-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import g_-timer namespace BOOT ++ List of compiled function names. $compiledOpNameList := [] reportFunctionCompilation(op,nam,argl,body,isRecursive) == -- for an alternate definition of this function which does not allow -- dynamic caching, see SLAMOLD BOOT --+ $compiledOpNameList := [nam] minivectorName := makeInternalMapMinivectorName(nam) body := substitute(minivectorName,"$$$",body) setDynamicBinding(minivectorName,LIST2VEC $minivector) argl := COPY argl -- play it safe for optimization init := not(isRecursive and $compileRecurrence and #argl = 1) => nil NRTisRecurrenceRelation(nam,body,minivectorName) init => compileRecurrenceRelation(op,nam,argl,body,init) cacheCount:= getCacheCount op cacheCount = "all" => reportFunctionCacheAll(op,nam,argl,body) parms := [:argl,"envArg"] cacheCount = 0 or null argl => fun:= [nam,["LAMBDA",parms,declareGlobalVariables [minivectorName], :declareUnusedParameters(parms,body)]] compileInteractive fun nam num := FIXP cacheCount => cacheCount < 1 => keyedSystemError("S2IM0019",[cacheCount,op]) cacheCount keyedSystemError("S2IM0019",[cacheCount,op]) sayKeyedMsg("S2IX0003",[op,num]) auxfn := mkAuxiliaryName nam g1:= gensym() --argument or argument list [arg,computeValue] := null argl => [nil,[auxfn]] argl is [.] => [[g1, 'envArg],[auxfn,g1, 'envArg]] --g1 is a parameter [g1,['APPLX,MKQ auxfn,g1]] --g1 is a parameter list cacheName := mkCacheName nam g2:= gensym() --length of cache or arg-value pair g3:= gensym() --value computed by calling function secondPredPair:= null argl => [cacheName] [['SETQ,g3,['assocCircular,g1,cacheName]],['CDR,g3]] thirdPredPair:= null argl => ['(QUOTE T),['SETQ,cacheName,computeValue]] ['(QUOTE T), ["SETQ",g2,computeValue], ["SETQ",g3, ["CAR",["SETQ",cacheName,['predCircular,cacheName,cacheCount]]]], ["RPLACA",g3,g1], ["RPLACD",g3,g2], g2] codeBody:= ["PROG",[g2,g3],["RETURN",["COND",secondPredPair,thirdPredPair]]] -- cannot use envArg in next statement without redoing much -- of above. lamex:= ["LAM",arg,codeBody] mainFunction:= [nam,lamex] computeFunction:= [auxfn,["LAMBDA",parms, :declareUnusedParameters(parms,body)]] compileInteractive mainFunction compileInteractive computeFunction cacheType:= "function" cacheResetCode:= ["SETQ",cacheName,['mkCircularAlist,cacheCount]] cacheCountCode:= ['countCircularAlist,cacheName,cacheCount] cacheVector:= mkCacheVec(op,cacheName,cacheType,cacheResetCode,cacheCountCode) $e:= put(nam,'cacheInfo, cacheVector,$e) eval cacheResetCode SETANDFILE(cacheName,mkCircularAlist cacheCount) nam getCacheCount fn == n:= LASSOC(fn,$cacheAlist) => n $cacheCount reportFunctionCacheAll(op,nam,argl,body) == sayKeyedMsg("S2IX0004",[op]) auxfn:= mkAuxiliaryName nam g1:= gensym() --argument or argument list [arg,computeValue] := null argl => [['envArg],[auxfn, 'envArg]] argl is [.] => [[g1, 'envArg],[auxfn,g1, 'envArg]] --g1 is a parameter [g1,["APPLX",MKQ auxfn,g1]] --g1 is a parameter list if null argl then g1:=nil cacheName:= mkCacheName nam g2:= gensym() --value computed by calling function secondPredPair:= [["SETQ",g2,["HGET",cacheName,g1]],g2] thirdPredPair:= ['(QUOTE T),["HPUT",cacheName,g1,computeValue]] codeBody:= ["PROG",[g2],["RETURN",["COND",secondPredPair,thirdPredPair]]] lamex:= ["LAM",arg,codeBody] mainFunction:= [nam,lamex] parms := [:argl, "envArg"] computeFunction:= [auxfn,["LAMBDA",parms, :declareUnusedParameters(parms,body)]] compileInteractive mainFunction compileInteractive computeFunction cacheType:= 'hash_-table cacheResetCode:= ["SETQ",cacheName,['hashTable,''EQUAL]] cacheCountCode:= ['hashCount,cacheName] cacheVector:= mkCacheVec(op,cacheName,cacheType,cacheResetCode,cacheCountCode) $e:= put(nam,'cacheInfo, cacheVector,$e) eval cacheResetCode nam hashCount table == +/[ADD1 nodeCount HGET(table,key) for key in HKEYS table] mkCircularAlist n == l:= [[$failed,:$failed] for i in 1..n] lastNode(l).rest := l countCircularAlist(cal,n) == +/[nodeCount x for x in cal for i in 1..n] predCircular(al,n) == for i in 1..QSSUB1 n repeat al:= QCDR al al assocCircular(x,al) == --like ASSOC except that al is circular forwardPointer:= al val:= nil until EQ(forwardPointer,al) repeat EQUAL(CAAR forwardPointer,x) => return (val:= first forwardPointer) forwardPointer:= rest forwardPointer val compileRecurrenceRelation(op,nam,argl,junk,[body,sharpArg,n,:initCode]) == k:= #initCode extraArgumentCode := extraArguments := [x for x in argl | x ~= sharpArg] => extraArguments is [x] => x ['LIST,:extraArguments] nil g:= gensym() gIndex:= gensym() gsList:= [gensym() for x in initCode] auxfn := mkAuxiliaryName(nam) $compiledOpNameList := [:$compiledOpNameList,auxfn] stateNam:= GENVAR() stateVar:= gensym() stateVal:= gensym() lastArg := INTERNL strconc('"#",STRINGIMAGE QSADD1 # argl) decomposeCode:= [["%LET",gIndex,["ELT",lastArg,0]],:[["%LET",g,["ELT",lastArg,i]] for g in gsList for i in 1..]] gsRev:= reverse gsList rotateCode:= [["%LET",p,q] for p in gsRev for q in [:rest gsRev,g]] advanceCode:= ["%LET",gIndex,['ADD1,gIndex]] newTripleCode := ["LIST",sharpArg,:gsList] newStateCode := null extraArguments => ["SETQ",stateNam,newTripleCode] ["HPUT",stateNam,extraArgumentCode,newTripleCode] computeFunction:= [auxfn,["LAM",cargl,cbody]] where cargl:= [:argl,lastArg] returnValue:= ["PROGN",newStateCode,first gsList] cbody:= endTest:= ["COND", [["EQL",sharpArg,gIndex],['RETURN,returnValue]]] newValueCode:= ["%LET",g,substitute(gIndex,sharpArg, EQSUBSTLIST(gsList,rest $TriangleVariableList,body))] ["PROGN",:decomposeCode, ["REPEAT",["WHILE",'T],["PROGN",endTest,advanceCode, newValueCode,:rotateCode]]] fromScratchInit:= [["%LET",gIndex,n],:[["%LET",g,x] for g in gsList for x in initCode]] continueInit:= [["%LET",gIndex,["%ELT",stateVar,0]], :[["%LET",g,["%ELT",stateVar,i]] for g in gsList for i in 1..]] mainFunction:= [nam,["LAM",margl,:declareUnusedParameters(margl,mbody)]] where margl:= [:argl,'envArg] max:= gensym() tripleCode := ["CONS",n,["LIST",:initCode]] -- initialSetCode initializes the global variable if necessary and -- also binds "stateVar" to its current value initialSetCode := initialValueCode := extraArguments => ["hashTable",''EQUAL] tripleCode cacheResetCode := ["SETQ",stateNam,initialValueCode] ["COND",[["NULL",["AND",["BOUNDP",MKQ stateNam], _ ["CONSP",stateNam]]], _ ["%LET",stateVar,cacheResetCode]], _ [''T, ["%LET",stateVar,stateNam]]] -- when there are extra arguments, initialResetCode resets "stateVar" -- to the hashtable entry for the extra arguments initialResetCode := null extraArguments => nil [["%LET",stateVar,["OR", ["HGET",stateVar,extraArgumentCode], ["HPUT",stateVar,extraArgumentCode,tripleCode]]]] mbody := preset := [initialSetCode,:initialResetCode,["%LET",max,["ELT",stateVar,0]]] phrase1:= [["AND",["%LET",max,["ELT",stateVar,0]],["GE",sharpArg,max]], [auxfn,:argl,stateVar]] phrase2:= [["GT",sharpArg,["SETQ",max,["DIFFERENCE",max,k]]], ["ELT",stateVar,["QSADD1",["QSDIFFERENCE",k,["DIFFERENCE",sharpArg,max]]]]] phrase3:= [["GT",sharpArg,n],[auxfn,:argl,["LIST",n,:initCode]]] phrase4:= [["GT",sharpArg,n-k], ["ELT",["LIST",:initCode],["QSDIFFERENCE",n,sharpArg]]] phrase5:= ['(QUOTE T),['recurrenceError,MKQ op,sharpArg]] ['PROGN,:preset,['COND,phrase1,phrase2,phrase3,phrase4,phrase5]] if $verbose then sayKeyedMsg("S2IX0001",[op]) compileInteractive computeFunction compileInteractive mainFunction cacheType:= 'recurrence cacheCountCode:= ['nodeCount,stateNam] cacheVector:= mkCacheVec(op,stateNam,cacheType,cacheResetCode,cacheCountCode) $e:= put(nam,'cacheInfo, cacheVector,$e) nam nodeCount x == NUMOFNODES x recurrenceError(op,arg) == throwKeyedMsg("S2IX0002",[op,arg]) mkCacheVec(op,nam,kind,resetCode,countCode) == [op,nam,kind,resetCode,countCode] -- reportCacheStore vl == -- sayMSG concat(centerString('"Name",22,'" ")," Kind #Cells") -- sayMSG concat(centerString('"----",22,'" ")," ---- ------") -- for x in vl repeat reportCacheStoreFor x -- -- op2String op == -- u:= linearFormatName op -- atom u => PNAME u -- strconc/u -- -- reportCacheStorePrint(op,kind,count) == -- ops:= op2String op -- opString:= centerString(ops,22,'" ") -- kindString:= centerString(PNAME kind,10,'" ") -- countString:= centerString(count,19,'" ") -- sayMSG concat(opString,kindString,countString) -- -- reportCacheStoreFor op == -- u:= getI(op,'localModemap) => -- for [['local,target,:.],[.,fn],:.] in u repeat -- [op1,cacheName,kind,.,countCode]:= getI(fn,'cacheInfo) or -- keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"reportCacheStoreFor", -- '"missing cache information vector"]) -- reportCacheStorePrint(op,kind,eval countCode) -- true -- u:= getI(op,"cache") => -- reportCacheStorePrint(op,'variable,nodeCount u) -- nil clearCache x == get(x,'localModemap,$e) or get(x,'mapBody,$e) => for [map,:sub] in $mapSubNameAlist repeat map=x => _/UNTRACE_,2(sub,NIL) $e:= putHist(x,'localModemap,nil,$e) $e:= putHist(x,'mapBody,nil,$e) $e:= putHist(x,'localVars,nil,$e) sayKeyedMsg("S2IX0007",[x]) clearLocalModemaps x == u:= get(x,"localModemap",$e) => for sub in ASSOCRIGHT $mapSubNameAlist repeat _/UNTRACE_,2(sub,NIL) $e:= putHist(x,"localModemap",nil,$e) for mm in u repeat [.,fn,:.] := mm if def:= get(fn,'definition,$e) then $e:= putHist(x,'value,objNew(def,$EmptyMode),$e) if cacheVec:= get(fn,'cacheInfo,$e) then setDynamicBinding(cacheVec.cacheName,NIL) -- now clear the property list of the identifier $e := addIntSymTabBinding(x,nil,$e) sayKeyedMsg("S2IX0007",[x]) compileInteractive fn == if $InteractiveMode then startTimingProcess 'compilation --following not used for common lisp --removeUnnecessaryLastArguments second fn if $reportCompilation then sayBrightlyI bright '"Generated LISP code for function:" pp fn optfn := $InteractiveMode => [timedOptimization fn] [fn] result := compQuietly optfn if $InteractiveMode then stopTimingProcess 'compilation result clearAllSlams x == fn(x,nil) where fn(thoseToClear,thoseCleared) == for x in thoseToClear | not MEMQ(x,thoseCleared) repeat slamListName:= mkCacheName x setDynamicBinding(slamListName,nil) thoseCleared:= ADJOIN(x,thoseCleared) someMoreToClear:= setDifference(LASSOC(x,$functorDependencyAlist),[:thoseToClear,: thoseCleared]) NCONC(thoseToClear,someMoreToClear) clearSlam("functor")== id:= mkCacheName functor setDynamicBinding(id,nil)