// Copyright (C) 2010-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in // the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // // - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the // names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS // IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED // TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER // OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, // EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS // SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // --% Author: Gabriel Dos Reis // --% Description: // --% Memory management facility. Acquire raw memory directly // --% from the host OS. Provide random access read to // --% files through file mapping. #ifndef OPENAXIOM_STORAGE_INCLUDED #define OPENAXIOM_STORAGE_INCLUDED #include <stddef.h> #include <new> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <open-axiom/config> namespace OpenAxiom { // ----------------- // -- SystemError -- // ----------------- // Objects of (type derived from) this type are used to report // error orignating from the OpenAxiom core system. struct SystemError { explicit SystemError(const std::string&); virtual ~SystemError(); // Return the text of the diagnostic message. virtual const std::string& message() const; protected: const std::string text; }; // Report a file system error void filesystem_error(const std::string&); namespace Memory { // Datatype for the unit of storage. typedef unsigned char Byte; // Datatype for pointers to data. typedef void* Pointer; // Precision of the host OS storage page unit in byte count size_t page_size(); // Acquire raw memory from the host OS. Pointer os_acquire_raw_memory(size_t); // Release raw storage to the hosting OS. The first operand must // be a pointer value previous returned by `os_acquire_raw_memory'. // Otherwise, the result is undefined. void os_release_raw_memory(Pointer, size_t); // Acquire `n' pages of memory storage from the host OS. inline Pointer acquire_raw_pages(size_t n) { return os_acquire_raw_memory(n * page_size()); } // Release `n' pages of storage starting the location `p'. inline void release_raw_pages(Pointer p, size_t n) { os_release_raw_memory(p, n * page_size()); } // ------------- // -- Storage -- // ------------- // This class is a low-level abstraction intented for use // to implement higher level storage abstraction. struct Storage { // Objects of this sbstract datatype holds storage objects. struct Handle; // Acquire storage chunk of at least `n' bytes. // The result is a pointer to a storage object. That object // `result' is constructed such that `begin(result)' points // to the next allocatable address. static Handle* acquire(size_t n); // Return the storage pointed to by the operand. It // must be a pointer value previously returned by `acquire'. // Otherwise, the result is undefined. static void release(Handle*); // Return the start address of storage area. // Note: this should not be confused with the address of // the handle object. static Pointer begin(Handle*); // Courtesy conversion function from pointer to byte address. static Byte* byte_address(Pointer h) { return static_cast<Byte*>(h); } // Round up `n' to a multiple of `a', a power of 2. static size_t round_up(size_t n, size_t a) { return (n + a - 1) & ~(a - 1); } }; // ------------------------- // -- SinglyLinkedStorage -- // ------------------------- // This class implements a simple single-linked list of storage // objects. struct SinglyLinkedStorage : Storage { // Same as Storage::acquire, except begin(h) returns an address // that satisfies the alignment requirement `a'. static Handle* acquire(size_t n, size_t a); // Return the previous handle in the link chain. static Handle*& previous(Handle*); }; // ------------------ // -- BlockStorage -- // ------------------ // This class implements a simple single-linked list of block storage. // Each block maintains information about the next allocatable // address within that block. struct BlockStorage : SinglyLinkedStorage { // Same as SinglyLinkedStorage::acquire(); initialize internal // bookkeepking machinery. static Handle* acquire(size_t n, size_t a); // Return the next allocatable address within the given block. static Pointer next_address(Handle*); // Return the amount of allocatable byte in the given block. static size_t room(Handle*); // Set `n' bytes aside with the given storage block. static Pointer book(Handle*, size_t); }; // ----------- // -- Arena -- // ----------- // Extensible storage holding objects of a given type. // The totality of all objects held in such a storage does not // necessarily constitute a contiguous block. However, // it is guaranteed that objects allocated in a single call // to `allocate()' occupy a contiguous block of storage. template<typename T> struct Arena : protected BlockStorage { // Acquire storage capable of holding `n' objects of type `T'. explicit Arena(size_t); // Release all storage acquired by this object, upon end of life. ~Arena(); // allocate storage for `n' more objects of type `T'. T* allocate(size_t); // Number of objects of type `T' allocated in this storage. size_t population() const; protected: // Address of the first object of type `T' in a storage. static T* first_object(Handle* h) { return static_cast<T*>(BlockStorage::begin(h)); } // Address of one-past-the-end object of type `T' in this storage. static T* last_object(Handle* h) { return static_cast<T*>(BlockStorage::next_address(h)); } // Number of objects allocated in a storage. static size_t object_count(Handle* h) { return last_object(h) - first_object(h); } BlockStorage::Handle* store; // active storage to allocate from }; template<typename T> size_t Arena<T>::population() const { size_t n = 0; for (Handle* h = store; h != 0; h = previous(h)) n += object_count(h); return n; } template<typename T> T* Arena<T>::allocate(size_t n) { const size_t sz = n * sizeof(T); if (BlockStorage::room(store) < sz) { // Not enough room left. Make sure we allocate storage // at least as big as the current. Handle* h = acquire(std::max(n, object_count(store)), openaxiom_alignment(T)); previous(h) = store; store = h; } return static_cast<T*>(BlockStorage::book(store, sz)); } template<typename T> Arena<T>::Arena(size_t n) : store(BlockStorage::acquire(n * sizeof (T), openaxiom_alignment (T))) { } template<typename T> Arena<T>::~Arena() { // Release storage in the reverse order of their // their allocation. while (store != 0) { Handle* current = store; store = BlockStorage::previous(store); BlockStorage::release(current); } } // ------------- // -- Factory -- // ------------- template<typename T> struct Factory : Arena<T> { typedef typename Arena<T>::Handle Handle; Factory() : Arena<T>(nominal_population()) { } ~Factory(); // Allocate storage and value-construct an object of type `T'. T* make() { return new(this->allocate(1)) T(); } // Allocate storage and construct an object of type `T'. template<typename U> T* make(const U& u) { return new(this->allocate(1)) T(u); } // Allocate storage and construct an object of type `T'. template<typename U, typename V> T* make(const U& u, const V& v) { return new(this->allocate(1)) T(u, v); } // Allocate storage and construct an object of type `T'. template<typename U, typename V, typename W> T* make(const U& u, const V& v, const W& w) { return new(this->allocate(1)) T(u, v, w); } private: // Return 1 or the number of objects that can fit in a page unit. static size_t nominal_population() { const size_t psz = page_size(); if (sizeof (T) > psz) return 1; return psz / sizeof(T); } }; // Destroy objects in the reverse order of their construction. template<typename T> Factory<T>::~Factory() { for (Handle* s = this->store; s != 0; s = Arena<T>::previous(s)) { T* last = Arena<T>::last_object(s); for (--last; last >= Arena<T>::first_object(s); --last) last->~T(); } } // ----------------- // -- FileMapping -- // ----------------- struct FileMapping { explicit FileMapping(std::string); ~FileMapping(); const char* begin() const { return static_cast<const char*>(start); } const char* end() const { return begin() + extent; } std::size_t size() const { return extent; } protected: Pointer start; // address at the mapped storage size_t extent; // length (in bytes) of the storage private: FileMapping(const FileMapping&); // not implemented FileMapping& operator=(const FileMapping&); // idem }; } } #endif // OPENAXIOM_STORAGE_INCLUDED