;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;; NAME: Pre-Parsing Code ;; PURPOSE: BOOT lines are massaged by preparse to make them easier to parse: ;; 1. Trailing -- comments are removed (this is already done, actually). ;; 2. Comments between { and } are removed. ;; 3. BOOT code is column-sensitive. Code which lines up columnarly is ;; parenthesized and semicolonized accordingly. For example, ;; ;; a ;; b ;; c ;; d ;; e ;; ;; becomes ;; ;; a ;; (b; ;; c ;; d) ;; e ;; ;; Note that to do this correctly, we also need to keep track of ;; parentheses already in the code. (IMPORT-MODULE "parsing") (in-package "BOOT") ; Global storage (defparameter $INDEX 0 "File line number of most recently read line.") (defparameter |$preparseLastLine| () "Most recently read line.") (defparameter |$preparseReportIfTrue| NIL "Should we print listings?") (defparameter |$LineList| nil "Stack of preparsed lines.") (defparameter |$EchoLineStack| nil "Stack of lines to list.") (defparameter $IOIndex 0 "Number of latest terminal input line.") (DEFPARAMETER TOK NIL) (DEFPARAMETER DEFINITION_NAME NIL) (defun Initialize-Preparse (strm) (setq $INDEX 0 |$LineList| nil |$EchoLineStack| nil) (setq |$preparseLastLine| (|readLine| strm))) (defvar $skipme) (defun |preparse1| (LineList) (PROG ((|$LineList| LineList) |$EchoLineStack| NUM A I L PSLOC INSTRING PCOUNT COMSYM STRSYM OPARSYM CPARSYM N NCOMSYM (SLOC -1) (CONTINUE NIL) (PARENLEV 0) (NCOMBLOCK ()) (LINES ()) (LOCS ()) (NUMS ()) functor ) READLOOP (DCQ (NUM . A) (|preparseReadLine| LineList)) (cond ((|atEndOfUnit?| A) (|preparseEcho| LineList) (COND ((NULL LINES) (RETURN NIL)) (NCOMBLOCK (|findCommentBlock| NIL NUMS LOCS NCOMBLOCK NIL))) (RETURN (|pairList| (|reverse!| NUMS) (|parsePiles| (|reverse!| LOCS) (|reverse!| LINES)))))) (cond ((and (NULL LINES) (> (LENGTH A) 0) (EQ (CHAR A 0) #\) )) ; this is a command line, don't parse it (|preparseEcho| LineList) (setq |$preparseLastLine| nil) ;don't reread this line (SETQ LINE a) (CATCH 'SPAD_READER (|doSystemCommand| (subseq LINE 1))) (GO READLOOP))) (setq L (LENGTH A)) (if (EQ L 0) (GO READLOOP)) (setq PSLOC SLOC) (setq I 0 INSTRING () PCOUNT 0) STRLOOP (setq STRSYM (OR (|findChar| #\" A I) L)) (setq COMSYM (OR (|findString| "--" A I) L)) (setq NCOMSYM (OR (|findString| "++" A I) L)) (setq OPARSYM (OR (|findChar| #\( A I) L)) (setq CPARSYM (OR (|findChar| #\) A I) L)) (setq N (MIN STRSYM COMSYM NCOMSYM OPARSYM CPARSYM)) (cond ((= N L) (GO NOCOMS)) ((|escaped?| A N)) ((= N STRSYM) (setq INSTRING (NOT INSTRING))) (INSTRING) ((= N COMSYM) (setq A (subseq A 0 N)) (GO NOCOMS)) ; discard trailing comment ((= N NCOMSYM) (setq SLOC (|indentationLocation| A)) (COND ((= SLOC N) (COND ((AND NCOMBLOCK (NOT (= N (CAR NCOMBLOCK)))) (|findCommentBlock| NUM NUMS LOCS NCOMBLOCK linelist) (SETQ NCOMBLOCK NIL))) (SETQ NCOMBLOCK (CONS N (CONS A (IFCDR NCOMBLOCK)))) (SETQ A "")) ('T (PUSH (STRCONC (|makeString| N #\Space) (SUBSTRING A N ())) |$LineList|) (SETQ $INDEX (1- $INDEX)) (SETQ A (SUBSEQ A 0 N)))) (GO NOCOMS)) ((= N OPARSYM) (setq PCOUNT (1+ PCOUNT))) ((= N CPARSYM) (setq PCOUNT (1- PCOUNT)))) (setq I (1+ N)) (GO STRLOOP) NOCOMS (setq SLOC (|indentationLocation| A)) (setq A (|trimTrailingBlank| A)) (cond ((NULL SLOC) (setq SLOC PSLOC) (GO READLOOP))) (cond ((EQ (ELT A (|maxIndex| A)) #\_) (setq CONTINUE T a (subseq A (|maxIndex| A)))) ((setq CONTINUE NIL))) (if (and (null LINES) (= SLOC 0)) ;;test for skipping constructors (if (and |$byConstructors| (null (|findString| "==>" a)) (not (member (setq functor (intern (substring a 0 (STRPOSL ": (=" A 0 NIL)))) |$byConstructors|))) (setq $skipme 't) (progn (push functor |$constructorsSeen|) (setq $skipme nil)))) (when (and LINES (EQL SLOC 0)) (IF (AND NCOMBLOCK (NOT (ZEROP (CAR NCOMBLOCK)))) (|findCommentBlock| NUM NUMS LOCS NCOMBLOCK linelist)) (IF (NOT (|ioTerminal?| in-stream)) (setq |$preparseLastLine| (|reverse!| |$EchoLineStack|))) (RETURN (|pairList| (|reverse!| NUMS) (|parsePiles| (|reverse!| LOCS) (|reverse!| LINES))))) (cond ((> PARENLEV 0) (PUSH NIL LOCS) (setq SLOC PSLOC) (GO REREAD))) (COND (NCOMBLOCK (|findCommentBlock| NUM NUMS LOCS NCOMBLOCK linelist) (setq NCOMBLOCK ()))) (PUSH SLOC LOCS) REREAD (|preparseEcho| LineList) (PUSH A LINES) (PUSH NUM NUMS) (setq PARENLEV (+ PARENLEV PCOUNT)) (when (and (|ioTerminal?| in-stream) (not continue)) (setq |$preparseLastLine| nil) (RETURN (|pairList| (|reverse!| NUMS) (|parsePiles| (|reverse!| LOCS) (|reverse!| LINES))))) (GO READLOOP)))