;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;; This file contains most of the code that puts properties on ;; identifiers in the Scratchpad II system. If it was not possible ;; to actually put the code here, we have pointers to where such ;; property list manipulation is being done. ;; Pointers: ;; o see NEWAUX LISP for some code that puts GENERIC and RENAMETOK ;; properties on identifiers for the parser ;; o coerceIntCommute puts the "commute" property on constructors. ;; o coerceRetract puts the "retract" property on constructors. ;; o there is some code at the end of SPECEVAL BOOT that puts "up" ;; properties on some special handlers. (import-module "sys-macros") (in-package "BOOT") ;; following was in NEWSPAD LISP (MAKEPROP 'END_UNIT 'KEY 'T) ;; following was in OUTINIT LISP (MAKEPROP 'TAG 'Led '(TAG TAG 122 121)) (MAKEPROP 'EQUATNUM '|Nud| '(|dummy| |dummy| 0 0)) (MAKEPROP 'EQUATNUM '|Led| '(|dummy| |dummy| 10000 0)) (MAKEPROP '%LET '|Led| '(|:=| %LET 125 124)) (MAKEPROP 'RARROW '|Led| '(== DEF 122 121)) (MAKEPROP 'SEGMENT '|Led| '(|..| SEGMENT 401 699 (|P:Seg|))) (MAKEPROP 'SEGMENT '|isSuffix| 'T) (MAKEPROP 'EQUAL1 'CHRYBNAM 'EQ) (REPEAT (IN X '( (%LET " := ") (= "=") (|/| "/") (+ "+") (* "*") (** "**") (^ "^") (|:| ":") (|::| "::") (|@| "@") (SEL ".") (|exquo| " exquo ") (|div| " div ") (|quo| " quo ") (|rem| " rem ") (|case| " case ") (|and| " and ") (|or| " or ") (TAG ": ") (|+->| " +-> ") (RARROW " -> ") (SEGMENT "..") (in " in ") (|^=| "^=") (EL* ":") (JOIN " JOIN ") (EQUATNUM " ") (IQUOTIENT "//") (= "= ") (|>=| " >= ") (|>| " > ") (|<=| " <= ") (|<| " < ") (\| " \| ") (+ " + ") (- " - ") (MEMBER " in ") (NMEMBER " nin ") (WHERE " WHERE ") (AT " AT ") (MAX " MAX ") (MIN " MIN ") )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'INFIXOP (CADR X))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (= "=") (|:| ":") (|not| "not ") (\| " \| ") (SEGMENT "..") ;" 0.. is represented by (SEGMENT 0)" )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'PREFIXOP (CADR X))) ;; following was in INIT LISP (REPEAT (IN X '( |Polynomial| |UnivariatePoly| |SquareMatrix| |QuotientField| )) (MAKEPROP X '|status| (INTERNL (STRCONC "status" (STRINGIMAGE X))) )) (REPEAT (IN X '( |UnivariatePoly| |Matrix| |QuotientField| |Gaussian| )) (MAKEPROP X '|dataCoerce| (INTERNL (STRCONC "coerce" (STRINGIMAGE X))) )) (REPEAT (IN X '( (|Integer| . (INTEGERP |#1|)) ;; (|Float| . (FLOATP |#1|)) (|DoubleFloat| . (FLOATP |#1|)) ;; (|Symbol| . (IDENTP |#1|)) ;;(|Boolean| . (BOOLEANP |#1|)) worthless predicate is always true (|String| . (STRINGP |#1|)) (|PrimitiveSymbol| . (IDENTP |#1|)) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|BasicPredicate| (CDR X))) (FLAG '(|Union| |Record| |Enumration| |Mapping| |Enumeration|) 'FUNCTOR) (FLAG '(* + AND OR PROGN) 'NARY) (MAKEPROP 'INTEGER 'ISFUNCTION 'FIXP) (MAKEPROP '|Integer| '|isFunction| '|IsInteger|) (MAKEPROP '|Boolean| '|isFunction| '|isBoolean|) ;; Many of the following are now in COMPAT LISP (REPEAT (IN X '( (+ PLUS) (|and| AND) (|append| APPEND) (|apply| APPLY) (|atom| ATOM) (|brace| REMDUP) (|car| CAR) (|cdr| CDR) (|cons| CONS) (|copy| COPY) (|croak| CROAK) (|drop| DROP) (|exit| EXIT) (|false| NIL) (|first| CAR) (|genvar| GENVAR) (|in| |member|) (|is| IS) (|lastNode| LASTNODE) (|list| LIST) (|mkpf| MKPF) (|nconc| NCONC) (|nil| NIL) (|not| NULL) (|NOT| NULL) (|nreverse| NREVERSE) (|null| NULL) (|or| OR) (|otherwise| 'T) (|removeDuplicates| REMDUP) (|rest| CDR) (|return| RETURN) (|reverse| REVERSE) (|setDifference| SETDIFFERENCE) (|setIntersection| |intersection|) (|setPart| SETELT) (|setUnion| |union|) (|size| SIZE) (|strconc| STRCONC) (|substitute| MSUBST) (SUBST MSUBST) (|take| TAKE) (|true| 'T) (|where| WHERE) (* TIMES) (** EXPT) (^ NULL) (^= NEQUAL) (- SPADDIFFERENCE) (/ QUOTIENT) (= EQUAL) (ASSOC |assoc|) (DELETE |delete|) (GET GETL) (INTERSECTION |intersection|) (LAST |last|) (MEMBER |member|) (RASSOC |rassoc|) (READ VMREAD) (READ-LINE |read-line|) (REDUCE SPADREDUCE) (REMOVE |remove|) (\| SUCHTHAT) (T T$) (UNION |union|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'RENAME (CDR X))) ;; these are accessor names for fields in data structures. Thus one would ;; write datastructure.setName (REPEAT (IN X '( (|setName| 0) (|setLabel| 1) (|setLevel| 2) (|setType| 3) (|setVar| 4) (|setLeaf| 5) (|setDef| 6) (|aGeneral| 4) (|aMode| 1) (|aModeSet| 3) (|aTree| 0) (|attributes| CADDR) (|aValue| 2) (|cacheCount| CADDDDR) (|cacheName| CADR) (|cacheReset| CADDDR) (|cacheType| CADDR) (|env| CADDR) (|expr| CAR) (|first| CAR) (|mmCondition| CAADR) (|mmDC| CAAR) (|mmImplementation| CADADR) (|mmSignature| CDAR) (|mmTarget| CADAR) (|mode| CADR) (|op| CAR) (|opcode| CADR) (|opSig| CADR) (|rest| CDR) (|sig| CDDR) (|source| CDR) (|streamCode| CADDDR) (|streamDef| CADDR) (|streamName| CADR) (|target| CAR) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) '|SEL,FUNCTION| (CADR X))) (REPEAT (IN X '( (\: |compColonInteractive|) (DEF |compDefineInteractive|) (|construct| |compConstructInteractive|) (%LET |compSetqInteractive|) )) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'INTERACTIVE (CADR X)))