-- Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- This file defines some utility functions common to both the compiler -- and interpreter. import sys_-constants import vmlisp import hash namespace BOOT module sys_-utility where probeReadableFile : %String -> %Maybe %String remove!: (%List %Thing,%Thing) -> %List %Thing displayTextFile: %Thing -> %Void upwardCut: (%Thing, %List %Thing) -> %List %Thing symbolPosition: (%Symbol,%List %Symbol) -> %Maybe %Short valuePosition: (%Thing,%List %Thing) -> %Maybe %Short symbolTarget: (%Symbol,%List %Thing) -> %Maybe %Thing scalarAssoc: (%Thing,%List %Thing) -> %Maybe %Pair(%Thing,%Thing) scalarTarget: (%Thing,%List %Thing) -> %Maybe %Thing --% $COMBLOCKLIST := nil ++ Constants describing byte order %littleEndian == KEYWORD::%littleEndian %bigEndian == KEYWORD::%bigEndian %unknownEndian == KEYWORD::%unknownEndian ++ The byte order of the host machine running OpenAxiom. %hostByteOrder() == getHostByteOrder() = 1 => %littleEndian getHostByteOrder() = 2 => %bigEndian %unknownEndian --% ++ getVMType returns an approximation of the underlying object type ++ representation of a domain, as a Lisp type specifier as seen by ++ the runtime system. getVMType d == ident? d => d is "*" => d "%Thing" string? d => "%Thing" -- literal flag parameter case (d' := devaluate d) of Void => "%Void" Identifier => "%Symbol" Boolean => "%Boolean" Byte => "%Byte" Character => "%Char" SingleInteger => "%Short" Integer => "%Integer" NonNegativeInteger => ["%IntegerSection",0] PositiveInteger => ["%IntegerSection",1] IntegerMod => "%Integer" DoubleFloat => "%DoubleFloat" String => "%String" List => ["%List",getVMType second d'] Vector => ["%Vector",getVMType second d'] PrimitiveArray => ["%SimpleArray", getVMType second d'] Pair => ["%Pair",getVMType second d',getVMType third d'] Union => ["%Pair",'%Short,'%Thing] Record => #rest d' > 2 => "%Shell" ["%Pair",'%Thing,'%Thing] IndexedList => ["%List", getVMType second d'] Int8 => ["SIGNED-BYTE", 8] Int16 => ["SIGNED-BYTE", 16] Int32 => ["SIGNED-BYTE", 32] UInt8 => ["UNSIGNED-BYTE", 8] UInt16 => ["UNSIGNED-BYTE", 16] UInt32 => ["UNSIGNED-BYTE", 32] otherwise => "%Thing" -- good enough, for now. --% ++ returns true if `f' is bound to a macro. macrop: %Thing -> %Boolean macrop f == ident? f and not null MACRO_-FUNCTION f ++ returns true if `f' is bound to a function functionp: %Thing -> %Boolean functionp f == ident? f => functionSymbol? f and null MACRO_-FUNCTION f function? f ++ returns true if `x' is contained in `y'. CONTAINED: (%Thing,%Thing) -> %Boolean CONTAINED(x,y) == main where main() == symbol? x => eq(x,y) equal(x,y) eq(x,y) == cons? y => eq(x, first y) or eq(x, rest y) symbolEq?(x,y) equal(x,y) == y isnt [.,:.] => x = y equal(x, first y) or equal(x, rest y) ++ Returns all the keys of association list `x' -- ??? Should not this be named `alistAllKeys'? ASSOCLEFT: %Thing -> %Thing ASSOCLEFT x == x isnt [.,:.] => x [first p for p in x] ++ Returns all the datums of association list `x'. -- ??? Should not this be named `alistAllValues'? ASSOCRIGHT: %Thing -> %Thing ASSOCRIGHT x == x isnt [.,:.] => x [rest p for p in x] ++ Put the association list pair `(x . y)' into `l', erasing any ++ previous association for `x'. ADDASSOC: (%Thing,%Thing,%Alist(%Thing,%Thing)) -> %Alist(%Thing,%Thing) ADDASSOC(x,y,l) == l isnt [.,:.] => [[x,:y],:l] x = first first l => [[x,:y],:rest l] [first l,:ADDASSOC(x,y,rest l)] ++ Remove any assocation pair `(u . x)' from list `v'. DELLASOS: (%Thing,%Alist(%Thing,%Thing)) -> %Alist(%Thing,%Thing) DELLASOS(u,v) == v isnt [.,:.] => nil u = first first v => rest v [first v,:DELLASOS(u,rest v)] ++ Return the datum associated with key `x' in association list `y'. -- ??? Should not this be named `alistValue'? LASSOC: (%Thing,%Alist(%Thing,%Thing)) -> %Thing LASSOC(x,y) == y isnt [.,:.] => nil x = first first y => rest first y LASSOC(x,rest y) ++ Return the key associated with datum `x' in association list `y'. rassoc: (%Thing,%Alist(%Thing,%Thing)) -> %Thing rassoc(x,y) == y isnt [.,:.] => nil x = rest first y => first first y rassoc(x,rest y) ++ Reclaim unreachable objects. RECLAIM() == )if %hasFeature KEYWORD::GCL SI::GBC true )elseif %hasFeature KEYWORD::SBCL SB_-EXT::GC() )elseif %hasFeature KEYWORD::CLISP EXT::GC() )else nil )endif ++ makeAbsoluteFilename: %String -> %String makeAbsoluteFilename name == strconc(systemRootDirectory(),name) ++ returns true if `file' exists as a pathname. existingFile? file == PROBE_-FILE file => true false probeReadableFile file == readablep file > 0 => file nil ++ $REPLACE(filespec1,filespec2) == filespec1 := makeFullFilePath filespec1 removeFile filespec1 renameFile(makeFullFilePath filespec2, filespec1) ++ checkMkdir path == mkdir path = 0 => true systemError ['"cannot create directory",:bright path] ++ return the pathname to the system module designated by `m'. getSystemModulePath m == d := systemAlgebraDirectory() => strconc(d,m,'".",$faslType) strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"algebra/",m,'".",$faslType) ++ load module in `path' that supposedly will define the function ++ indicated by `name'. loadModule: (%String,%Symbol) -> %Thing loadModule(path,name) == FMAKUNBOUND name LOAD path --% numerics log10 x == LOG(x,10) bitand: (%Short,%Short) -> %Short bitand(x,y) == BOOLE(BOOLE_-AND,x,y) bitior: (%Short,%Short) -> %Short bitior(x,y) == BOOLE(BOOLE_-IOR,x,y) --% Hash table hashTable cmp == testFun := cmp in '(ID EQ) => function sameObject? cmp = 'EQL => function scalarEq? cmp = 'EQUAL => function EQUAL error '"bad arg to hashTable" makeTable testFun --% Trees to Graphs minimalise x == min(x,hashTable 'EQUAL) where min(x,ht) == y := tableValue(ht,x) y => y cons? x => z := min(first x,ht) if not sameObject?(z,first x) then x.first := z z := min(rest x,ht) if not sameObject?(z,rest x) then x.rest := z hashCheck(x,ht) vector? x => for i in 0..maxIndex x repeat x.i := min(x.i,ht) hashCheck(x,ht) string? x => hashCheck(x,ht) x hashCheck(x,ht) == y := tableValue(ht,x) y => y tableValue(ht,x) := x x --% File IO $InputIOMode == KEYWORD::INPUT $OutputIOMode == KEYWORD::OUTPUT $BothWaysIOMode == KEYWORD::IO $ClosedIOMode == KEYWORD::CLOSED ++ return a binary stream open for `file' in mode `mode'; nil ++ if something went wrong. This function is used by the Algebra. openBinaryFile(file,mode) == mode = $InputIOMode => OPEN(file,direction <- mode, if_-does_-not_-exist <- nil,element_-type <- "%Byte") OPEN(file,direction <- mode, if_-exists <- KEYWORD::SUPERSEDE,element_-type <- "%Byte") ++ Write byte `b' to output binary file `ofile'. writeByteToFile(ofile,b) == writeByte(b,ofile) --% stringImage x == symbol? x => symbolName x string? x => strconc('"_"",x,'"_"") toString x --% Socket I/O ++ Attempt to establish a client TCP/IP socket connection. The IP numeric ++ address is specified by the first argument; second argument is the ++ version of IP used (4 or 6); third argument is the desired port. ++ Return %nothing on failure, otherwise the file descriptor corresponding ++ to the obtained client socket. connectToHostAndPort(addr,prot,port) == (socket := doConnectToHostAndPort(addr,prot,port)) < 0 => %nothing socket ++ Attempt to read a byte from the socket `s'. If unsuccessful, ++ return %nothing. readByteFromStreamSocket s == (byte := doReadByteFromStreamSocket s) < 0 => %nothing COERCE(byte,"%Byte") writeByteToStreamSocket(s,b) == (byte := doWriteByteToStreamSocket(s,b)) < 0 => %nothing COERCE(byte,"%Byte") --% makeByteBuffer(n,b == 0) == newVector(n,element_-type <- "%Byte",initial_-element <- b) ++ Return the position of the symbol `s' in the list `l', if present. ++ Otherwise return nil. symbolPosition(s,l) == or/[i for i in 0.. for x in l | symbolEq?(s,x)] valuePosition(s,l) == or/[i for i in 0.. for x in l | valueEq?(s,x)] --% assoc scalarAssoc(c,l) == or/[scalarEq?(c,first x) and leave x for x in l | cons? x] or nil stringAssoc(s,l) == or/[stringEq?(s,first x) and leave x for x in l | cons? x] or nil --% lassoc symbolTarget(s,l) == p := symbolAssoc(s,l) => rest p nil scalarTarget(s,l) == p := scalarAssoc(s,l) => rest p nil --% remove!(l,x) == l = nil => nil valueEq?(first l,x) => rest l p := l repeat p isnt [.,.,:.] => return l valueEq?(second p,x) => p.rest := p.rest.rest return l p := rest p sortBy(k,l) == SORT(copyList l,function GGREATERP,key <- k) ++ Return the list of objects that follow x in l, including x itself. ++ Otherwise return nil. upwardCut(x,l) == repeat l isnt [.,:.] => return nil sameObject?(x,first l) => return l l := rest l --% displayTextFile f == try stream := inputTextFile f while (line := readLine stream) ~= %nothing repeat writeLine(line,$OutputStream) finally stream ~= nil => closeStream stream --% macro last x == lastNode(x).first --% macro loopBody x == take(-2,x).first --% macro constructorDB ctor == property(ctor,'DATABASE) --% structure %Libstream == Record(mode: %IOMode, dir: %Pathname,tbl: %Thing, idxst: %Stream, cdst: %Stream,insnst: %Stream,tmpdir: %Pathname) with libIOMode == (.mode) libDirname == (.dir) libIndexTable == (.tbl) libIndexStream == (.idxst) libCodeStream == (.cdst) libInsnStream == (.insnst) libStationaryDirname == (.tmpdir) makeLibstream(m,p,idx==nil,st==nil) == mk%Libstream(m,p,idx,st,nil,nil,nil) makeFilename(filearg,filetype==nil) == if ident? filetype then filetype := symbolName filetype filePath? filearg => filePathString filePathType filearg ~= nil => filearg makeFilePath(directory <- filePathDirectory filearg, name <- filePathName filearg, type <- filetype) string? filearg and filePathType filearg ~= nil and filetype = nil => filearg string? filearg and string? filetype and filePathType filearg ~= nil and stringEq?(filePathType filearg,filetype) => filearg filearg is [.,:.] => makeFilename(first filearg,second filearg or filetype) if string? filetype then filetype := makeSymbol filetype ft := rest symbolAssoc(filetype,$FILETYPE_-TABLE) or filetype ft = nil => string? filearg => filearg ident? filearg => symbolName filearg toString filearg strconc(toString filearg,'".",toString ft) makeFullFilePath(filearg,filetype==nil) == filePathString mergeFilePaths makeFilename(filearg,filetype) getDirectoryList ft == here := getWorkingDirectory() ft in '("NRLIB" "DAASE" "EXPOSED") => $UserLevel = 'development => [here,:$LIBRARY_-DIRECTORY_-LIST] $LIBRARY_-DIRECTORY_-LIST home := filePathString userHomeDirectory() dirs := stringMember?(home,$DIRECTORY_-LIST) => $DIRECTORY_-LIST [home,:$DIRECTORY_-LIST] stringMember?(here,dirs) => dirs [here,:dirs] makeInputFilename(filearg,filetype == nil) == filename := makeFilename(filearg,filetype) dirname := filePathDirectory filename dirname = nil or dirname is [KEYWORD::RELATIVE,:.] => or/[probeReadableFile strconc(dir,filename) for dir in getDirectoryList filePathType filename] or probeReadableFile filename probeReadableFile filename findFile(spec,exts) == name := spec is [.,:.] => first spec spec if spec is [.,:.] then exts := [second spec,:exts] or/[makeInputFilename(name,ext) for ext in exts]