-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import macros namespace BOOT $returnNowhereFromGoGet := false showSummary dom == showPredicates dom showAttributes dom showFrom dom showImp dom --======================================================================= -- Show Where Functions in Domain are Implemented --======================================================================= showImp(dom,:options) == sayBrightly '"-------------Operation summary-----------------" missingOnlyFlag := KAR options domainForm := devaluate dom [nam,:$domainArgs] := domainForm $predicateList: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB nam predVector := dom.3 u := getDomainOpTable(dom,true) --sort into 4 groups: domain exports, unexports, default exports, others for (x := [.,.,:key]) in u repeat key = domainForm => domexports := [x,:domexports] integer? key => unexports := [x,:unexports] isDefaultPackageForm? key => defexports := [x,:defexports] key = 'nowhere => nowheres := [x,:nowheres] key = 'constant => constants := [x,:constants] others := [x,:others] --add chain domains go here sayBrightly nowheres => ['"Functions exported but not implemented by", :bright form2String domainForm,'":"] [:bright form2String domainForm,'"implements all exported operations"] showDomainsOp1(nowheres,'nowhere) missingOnlyFlag => 'done --first display those exported by the domain, then add chain guys u := [:domexports,:constants,:SORTBY('CDDR,others)] while u repeat [.,.,:key] := first u sayBrightly key = 'constant => ["Constants implemented by",:bright form2String key,'":"] ["Functions implemented by",:bright form2String key,'":"] u := showDomainsOp1(u,key) u := SORTBY('CDDR,defexports) while u repeat [.,.,:key] := first u defop := makeSymbol(subString((s := PNAME first key),0,maxIndex s)) domainForm := [defop,:CDDR key] sayBrightly ["Default functions from",:bright form2String domainForm,'":"] u := showDomainsOp1(u,key) u := SORTBY('CDDR,unexports) while u repeat [.,.,:key] := first u sayBrightly ["Not exported: "] u := showDomainsOp1(u,key) --======================================================================= -- Show Information Directly From Domains --======================================================================= showFrom(D,:option) == ops := KAR option alist := nil domainForm := devaluate D [nam,:.] := domainForm $predicateList: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB nam for (opSig := [op,sig]) in getDomainSigs1(D,ops) repeat u := from?(D,op,sig) x := assoc(u,alist) => x.rest := [opSig,:rest x] alist := [[u,opSig],:alist] for [conform,:l] in alist repeat sayBrightly concat('"From ",form2String conform,'":") for [op,sig] in l repeat sayBrightly ['" ",:formatOpSignature(op,sig)] --======================================================================= -- Functions implementing showFrom --======================================================================= getDomainOps D == domname := D.0 conname := first domname $predicateList: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB conname removeDuplicates listSort(function GLESSEQP,ASSOCLEFT getDomainOpTable(D,nil)) getDomainSigs(D,:option) == domname := D.0 conname := first domname $predicateList: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB conname getDomainSigs1(D,first option) getDomainSigs1(D,ops) == listSort(function GLESSEQP,u) where u() == [x for x in getDomainOpTable(D,nil) | null ops or MEMQ(first x,ops)] getDomainDocs(D,:option) == domname := D.0 conname := first domname $predicateList: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB conname ops := KAR option [[op,sig,:getInheritanceByDoc(D,op,sig)] for [op,sig] in getDomainSigs1(D,ops)] --======================================================================= -- Getting Inheritance Info from Documentation in Lisplib --======================================================================= from?(D,op,sig) == KAR KDR getInheritanceByDoc(D,op,sig) getExtensionsOfDomain domain == u := getDomainExtensionsOfDomain domain cats := getCategoriesOfDomain domain for x in u repeat cats := union(cats,getCategoriesOfDomain eval x) [:u,:cats] getDomainExtensionsOfDomain domain == acc := nil d := domain while (u := devaluateSlotDomain(5,d)) repeat acc := [u,:acc] d := eval u acc devaluateSlotDomain(u,dollar) == u = '$ => devaluate dollar integer? u and vector? (y := dollar.u) => devaluate y u is ['NRTEVAL,y] => MKQ eval y u is ['QUOTE,y] => u u is [op,:argl] => [op,:[devaluateSlotDomain(x,dollar) for x in argl]] devaluate evalSlotDomain(u,dollar) getCategoriesOfDomain domain == predkeyVec := domain.4.0 catforms := second domain.4 [fn for i in 0..maxIndex predkeyVec | test] where test() == predkeyVec.i and (x := catforms . i) isnt ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,:.] fn() == vector? x => devaluate x devaluateSlotDomain(x,domain) getInheritanceByDoc(D,op,sig,:options) == --gets inheritance and documentation information by looking in the LISPLIB --for each ancestor of the domain catList := KAR options or getExtensionsOfDomain D getDocDomainForOpSig(op,sig,devaluate D,D) or or/[fn for x in catList] or '(NIL NIL) where fn() == getDocDomainForOpSig(op,sig,substDomainArgs(D,x),D) getDocDomainForOpSig(op,sig,dollar,D) == (u := LASSOC(op,getConstructorDocumentationFromDB first dollar)) and (doc := or/[[d,dollar] for [s,:d] in u | compareSig(sig,s,D,dollar)]) --======================================================================= -- Functions implementing showImp --======================================================================= showDomainsOp1(u,key) == while u and first u is [op,sig,: =key] repeat sayBrightly ['" ",:formatOpSignature(op,sig)] u := rest u u getDomainRefName(dom,nam) == cons? nam => [getDomainRefName(dom,x) for x in nam] not integer? nam => nam slot := dom.nam vector? slot => slot.0 slot is ['%store,:.] => getDomainRefName(dom,getDomainSeteltForm slot) slot getDomainSeteltForm ['%store,.,form] == form is ['evalSlotDomain,u,d] => devaluateSlotDomain(u,d) vector? form => systemError() form showPredicates dom == sayBrightly '"--------------------Predicate summary-------------------" conname := first dom.0 predvector := dom.3 predicateList := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB conname for i in 1.. for p in predicateList repeat prefix := testBitVector(predvector,i) => '"true : " '"false: " sayBrightly [prefix,:pred2English p] showAttributes dom == sayBrightly '"--------------------Attribute summary-------------------" conname := first dom.0 abb := getConstructorAbbreviation conname predvector := dom.3 for [a,:p] in dom.2 repeat prefix := testBitVector(predvector,p) => '"true : " '"false: " sayBrightly concat(prefix,form2String a) showGoGet dom == numvec := CDDR dom.4 for i in 6..maxIndex dom | (slot := dom.i) is ['newGoGet,dol,index,:op] repeat numOfArgs := numvec.index whereNumber := numvec.(index := index + 1) signumList := [formatLazyDomainForm(dom,numvec.(index + i)) for i in 0..numOfArgs] index := index + numOfArgs + 1 namePart := concat(bright "from",form2String formatLazyDomainForm(dom,whereNumber)) sayBrightly [i,'": ",:formatOpSignature(op,signumList),:namePart] formatLazyDomain(dom,x) == vector? x => devaluate x x is [dollar,slotNumber,:form] => formatLazyDomainForm(dom,form) systemError nil formatLazyDomainForm(dom,x) == x = 0 => ["$"] integer? x => formatLazyDomain(dom,dom.x) atom x => x x is ['NRTEVAL,y] => (atom y => [y]; y) [first x,:[formatLazyDomainForm(dom,y) for y in rest x]] --======================================================================= -- Display Template --======================================================================= dc(:r) == con := KAR r options := KDR r ok := MEMQ(con,allConstructors()) or (con := abbreviation? con) null ok => sayBrightly '"Format is: dc(,option)" sayBrightly '"options are: all (default), slots, atts, cats, data, ops, optable" option := KAR options option = 'all or null option => dcAll con option = 'slots => dcSlots con option = 'atts => dcAtts con option = 'cats => dcCats con option = 'data => dcData con option = 'ops => dcOps con option = 'size => dcSize( con,'full) option = 'optable => dcOpTable con dcSlots con == name := abbreviation? con or con $infovec: local := getInfovec name template := $infovec.0 for i in 5..maxIndex template repeat sayBrightlyNT bright i item := template.i item is [n,:op] and integer? n => dcOpLatchPrint(op,n) null item and i > 5 => sayBrightly ['"arg ",strconc('"#",STRINGIMAGE(i - 5))] atom item => sayBrightly ['"fun ",item] item is ['CONS,.,['FUNCALL,[.,a],b]] => sayBrightly ['"constant ",a] sayBrightly concat('"lazy ",form2String formatSlotDomain i) dcOpLatchPrint(op,index) == numvec := getCodeVector() numOfArgs := numvec.index whereNumber := numvec.(index := index + 1) signumList := dcSig(numvec,index + 1,numOfArgs) index := index + numOfArgs + 1 namePart := concat(bright "from", dollarPercentTran form2String formatSlotDomain whereNumber) sayBrightly ['"latch",:formatOpSignature(op,signumList),:namePart] getInfovec name == u := GETL(name,'infovec) => u GETL(name,'LOADED) => nil fullLibName := getConstructorModuleFromDB name or return nil startTimingProcess 'load loadLibNoUpdate(name, name, fullLibName) GETL(name,'infovec) getOpSegment index == numOfArgs := (vec := getCodeVector()).index [vec.i for i in index..(index + numOfArgs + 3)] getCodeVector() == proto4 := $infovec.3 u := CDDR proto4 vector? u => u --old style rest u --new style formatSlotDomain x == x = 0 => ["$"] x = 2 => ["$$"] integer? x => val := $infovec.0.x null val => [strconc('"#",STRINGIMAGE (x - 5))] formatSlotDomain val atom x => x x is ['NRTEVAL,y] => (atom y => [y]; y) [first x,:[formatSlotDomain y for y in rest x]] --======================================================================= -- Display OpTable --======================================================================= dcOpTable con == name := abbreviation? con or con $infovec: local := getInfovec name template := $infovec.0 $predvec: local := getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con opTable := $infovec.1 for i in 0..maxIndex opTable repeat op := opTable.i i := i + 1 startIndex := opTable.i stopIndex := i + 1 > maxIndex opTable => maxIndex getCodeVector() opTable.(i + 2) curIndex := startIndex while curIndex < stopIndex repeat curIndex := dcOpPrint(op,curIndex) dcOpPrint(op,index) == numvec := getCodeVector() segment := getOpSegment index numOfArgs := numvec.index index := index + 1 predNumber := numvec.index index := index + 1 signumList := dcSig(numvec,index,numOfArgs) index := index + numOfArgs + 1 slotNumber := numvec.index suffix := predNumber = 0 => nil [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)] namePart := bright slotNumber = 0 => '"subsumed by next entry" slotNumber = 1 => '"missing" name := $infovec.0.slotNumber atom name => name name is ["CONS","IDENTITY", ["FUNCALL", ["dispatchFunction", impl],"$"]] => impl '"looked up" sayBrightly [:formatOpSignature(op,signumList),:namePart, :suffix] index + 1 dcSig(numvec,index,numOfArgs) == [formatSlotDomain numvec.(index + i) for i in 0..numOfArgs] dcPreds con == name := abbreviation? con or con $infovec: local := getInfovec name $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con for i in 0..maxIndex $predvec repeat sayBrightlyNT bright (i + 1) sayBrightly pred2English $predvec.i dcAtts con == name := abbreviation? con or con $infovec: local := getInfovec name $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con attList := $infovec.2 for [a,:predNumber] in attList for i in 0.. repeat sayBrightlyNT bright i suffix := predNumber = 0 => nil [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)] sayBrightly [a,:suffix] dcCats con == name := abbreviation? con or con $infovec: local := getInfovec name u := $infovec.3 vector? CDDR u => dcCats1 con --old style slot4 $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con catpredvec := first u catinfo := second u catvec := third u for i in 0..maxIndex catvec repeat sayBrightlyNT bright i form := catvec.i predNumber := catpredvec.i suffix := predNumber = 0 => nil [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)] extra := null (info := catinfo.i) => nil IDENTP info => bright '"package" bright '"instantiated" sayBrightly concat(form2String formatSlotDomain form,suffix,extra) dcCats1 con == $predvec:= getConstructorPredicatesFromDB con u := $infovec.3 catvec := second u catinfo := first u for i in 0..maxIndex catvec repeat sayBrightlyNT bright i [form,:predNumber] := catvec.i suffix := predNumber = 0 => nil [:bright '"if",:pred2English $predvec.(predNumber - 1)] extra := null (info := catinfo.i) => nil IDENTP info => bright '"package" bright '"instantiated" sayBrightly concat(form2String formatSlotDomain form,suffix,extra) dcData con == name := abbreviation? con or con $infovec: local := getInfovec name sayBrightly '"Operation data from slot 1" PRINT_-FULL $infovec.1 vec := getCodeVector() vec := (cons? vec => rest vec; vec) sayBrightly ['"Information vector has ",# vec,'" entries"] dcData1 vec dcData1 vec == n := maxIndex vec tens := n quo 10 for i in 0..tens repeat start := 10*i sayBrightlyNT rightJustifyString(STRINGIMAGE start,6) sayBrightlyNT '" |" for j in start..MIN(start + 9,n) repeat sayBrightlyNT rightJustifyString(STRINGIMAGE vec.j,6) sayNewLine() vec dcSize(:options) == con := KAR options options := rest options null con => dcSizeAll() quiet := 'quiet in options full := 'full in options name := abbreviation? con or con infovec := getInfovec name template := infovec.0 maxindex := maxIndex template latch := 0 --# of go get slots lazy := 0 --# of lazy domain slots fun := 0 --# of function slots lazyNodes := 0 --# of nodes needed for lazy domain slots for i in 5..maxindex repeat atom (item := template.i) => fun := fun + 1 integer? first item => latch := latch + 1 'T => lazy := lazy + 1 lazyNodes := lazyNodes + numberOfNodes item tSize := sum(vectorSize(1 + maxindex),nodeSize(lazyNodes + latch)) -- functions are free in the template vector oSize := vectorSize(# infovec.1) aSize := numberOfNodes infovec.2 slot4 := infovec.3 catvec := vector? CDDR slot4 => second slot4 third slot4 n := maxIndex catvec cSize := sum(nodeSize(2),vectorSize(# first slot4),vectorSize(n + 1), nodeSize(+/[numberOfNodes catvec.i for i in 0..n])) codeVector := vector? CDDR slot4 => CDDR slot4 CDDDR slot4 vSize := halfWordSize(# codeVector) itotal := sum(tSize,oSize,aSize,cSize,vSize) if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"infovec total = ",itotal,'" BYTES"] if null quiet then lookupFun := getLookupFun infovec suffix := (lookupFun = 'lookupIncomplete => '"incomplete"; '"complete") sayBrightly ['"template = ",tSize] sayBrightly ['"operations = ",oSize,'" (",suffix,'")"] sayBrightly ['"attributes = ",aSize] sayBrightly ['"categories = ",cSize] sayBrightly ['"data vector = ",vSize] if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"number of function slots (one extra node) = ",fun] sayBrightly ['"number of latch slots (2 extra nodes) = ",latch] sayBrightly ['"number of lazy slots (no extra nodes) = ",lazy] sayBrightly ['"size of domain vectors = ",1 + maxindex,'" slots"] vtotal := itotal + nodeSize(fun) --fun slot is ($ . function) vtotal := vtotal + nodeSize(2 * latch) --latch slot is (newGoGet $ . code) --NOTE: lazy slots require no cost --lazy slot is lazyDomainForm if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"domain size = ",vtotal,'" BYTES"] etotal := nodeSize(fun + 2 * latch) + vectorSize(1 + maxindex) if null quiet then sayBrightly ['"cost per instantiation = ",etotal,'" BYTES"] vtotal dcSizeAll() == count := 0 total := 0 for x in allConstructors() | cons? GETL(x,'infovec) repeat count := count + 1 s := dcSize(x,'quiet) sayBrightly [s,'" : ",x] total := total + s sayBrightly '"------------total-------------" sayBrightly [count," constructors; ",total," BYTES"] sum(:l) == +/l nodeSize(n) == 12 * n vectorSize(n) == 4 * (1 + n) halfWordSize(n) == n < 128 => n quo 2 n < 256 => n 2 * n numberOfNodes(x) == atom x => 0 1 + numberOfNodes first x + numberOfNodes rest x template con == con := abbreviation? con or con ppTemplate getInfovec(con).0 ppTemplate vec == for i in 0..maxIndex vec repeat sayBrightlyNT bright i pp vec.i infovec con == con := abbreviation? con or con u := getInfovec con sayBrightly '"---------------slot 0 is template-------------------" ppTemplate u.0 sayBrightly '"---------------slot 1 is op table-------------------" PRINT_-FULL u.1 sayBrightly '"---------------slot 2 is attribute list-------------" PRINT_-FULL u.2 sayBrightly '"---------------slot 3.0 is catpredvec---------------" PRINT_-FULL u.3.0 sayBrightly '"---------------slot 3.1 is catinfovec---------------" PRINT_-FULL u.3.1 sayBrightly '"---------------slot 3.2 is catvec-------------------" PRINT_-FULL u.3.2 sayBrightly '"---------------tail of slot 3 is datavector---------" dcData1 CDDDR u.3 'done dcAll con == con := abbreviation? con or con $infovec : local := getInfovec con complete? := #$infovec = 4 => false $infovec.4 = 'lookupComplete sayBrightly '"----------------Template-----------------" dcSlots con sayBrightly complete? => '"----------Complete Ops----------------" '"----------Incomplete Ops---------------" dcOpTable con sayBrightly '"----------------Atts-----------------" dcAtts con sayBrightly '"----------------Preds-----------------" dcPreds con sayBrightly '"----------------Cats-----------------" dcCats con sayBrightly '"----------------Data------------------" dcData con sayBrightly '"----------------Size------------------" dcSize(con,'full) 'done dcOps conname == for [op,:u] in reverse getConstructorOperationsFromDB conname repeat for [sig,slot,pred,key,:.] in u repeat suffix := atom pred => nil concat('" if ",pred2English pred) key = 'Subsumed => sayBrightly [:formatOpSignature(op,sig),'" subsumed by ",:formatOpSignature(op,slot),:suffix] sayBrightly [:formatOpSignature(op,sig),:suffix]