/* Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* socket i/o primitives */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __WIN32__ # include # include #else # include # include #endif #include "cfuns.h" #include "sockio.h" #include "com.h" #include "bsdsignal.h" #define TotalMaxPurposes 50 #define MaxServerNumbers 100 #define accept_if_needed(purpose) \ ( purpose_table[purpose] == NULL ? sock_accept_connection(purpose) : 1 ) /* Note that the name AF_LOCAL is more portable than AF_UNIX, but MingW implementation and Windows documentation don't always agree. */ #if HAVE_AF_LOCAL # define OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL AF_LOCAL #elif HAVE_AF_UNIX # define OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL AF_UNIX #else # error "needs one of AF_LOCAL or AF_UNIX" #endif /* socket description of spad clients */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_sio clients[MaxClients]; /* AF_LOCAL and AF_INET sockets for server */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_sio server[2]; /* table of dedicated socket types */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_sio *purpose_table[TotalMaxPurposes]; /* bit mask of active sockets */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT fd_set socket_mask; /* bit mask of server sockets */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT fd_set server_mask; /* used to identify closed socket on SIGPIPE */ int socket_closed; /* spad server number used in sman */ int spad_server_number = -1; #include "sockio.h" /* Non zero if the host system module support for socket is activated. This is needed only for MS platforms. */ static int openaxiom_socket_module_loaded = 0; /* Windows require some handshaking with the WinSock DLL before we can even think about talking about sockets. */ static void openaxiom_unload_socket_module(void) { #ifdef __WIN32__ WSACleanup(); openaxiom_socket_module_loaded = 0; #endif } static void openaxiom_load_socket_module(void) { if (!openaxiom_socket_module_loaded) { #ifdef __WIN32__ WSADATA wsaData; /* Request version 2.0 of WinSock DLL. */ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &wsaData) != 0) { perror("could not find suitable WinSock DLL."); exit(WSAGetLastError()); } atexit(&openaxiom_unload_socket_module); if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 0) { perror("could not find suitable WinSock DLL."); exit(WSAGetLastError()); } #endif } openaxiom_socket_module_loaded = 1; } /* Convert an IP address from presentation (string or ascii form) to numeric form. The result is stored in the last argument. Success is indicated by a return value 0; failure is -1. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_inet_pton(const char* addr, int prot, openaxiom_byte* bytes) { openaxiom_load_socket_module(); switch (prot) { case 4: { #ifdef __WIN32__ unsigned long inet_val = inet_addr(addr); if (inet_val == INADDR_NONE || inet_val == INADDR_ANY) return -1; memcpy(bytes, &inet_val, 4); return 0; #else struct in_addr inet_val; if (inet_aton(addr, &inet_val) != 0) { memcpy(bytes, &inet_val, 4); return 0; } return -1; #endif } default: return -1; } } /* Resolve a hostname to its IP address. On success return 0, otherwise -1. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_get_host_address(const char* n, int prot, openaxiom_byte* bytes) { struct hostent* h; openaxiom_load_socket_module(); h = gethostbyname(n); if (h == 0) return -1; if (h->h_length != prot) /* Protocol mismatch. */ return -1; memcpy(bytes, h->h_addr_list[0], prot); return 0; } /* Get a socket identifier to a local server. We take whatever protocol is the default for the address family in the SOCK_STREAM type. */ static inline openaxiom_socket openaxiom_socket_stream_link(int family) { openaxiom_load_socket_module(); return socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0); } /* Returns 1 if SOCKET is an invalid socket. Otherwise return 0. */ static inline int openaxiom_socket_is_invalid(openaxiom_socket sock) { #ifdef __WIN32__ return sock == INVALID_SOCKET; #else return sock < 0; #endif } static inline int is_invalid_socket(const openaxiom_sio* s) { return openaxiom_socket_is_invalid(s->socket); } /* Returns 1 if SOCKET is a valid socket. Otherwise return 0. */ static inline int is_valid_socket(const openaxiom_sio* s) { #ifdef __WIN32__ return s->socket != INVALID_SOCKET; #else return s->socket > 0; #endif } /* Because a socket on Windows platform is a not just a simple file descriptor as it is in the Unix world, it is invalid to use a socket identifier as argument for read(), or close, or any other file descriptor function. Furthermore, Windows requires cleanup. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void oa_close_socket(openaxiom_socket s) { #ifdef __WIN32__ shutdown(s, SD_BOTH); closesocket(s); #else close(s); #endif } /* Local IPC Socket: On POSIX systems, this is just the Local IPC Socket. On Windows, we Windows Named Pipes. Please, remember that Windows Named Pipes are closer to Unix Domain Sockets than they are to Unix Named Pipes. They ae full duplex communication links, supporting regular file I/O operations. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_filedesc oa_open_local_client_stream_socket(const char* path) { #ifdef __WIN32__ # define NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX "\\\\.\\pipe" char* pipename; HANDLE handle; pipename = (char *) malloc(sizeof NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX + strlen(path)); strcpy(pipename, NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX); strcat(pipename, path); /* Try to open only an existing named pipe. */ while (1) { handle = CreateFile(/* lpFileName */ pipename, /* dwDesiredAccess */ GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, /* dwSharedMode */ 0, /* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL, /* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_EXISTING, /* dwFlagsAttributes */ 0, /* hTemplateFile */ NULL); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return handle; if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY || !WaitNamedPipe(pipename, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER)) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } # undef NAMED_PIPE_PREFIX #else int sock = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); struct sockaddr_un addr; if (sock < 0) return -1; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof addr); addr.sun_family = OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL; strncpy(addr.sun_path, path, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof addr) < 0) { close(sock); return -1; } return sock; #endif } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_filedesc_read(openaxiom_filedesc desc, openaxiom_byte* buf, int size) { #ifdef __WIN32__ DWORD count = -1; if (ReadFile(/* hFile */ desc, /* lpBuffer */ buf, /* nNumberOfBytesToRead */ size, /* lpNumberOfBytesRead */ &count, /* lpOverlapped */ NULL)) return count; return -1; #else return read(desc, buf, size); #endif } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_filedesc_write(openaxiom_filedesc desc, const openaxiom_byte* buf, int size) { #ifdef __WIN32__ DWORD count = -1; if (WriteFile(/* hFile */ desc, /* lpBuffer */ buf, /* nNumberOfBytesToWrite */ size, /* lpNumberOfBytesWritten */ &count, /* lpOverlapped */ NULL)) return count; return -1; #else return write(desc, buf, size); #endif } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_filedesc_close(openaxiom_filedesc desc) { #ifdef __WIN32__ return CloseHandle(desc) ? 0 : -1; #else return close(desc); #endif } /* IP sockets. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_socket oa_connect_ip_port_stream(const openaxiom_byte* addr, int prot, openaxiom_port port) { struct sockaddr_in server; openaxiom_socket sock; /* IP6 is not yet supported. */ if (prot != 4) return OPENAXIOM_INVALID_SOCKET; sock = openaxiom_socket_stream_link(AF_INET); if (openaxiom_socket_is_invalid(sock)) return OPENAXIOM_INVALID_SOCKET; memset(&server, 0, sizeof server); server.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&server.sin_addr, addr, prot); server.sin_port = htons(port); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof server) < 0) { oa_close_socket(sock); return OPENAXIOM_INVALID_SOCKET; } return sock; } /* It is idiomatic in the Unix/POSIX world to use the standard read() and write() functions on sockets. However, in the Windows world, that is invalid. Consequently, portability suggests that we restrict ourselves to the POSIX standard functions recv() and send(). */ /* Read some bytes of data into buffer `buf' with capacity `size'. On failure, return -1; otherwise return the number of bytes actually read. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_socket_read(openaxiom_socket sock, openaxiom_byte* buf, int size) { return recv(sock, buf, size, 0); } /* Attempt to read a byte from scoket `sock'. On failure, return -1; otherwise the actual byte read. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_socket_read_byte(openaxiom_socket sock) { openaxiom_byte byte; if(oa_socket_read(sock, &byte, 1) < 1) return -1; return byte; } /* Send `size' bytes of data contained in `buf' to the socket `sock'. Return -1 on failured; the number of actualy write bytes on success. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_socket_write(openaxiom_socket sock, const openaxiom_byte* buf, int size) { return send(sock, buf, size, 0); } /* Send one byte to socket `sock'. */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int oa_socket_write_byte(openaxiom_socket sock, openaxiom_byte byte) { return oa_socket_write(sock, &byte, 1) < 1 ? -1 : byte; } /* Return 1 is the last call was cancelled. */ static inline int openaxiom_syscall_was_cancelled(void) { #ifdef __WIN32__ return WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR; #else return errno == EINTR; #endif } /* Return 1 is last connect() was refused. */ static inline int openaxiom_connection_refused(void) { #ifdef __WIN32__ return WSAGetLastError() == WSAECONNREFUSED; #else return errno == ECONNREFUSED; #endif } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void sigpipe_handler(int sig) { socket_closed = 1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int wait_for_client_read(openaxiom_sio *sock, openaxiom_byte* buf, int buf_size, const char* msg) { int ret_val; switch(sock->purpose) { case SessionManager: case ViewportServer: sock_accept_connection(sock->purpose); ret_val = sread(purpose_table[sock->purpose], buf, buf_size, msg); sock->socket = 0; return ret_val; default: sock->socket = 0; return -1; } } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int wait_for_client_write(openaxiom_sio* sock, const openaxiom_byte* buf, int buf_size, const char* msg) { int ret_val; switch(sock->purpose) { case SessionManager: case ViewportServer: sock_accept_connection(sock->purpose); ret_val = swrite(purpose_table[sock->purpose], buf, buf_size, msg); sock->socket = 0; return ret_val; default: sock->socket = 0; return -1; } } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sread(openaxiom_sio* sock, openaxiom_byte* buf, int buf_size, const char *msg) { int ret_val; char err_msg[256]; errno = 0; do { ret_val = oa_socket_read(sock->socket, buf, buf_size); } while (ret_val == -1 && openaxiom_syscall_was_cancelled()); if (ret_val == 0) { FD_CLR(sock->socket, &socket_mask); purpose_table[sock->purpose] = NULL; oa_close_socket(sock->socket); return wait_for_client_read(sock, buf, buf_size, msg); } if (ret_val == -1) { if (msg) { sprintf(err_msg, "reading: %s", msg); perror(err_msg); } return -1; } return ret_val; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int swrite(openaxiom_sio* sock, const openaxiom_byte* buf, int buf_size, const char* msg) { int ret_val; char err_msg[256]; errno = 0; socket_closed = 0; ret_val = oa_socket_write(sock->socket, buf, buf_size); if (ret_val == -1) { if (socket_closed) { FD_CLR(sock->socket, &socket_mask); purpose_table[sock->purpose] = NULL; /* printf(" closing socket %d\n", sock->socket); */ oa_close_socket(sock->socket); return wait_for_client_write(sock, buf, buf_size, msg); } else { if (msg) { sprintf(err_msg, "writing: %s", msg); perror(err_msg); } return -1; } } return ret_val; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sselect(int n,fd_set *rd, fd_set *wr, fd_set *ex, void *timeout) { int ret_val; do { ret_val = select(n, (void *)rd, (void *)wr, (void *)ex, (struct timeval *) timeout); } while (ret_val == -1 && openaxiom_syscall_was_cancelled()); return ret_val; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int fill_buf(openaxiom_sio *sock, openaxiom_byte* buf, int len, const char* msg) { int bytes = 0, ret_val; while(bytes < len) { ret_val = sread(sock, buf + bytes, len - bytes, msg); if (ret_val == -1) return -1; bytes += ret_val; } return bytes; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int get_int(openaxiom_sio *sock) { int val = -1, len; len = fill_buf(sock, (openaxiom_byte*)&val, sizeof(int), "get_int"); if (len != sizeof(int)) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"get_int: caught error\n",val); #endif return -1; } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"get_int: received %d\n",val); #endif return val; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_get_int(int purpose) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return get_int(purpose_table[purpose]); else return -1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int get_ints(openaxiom_sio *sock, int *vals, int num) { int i; for(i=0; i 1023) { char *buf; buf = malloc(len+1); strncpy(buf,str,len); buf[len]='\0'; send_int(sock,len+1); val = swrite(sock, (const openaxiom_byte*) buf, len+1, "send_string_len"); free(buf); } else { static char buf[1024]; strncpy(buf, str, len); buf[len] = '\0'; send_int(sock, len+1); val = swrite(sock, (const openaxiom_byte*) buf, len+1, "send_string_len"); } if (val == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int send_string(openaxiom_sio* sock, const char* str) { int val, len = strlen(str); send_int(sock, len+1); val = swrite(sock, (const openaxiom_byte*) str, len+1, "send_string"); if (val == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_send_string(int purpose, const char *str) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return send_string(purpose_table[purpose], str); return -1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_send_string_len(int purpose, const char* str, int len) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return send_string_len(purpose_table[purpose], str, len); return -1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int send_strings(openaxiom_sio *sock, const char** vals, int num) { int i; for(i=0; inbytes_pending == 0) sock->nbytes_pending = get_int(sock); nbytes_to_read = sock->nbytes_pending > buf_len ? buf_len : sock->nbytes_pending; nbytes_read = fill_buf(sock, (openaxiom_byte*)buf, nbytes_to_read, "get_string_buf"); if (nbytes_read == -1) { sock->nbytes_pending = 0; return NULL; } sock->nbytes_pending -= nbytes_read; return sock->nbytes_pending == 0 ? NULL : buf; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT char * sock_get_string_buf(int purpose, char* buf, int buf_len) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return get_string_buf(purpose_table[purpose], buf, buf_len); return NULL; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int get_strings(openaxiom_sio *sock, char** vals,int num) { int i; for(i=0; ipurpose) { case SessionManager: case ViewportServer: sock_accept_connection(sock->purpose); ret_val = send_signal(purpose_table[sock->purpose], sig); sock->socket = 0; return ret_val; default: sock->socket = 0; return -1; } } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_get_remote_fd(int purpose) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return purpose_table[purpose]->remote; return -1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int send_signal(openaxiom_sio *sock, int sig) { int ret_val; #if HAVE_DECL_KILL ret_val = kill(sock->pid, sig); #else ret_val = raise(sig); #endif if (ret_val == -1 && errno == ESRCH) { FD_CLR(sock->socket, &socket_mask); purpose_table[sock->purpose] = NULL; /* printf(" closing socket %d\n", sock->socket); */ oa_close_socket(sock->socket); return wait_for_client_kill(sock, sig); } return ret_val; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_send_signal(int purpose,int sig) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return send_signal(purpose_table[purpose], sig); return -1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int send_wakeup(openaxiom_sio *sock) { #ifdef SIGUSR1 return send_signal(sock, SIGUSR1); #else return -1; #endif } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_send_wakeup(int purpose) { if (accept_if_needed(purpose) != -1) return send_wakeup(purpose_table[purpose]); return -1; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_sio * connect_to_local_server_new(char *server_name, int purpose, int time_out) { int max_con=(time_out == 0 ? 1000000 : time_out), i, code=-1; openaxiom_sio *sock; char name[256]; make_server_name(name, server_name); sock = (openaxiom_sio *) calloc(sizeof(openaxiom_sio), 1); if (sock == NULL) { perror("allocating socket space"); return NULL; } sock->socket = openaxiom_socket_stream_link(OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL); if (is_invalid_socket(sock)) { perror("opening client socket"); free(sock); return NULL; } memset(server[1].addr.u_addr.sa_data, 0, sizeof(server[1].addr.u_addr.sa_data)); sock->addr.u_addr.sa_family = OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL; strcpy(sock->addr.u_addr.sa_data, name); for(i=0; isocket, &sock->addr.u_addr, sizeof(sock->addr.u_addr)); if (code == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT && !openaxiom_connection_refused()) { perror("connecting server stream socket"); return NULL; } else { if (i != max_con - 1) openaxiom_sleep(1); continue; } } else break; } if (code == -1) { return NULL; } send_int(sock, getpid()); send_int(sock, purpose); send_int(sock, sock->socket); sock->pid = get_int(sock); sock->remote = get_int(sock); return sock; } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT openaxiom_sio * connect_to_local_server(char *server_name, int purpose, int time_out) { int max_con=(time_out == 0 ? 1000000 : time_out), i, code=-1; openaxiom_sio *sock; char name[256]; make_server_name(name, server_name); sock = (openaxiom_sio *) calloc(sizeof(openaxiom_sio), 1); if (sock == NULL) { perror("allocating socket space"); return NULL; } sock->purpose = purpose; /* create the socket */ sock->socket = openaxiom_socket_stream_link(OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL); if (is_invalid_socket(sock)) { perror("opening client socket"); free(sock); return NULL; } /* connect socket using name specified in command line */ memset(server[1].addr.u_addr.sa_data, 0, sizeof(server[1].addr.u_addr.sa_data)); sock->addr.u_addr.sa_family = OPENAXIOM_AF_LOCAL; strcpy(sock->addr.u_addr.sa_data, name); for(i=0; isocket, &sock->addr.u_addr, sizeof(sock->addr.u_addr)); if (code == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT && !openaxiom_connection_refused()) { perror("connecting server stream socket"); return NULL; } else { if (i != max_con - 1) openaxiom_sleep(1); continue; } } else break; } if (code == -1) { return NULL; } send_int(sock, getpid()); send_int(sock, sock->purpose); send_int(sock, sock->socket); sock->pid = get_int(sock); /* fprintf(stderr, "Got int form socket\n"); */ sock->remote = get_int(sock); return sock; } /* act as terminal session for sock connected to stdin and stdout of another process */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void remote_stdio(openaxiom_sio *sock) { char buf[1024]; fd_set rd; int len; while (1) { FD_ZERO(&rd); FD_SET(sock->socket,&rd); FD_SET(0, &rd); len = sselect(FD_SETSIZE, (fd_set *)&rd, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, NULL); if (len == -1) { perror("stdio select"); return; } if (FD_ISSET(0, &rd)) { fgets(buf,1024,stdin); len = strlen(buf); swrite(sock, (const openaxiom_byte*)buf, len, "remote_stdio::write"); } if (FD_ISSET(sock->socket, &rd)) { len = sread(sock, (openaxiom_byte*)buf, 1024, "remote_stdio::read"); if (len == -1) return; else { *(buf + len) = '\0'; fputs(buf, stdout); fflush(stdout); } } } } /* initialize the table of dedicated sockets */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void init_purpose_table(void) { int i; for(i=0; isocket, 0, 0); if (is_invalid_socket(&clients[client])) { perror("accept_connection"); clients[client].socket = 0; return -1; } FD_SET(clients[client].socket, &socket_mask); get_socket_type(clients+client); return clients[client].purpose; } /* reads a the socket purpose declaration for classification */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void get_socket_type(openaxiom_sio *sock) { sock->pid = get_int(sock); sock->purpose = get_int(sock); sock->remote = get_int(sock); send_int(sock, getpid()); send_int(sock, sock->socket); purpose_table[sock->purpose] = sock; switch (sock->purpose) { case SessionManager: break; case ViewportServer: break; case MenuServer: break; case SessionIO: /* redirect_stdio(sock); */ break; } } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT int sock_accept_connection(int purpose) { fd_set rd; int ret_val, i, p; if (oa_getenv("SPADNUM") == NULL) return -1; while (1) { rd = server_mask; ret_val = sselect(FD_SETSIZE, (fd_set *)&rd, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, NULL); if (ret_val == -1) { /* perror ("Select"); */ return -1; } for(i=0; i<2; i++) { if (is_valid_socket(&server[i]) && FD_ISSET(server[i].socket, &rd)) { p = accept_connection(server+i); if (p == purpose) return 1; } } } } /* direct stdin and stdout from the given socket */ OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void redirect_stdio(openaxiom_sio *sock) { int fd; /* setbuf(stdout, NULL); */ fd = dup2(sock->socket, 1); if (fd != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error connecting stdout to socket\n"); return; } fd = dup2(sock->socket, 0); if (fd != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error connecting stdin to socket\n"); return; } fprintf(stderr, "Redirected standard IO\n"); FD_CLR(sock->socket, &socket_mask); } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void init_socks(void) { int i; FD_ZERO(&socket_mask); FD_ZERO(&server_mask); init_purpose_table(); for(i=0; i<2; i++) server[i].socket = 0; for(i=0; isocket, &fds_mask); } while (1) { do { if (purpose_table[MenuServer] != NULL) { FD_SET(purpose_table[MenuServer]->socket, &fds_mask); } rd = fds_mask; ret_val = select(FD_SETSIZE, (void *) &rd, (void *) 0, (void *) 0, (void *) 0); if (ret_val == -1) { /* perror ("Select in switch"); */ return -1; } for(i=0; i<2; i++) { if (is_valid_socket(&server[i]) && (FD_ISSET(server[i].socket, &rd))) accept_connection(server+i); } } while (purpose_table[SessionManager] == NULL); FD_SET(purpose_table[SessionManager]->socket, &fds_mask); if (FD_ISSET(purpose_table[SessionManager]->socket, &rd)) { cmd = get_int(purpose_table[SessionManager]); return cmd; } if (FD_ISSET(0, &rd)) { return CallInterp; } if (purpose_table[MenuServer] != NULL && (FD_ISSET(purpose_table[MenuServer]->socket, &rd))) { cmd = get_int(purpose_table[MenuServer]); return cmd; } } } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void flush_stdout(void) { static FILE *fp = NULL; if (fp == NULL) { fp = fdopen(purpose_table[SessionIO]->socket, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { perror("fdopen"); return; } } fflush(fp); } OPENAXIOM_EXPORT void print_line(const char* s) { printf("%s\n", s); }