-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import macros namespace BOOT $escapeWords := ["always", "assert", "but", "define", "delay", "do", "except", "export", "extend", "fix", "fluid", "from", "generate", "goto", "import", "inline", "never", "select", "try", "yield"] $pileStyle := false $commentIndentation := 8 $braceIndentation := 8 $doNotResetMarginIfTrue := true $marginStack := nil $numberOfSpills := 0 $lineFragmentBuffer:= nil $pspadRelationAlist := '((_= . _~_=) (_< . _>_=) (_<_= . _>)(_~_= . _=)(_>_= . _<) (_> . _<_=)) $lineBuffer := nil $formatForcePren := nil $underScore := char ('__) $rightBraceFlag := nil $semicolonFlag := nil $newLineWritten := nil $comments := nil $noColonDeclaration := false $renameAlist := '( (SmallInteger . SingleInteger) (SmallFloat . DoubleFloat) (Void . _(_)) (xquo . exquo) (setelt . set_!) (_$ . _%) (_$_$ . _$) (_*_* . _^) (_^_= . _~_=) (_^ . _~)) --$opRenameAlist := '( -- (and . AND) -- (or . OR) -- (not . NOT)) --====================================================================== -- Main Translator Function --====================================================================== --% lisp-fragment to boot-fragment functions lisp2Boot x == --entry function $fieldNames := nil $pilesAreOkHere: local:= true $commentsToPrint: local:= nil $lineBuffer: local := nil $braceStack: local := nil $marginStack: local:= [0] --$autoLine is true except when inside a try---if true, lines are allowed to break $autoLine:= true $lineFragmentBuffer:= nil $bc:=0 --brace count $m:= 0 $c:= $m $numberOfSpills:= 0 $lineLength:= 80 format x formatOutput reverse $lineFragmentBuffer [fragmentsToLine y for y in reverse $lineBuffer] fragmentsToLine fragments == string:= lispStringList2String fragments line:= GETSTR 240 for i in 0..MAXINDEX string repeat line:= SUFFIX(string.i,line) line lispStringList2String x == null x => '"" atom x => STRINGIMAGE x rest x => APPLY(function STRCONC,MAPCAR(function lispStringList2String,x)) lispStringList2String first x --% routines for buffer and margin adjustment formatOutput x == for [currentColumn,start,end,stack] in reverse $commentsToPrint repeat startY:= rest start for [loc,comment] in stack repeat commentY:= rest loc gap:= startY-commentY gap>0 => before:= [[commentY,first loc,gap,comment],:before] gap=0 => same:= [[startY,1,gap,comment],:same] true => after:= [[startY,first loc,-gap,comment],:after] if before then putOut before if same then [y,:extraLines]:= "append"/[mkCommentLines u for u in orderList same] line:= fragmentsToLine x x:= #line+#y>$lineLength => (y:= STRCONC(nBlanks $m,y); extraLines:= [y,:extraLines]; x) [line,y] consLineBuffer x for y in extraLines repeat consLineBuffer LIST y if after then putOut after $commentsToPrint:= nil consLineBuffer x == $lineBuffer := [x,:$lineBuffer] putOut x == eject ("min"/[gap for [.,.,gap,:.] in x]) for u in orderList x repeat addComment u eject n == for i in 2..n repeat consLineBuffer nil addComment u == for x in mkCommentLines u repeat consLineBuffer LIST x mkCommentLines [.,n,.,s] == lines:= breakComments s lines1:= [fragmentsToLine [nBlanks n,"_{",first lines],:rest lines] [:l,last]:= lines1 [:l,fragmentsToLine [last,"_}"]] breakComments s == n:= containsString(s,PNAME "ENDOFLINECHR") => #s>n+12 => [SUBSTRING(s,0,n),:breakComments SUBSTRING(s,n+12,NIL)] LIST SUBSTRING(s,0,n) LIST s containsString(x,y) == --if string x contains string y, return start index for i in 0..MAXINDEX x-MAXINDEX y repeat and/[x.(i+j)=y.j for j in 0..MAXINDEX y] => return i --====================================================================== -- Character/String Buffer Functions --====================================================================== consBuffer item == if item = '"failed" then item := 'failed n:= string? item => 2+#item IDENTP item => #PNAME item #STRINGIMAGE item columnsLeft:= $lineLength-$c if columnsLeft <= 0 and isCloseDelimiter item then $lineLength := $lineLength + 2 columnsLeft:= $lineLength-$c --cheat for semicolons, strings, and delimiters: they are NEVER too long not isSpecialBufferItem item and (n>columnsLeft or columnsLeft < 0) => $autoLine => --is true except within try formatOutput reverse $lineFragmentBuffer $c:= REMAINDER($m+2*($numberOfSpills:= $numberOfSpills+1), $lineLength) $lineFragmentBuffer:= LIST nBlanks $c consBuffer item nil $lineFragmentBuffer:= null item or IDENTP item => [PNAME item,:$lineFragmentBuffer] NUMBERP item or CHARP item => [STRINGIMAGE item,:$lineFragmentBuffer] string? item => ["_"",string2PrintImage item,"_"",:$lineFragmentBuffer] sayBrightly ['"Unexpected line buffer item: ", STRINGIMAGE item] $lineFragmentBuffer $rightBraceFlag := item = "}" $semicolonFlag := item = "; " --prevents consecutive semicolons $c:= $c+n isSpecialBufferItem item == item = "; " or string? item => true false isCloseDelimiter item == EQ(item,")") or EQ(item,"]") or EQ(item,"}") --====================================================================== -- Formatting/Line Control Functions --====================================================================== newLine() == null $autoLine => nil $newLineWritten := true formatOutput reverse $lineFragmentBuffer $lineFragmentBuffer:= LIST nBlanks $m $c:= $m optNewLine() == $newLineWritten => newLine() $c spillLine() == null $autoLine => nil formatOutput reverse $lineFragmentBuffer $c:= $m+2*($numberOfSpills:= $numberOfSpills+1) $lineFragmentBuffer:= LIST nBlanks $c $c indent() == $m:= $m+2*($numberOfSpills+1) $marginStack:= [$m,:$marginStack] $numberOfSpills:= 0 $m undent() == -- $doNotResetMarginIfTrue=true => -- pp '"hoho" -- $c $marginStack is [m,:r] => $marginStack := r $m := m 0 spill(fn,a) == u := tryLine FUNCALL(fn,a) => u (nearMargin() or spillLine()) and FUNCALL(fn,a) formatSpill(fn,a) == u := tryLine FUNCALL(fn,a) => u v := (stay:= nearMargin() or indent() and newLine()) and FUNCALL(fn,a) w := stay or undent() v and w formatSpill2(fn,f,a) == u := tryLine FUNCALL(fn,f,a) => u v := (stay:= nearMargin() or indent() and newLine()) and FUNCALL(fn,f,a) w := stay or undent() v and w nearMargin() == $c=$m or $c=$m+1 => $c --====================================================================== -- Main Formatting Functions --====================================================================== format(x,:options) == oldC:= $c qualification := IFCAR options newCOrNil:= x is [op,:argl] => if op = "return" then argl := rest argl n := #argl op is ['elt,y,"construct"] => formatDollar(y,'construct,argl) op is ['elt,name,p] and UPPER_-CASE_-P STRINGIMAGE(opOf name).0 => formatDollar(name,p,argl) op = 'elt and UPPER_-CASE_-P STRINGIMAGE(opOf first argl).0 => formatDollar1(first argl,second argl) fn:= GETL(op,"PSPAD") => formatFn(fn,x,$m,$c) if op in '(AND OR NOT) then op:= DOWNCASE op n=1 and GETL(op,'Nud) and (lbp:= formatOpBindingPower(op,"Nud","left")) => formatPrefix(op,first argl,lbp,formatOpBindingPower(op,"Nud","right"),qualification) n=2 and (op = '_$ or getOp(op,'Led)) and (lbp:= formatOpBindingPower(op,"Led","left")) => formatInfix(op,argl,lbp,formatOpBindingPower(op,"Led","right"),qualification) formatForm x formatAtom x null newCOrNil => ($c:= oldC; nil) null FIXP newCOrNil => error() $c:= newCOrNil getOp(op,kind) == kind = 'Led => op in '(_div _exquo) => nil GETL(op,'Led) GETL(op,'Nud) formatDollar(name,p,argl) == name := markMacroTran name n := #argl kind := (n=1 => "Nud"; "Led") IDENTP name and GETL(p,kind) => format([p,:argl],name) formatForcePren [p,:argl] and (tryLine (format "$$" and formatForcePren name) or (indent() and format "$__" and formatForcePren name and undent())) formatMacroCheck name == atom name => name u := or/[x for [x,:y] in $globalMacroStack | y = name] => u u := or/[x for [x,:y] in $localMacroStack | y = name] => u [op,:argl] := name op in '(Record Union) => pp ['"Cannot find: ",name] name [op,:[formatMacroCheck x for x in argl]] formatDOLLAR ['DOLLAR,x,y] == formatDollar1(y, x) formatDollar1(name,arg) == id := IDENTP name => name name is [p] and GETL(p,"NILADIC") => p name format arg and format "$$" and formatForcePren id formatForcePren x == $formatForcePren: local := true format x formatAtom(x,:options) == if u := LASSOC(x,$renameAlist) then x := u null x or isIdentifier x => if MEMQ(x,$escapeWords) then consBuffer $underScore consBuffer ident2PrintImage PNAME x consBuffer x formatFn(fn,x,$m,$c) == FUNCALL(fn,x) formatFree(['free,:u]) == format 'free and format " " and formatComma u formatUnion(['Union,:r]) == $count : local := 0 formatFormNoColonDecl formatTestForPartial ['Union,:[fn x for x in r]] where fn x == x is [":",y,'Branch] => fn STRINGIMAGE y string? x => [":", INTERN x, ['Enumeration,x]] x is [":",:.] => x tag := INTERN STRCONC("value",STRINGIMAGE ($count := $count + 1)) [":", tag, x] formatTestForPartial u == u is ['Union,a,b] and b is [":","failed",:.] and a is [":",.,S] => ['Partial, S] u formatEnumeration(y is ['Enumeration,:r]) == r is [x] => format "'" and format INTERN STRINGIMAGE x and format "'" formatForm y formatRecord(u) == formatFormNoColonDecl u formatFormNoColonDecl u == $noColonDeclaration: local := true formatForm u formatElt(u) == u is ["elt",a,b] => formatApplication rest u formatForm u formatForm (u) == [op,:argl] := u if op in '(Record Union) then $fieldNames := union(getFieldNames argl,$fieldNames) MEMQ(op,'((QUOTE T) true)) => format "true" op in '(false nil) => format op u='(Zero) => format 0 u='(One) => format 1 1=#argl => formatApplication u formatFunctionCall u formatFunctionCall u == $pilesAreOkHere: local spill("formatFunctionCall1",u) formatFunctionCall1 [op,:argl] == --null argl and getConstructorProperty(op,'niladic) => formatOp op null argl => GETL(op,"NILADIC") => formatOp op formatOp op and format "()" formatOp op and formatFunctionCallTail argl formatFunctionCallTail argl == format "_(" and formatComma argl and format "_)" formatComma argl == format first argl and (and/[format "," and formatCut x for x in rest argl]) and $c formatOp op == atom op => formatAtom op formatPren op formatApplication u == [op,a] := u MEMQ(a, $fieldNames) => formatSelection u atom op => formatHasDotLeadOp a => formatOpPren(op,a) formatApplication0 u formatSelection u formatHasDotLeadOp u == u is [op,:.] and (op = "." or not atom op) formatApplication0 u == --format as f(x) as f x if possible $pilesAreOkHere: local formatSpill("formatApplication1",u) formatApplication1 u == [op,x] := u formatHasDollarOp x or $formatForcePren or pspadBindingPowerOf("left",x) < 1000 => formatOpPren(op,x) tryLine (formatOp op and format " ") and (tryLine formatApplication2 x or format "(" and formatApplication2 x and format ")") formatHasDollarOp x == x is ["elt",a,b] and isTypeProbably? a isTypeProbably? x == IDENTP x and UPPER_-CASE_-P PNAME(x).0 formatOpPren(op,x) == formatOp op and formatPren x formatApplication2 x == leadOp := x is [['elt,.,y],:.] => y opOf x leadOp in '(COLLECT LIST construct) or pspadBindingPowerOf("left",x)<1000 => formatPren x format x formatDot ["dot",a,x] == tryLine (formatOp a and format ".") and atom x => format x formatPren x formatSelection u == $pilesAreOkHere: local formatSpill("formatSelection1",u) formatSelection1 [f,x] == formatSelectionOp f and format "." and atom x => format x formatPren x formatSelectionOp op == op is [f,.] and not GETL(f,'Nud) or 1000 < pspadBindingPowerOf("right",op) => formatSelectionOp1 op formatPren1("formatSelectionOp1",op) formatSelectionOp1 f == f is [op,:argl] => argl is [a] => not atom op and atom a => formatSelection1 [op,a] formatPren f format f formatOp f formatPren a == $pilesAreOkHere: local formatSpill("formatPrenAux",a) formatPrenAux a == format "_(" and format a and format "_)" formatPren1(f,a) == $pilesAreOkHere: local formatSpill2("formatPren1Aux",f,a) formatPren1Aux(f,a) == format "_(" and FUNCALL(f,a) and format "_)" formatLeft(fn,x,op,key) == lbp:= formatOpBindingPower(op,key,"left") formatOpBindingPower(opOf x,key,"right") formatPren1(fn,x) FUNCALL(fn,x) formatRight(fn,x,op,key) == --are there exceptional cases where piles are ok? x is ["%LET",:.] => FUNCALL(fn,x) --decide on basis of binding power whether prens are needed rbp := formatOpBindingPower(op,key,"right") lbp := formatOpBindingPower(opOf x,key,"left") lbp < rbp => formatPren1(fn,x) FUNCALL(fn,x) formatCut a == formatSpill("format",a) --====================================================================== -- Prefix/Infix Operators --====================================================================== formatPrefix(op,arg,lbp,rbp,:options) == qualification := IFCAR options $pilesAreOkHere: local formatPrefixOp(op,qualification) and (rbp>formatGetBindingPowerOf("left",arg) => formatPren arg; format arg) formatPrefixOp(op,:options) == qualification := IFCAR options op=char '" " => format " =" qualification or GETL(op,"Nud") and not MEMQ(op,$spadTightList) => formatQual(op,qualification) and format " " format op formatQual(op,D) == null D => format op format op and format "$$" and format D formatInfix(op,[a,b],lbp,rbp,:options) == qualification := IFCAR options $pilesAreOkHere: local (if formatGetBindingPowerOf("right",a)formatGetBindingPowerOf("left",b) then formatPren b else format b) formatGetBindingPowerOf(leftOrRight,x) == -- this function is nearly identical with getBindingPowerOf -- leftOrRight = "left" => 0 -- 1 pspadBindingPowerOf(leftOrRight,x) pspadBindingPowerOf(key,x) == --binding powers can be found in file NEWAUX LISP x is ['REDUCE,:.] => (key='left => 130; key='right => 0) x is ["REPEAT",:.] => (key="left" => 130; key="right" => 0) x is ["COND",:.] => (key="left" => 130; key="right" => 0) x is [op,:argl] => if op is [a,:.] then op:= a op = 'SLASH => pspadBindingPowerOf(key,["/",:argl]) - 1 op = 'OVER => pspadBindingPowerOf(key,["/",:argl]) (n:= #argl)=1 => key="left" and (m:= pspadOpBindingPower(op,"Nud","left")) => m key="right" and (m:= pspadOpBindingPower(op,"Nud","right")) => m 1000 n>1 => key="left" and (m:= pspadOpBindingPower(op,"Led","left")) => m key="right" and (m:= pspadOpBindingPower(op,"Led","right")) => m op="ELT" => 1002 1000 1000 1002 pspadOpBindingPower(op,LedOrNud,leftOrRight) == if op in '(SLASH OVER) then op := "/" op in '(_:) and LedOrNud = 'Led => leftOrRight = 'left => 195 196 exception:= leftOrRight="left" => 0 105 bp:= leftOrRight="left" => leftBindingPowerOf(op,LedOrNud) rightBindingPowerOf(op,LedOrNud) bp ~= exception => bp 1000 formatOpBindingPower(op,key,leftOrRight) == if op in '(SLASH OVER) then op := "/" op = '_$ => 1002 op in '(_:) and key = 'Led => leftOrRight = 'left => 195 196 op in '(_~_= _>_=) => 400 op = "not" and key = "Nud" => leftOrRight = 'left => 1000 1001 GETL(op,key) is [.,.,:r] => leftOrRight = 'left => KAR r or 0 KAR KDR r or 1 1000 formatInfixOp(op,:options) == qualification := IFCAR options qualification or (op ~= '_$) and not MEMQ(op,$spadTightList) => format " " and formatQual(op,qualification) and format " " format op --====================================================================== -- Special Handlers: DEF forms --====================================================================== formatDEF def == formatDEF0(def,$DEFdepth + 1) formatDEF0(["DEF",form,tlist,sclist,body],$DEFdepth) == if not (KAR form in '(Exports Implementation)) then $form := form is [":",a,:.] => a form con := opOf $form $comments: local := SUBST('_$,'_%,getConstructorDocumentationFromDB con) $abb :local := constructor? opOf $form if $DEFdepth < 2 then condoc := (u := LASSOC('constructor,$comments)) and KDR KAR u or ['""] $numberOfSpills := -1 consComments(condoc,'"+++ ") form := formatDeftranForm(form,tlist) u := ["DEF",form,tlist,sclist,body] v := formatDEF1 u => v $insideDEF: local := $DEFdepth > 1 $DEFdepth = 1 => exname := 'Exports impname := 'Implementation form is [":",.,=exname] or body = impname => nil exports := form is [":",a,b] => form := a [["MDEF",exname,'(NIL),'(NIL),b]] nil [op,:argl] := form -- decls := [x for x in argl | x is [":",:.]] -- form := [op,:[(a is [":",b,t] => b; a) for a in argl]] -- $DEFdepth := $DEFdepth - 1 formatWHERE(["where", ["DEF",[":",form,exname],[nil for x in form],sclist,impname], ['PROGN,:exports,["MDEF",impname,'(NIL),'(NIL),body]]]) $insideTypeExpression: local := true body := formatDeftran(body,false) body is ["add",a,:b] => formatAddDef(form,a,b) --body is ["with",a,:b] => formatWithDef(form,a,b) tryBreakNB(format form and format " == ",body,"==","Led") formatDEF1 ["DEF",form,tlist,b,body] == $insideDEF: local := $DEFdepth > 1 $insideEXPORTS: local := form = 'Exports $insideTypeExpression: local := true form := formatDeftran(form,false) body := formatDeftran(body,false) ---------> terrible, hideous, but temporary, hack if not $insideDEF and body is ['SEQ,:.] then body := ["add", body] prefix := (opOf tlist = 'Category => "define "; nil) body is ["add",a,b] => formatAddDef(form,a,b) body is ["with",a,:b] => formatWithDef(form,a,b,"==",prefix) prefix => tryBreak(format prefix and format form and format " == ",body,"==","Led") tryBreak(format form and format " == ",body,"==","Led") formatDefForm(form,:options) == prefix := IFCAR options $insideTypeExpression : local := true form is [":",form1,["with",a,:b]] => formatWithDef(form1,a,b,":",prefix) prefix => format prefix and format form format form formatAddDef(form,a,b) == $insideCAPSULE : local := true $insideDEF : local := false formatDefForm form or return nil $marginStack := [0] $m := $c := 0 $insideTypeExpression : local := false cap := (b => b; "") tryBreakNB(newLine() and format "== " and formatLeft("format",a,"add","Led") and format " add ", cap,"add","Led") formatWithDef(form,a,b,separator,:options) == prefix := IFCAR options $insideEXPORTS : local := true $insideCAPSULE : local := true $insideDEF : local := false $insideTypeExpression : local := false a1 := formatWithKillSEQ a b => tryBreakNB(formatDefForm(form,prefix) and format separator and format " with " and formatLeft("format",a,"with","Led") and format " with ",first b,"with","Led") tryBreak(formatDefForm(form,prefix) and format separator and format " with ",a1,"with","Nud") formatWithKillSEQ x == x is ['SEQ,['exit,.,y]] => ['BRACE, y] x formatBrace ['BRACE, x] == format "{" and format x and format "}" formatWith ["with",a,:b] == $pilesAreOkHere: local := true b => tryBreakNB(formatLeft("format",a,"with","Led") and format " with ",first b,"with","Led") tryBreak(format "with ",a,"with","Nud") formatWithDefault ["withDefault",a,b] == if a is ['with,:init,["SEQ",:items,["exit",.,x]]] then part2 := ["SEQ",:items,x,["exit", nil,["defaultDefs", b]]] if IFCAR init then a:= IFCAR init b:= [part2] else a := part2 b := nil $pilesAreOkHere: local := true b => tryBreakNB(formatLeft("format",a,"with","Led") and format " with ",first b,"with","Led") tryBreak(format "with ",a,"with","Nud") formatDefaultDefs ["default",a, :b] == $insideCAPSULE : local := true $insideDEF : local := false $insideTypeExpression : local := false b => tryBreak(formatLeft("format",a,"default","Led") and format " default ", first b,"default","Led") tryBreak(format "default ",a,"default","Nud") --format "add " and formatRight("formatPreferPile",a,"add","Nud") --==> brace formatAdd ["add",a,:b] == $insideCAPSULE : local := true $insideDEF : local := false $insideTypeExpression : local := false b => tryBreakNB(formatLeft("format",a,"and","Led") and format " and ", first b,"and","Led") tryBreakNB(format "add ",a,"and","Nud") --format "add " and formatRight("formatPreferPile",a,"add","Nud") --==> brace formatMDEF ["MDEF",form,.,.,body] == form is '(Rep) => formatDEF ["DEF",form,nil,nil,body] $insideEXPORTS: local := form = 'Exports $insideTypeExpression: local := true body := formatDeftran(body,false) name := opOf form tryBreakNB(format name and format " ==> ",body,"==","Led") and ($insideCAPSULE and $c or format(";")) insideCat() == $insideCategoryIfTrue and not $insideFunctorIfTrue or $noColonDeclaration formatImport ["import",a] == addFieldNames a addFieldNames macroExpand(a,$e) format "import from " and formatLocal1 a addFieldNames a == a is [op,:r] and op in '(Record Union) => $fieldNames := union(getFieldNames r,$fieldNames) a is ['List,:b] => addFieldNames b nil getFieldNames r == r is [[":",a,b],:r] => [a,:getFieldNames r] nil formatLocal ["local",a] == format "local " and formatLocal1 a formatLocal1 a == $insideTypeExpression: local := true format a