak)
<|> (guardEnabled Ext_ignore_line_breaks >> return mempty)
- <|> (return $ return B.space)
+ <|> return B.space
-- links
-- a reference label for a link
-reference :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines, String)
+reference :: MarkdownParser (Inlines, String)
reference = do notFollowedBy' (string "[^") -- footnote reference
- withRaw $ trimInlinesF <$> inlinesInBalancedBrackets
+ withRaw $ trimInlines <$> inlinesInBalancedBrackets
parenthesizedChars :: MarkdownParser [Char]
parenthesizedChars = do
@@ -1653,7 +1648,7 @@ source = do
linkTitle :: MarkdownParser String
linkTitle = quotedTitle '"' <|> quotedTitle '\''
-link :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+link :: MarkdownParser Inlines
link = try $ do
st <- getState
guard $ stateAllowLinks st
@@ -1663,14 +1658,14 @@ link = try $ do
regLink B.link lab <|> referenceLink B.link (lab,raw)
regLink :: (String -> String -> Inlines -> Inlines)
- -> F Inlines -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ -> Inlines -> MarkdownParser Inlines
regLink constructor lab = try $ do
(src, tit) <- source
- return $ constructor src tit <$> lab
+ return $ constructor src tit lab
-- a link like [this][ref] or [this][] or [this]
referenceLink :: (String -> String -> Inlines -> Inlines)
- -> (F Inlines, String) -> MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ -> (Inlines, String) -> MarkdownParser Inlines
referenceLink constructor (lab, raw) = do
sp <- (True <$ lookAhead (char ' ')) <|> return False
(ref,raw') <- option (mempty, "") $
@@ -1684,24 +1679,22 @@ referenceLink constructor (lab, raw) = do
fallback <- parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline) $ dropBrackets raw
implicitHeaderRefs <- option False $
True <$ guardEnabled Ext_implicit_header_references
- let makeFallback = do
- parsedRaw' <- parsedRaw
- fallback' <- fallback
- return $ B.str "[" <> fallback' <> B.str "]" <>
+ let makeFallback =
+ B.str "[" <> fallback <> B.str "]" <>
(if sp && not (null raw) then B.space else mempty) <>
- parsedRaw'
- return $ do
- keys <- asksF stateKeys
- case M.lookup key keys of
- Nothing -> do
- headers <- asksF stateHeaders
- ref' <- if labIsRef then lab else ref
- if implicitHeaderRefs
- then case M.lookup ref' headers of
- Just ident -> constructor ('#':ident) "" <$> lab
- Nothing -> makeFallback
- else makeFallback
- Just (src,tit) -> constructor src tit <$> lab
+ parsedRaw
+ keys <- asks stateKeys
+ headers <- asks stateHeaders
+ return $
+ case M.lookup key keys of
+ Nothing ->
+ let ref' = if labIsRef then lab else ref in
+ if implicitHeaderRefs
+ then case M.lookup ref' headers of
+ Just ident -> constructor ('#':ident) "" lab
+ Nothing -> makeFallback
+ else makeFallback
+ Just (src,tit) -> constructor src tit lab
dropBrackets :: String -> String
dropBrackets = reverse . dropRB . reverse . dropLB
@@ -1710,14 +1703,14 @@ dropBrackets = reverse . dropRB . reverse . dropLB
dropLB ('[':xs) = xs
dropLB xs = xs
-bareURL :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+bareURL :: MarkdownParser Inlines
bareURL = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_autolink_bare_uris
(orig, src) <- uri <|> emailAddress
notFollowedBy $ try $ spaces >> htmlTag (~== TagClose "a")
- return $ return $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)
+ return $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)
-autoLink :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+autoLink :: MarkdownParser Inlines
autoLink = try $ do
char '<'
(orig, src) <- uri <|> emailAddress
@@ -1726,9 +1719,9 @@ autoLink = try $ do
-- final punctuation. for example: in `<http://hi---there>`,
-- the URI parser will stop before the dashes.
extra <- fromEntities <$> manyTill nonspaceChar (char '>')
- return $ return $ B.link (src ++ escapeURI extra) "" (B.str $ orig ++ extra)
+ return $ B.link (src ++ escapeURI extra) "" (B.str $ orig ++ extra)
-image :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+image :: MarkdownParser Inlines
image = try $ do
char '!'
(lab,raw) <- reference
@@ -1738,38 +1731,33 @@ image = try $ do
_ -> B.image src
regLink constructor lab <|> referenceLink constructor (lab,raw)
-note :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+note :: MarkdownParser Inlines
note = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_footnotes
+ (stateInFootnote <$> getState) >>= guard . not
ref <- noteMarker
- return $ do
- notes <- asksF stateNotes'
+ notes <- asks stateNotes'
+ return $
case lookup ref notes of
- Nothing -> return $ B.str $ "[^" ++ ref ++ "]"
- Just contents -> do
- st <- askF
- -- process the note in a context that doesn't resolve
- -- notes, to avoid infinite looping with notes inside
- -- notes:
- let contents' = runF contents st{ stateNotes' = [] }
- return $ B.note contents'
-inlineNote :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ Nothing -> B.str $ "[^" ++ ref ++ "]"
+ Just contents -> B.note contents
+inlineNote :: MarkdownParser Inlines
inlineNote = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_inline_notes
char '^'
contents <- inlinesInBalancedBrackets
- return $ B.note . B.para <$> contents
+ return . B.note . B.para $ contents
-rawLaTeXInline' :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+rawLaTeXInline' :: MarkdownParser Inlines
rawLaTeXInline' = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_raw_tex
lookAhead $ char '\\' >> notFollowedBy' (string "start") -- context env
- RawInline _ s <- rawLaTeXInline
- return $ return $ B.rawInline "tex" s
+ RawInline _ s <- generalize rawLaTeXInline
+ return $ B.rawInline "tex" s
-- "tex" because it might be context or latex
-rawConTeXtEnvironment :: Parser [Char] st String
+rawConTeXtEnvironment :: Monad m => ParserT [Char] st m String
rawConTeXtEnvironment = try $ do
string "\\start"
completion <- inBrackets (letter <|> digit <|> spaceChar)
@@ -1778,14 +1766,14 @@ rawConTeXtEnvironment = try $ do
(try $ string "\\stop" >> string completion)
return $ "\\start" ++ completion ++ concat contents ++ "\\stop" ++ completion
-inBrackets :: (Parser [Char] st Char) -> Parser [Char] st String
+inBrackets :: Monad m => (ParserT [Char] st m Char) -> ParserT [Char] st m String
inBrackets parser = do
char '['
contents <- many parser
char ']'
return $ "[" ++ contents ++ "]"
-spanHtml :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+spanHtml :: MarkdownParser Inlines
spanHtml = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_native_spans
(TagOpen _ attrs, _) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen "span" [])
@@ -1797,10 +1785,10 @@ spanHtml = try $ do
Just s | null ident && null classes &&
map toLower (filter (`notElem` " \t;") s) ==
- -> return $ B.smallcaps <$> contents
- _ -> return $ B.spanWith (ident, classes, keyvals) <$> contents
+ -> return $ B.smallcaps contents
+ _ -> return $ B.spanWith (ident, classes, keyvals) contents
-divHtml :: MarkdownParser (F Blocks)
+divHtml :: MarkdownParser Blocks
divHtml = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_native_divs
(TagOpen _ attrs, rawtag) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen "div" [])
@@ -1818,11 +1806,11 @@ divHtml = try $ do
let ident = fromMaybe "" $ lookup "id" attrs
let classes = maybe [] words $ lookup "class" attrs
let keyvals = [(k,v) | (k,v) <- attrs, k /= "id" && k /= "class"]
- return $ B.divWith (ident, classes, keyvals) <$> contents
+ return $ B.divWith (ident, classes, keyvals) contents
else -- avoid backtracing
- return $ return (B.rawBlock "html" (rawtag <> bls)) <> contents
+ return $ B.rawBlock "html" (rawtag <> bls) <> contents
-rawHtmlInline :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+rawHtmlInline :: MarkdownParser Inlines
rawHtmlInline = do
guardEnabled Ext_raw_html
inHtmlBlock <- stateInHtmlBlock <$> getState
@@ -1837,19 +1825,17 @@ rawHtmlInline = do
then (\x -> isInlineTag x &&
not (isCloseBlockTag x))
else not . isTextTag
- return $ return $ B.rawInline "html" result
+ return $ B.rawInline "html" result
-- Citations
-cite :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+cite :: MarkdownParser Inlines
cite = do
guardEnabled Ext_citations
- citations <- textualCite
- <|> do (cs, raw) <- withRaw normalCite
- return $ (flip B.cite (B.text raw)) <$> cs
- return citations
+ textualCite <|> do (cs, raw) <- withRaw normalCite
+ return $ B.cite cs (B.text raw)
-textualCite :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+textualCite :: MarkdownParser Inlines
textualCite = try $ do
(_, key) <- citeKey
let first = Citation{ citationId = key
@@ -1863,29 +1849,26 @@ textualCite = try $ do
case mbrest of
Just (rest, raw) ->
return $ (flip B.cite (B.text $ '@':key ++ " " ++ raw) . (first:))
- <$> rest
+ rest
Nothing ->
(do (cs, raw) <- withRaw $ bareloc first
- return $ (flip B.cite (B.text $ '@':key ++ " " ++ raw)) <$> cs)
- <|> return (do st <- askF
- return $ case M.lookup key (stateExamples st) of
- Just n -> B.str (show n)
- _ -> B.cite [first] $ B.str $ '@':key)
+ return $ B.cite cs (B.text $ '@':key ++ " " ++ raw))
+ <|> do st <- ask
+ return $ case M.lookup key (stateExamples st) of
+ Just n -> B.str (show n)
+ _ -> B.cite [first] $ B.str $ '@':key
-bareloc :: Citation -> MarkdownParser (F [Citation])
+bareloc :: Citation -> MarkdownParser [Citation]
bareloc c = try $ do
char '['
suff <- suffix
- rest <- option (return []) $ try $ char ';' >> citeList
+ rest <- option [] $ try $ char ';' >> citeList
char ']'
- return $ do
- suff' <- suff
- rest' <- rest
- return $ c{ citationSuffix = B.toList suff' } : rest'
+ return $ c{ citationSuffix = B.toList suff } : rest
-normalCite :: MarkdownParser (F [Citation])
+normalCite :: MarkdownParser [Citation]
normalCite = try $ do
char '['
@@ -1894,60 +1877,57 @@ normalCite = try $ do
char ']'
return citations
-suffix :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+suffix :: MarkdownParser Inlines
suffix = try $ do
hasSpace <- option False (notFollowedBy nonspaceChar >> return True)
- rest <- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy (oneOf ";]") >> inline)
+ rest <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many (notFollowedBy (oneOf ";]") >> inline)
return $ if hasSpace
- then (B.space <>) <$> rest
+ then B.space <> rest
else rest
-prefix :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
-prefix = trimInlinesF . mconcat <$>
+prefix :: MarkdownParser Inlines
+prefix = trimInlines . mconcat <$>
manyTill inline (char ']' <|> liftM (const ']') (lookAhead citeKey))
-citeList :: MarkdownParser (F [Citation])
-citeList = fmap sequence $ sepBy1 citation (try $ char ';' >> spnl)
+citeList :: MarkdownParser [Citation]
+citeList = sepBy1 citation (try $ char ';' >> spnl)
-citation :: MarkdownParser (F Citation)
+citation :: MarkdownParser Citation
citation = try $ do
pref <- prefix
(suppress_author, key) <- citeKey
suff <- suffix
- return $ do
- x <- pref
- y <- suff
- return $ Citation{ citationId = key
- , citationPrefix = B.toList x
- , citationSuffix = B.toList y
- , citationMode = if suppress_author
- then SuppressAuthor
- else NormalCitation
- , citationNoteNum = 0
- , citationHash = 0
- }
-smart :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+ return Citation{ citationId = key
+ , citationPrefix = B.toList pref
+ , citationSuffix = B.toList suff
+ , citationMode = if suppress_author
+ then SuppressAuthor
+ else NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
+smart :: MarkdownParser Inlines
smart = do
getOption readerSmart >>= guard
doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted <|>
- choice (map (return <$>) [apostrophe, dash, ellipses])
+ choice [apostrophe, dash, ellipses]
-singleQuoted :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+singleQuoted :: MarkdownParser Inlines
singleQuoted = try $ do
withQuoteContext InSingleQuote $
- fmap B.singleQuoted . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$>
+ B.singleQuoted . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
many1Till inline singleQuoteEnd
-- doubleQuoted will handle regular double-quoted sections, as well
-- as dialogues with an open double-quote without a close double-quote
-- in the same paragraph.
-doubleQuoted :: MarkdownParser (F Inlines)
+doubleQuoted :: MarkdownParser Inlines
doubleQuoted = try $ do
contents <- mconcat <$> many (try $ notFollowedBy doubleQuoteEnd >> inline)
- (withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ doubleQuoteEnd >> return
- (fmap B.doubleQuoted . trimInlinesF $ contents))
- <|> (return $ return (B.str "\8220") <> contents)
+ (withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote doubleQuoteEnd >> return
+ (B.doubleQuoted . trimInlines $ contents))
+ <|> return (B.str "\8220" <> contents)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs
index 4a523657c..457db200b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>
@@ -36,8 +39,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Builder ( Inlines, Blocks, HasMeta(..), (<>)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Parsing as P
-import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ( F, unF, askF, asksF, runF
- , newline, orderedListMarker
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding ( newline, orderedListMarker
, parseFromString, blanklines
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX (inlineCommand, rawLaTeXInline)
@@ -45,36 +47,45 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Shared (compactify', compactify'DL)
import Text.TeXMath (readTeX, writePandoc, DisplayType(..))
import qualified Text.TeXMath.Readers.MathML.EntityMap as MathMLEntityMap
-import Control.Applicative ( Applicative, pure
+import Control.Applicative ( pure
, (<$>), (<$), (<*>), (<*), (*>) )
import Control.Arrow (first)
-import Control.Monad (foldM, guard, liftM, liftM2, mplus, mzero, when)
-import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, ask, asks, local)
+import Control.Monad (guard, mplus, mzero, when)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, runReader, asks, local)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, toLower)
import Data.Default
-import Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
+import Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
-import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mconcat, mempty, mappend)
+import Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty, mappend)
import Network.HTTP (urlEncode)
-- | Parse org-mode string and return a Pandoc document.
readOrg :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
-> String -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
-> Pandoc
-readOrg opts s = flip runReader def $ readWithM parseOrg def{ orgStateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
+readOrg opts s = runOrg opts s parseOrg
-data OrgParserLocal = OrgParserLocal { orgLocalQuoteContext :: QuoteContext }
+data OrgParserLocal = OrgParserLocal { orgLocalQuoteContext :: QuoteContext
+ , finalState :: OrgParserState }
type OrgParser = ParserT [Char] OrgParserState (Reader OrgParserLocal)
+runOrg :: ReaderOptions -> String -> OrgParser a -> a
+runOrg opts inp p = fst res
+ where
+ imd = readWithM (returnState p) def{ orgStateOptions = opts } (inp ++ "\n\n")
+ res = runReader imd def { finalState = s }
+ s :: OrgParserState
+ s = snd $ runReader imd (def { finalState = s })
parseOrg :: OrgParser Pandoc
parseOrg = do
blocks' <- parseBlocks
st <- getState
- let meta = runF (orgStateMeta' st) st
+ let meta = orgStateMeta st
let removeUnwantedBlocks = dropCommentTrees . filter (/= Null)
- return $ Pandoc meta $ removeUnwantedBlocks (B.toList $ runF blocks' st)
+ return $ Pandoc meta $ removeUnwantedBlocks (B.toList $ blocks')
-- | Drop COMMENT headers and the document tree below those headers.
dropCommentTrees :: [Block] -> [Block]
@@ -104,7 +115,7 @@ isHeaderLevelLowerEq n blk =
-- Parser State for Org
-type OrgNoteRecord = (String, F Blocks)
+type OrgNoteRecord = (String, Blocks)
type OrgNoteTable = [OrgNoteRecord]
type OrgBlockAttributes = M.Map String String
@@ -123,12 +134,11 @@ data OrgParserState = OrgParserState
, orgStateLastStrPos :: Maybe SourcePos
, orgStateLinkFormatters :: OrgLinkFormatters
, orgStateMeta :: Meta
- , orgStateMeta' :: F Meta
, orgStateNotes' :: OrgNoteTable
instance Default OrgParserLocal where
- def = OrgParserLocal NoQuote
+ def = OrgParserLocal NoQuote def
instance HasReaderOptions OrgParserState where
extractReaderOptions = orgStateOptions
@@ -162,13 +172,13 @@ defaultOrgParserState = OrgParserState
, orgStateLastStrPos = Nothing
, orgStateLinkFormatters = M.empty
, orgStateMeta = nullMeta
- , orgStateMeta' = return nullMeta
, orgStateNotes' = []
recordAnchorId :: String -> OrgParser ()
recordAnchorId i = updateState $ \s ->
- s{ orgStateAnchorIds = i : (orgStateAnchorIds s) }
+ let as = orgStateAnchorIds s in
+ s{ orgStateAnchorIds = i : as }
addBlockAttribute :: String -> String -> OrgParser ()
addBlockAttribute key val = updateState $ \s ->
@@ -247,30 +257,6 @@ parseFromString parser str' = do
-- Adaptions and specializations of parsing utilities
-newtype F a = F { unF :: Reader OrgParserState a
- } deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor)
-runF :: F a -> OrgParserState -> a
-runF = runReader . unF
-askF :: F OrgParserState
-askF = F ask
-asksF :: (OrgParserState -> a) -> F a
-asksF f = F $ asks f
-instance Monoid a => Monoid (F a) where
- mempty = return mempty
- mappend = liftM2 mappend
- mconcat = fmap mconcat . sequence
-trimInlinesF :: F Inlines -> F Inlines
-trimInlinesF = liftM trimInlines
-returnF :: a -> OrgParser (F a)
-returnF = return . return
-- | Like @Text.Parsec.Char.newline@, but causes additional state changes.
newline :: OrgParser Char
newline =
@@ -289,10 +275,10 @@ blanklines =
-- parsing blocks
-parseBlocks :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+parseBlocks :: OrgParser Blocks
parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof
-block :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+block :: OrgParser Blocks
block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
, optionalAttributes $ choice
[ orgBlock
@@ -303,14 +289,14 @@ block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
, drawer
, specialLine
, header
- , return <$> hline
+ , hline
, list
, latexFragment
, noteBlock
, paraOrPlain
] <?> "block"
-optionalAttributes :: OrgParser (F Blocks) -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+optionalAttributes :: OrgParser Blocks -> OrgParser Blocks
optionalAttributes parser = try $
resetBlockAttributes *> parseBlockAttributes *> parser
@@ -330,7 +316,7 @@ parseAndAddAttribute key value = do
let key' = map toLower key
() <$ addBlockAttribute key' value
-lookupInlinesAttr :: String -> OrgParser (Maybe (F Inlines))
+lookupInlinesAttr :: String -> OrgParser (Maybe Inlines)
lookupInlinesAttr attr = try $ do
val <- lookupBlockAttribute attr
maybe (return Nothing)
@@ -344,20 +330,20 @@ lookupInlinesAttr attr = try $ do
type BlockProperties = (Int, String) -- (Indentation, Block-Type)
-orgBlock :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+orgBlock :: OrgParser Blocks
orgBlock = try $ do
blockProp@(_, blkType) <- blockHeaderStart
($ blockProp) $
case blkType of
"comment" -> withRaw' (const mempty)
- "html" -> withRaw' (return . (B.rawBlock blkType))
- "latex" -> withRaw' (return . (B.rawBlock blkType))
- "ascii" -> withRaw' (return . (B.rawBlock blkType))
- "example" -> withRaw' (return . exampleCode)
- "quote" -> withParsed (fmap B.blockQuote)
+ "html" -> withRaw' (B.rawBlock blkType)
+ "latex" -> withRaw' (B.rawBlock blkType)
+ "ascii" -> withRaw' (B.rawBlock blkType)
+ "example" -> withRaw' exampleCode
+ "quote" -> withParsed B.blockQuote
"verse" -> verseBlock
"src" -> codeBlock
- _ -> withParsed (fmap $ divWithClass blkType)
+ _ -> withParsed (divWithClass blkType)
blockHeaderStart :: OrgParser (Int, String)
blockHeaderStart = try $ (,) <$> indent <*> blockType
@@ -365,10 +351,10 @@ blockHeaderStart = try $ (,) <$> indent <*> blockType
indent = length <$> many spaceChar
blockType = map toLower <$> (stringAnyCase "#+begin_" *> orgArgWord)
-withRaw' :: (String -> F Blocks) -> BlockProperties -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+withRaw' :: (String -> Blocks) -> BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
withRaw' f blockProp = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> rawBlockContent blockProp))
-withParsed :: (F Blocks -> F Blocks) -> BlockProperties -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+withParsed :: (Blocks -> Blocks) -> BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
withParsed f blockProp = (ignHeaders *> (f <$> parsedBlockContent blockProp))
ignHeaders :: OrgParser ()
@@ -377,11 +363,11 @@ ignHeaders = (() <$ newline) <|> (() <$ anyLine)
divWithClass :: String -> Blocks -> Blocks
divWithClass cls = B.divWith ("", [cls], [])
-verseBlock :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+verseBlock :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
verseBlock blkProp = try $ do
content <- rawBlockContent blkProp
- fmap B.para . mconcat . intersperse (pure B.linebreak)
+ B.para . mconcat . intersperse B.linebreak
<$> mapM (parseFromString parseInlines) (lines content)
exportsCode :: [(String, String)] -> Bool
@@ -398,7 +384,7 @@ followingResultsBlock =
*> blankline
*> (unlines <$> many1 exampleLine))
-codeBlock :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+codeBlock :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
codeBlock blkProp = do
(classes, kv) <- codeHeaderArgs <|> (mempty <$ ignHeaders)
@@ -408,17 +394,15 @@ codeBlock blkProp = do
let includeCode = exportsCode kv
let includeResults = exportsResults kv
let codeBlck = B.codeBlockWith ( id', classes, kv ) content
- labelledBlck <- maybe (pure codeBlck)
- (labelDiv codeBlck)
+ labelledBlck <- maybe codeBlck (labelDiv codeBlck)
<$> lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
- let resultBlck = pure $ maybe mempty (exampleCode) resultsContent
+ let resultBlck = maybe mempty exampleCode resultsContent
return $ (if includeCode then labelledBlck else mempty)
<> (if includeResults then resultBlck else mempty)
labelDiv blk value =
- B.divWith nullAttr <$> (mappend <$> labelledBlock value
- <*> pure blk)
- labelledBlock = fmap (B.plain . B.spanWith ("", ["label"], []))
+ B.divWith nullAttr (labelledBlock value <> blk)
+ labelledBlock = B.plain . B.spanWith ("", ["label"], [])
rawBlockContent :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser String
rawBlockContent (indent, blockType) = try $
@@ -427,7 +411,7 @@ rawBlockContent (indent, blockType) = try $
indentedLine = try $ ("" <$ blankline) <|> (indentWith indent *> anyLine)
blockEnder = try $ indentWith indent *> stringAnyCase ("#+end_" <> blockType)
-parsedBlockContent :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+parsedBlockContent :: BlockProperties -> OrgParser Blocks
parsedBlockContent blkProps = try $ do
raw <- rawBlockContent blkProps
parseFromString parseBlocks (raw ++ "\n")
@@ -518,9 +502,9 @@ commaEscaped (',':cs@('*':_)) = cs
commaEscaped (',':cs@('#':'+':_)) = cs
commaEscaped cs = cs
-example :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+example :: OrgParser Blocks
example = try $ do
- return . return . exampleCode =<< unlines <$> many1 exampleLine
+ return . exampleCode =<< unlines <$> many1 exampleLine
exampleCode :: String -> Blocks
exampleCode = B.codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], [])
@@ -529,7 +513,7 @@ exampleLine :: OrgParser String
exampleLine = try $ skipSpaces *> string ": " *> anyLine
-- Drawers for properties or a logbook
-drawer :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+drawer :: OrgParser Blocks
drawer = try $ do
manyTill drawerLine (try drawerEnd)
@@ -555,14 +539,12 @@ drawerEnd = try $
-- Figures (Image on a line by itself, preceded by name and/or caption)
-figure :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+figure :: OrgParser Blocks
figure = try $ do
(cap, nam) <- nameAndCaption
src <- skipSpaces *> selfTarget <* skipSpaces <* P.newline
guard (isImageFilename src)
- return $ do
- cap' <- cap
- return $ B.para $ B.image src nam cap'
+ return $ B.para $ B.image src nam cap
nameAndCaption =
@@ -578,8 +560,8 @@ figure = try $ do
-- Comments, Options and Metadata
-specialLine :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
-specialLine = fmap return . try $ metaLine <|> commentLine
+specialLine :: OrgParser Blocks
+specialLine = try $ metaLine <|> commentLine
metaLine :: OrgParser Blocks
metaLine = try $ mempty
@@ -599,14 +581,14 @@ commentLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "# "
declarationLine :: OrgParser ()
declarationLine = try $ do
key <- metaKey
- inlinesF <- metaInlines
+ inlines <- metaInlines
updateState $ \st ->
- let meta' = B.setMeta <$> pure key <*> inlinesF <*> pure nullMeta
- in st { orgStateMeta' = orgStateMeta' st <> meta' }
+ let meta' = B.setMeta key inlines nullMeta
+ in st { orgStateMeta = orgStateMeta st <> meta' }
return ()
-metaInlines :: OrgParser (F MetaValue)
-metaInlines = fmap (MetaInlines . B.toList) <$> inlinesTillNewline
+metaInlines :: OrgParser MetaValue
+metaInlines = (MetaInlines . B.toList) <$> inlinesTillNewline
metaKey :: OrgParser String
metaKey = map toLower <$> many1 (noneOf ": \n\r")
@@ -647,11 +629,11 @@ parseFormat = try $ do
-- | Headers
-header :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+header :: OrgParser Blocks
header = try $ do
level <- headerStart
title <- inlinesTillNewline
- return $ B.header level <$> title
+ return $ B.header level title
headerStart :: OrgParser Int
headerStart = try $
@@ -675,7 +657,7 @@ hline = try $ do
-- Tables
-data OrgTableRow = OrgContentRow (F [Blocks])
+data OrgTableRow = OrgContentRow [Blocks]
| OrgAlignRow [Alignment]
| OrgHlineRow
@@ -686,13 +668,13 @@ data OrgTable = OrgTable
, orgTableRows :: [[Blocks]]
-table :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+table :: OrgParser Blocks
table = try $ do
lookAhead tableStart
rows <- tableRows
- cptn <- fromMaybe (pure "") <$> lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
- return $ (<$> cptn) . orgToPandocTable . normalizeTable =<< rowsToTable rows
+ (cptn :: Inlines) <- fromMaybe "" <$> lookupInlinesAttr "caption"
+ return $ ($ cptn) . orgToPandocTable . normalizeTable . rowsToTable $ rows
orgToPandocTable :: OrgTable
-> Inlines
@@ -708,11 +690,11 @@ tableRows = try $ many (tableAlignRow <|> tableHline <|> tableContentRow)
tableContentRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
tableContentRow = try $
- OrgContentRow . sequence <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableContentCell newline)
+ OrgContentRow <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableContentCell newline)
-tableContentCell :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+tableContentCell :: OrgParser Blocks
tableContentCell = try $
- fmap B.plain . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1Till inline endOfCell
+ B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline endOfCell
endOfCell :: OrgParser Char
endOfCell = try $ char '|' <|> lookAhead newline
@@ -744,8 +726,8 @@ tableHline = try $
OrgHlineRow <$ (tableStart *> char '-' *> anyLine)
rowsToTable :: [OrgTableRow]
- -> F OrgTable
-rowsToTable = foldM (flip rowToContent) zeroTable
+ -> OrgTable
+rowsToTable = foldl' (flip rowToContent) zeroTable
where zeroTable = OrgTable 0 mempty mempty mempty
normalizeTable :: OrgTable
@@ -764,45 +746,43 @@ normalizeTable (OrgTable cols aligns heads lns) =
-- line as a header. All other horizontal lines are discarded.
rowToContent :: OrgTableRow
-> OrgTable
- -> F OrgTable
+ -> OrgTable
rowToContent OrgHlineRow t = maybeBodyToHeader t
-rowToContent (OrgAlignRow as) t = setLongestRow as =<< setAligns as t
-rowToContent (OrgContentRow rf) t = do
- rs <- rf
- setLongestRow rs =<< appendToBody rs t
+rowToContent (OrgAlignRow as) t = setLongestRow as . setAligns as $ t
+rowToContent (OrgContentRow rf) t = setLongestRow rf . appendToBody rf $ t
setLongestRow :: [a]
-> OrgTable
- -> F OrgTable
+ -> OrgTable
setLongestRow rs t =
- return t{ orgTableColumns = max (length rs) (orgTableColumns t) }
+ t{ orgTableColumns = max (length rs) (orgTableColumns t) }
maybeBodyToHeader :: OrgTable
- -> F OrgTable
+ -> OrgTable
maybeBodyToHeader t = case t of
OrgTable{ orgTableHeader = [], orgTableRows = b:[] } ->
- return t{ orgTableHeader = b , orgTableRows = [] }
- _ -> return t
+ t{ orgTableHeader = b , orgTableRows = [] }
+ _ -> t
appendToBody :: [Blocks]
-> OrgTable
- -> F OrgTable
-appendToBody r t = return t{ orgTableRows = orgTableRows t ++ [r] }
+ -> OrgTable
+appendToBody r t = t{ orgTableRows = orgTableRows t ++ [r] }
setAligns :: [Alignment]
-> OrgTable
- -> F OrgTable
-setAligns aligns t = return $ t{ orgTableAlignments = aligns }
+ -> OrgTable
+setAligns aligns t = t{ orgTableAlignments = aligns }
-- LaTeX fragments
-latexFragment :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+latexFragment :: OrgParser Blocks
latexFragment = try $ do
envName <- latexEnvStart
content <- mconcat <$> manyTill anyLineNewline (latexEnd envName)
- return . return $ B.rawBlock "latex" (content `inLatexEnv` envName)
+ return $ B.rawBlock "latex" (content `inLatexEnv` envName)
c `inLatexEnv` e = mconcat [ "\\begin{", e, "}\n"
, c
@@ -832,7 +812,7 @@ latexEnvName = try $ do
-- Footnote defintions
-noteBlock :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+noteBlock :: OrgParser Blocks
noteBlock = try $ do
ref <- noteMarker <* skipSpaces
content <- mconcat <$> blocksTillHeaderOrNote
@@ -844,37 +824,37 @@ noteBlock = try $ do
<|> () <$ lookAhead headerStart)
-- Paragraphs or Plain text
-paraOrPlain :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+paraOrPlain :: OrgParser Blocks
paraOrPlain = try $ do
ils <- parseInlines
nl <- option False (newline >> return True)
try (guard nl >> notFollowedBy (orderedListStart <|> bulletListStart) >>
- return (B.para <$> ils))
- <|> (return (B.plain <$> ils))
+ (return $ B.para ils))
+ <|> (return $ B.plain ils)
-inlinesTillNewline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-inlinesTillNewline = trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline
+inlinesTillNewline :: OrgParser Inlines
+inlinesTillNewline = trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline
-- list blocks
-list :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+list :: OrgParser Blocks
list = choice [ definitionList, bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"
-definitionList :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+definitionList :: OrgParser Blocks
definitionList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
- fmap B.definitionList . fmap compactify'DL . sequence
+ B.definitionList . compactify'DL
<$> many1 (definitionListItem $ bulletListStart' (Just n))
-bulletList :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
+bulletList :: OrgParser Blocks
bulletList = try $ do n <- lookAhead (bulletListStart' Nothing)
- fmap B.bulletList . fmap compactify' . sequence
+ B.bulletList . compactify'
<$> many1 (listItem (bulletListStart' $ Just n))
-orderedList :: OrgParser (F Blocks)
-orderedList = fmap B.orderedList . fmap compactify' . sequence
+orderedList :: OrgParser Blocks
+orderedList = B.orderedList . compactify'
<$> many1 (listItem orderedListStart)
genericListStart :: OrgParser String
@@ -911,7 +891,7 @@ orderedListStart = genericListStart orderedListMarker
where orderedListMarker = mappend <$> many1 digit <*> (pure <$> oneOf ".)")
definitionListItem :: OrgParser Int
- -> OrgParser (F (Inlines, [Blocks]))
+ -> OrgParser (Inlines, [Blocks])
definitionListItem parseMarkerGetLength = try $ do
markerLength <- parseMarkerGetLength
term <- manyTill (noneOf "\n\r") (try $ string "::")
@@ -920,12 +900,12 @@ definitionListItem parseMarkerGetLength = try $ do
cont <- concat <$> many (listContinuation markerLength)
term' <- parseFromString parseInlines term
contents' <- parseFromString parseBlocks $ line1 ++ blank ++ cont
- return $ (,) <$> term' <*> fmap (:[]) contents'
+ return (term', [contents'])
-- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
listItem :: OrgParser Int
- -> OrgParser (F Blocks)
+ -> OrgParser Blocks
listItem start = try $ do
markerLength <- try start
firstLine <- anyLineNewline
@@ -951,7 +931,7 @@ anyLineNewline = (++ "\n") <$> anyLine
-- inline
-inline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+inline :: OrgParser Inlines
inline =
choice [ whitespace
, linebreak
@@ -978,31 +958,31 @@ inline =
] <* (guard =<< newlinesCountWithinLimits)
<?> "inline"
-parseInlines :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-parseInlines = trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1 inline
+parseInlines :: OrgParser Inlines
+parseInlines = trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline
-- treat these as potentially non-text when parsing inline:
specialChars :: [Char]
specialChars = "\"$'()*+-,./:<=>[\\]^_{|}~"
-whitespace :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-whitespace = pure B.space <$ skipMany1 spaceChar
+whitespace :: OrgParser Inlines
+whitespace = B.space <$ skipMany1 spaceChar
<* updateLastPreCharPos
<* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
<?> "whitespace"
-linebreak :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-linebreak = try $ pure B.linebreak <$ string "\\\\" <* skipSpaces <* newline
+linebreak :: OrgParser Inlines
+linebreak = try $ B.linebreak <$ string "\\\\" <* skipSpaces <* newline
-str :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-str = return . B.str <$> many1 (noneOf $ specialChars ++ "\n\r ")
+str :: OrgParser Inlines
+str = B.str <$> many1 (noneOf $ specialChars ++ "\n\r ")
<* updateLastStrPos
-- | An endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural
-- break. This should reflect the values of the Emacs variable
-- @org-element-pagaraph-separate@.
-endline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+endline :: OrgParser Inlines
endline = try $ do
notFollowedBy blankline
@@ -1020,77 +1000,72 @@ endline = try $ do
guard =<< newlinesCountWithinLimits
- return . return $ B.space
+ return $ B.space
-cite :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+cite :: OrgParser Inlines
cite = try $ do
guardEnabled Ext_citations
(cs, raw) <- withRaw normalCite
- return $ (flip B.cite (B.text raw)) <$> cs
+ return $ flip B.cite (B.text raw) cs
-normalCite :: OrgParser (F [Citation])
+normalCite :: OrgParser [Citation]
normalCite = try $ char '['
*> skipSpaces
*> citeList
<* skipSpaces
<* char ']'
-citeList :: OrgParser (F [Citation])
-citeList = sequence <$> sepBy1 citation (try $ char ';' *> skipSpaces)
+citeList :: OrgParser [Citation]
+citeList = sepBy1 citation (try $ char ';' *> skipSpaces)
-citation :: OrgParser (F Citation)
+citation :: OrgParser Citation
citation = try $ do
pref <- prefix
(suppress_author, key) <- citeKey
suff <- suffix
- return $ do
- x <- pref
- y <- suff
- return $ Citation{ citationId = key
- , citationPrefix = B.toList x
- , citationSuffix = B.toList y
- , citationMode = if suppress_author
- then SuppressAuthor
- else NormalCitation
- , citationNoteNum = 0
- , citationHash = 0
- }
+ return $ Citation{ citationId = key
+ , citationPrefix = B.toList pref
+ , citationSuffix = B.toList suff
+ , citationMode = if suppress_author
+ then SuppressAuthor
+ else NormalCitation
+ , citationNoteNum = 0
+ , citationHash = 0
+ }
- prefix = trimInlinesF . mconcat <$>
+ prefix = trimInlines . mconcat <$>
manyTill inline (char ']' <|> (']' <$ lookAhead citeKey))
suffix = try $ do
hasSpace <- option False (notFollowedBy nonspaceChar >> return True)
- rest <- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$>
+ rest <- trimInlines . mconcat <$>
many (notFollowedBy (oneOf ";]") *> inline)
- return $ if hasSpace
- then (B.space <>) <$> rest
- else rest
+ return $
+ if hasSpace
+ then B.space <> rest
+ else rest
-footnote :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+footnote :: OrgParser Inlines
footnote = try $ inlineNote <|> referencedNote
-inlineNote :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+inlineNote :: OrgParser Inlines
inlineNote = try $ do
string "[fn:"
ref <- many alphaNum
char ':'
- note <- fmap B.para . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> many1Till inline (char ']')
+ note <- B.para . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline (char ']')
when (not $ null ref) $
addToNotesTable ("fn:" ++ ref, note)
- return $ B.note <$> note
+ return $ B.note note
-referencedNote :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+referencedNote :: OrgParser Inlines
referencedNote = try $ do
ref <- noteMarker
- return $ do
- notes <- asksF orgStateNotes'
+ notes <- asks (orgStateNotes' . finalState)
+ return $
case lookup ref notes of
- Nothing -> return $ B.str $ "[" ++ ref ++ "]"
- Just contents -> do
- st <- askF
- let contents' = runF contents st{ orgStateNotes' = [] }
- return $ B.note contents'
+ Just contents -> B.note contents
+ Nothing -> B.str $ "[" ++ ref ++ "]"
noteMarker :: OrgParser String
noteMarker = try $ do
@@ -1100,37 +1075,37 @@ noteMarker = try $ do
<*> many1Till (noneOf "\n\r\t ") (char ']')
-linkOrImage :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+linkOrImage :: OrgParser Inlines
linkOrImage = explicitOrImageLink
<|> selflinkOrImage
<|> angleLink
<|> plainLink
<?> "link or image"
-explicitOrImageLink :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+explicitOrImageLink :: OrgParser Inlines
explicitOrImageLink = try $ do
char '['
- srcF <- applyCustomLinkFormat =<< possiblyEmptyLinkTarget
+ src <- applyCustomLinkFormat =<< possiblyEmptyLinkTarget
title <- enclosedRaw (char '[') (char ']')
title' <- parseFromString (mconcat <$> many inline) title
char ']'
- return $ do
- src <- srcF
- if isImageFilename src && isImageFilename title
- then pure $ B.link src "" $ B.image title mempty mempty
- else linkToInlinesF src =<< title'
+ alt <- internalLink src title'
+ return $
+ (if isImageFilename src && isImageFilename title
+ then B.link src "" $ B.image title mempty mempty
+ else fromMaybe alt (linkToInlines src title'))
-selflinkOrImage :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+selflinkOrImage :: OrgParser Inlines
selflinkOrImage = try $ do
src <- char '[' *> linkTarget <* char ']'
- return $ linkToInlinesF src (B.str src)
+ return $ fromMaybe "" (linkToInlines src (B.str src))
-plainLink :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+plainLink :: OrgParser Inlines
plainLink = try $ do
(orig, src) <- uri
- returnF $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)
+ return $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)
-angleLink :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+angleLink :: OrgParser Inlines
angleLink = try $ do
char '<'
link <- plainLink
@@ -1146,26 +1121,31 @@ linkTarget = enclosedByPair '[' ']' (noneOf "\n\r[]")
possiblyEmptyLinkTarget :: OrgParser String
possiblyEmptyLinkTarget = try linkTarget <|> ("" <$ string "[]")
-applyCustomLinkFormat :: String -> OrgParser (F String)
+applyCustomLinkFormat :: String -> OrgParser String
applyCustomLinkFormat link = do
let (linkType, rest) = break (== ':') link
- return $ do
- formatter <- M.lookup linkType <$> asksF orgStateLinkFormatters
- return $ maybe link ($ drop 1 rest) formatter
+ fmts <- asks finalState
+ return $
+ case M.lookup linkType (orgStateLinkFormatters fmts) of
+ Just v -> (v (drop 1 rest))
+ Nothing -> link
-- TODO: might be a lot smarter/cleaner to use parsec and ADTs for this kind
-- of parsing.
-linkToInlinesF :: String -> Inlines -> F Inlines
-linkToInlinesF s =
+linkToInlines :: String -> Inlines -> Maybe Inlines
+linkToInlines = \s ->
case s of
- "" -> pure . B.link "" ""
- ('#':_) -> pure . B.link s ""
- _ | isImageFilename s -> const . pure $ B.image s "" ""
- _ | isFileLink s -> pure . B.link (dropLinkType s) ""
- _ | isUri s -> pure . B.link s ""
- _ | isAbsoluteFilePath s -> pure . B.link ("file://" ++ s) ""
- _ | isRelativeFilePath s -> pure . B.link s ""
- _ -> internalLink s
+ _ | null s -> Just . B.link "" ""
+ _ | isAnchor s -> Just . B.link s ""
+ _ | isImageFilename s -> const . Just $ B.image s "" ""
+ _ | isFileLink s -> Just . B.link (dropLinkType s) ""
+ _ | isUri s -> Just . B.link s ""
+ _ | isAbsoluteFilePath s -> Just . B.link ("file://" ++ s) ""
+ _ | isRelativeFilePath s -> Just . B.link s ""
+ _ -> const Nothing
+isAnchor :: String -> Bool
+isAnchor s = "#" `isPrefixOf` s
isFileLink :: String -> Bool
isFileLink s = ("file:" `isPrefixOf` s) && not ("file://" `isPrefixOf` s)
@@ -1194,12 +1174,13 @@ isImageFilename filename =
imageExtensions = [ "jpeg" , "jpg" , "png" , "gif" , "svg" ]
protocols = [ "file", "http", "https" ]
-internalLink :: String -> Inlines -> F Inlines
+internalLink :: String -> Inlines -> OrgParser Inlines
internalLink link title = do
- anchorB <- (link `elem`) <$> asksF orgStateAnchorIds
- if anchorB
- then return $ B.link ('#':link) "" title
- else return $ B.emph title
+ anchorB <- asks finalState
+ return $
+ if link `elem` (orgStateAnchorIds anchorB)
+ then B.link ('#':link) "" title
+ else B.emph title
-- | Parse an anchor like @<<anchor-id>>@ and return an empty span with
-- @anchor-id@ set as id. Legal anchors in org-mode are defined through
@@ -1207,11 +1188,11 @@ internalLink link title = do
-- @anchor-id@ contains spaces, we are more restrictive in what is accepted as
-- an anchor.
-anchor :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+anchor :: OrgParser Inlines
anchor = try $ do
anchorId <- parseAnchor
recordAnchorId anchorId
- returnF $ B.spanWith (solidify anchorId, [], []) mempty
+ return $ B.spanWith (solidify anchorId, [], []) mempty
parseAnchor = string "<<"
*> many1 (noneOf "\t\n\r<>\"' ")
@@ -1229,7 +1210,7 @@ solidify = map replaceSpecialChar
| otherwise = '-'
-- | Parses an inline code block and marks it as an babel block.
-inlineCodeBlock :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+inlineCodeBlock :: OrgParser Inlines
inlineCodeBlock = try $ do
string "src_"
lang <- many1 orgArgWordChar
@@ -1237,7 +1218,7 @@ inlineCodeBlock = try $ do
inlineCode <- enclosedByPair '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
let attrClasses = [translateLang lang, rundocBlockClass]
let attrKeyVal = map toRundocAttrib (("language", lang) : opts)
- returnF $ B.codeWith ("", attrClasses, attrKeyVal) inlineCode
+ return $ B.codeWith ("", attrClasses, attrKeyVal) inlineCode
enclosedByPair :: Char -- ^ opening char
-> Char -- ^ closing char
@@ -1245,41 +1226,40 @@ enclosedByPair :: Char -- ^ opening char
-> OrgParser [a]
enclosedByPair s e p = char s *> many1Till p (char e)
-emph :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-emph = fmap B.emph <$> emphasisBetween '/'
+emph :: OrgParser Inlines
+emph = B.emph <$> emphasisBetween '/'
-strong :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-strong = fmap B.strong <$> emphasisBetween '*'
+strong :: OrgParser Inlines
+strong = B.strong <$> emphasisBetween '*'
-strikeout :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-strikeout = fmap B.strikeout <$> emphasisBetween '+'
+strikeout :: OrgParser Inlines
+strikeout = B.strikeout <$> emphasisBetween '+'
-- There is no underline, so we use strong instead.
-underline :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-underline = fmap B.strong <$> emphasisBetween '_'
+underline :: OrgParser Inlines
+underline = B.strong <$> emphasisBetween '_'
-verbatim :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-verbatim = return . B.code <$> verbatimBetween '='
+verbatim :: OrgParser Inlines
+verbatim = B.code <$> verbatimBetween '='
-code :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-code = return . B.code <$> verbatimBetween '~'
+code :: OrgParser Inlines
+code = B.code <$> verbatimBetween '~'
-subscript :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-subscript = fmap B.subscript <$> try (char '_' *> subOrSuperExpr)
+subscript :: OrgParser Inlines
+subscript = B.subscript <$> try (char '_' *> subOrSuperExpr)
-superscript :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-superscript = fmap B.superscript <$> try (char '^' *> subOrSuperExpr)
+superscript :: OrgParser Inlines
+superscript = B.superscript <$> try (char '^' *> subOrSuperExpr)
-math :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-math = return . B.math <$> choice [ math1CharBetween '$'
+math :: OrgParser Inlines
+math = B.math <$> choice [ math1CharBetween '$'
, mathStringBetween '$'
, rawMathBetween "\\(" "\\)"
-displayMath :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-displayMath = return . B.displayMath <$> choice [ rawMathBetween "\\[" "\\]"
- , rawMathBetween "$$" "$$"
- ]
+displayMath :: OrgParser Inlines
+displayMath = B.displayMath <$> choice [ rawMathBetween "\\[" "\\]"
+ , rawMathBetween "$$" "$$" ]
updatePositions :: Char
-> OrgParser (Char)
@@ -1288,11 +1268,11 @@ updatePositions c = do
when (c `elem` emphasisForbiddenBorderChars) updateLastForbiddenCharPos
return c
-symbol :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
-symbol = return . B.str . (: "") <$> (oneOf specialChars >>= updatePositions)
+symbol :: OrgParser Inlines
+symbol = B.str . (: "") <$> (oneOf specialChars >>= updatePositions)
emphasisBetween :: Char
- -> OrgParser (F Inlines)
+ -> OrgParser Inlines
emphasisBetween c = try $ do
startEmphasisNewlinesCounting emphasisAllowedNewlines
res <- enclosedInlines (emphasisStart c) (emphasisEnd c)
@@ -1369,9 +1349,9 @@ mathEnd c = try $ do
enclosedInlines :: OrgParser a
-> OrgParser b
- -> OrgParser (F Inlines)
+ -> OrgParser Inlines
enclosedInlines start end = try $
- trimInlinesF . mconcat <$> enclosed start end inline
+ trimInlines . mconcat <$> enclosed start end inline
enclosedRaw :: OrgParser a
-> OrgParser b
@@ -1450,7 +1430,7 @@ notAfterForbiddenBorderChar = do
return $ lastFBCPos /= Just pos
-- | Read a sub- or superscript expression
-subOrSuperExpr :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+subOrSuperExpr :: OrgParser Inlines
subOrSuperExpr = try $
choice [ id <$> charsInBalanced '{' '}' (noneOf "\n\r")
, enclosing ('(', ')') <$> charsInBalanced '(' ')' (noneOf "\n\r")
@@ -1465,10 +1445,10 @@ simpleSubOrSuperString = try $
<*> many1 alphaNum
-inlineLaTeX :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+inlineLaTeX :: OrgParser Inlines
inlineLaTeX = try $ do
cmd <- inlineLaTeXCommand
- maybe mzero returnF $
+ maybe mzero return $
parseAsMath cmd `mplus` parseAsMathMLSym cmd `mplus` parseAsInlineLaTeX cmd
parseAsMath :: String -> Maybe Inlines
@@ -1501,30 +1481,30 @@ inlineLaTeXCommand = try $ do
return cs
_ -> mzero
-smart :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+smart :: OrgParser Inlines
smart = do
getOption readerSmart >>= guard
doubleQuoted <|> singleQuoted <|>
- choice (map (return <$>) [orgApostrophe, dash, ellipses])
+ choice [orgApostrophe, dash, ellipses]
where orgApostrophe =
(char '\'' <|> char '\8217') <* updateLastPreCharPos
<* updateLastForbiddenCharPos
*> return (B.str "\x2019")
-singleQuoted :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+singleQuoted :: OrgParser Inlines
singleQuoted = try $ do
withQuoteContext InSingleQuote $
- fmap B.singleQuoted . trimInlinesF . mconcat <$>
+ B.singleQuoted . trimInlines . mconcat <$>
many1Till inline singleQuoteEnd
-- doubleQuoted will handle regular double-quoted sections, as well
-- as dialogues with an open double-quote without a close double-quote
-- in the same paragraph.
-doubleQuoted :: OrgParser (F Inlines)
+doubleQuoted :: OrgParser Inlines
doubleQuoted = try $ do
contents <- mconcat <$> many (try $ notFollowedBy doubleQuoteEnd >> inline)
(withQuoteContext InDoubleQuote $ (doubleQuoteEnd <* updateLastForbiddenCharPos) >> return
- (fmap B.doubleQuoted . trimInlinesF $ contents))
- <|> (return $ return (B.str "\8220") <> contents)
+ (B.doubleQuoted . trimInlines $ contents))
+ <|> (return $ (B.str "\8220") <> contents)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
index b9a77c5d6..4ae9d52ae 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ readRST :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
readRST opts s = (readWith parseRST) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
readRSTWithWarnings :: ReaderOptions -> String -> (Pandoc, [String])
-readRSTWithWarnings opts s = (readWithWarnings parseRST) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
+readRSTWithWarnings opts s = (readWith (returnWarnings parseRST)) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
type RSTParser = Parser [Char] ParserState