/* Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* #define DEBUG */ #define _SESSION_C #include "axiom-c-macros.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SGIplatform #include #endif #include "sockio.h" #include "com.h" #include "bsdsignal.h" #include "sockio.h" #include "bsdsignal.H1" #include "session.H1" #define BufSize 4096 /* size of communication buffer */ typedef struct sock_list { /* linked list of Sock */ Sock Socket; struct sock_list *next; } Sock_List; Sock *spad_io = (Sock *) 0; /* to_server socket for SessionIO */ Sock *spad_server = (Sock *) 0; /* to_server socket for SpadServer */ Sock *menu_client = (Sock *) 0; /* to_client socket for MenuServerName */ Sock *active_session = (Sock *) 0; /* pointer to currently active session */ Sock_List *plSock = (Sock_List *) 0; char big_bad_buf[BufSize]; /* big I/O buffer */ int num_active_clients = 0; /* number of InterpWindows attached */ int reading_output = 0; fd_set session_socket_mask; static void usr1_handler(int sig) { return; } static void usr2_handler(int sig) { send_signal(spad_server, SIGINT); return; } static void term_handler(int sig) { exit(1); } static void pr() { Sock_List *pSock; fprintf(stderr,"The socket list:\n"); for(pSock=plSock;pSock!=(Sock_List *)0;pSock=pSock->next){ fprintf(stderr,"(%d,%d,%d)\t",pSock->Socket.pid,2<<(pSock->Socket.socket),pSock->Socket.frame); } fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } static void close_client(int frame) { Sock_List *pSock,*locSock; int socket_fd; /* we will check for frame equality, kill with send_signal, notify HyperTex so that it updates its list (if it's a spadbuf), repair the list, unset the active_session, update num_active_clients */ /* first check head */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"close_client(%d)\n",frame); #endif if ( (plSock) && (plSock->Socket.frame == frame) ){ socket_fd = plSock->Socket.socket; send_signal((Sock *)plSock, SIGTERM); if ( menu_client != (Sock *) 0){ send_int(menu_client,CloseClient); send_int(menu_client,(*plSock).Socket.pid); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"trying to clear %u\n",socket_fd); #endif FD_CLR(socket_fd,&session_socket_mask); locSock = plSock; if ((*plSock).next == (Sock_List *) 0) {plSock = (Sock_List *) 0;} else {plSock = plSock->next;} active_session = (Sock *) 0; num_active_clients--; free(locSock); } /* now check the rest */ else { for (pSock=plSock; pSock->next != (Sock_List *) 0 ; pSock=pSock->next) if (pSock->next->Socket.frame == frame){ socket_fd = pSock->next->Socket.socket; send_signal((Sock *)pSock->next, SIGTERM); if ( menu_client != (Sock *) 0){ send_int(menu_client,CloseClient); send_int(menu_client,(*plSock).Socket.pid); } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"trying to clear %u\n",socket_fd); #endif FD_CLR(socket_fd,&session_socket_mask); locSock = pSock->next; if ( pSock->next->next == (Sock_List *) 0 ) { pSock->next= (Sock_List *) 0;} else { pSock->next = pSock->next->next;} num_active_clients--; active_session = (Sock *) 0; free(locSock); break; } } #ifdef DEBUG pr(); #endif } static void read_SpadServer_command(void) { int cmd, frame, num; cmd = get_int(spad_server); switch (cmd) { case EndOfOutput: if (menu_client != (Sock *) 0) send_signal(menu_client, SIGUSR2); if (reading_output != 0) reading_output = 0; break; case QueryClients: /* don't count MenuServer */ num = num_active_clients ; send_int(spad_server, num); break; case CloseClient: frame = get_int(spad_server); if (frame != -1) close_client(frame); break; case SendXEventToHyperTeX: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "session : unknown command from SpadServer %d\n", cmd); break; } } static int test_sock_for_process(Sock *sock) { if (sock == (Sock *)0 ) return -1; return kill(sock->pid, 0); } static void read_menu_client_command(void) { int cmd,frame, i,socket_fd; Sock_List *pSock; /* save it for possible clearing */ socket_fd = menu_client->socket; if (test_sock_for_process(menu_client) == -1) { FD_CLR(socket_fd,&session_socket_mask); menu_client = (Sock *) 0; reading_output = 0; return; } cmd = get_int(menu_client); switch(cmd) { case -1: /* socket closed */ FD_CLR(socket_fd,&session_socket_mask); menu_client = (Sock *) 0; reading_output = 0; break; case SwitchFrames: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"menu:SwitchFrames\n"); #endif frame = get_int(menu_client); send_int(spad_server, SwitchFrames); send_int(spad_server, frame); for(i=0,pSock=plSock; pSock != (Sock_List *) 0 ; i++,pSock=pSock->next) if ((pSock->Socket.frame == frame)) { active_session = (Sock *)pSock; reading_output = 1; break; } if (i == num_active_clients) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find socket for frame %d\n", frame); */ } break; case QuerySpad: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"menu:QuerySpad\n"); #endif send_int(menu_client, reading_output); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "session : unknown command from MenuServer: %d\n", cmd); menu_client = (Sock *) 0; break; } } static void read_from_spad_io(void) { int ret_code; ret_code = sread(spad_io, big_bad_buf, BufSize, "session: stdout socket"); if (ret_code == -1) return; if(active_session != (Sock *) 0) { ret_code = swrite(active_session, big_bad_buf, ret_code, NULL); } } static void kill_spad(void) { int i; Sock_List *pSock; send_signal(spad_server, SIGTERM); for (pSock=plSock,i=0; (inext) { if ((pSock->Socket).socket != 0) send_signal((Sock *)pSock, SIGTERM); } if (menu_client != (Sock *) 0) send_signal(menu_client, SIGTERM); exit(0); } static int accept_session_connection(Sock *server_sock) { int sock_fd, ret_code; Sock_List *pls; /* Could be three things : KillSpad MenuServer InterpWindow */ pls = (Sock_List *) malloc(sizeof (Sock_List)); sock_fd = accept(server_sock->socket, 0, 0); if (sock_fd == -1) { perror("session : accepting connection"); return -1; } (pls->Socket).socket = sock_fd; get_socket_type((Sock *)pls); switch((pls->Socket).purpose) { case KillSpad: kill_spad(); return KillSpad; free(pls); case MenuServer: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"session: accepted MenuServer , fd = %d\n",sock_fd); #endif menu_client = &(pls->Socket); FD_SET(menu_client->socket, &session_socket_mask); return MenuServer; case InterpWindow: #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"session: accepted InterpWindow , fd = %d\n",sock_fd); #endif /* new Sock is put at the head of the list */ if (plSock == (Sock_List *)0 ) { plSock = pls; plSock->next = (Sock_List *)0 ; } else{ pls->next = plSock; plSock = pls; } /* we need to maintain session_socket_mask here since we roll our own accept */ FD_SET(plSock->Socket.socket, &session_socket_mask); send_int(spad_server, CreateFrame); plSock->Socket.frame = get_int(spad_server); active_session = (Sock *)plSock; get_string_buf(spad_server, big_bad_buf, BufSize); ret_code = swrite((Sock *)plSock, big_bad_buf, strlen(big_bad_buf)+1, "session: writing to InterpWindow"); if (ret_code == -1) return -1; num_active_clients++; #ifdef DEBUG pr(); #endif return plSock->Socket.purpose; } return (-1); } static void read_from_session(Sock *sock) { int ret_code; if (sock != active_session) { send_int(spad_server, SwitchFrames); send_int(spad_server, sock->frame); } active_session = sock; ret_code = sread(sock, big_bad_buf, BufSize, "session: reading InterpWindow"); if (ret_code == -1) { active_session = (Sock *) 0; reading_output = 0; return; } ret_code = swrite(spad_io, big_bad_buf, ret_code, "session: writing SessionIO"); if (ret_code == -1) { active_session = (Sock *)0 ; reading_output = 0; return; } reading_output = 1; } static void manage_sessions(void) { int ret_code; fd_set rd, wr, ex; Sock_List *pSock; reading_output = 0; while (1) { FD_ZERO(&rd); FD_ZERO(&wr); FD_ZERO(&ex); /* Allow server socket and all connections if not waiting for output socket_mask is maintained by libspad.a */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"session_socket_mask=%u ",*((long *)session_socket_mask.fds_bits)); #endif rd = session_socket_mask; if (!reading_output) { rd = session_socket_mask; } /* Allow the active_session if set */ if (active_session) FD_SET(active_session->socket, &rd); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"[rd=%u ",*((long *)rd.fds_bits)); #endif ret_code = sselect(FD_SETSIZE, &rd, &wr, &ex, NULL); if (ret_code == -1) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"rd=%u]\n",*((long *)rd.fds_bits)); #endif if ((menu_client != (Sock *) 0) && FD_ISSET(menu_client->socket, &rd)) { /* MenuServer wants to talk */ read_menu_client_command(); } if (FD_ISSET(spad_io->socket, &rd)) { /* Lisp has output */ read_from_spad_io(); } if (FD_ISSET(server[1].socket, &rd)) { /* Someone wants to connect to our server socket */ accept_session_connection(server+1); } for(pSock=plSock; pSock != (Sock_List *) 0 ; pSock=pSock->next) { if ((active_session == (Sock *)pSock || !reading_output) && (pSock->Socket).socket>0 && FD_ISSET(pSock->Socket.socket, &rd)) { /* An InterpWindow */ read_from_session((Sock *)pSock); } } if (FD_ISSET(spad_server->socket, &rd)) { /* The Lisp socket */ read_SpadServer_command(); } } } int main(void) { #ifdef DEBUG2 /* delay for attaching with debugger before interesting things happen */ sleep(30); #endif /* spad_server connects to Lisp server socket read_SpadServer_command handles requests */ spad_server = connect_to_local_server(SpadServer, SessionManager, Forever); if (spad_server == (Sock *) 0) { fprintf(stderr, "session: Cannot connect to AXIOM server!\n"); exit(0); } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "session: connected SpadServer , fd = %d\n", spad_server->socket); #endif FD_SET(spad_server->socket, &session_socket_mask); } /* spad_io connects to SessionIOName server socket this is Lisp std IO read_from_spad_io handles requests */ spad_io = connect_to_local_server(SessionIOName, SessionIO, Forever); if (spad_io == (Sock *) 0) { fprintf(stderr, "session: Cannot connect to AXIOM IO!\n"); exit(0); } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"session: connected SessionIOName , fd = %d\n", spad_io->socket); #endif FD_SET(spad_io->socket, &session_socket_mask); } bsdSignal(SIGUSR2, usr2_handler,DontRestartSystemCalls); bsdSignal(SIGUSR1, usr1_handler,RestartSystemCalls); bsdSignal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN,RestartSystemCalls); bsdSignal(SIGTERM, term_handler,RestartSystemCalls); /* open_server opens the server socket so that we can accept connections we expect connections from spadbuf/spadclient(purpose:InterpWindow) and hypertex (MenuServer) */ if (open_server(SessionServer) == -2) { fprintf(stderr, "session: Cannot make server socket!\n"); exit(-1); } else { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "session: opened SessionServer , fd = %d\n", server[1].socket); #endif FD_SET(server[1].socket,&session_socket_mask); } manage_sessions(); return(0); }