;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; NAME: Scratchpad Package ; PURPOSE: This is an initialization and system-building file for Scratchpad. (IMPORT-MODULE "spad-parser") (import-module "postpar") (import-module "debug") (in-package "BOOT") ;;; Common Block (defvar |$reportInstantiations| nil) (defvar |$reportEachInstantiation| nil) (defvar |$compForModeIfTrue| nil "checked in compSymbol") (defvar |$functorForm| nil "checked in addModemap0") (defvar |$Rep| '|$Rep| "should be bound to gensym? checked in coerce") (defvar |$definition| nil "checked in DomainSubstitutionFunction") (defvar |$texFormat| nil "if true produce tex output") (defvar |$fortranFormat| nil "if true produce fortran output") (defvar |$algebraFormat| t "produce 2-d algebra output") (defvar |$HiFiAccess| nil "if true maintain history file") (DEFVAR _ '&) (defvar error-print) (defvar MARG 0 "Margin for testing by ?OP") (defvar |uc| 'UC) (defun init-boot/spad-reader (rd) (setq $SPAD_ERRORS (VECTOR 0 0 0)) (setq SPADERRORSTREAM |$OutputStream|) (|nextLinesClear!|) (|ioClear!| rd)) (defun spad (ifile &aux (*comp370-apply* (function |printBackendDecl|)) (*fileactq-apply* (function |printBackendDecl|)) ($SPAD T) (OPTIONLIST nil) (|$editFile| ifile) rd out-stream) (declare (special |$Echo| |$editFile| *comp370-apply*)) (setq |$InteractiveMode| nil) ;; only rebind |$InteractiveFrame| if compiling (progv (if (not |$InteractiveMode|) '(|$InteractiveFrame|)) (if (not |$InteractiveMode|) (list (|addBinding| '|$DomainsInScope| `((FLUID . |true|) (|special| . ,(COPY-TREE |$InitialDomainsInScope|))) (|addBinding| '|$Information| NIL (|makeInitialModemapFrame|))))) (progn (setq rd (|makeReader| ifile |$OutputStream|)) (init-boot/spad-reader rd) (initialize-preparse rd) (setq out-stream |$OutputStream|) (loop (if (|readerEoi?| rd) (return nil)) (catch |$SpadReaderTag| (progn (setq |$lineStack| (|preparse| rd)) (when (null |$lineStack|) (return nil)) (when |$lineStack| (let ((LINE (cdar |$lineStack|))) (declare (special LINE)) (|parseNewExpr| rd) (let ((parseout (|popStack1|)) ) (when parseout (let ((|$OutputStream| out-stream)) (|translateSpad| parseout)) (format out-stream "~&"))) )))) (|ioClear!| rd))) T)) (DEFUN INTEGER-BIT (N I) (LOGBITP I N)) ;************************************************************************ ; SYSTEM COMMANDS ;************************************************************************ (defun TERSYSCOMMAND () (FRESH-LINE) (SETQ CHR 'ENDOFLINECHR) (SETQ TOK 'END_UNIT) (|spadThrow|)) (defun /READ (L Q) (SETQ |$editFile| L) (COND (Q (/RQ)) ('T (/RF)) ) (|terminateSystemCommand|)) (defun |fin| () (SETQ *EOF* 'T) (THROW 'SPAD_READER NIL)) (defmacro |DomainSubstitutionMacro| (&rest L) (|DomainSubstitutionFunction| (first L) (second L))) (defun |sort| (seq spadfn) (sort (copy-seq seq) (function (lambda (x y) (SPADCALL X Y SPADFN))))) (defun DIVIDE2 (X Y) (multiple-value-call #'cons (TRUNCATE X Y))) (define-function '|not| #'NOT) (defun |random| () (random (expt 2 26))) (defun \,plus (x y) (+ x y)) (defun \,times (x y) (* x y)) (defun \,difference (x y) (- x y)) (defun \,max (x y) (max x y)) (defun \,min (x y) (min x y)) (MAKEPROP 'END_UNIT 'KEY T) (defun |process| (x) (COND ((NOT (EQ TOK 'END_UNIT)) (SETQ DEBUGMODE 'NO) (SPAD_SYNTAX_ERROR) (if |$InteractiveMode| (|spadThrow|)) (|translateSpad| x)))) (defmacro try (X) `(LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (|tryToFit| (|saveState|) ,X))) (DEFUN ASSOCIATER (FN LST) (COND ((NULL LST) NIL) ((NULL (CDR LST)) (CAR LST)) ((LIST FN (CAR LST) (ASSOCIATER FN (CDR LST)))))) ; **** X. Random tables (defvar $MARGIN 3) (defvar PLUSS "+") (defvar SLASH "/") (defvar COMMA ",") (defvar DASH "-") (defvar STAR "*") (defvar DOLLAR "$") (defvar COLON ":") ;; function to create byte and half-word vectors in new runtime system 8/90 (defun |makeByteWordVec| (initialvalue) (let ((n (cond ((null initialvalue) 7) ('t (reduce #'max initialvalue))))) (make-array (length initialvalue) :element-type (list 'mod (1+ n)) :initial-contents initialvalue))) (defun |makeByteWordVec2| (maxelement initialvalue) (let ((n (cond ((null initialvalue) 7) ('t maxelement)))) (make-array (length initialvalue) :element-type (list 'mod (1+ n)) :initial-contents initialvalue))) ;; simpler interpface to RDEFIOSTREAM (defun RDEFINSTREAM (&rest fn) ;; following line prevents rdefiostream from adding a default filetype (if (null (rest fn)) (setq fn (list (pathname (car fn))))) (rdefiostream (list (cons 'FILE fn) '(mode . INPUT)))) (defun RDEFOUTSTREAM (&rest fn) ;; following line prevents rdefiostream from adding a default filetype (if (null (rest fn)) (setq fn (list (pathname (car fn))))) (rdefiostream (list (cons 'FILE fn) '(mode . OUTPUT)))) (defun error-format (message args) (let ((|$BreakMode| '|break|)) (declare (special |$BreakMode|)) (if (stringp message) (apply #'format nil message args) nil))) #+:gcl (defun |resetStackLimits| () (system:reset-stack-limits)) #-:gcl (defun |resetStackLimits| () nil) (defvar |$oldBreakMode|) ;; following macro evaluates form returning Maybe type-of form #+:gcl (defmacro |trapNumericErrors| (form) `(let ((|$oldBreakMode| |$BreakMode|) (|$BreakMode| '|trapNumerics|) (val)) (catch '|trapNumerics| ,form))) #-:gcl (defmacro |trapNumericErrors| (form) `(handler-case ,form (arithmetic-error () |%nothing|))) ;; the following form embeds around the akcl error handler #+:gcl (eval-when (load eval) (unembed 'system:universal-error-handler) (embed 'system:universal-error-handler '(lambda (type correctable? op continue-string error-string &rest args) (block nil (setq |$NeedToSignalSessionManager| T) (if (and (boundp '|$inLispVM|) (boundp '|$BreakMode|)) (cond ((eq |$BreakMode| '|validate|) (|systemError| (error-format error-string args))) ((and (eq |$BreakMode| '|trapNumerics|) (eq type :ERROR)) (setq |$BreakMode| nil) (throw '|trapNumerics| |%nothing|)) ((and (eq |$BreakMode| '|trapNumerics|) (boundp '|$oldBreakMode|) (setq |$BreakMode| |$oldBreakMode|) nil)) ;; resets error handler ((and (null |$inLispVM|) (|symbolMember?| |$BreakMode| '(|nobreak| |query| |resume|))) (let ((|$inLispVM| T)) ;; turn off handler (return (|systemError| (error-format error-string args))))) ((eq |$BreakMode| '|letPrint2|) (setq |$BreakMode| nil) (throw '|letPrint2| nil)))) (apply system:universal-error-handler type correctable? op continue-string error-string args )))))