-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. )package "BOOT" $dotdot := INTERN('"..", '"BOOT") $specificMsgTags := nil -- Pftree to s-expression translation. Used to interface the new parser -- technology to the interpreter. The input is a parseTree and the -- output is an old-parser-style s-expression pf2Sex pf == intUnsetQuiet() $insideRule:local := false $insideApplication: local := false $insideSEQ: local := false pf2Sex1 pf pf2Sex1 pf == pfNothing? pf => "noBranch" pfSymbol? pf => $insideRule = 'left => s := pfSymbolSymbol pf ["constant", ["QUOTE", s]] ["QUOTE", pfSymbolSymbol pf] pfLiteral? pf => pfLiteral2Sex pf pfId? pf => $insideRule => s := pfIdSymbol pf SymMemQ(s, '(%pi %e %i)) => s ["QUOTE", s] pfIdSymbol pf pfApplication? pf => pfApplication2Sex pf pfTuple? pf => ["Tuple", :[pf2Sex1 x for x in pf0TupleParts pf]] pfIf? pf => ['IF, pf2Sex1 pfIfCond pf, pf2Sex1 pfIfThen pf, pf2Sex1 pfIfElse pf] pfTagged? pf => tag := pfTaggedTag pf tagPart := pfTuple? tag => ['Tuple, :[pf2Sex1 arg for arg in pf0TupleParts tag]] pf2Sex1 tag [":", tagPart, pf2Sex1 pfTaggedExpr pf] pfCoerceto? pf => ["::", pf2Sex1 pfCoercetoExpr pf, pf2Sex1 pfCoercetoType pf] pfPretend? pf => ["pretend", pf2Sex1 pfPretendExpr pf, pf2Sex1 pfPretendType pf] pfFromdom? pf => op := opTran pf2Sex1 pfFromdomWhat pf -- if op = "braceFromCurly" then op := "brace" if op = "braceFromCurly" then op := "SEQ" ["$elt", pf2Sex1 pfFromdomDomain pf, op] pfSequence? pf => pfSequence2Sex pf pfExit? pf => $insideSEQ => ["exit", pf2Sex1 pfExitCond pf, pf2Sex1 pfExitExpr pf] ["IF", pf2Sex1 pfExitCond pf, pf2Sex1 pfExitExpr pf, "noBranch"] pfLoop? pf => ["REPEAT", :loopIters2Sex pf0LoopIterators pf] pfCollect? pf => pfCollect2Sex pf pfForin? pf => ["IN", :[pf2Sex1 x for x in pf0ForinLhs pf], pf2Sex1 pfForinWhole pf] pfWhile? pf => ["WHILE", pf2Sex1 pfWhileCond pf] pfSuchthat? pf => $insideRule = 'left => keyedSystemError('"S2GE0017", ['"pf2Sex1: pfSuchThat"]) ["|", pf2Sex1 pfSuchthatCond pf] pfDo? pf => pf2Sex1 pfDoBody pf pfTyped? pf => type := pfTypedType pf pfNothing? type => pf2Sex1 pfTypedId pf [":", pf2Sex1 pfTypedId pf, pf2Sex1 pfTypedType pf] pfAssign? pf => idList := [pf2Sex1 x for x in pf0AssignLhsItems pf] if #idList ^= 1 then idList := ['Tuple, :idList] else idList := first idList ["LET", idList, pf2Sex1 pfAssignRhs pf] pfDefinition? pf => pfDefinition2Sex pf pfLambda? pf => pfLambda2Sex pf pfMLambda? pf => "/throwAway" pfRestrict? pf => ["@", pf2Sex1 pfRestrictExpr pf, pf2Sex1 pfRestrictType pf] pfFree? pf => ['free, :[pf2Sex1 item for item in pf0FreeItems pf]] pfLocal? pf => ['local, :[pf2Sex1 item for item in pf0LocalItems pf]] pfWrong? pf => spadThrow() pfAnd? pf => ["and", pf2Sex1 pfAndLeft pf, pf2Sex1 pfAndRight pf] pfOr? pf => ["or", pf2Sex1 pfOrLeft pf, pf2Sex1 pfOrRight pf] pfNot? pf => ["not", pf2Sex1 pfNotArg pf] pfNovalue? pf => intSetQuiet() ["SEQ", pf2Sex1 pfNovalueExpr pf] pfRule? pf => pfRule2Sex pf pfBreak? pf => ["break", pfBreakFrom pf] pfMacro? pf => "/throwAway" pfReturn? pf => ["return", pf2Sex1 pfReturnExpr pf] pfIterate? pf => ["iterate"] pfWhere? pf => args := [pf2Sex1 p for p in pf0WhereContext pf] #args = 1 => ["where", pf2Sex1 pfWhereExpr pf, :args] ["where", pf2Sex1 pfWhereExpr pf, ["SEQ", :args]] -- under strange circumstances/piling, system commands can wind -- up in expressions. This just passes it through as a string for -- the user to figure out what happened. pfAbSynOp(pf) = "command" => tokPart(pf) keyedSystemError('"S2GE0017", ['"pf2Sex1"]) pfLiteral2Sex pf == type := pfLiteralClass pf type = 'integer => READ_-FROM_-STRING pfLiteralString pf type = 'string or type = 'char => pfLiteralString pf type = 'float => float2Sex pfLiteralString pf type = 'symbol => $insideRule => s := pfSymbolSymbol pf ["QUOTE", s] pfSymbolSymbol pf type = 'expression => ["QUOTE", pfLeafToken pf] keyedSystemError('"S2GE0017", ['"pfLiteral2Sex: unexpected form"]) symEqual(sym, sym2) == EQ(sym, sym2) SymMemQ(sy, l) == MEMQ(sy, l) pmDontQuote? sy == SymMemQ(sy, '(_+ _- _* _*_* _^ _/ log exp pi sqrt ei li erf ci si dilog _ sin cos tan cot sec csc asin acos atan acot asec acsc _ sinh cosh tanh coth sech csch asinh acosh atanh acoth asech acsc)) pfOp2Sex pf == alreadyQuoted := pfSymbol? pf op := pf2Sex1 pf op is ["QUOTE", realOp] => $insideRule = 'left => realOp $insideRule = 'right => pmDontQuote? realOp => realOp $quotedOpList := [op, :$quotedOpList] op symEqual(realOp, "|") => realOp symEqual(realOp, ":") => realOp symEqual(realOp, "?") => realOp op op pfApplication2Sex pf == $insideApplication: local := true op := pfOp2Sex pfApplicationOp pf op := opTran op op = "->" => args := pf0TupleParts pfApplicationArg pf if pfTuple? CAR args then typeList := [pf2Sex1 arg for arg in pf0TupleParts CAR args] else typeList := [pf2Sex1 CAR args] args := [pf2Sex1 CADR args, :typeList] ["Mapping", :args] symEqual(op, ":") and $insideRule = 'left => ["multiple", pf2Sex pfApplicationArg pf] symEqual(op, "?") and $insideRule = 'left => ["optional", pf2Sex pfApplicationArg pf] args := pfApplicationArg pf pfTuple? args => symEqual(op, "|") and $insideRule = 'left => pfSuchThat2Sex args argSex := rest pf2Sex1 args symEqual(op, ">") => ["<", CADR argSex, CAR argSex] symEqual(op, ">=") => ["not", ["<", CAR argSex, CADR argSex]] symEqual(op, "<=") => ["not", ["<", CADR argSex, CAR argSex]] -- symEqual(op, "reduce") and (#argSex) = 2 => -- ["REDUCE", first argSex, 0, CADR argSex] symEqual(op, "AND") => ["and", CAR argSex, CADR argSex] symEqual(op, "OR") => ["or", CAR argSex, CADR argSex] symEqual(op, "Iterate") => ["iterate"] symEqual(op, "by") => ["BY", :argSex] symEqual(op, "braceFromCurly") => -- ["brace", ["construct", :argSex]] argSex is ["SEQ",:.] => argSex ["SEQ", :argSex] op is [qt, realOp] and symEqual(qt, "QUOTE") => ["applyQuote", op, :argSex] val := hasOptArgs? argSex => [op, :val] [op, :argSex] op is [qt, realOp] and symEqual(qt, "QUOTE") => ["applyQuote", op, pf2Sex1 args] symEqual(op, "braceFromCurly") => -- ["brace", ["construct", pf2Sex1 args]] x := pf2Sex1 args x is ["SEQ", :.] => x ["SEQ", x] symEqual(op, "by") => ["BY", pf2Sex1 args] [op, pf2Sex1 args] hasOptArgs? argSex == nonOpt := nil opt := nil for arg in argSex repeat arg is ["OPTARG", lhs, rhs] => opt := [[lhs, rhs], :opt] nonOpt := [arg, :nonOpt] null opt => nil NCONC (nreverse nonOpt, [["construct", :nreverse opt]]) pfDefinition2Sex pf == $insideApplication => ["OPTARG", pf2Sex1 CAR pf0DefinitionLhsItems pf, pf2Sex1 pfDefinitionRhs pf] idList := [pf2Sex1 x for x in pf0DefinitionLhsItems pf] #idList ^= 1 => systemError '"lhs of definition must be a single item in the interpreter" id := first idList rhs := pfDefinitionRhs pf [argList, :body] := pfLambdaTran rhs ["DEF", (argList = 'id => id; [id, :argList]), :body] pfLambdaTran pf == pfLambda? pf => argTypeList := nil argList := nil for arg in pf0LambdaArgs pf repeat pfTyped? arg => argList := [pfCollectArgTran pfTypedId arg, :argList] pfNothing? pfTypedType arg => argTypeList := [nil, :argTypeList] argTypeList := [pf2Sex1 pfTypedType arg, :argTypeList] systemError '"definition args should be typed" argList := nreverse argList retType := pfNothing? pfLambdaRets pf => nil pf2Sex1 pfLambdaRets pf argTypeList := [retType, :nreverse argTypeList] [argList, :[argTypeList, [nil for arg in argTypeList], pf2Sex1 pfLambdaBody pf]] ['id, :['(()), '(()), pf2Sex1 pf]] pfLambda2Sex pf == [argList, :body] := pfLambdaTran pf ["ADEF", argList, :body] pfCollectArgTran pf == pfCollect? pf => conds := [pf2Sex1 x for x in pfParts pfCollectIterators pf] id := pf2Sex1 pfCollectBody pf conds is [["|", cond]] => ["|", id, cond] [id, :conds] pf2Sex1 pf opTran op == op = $dotdot => "SEGMENT" op = "[]" => "construct" op = "{}" => "braceFromCurly" op = "IS" => "is" op pfSequence2Sex pf == $insideSEQ:local := true seq := pfSequence2Sex0 [pf2Sex1 x for x in pf0SequenceArgs pf] seq is ["SEQ", :ruleList] and ruleList is [["rule", :.], :.] => ["ruleset", ["construct", :ruleList]] seq pfSequence2Sex0 seqList == null seqList => "noBranch" seqTranList := [] while seqList ^= nil repeat item := first seqList item is ["exit", cond, value] => item := ["IF", cond, value, pfSequence2Sex0 rest seqList] seqTranList := [item, :seqTranList] seqList := nil seqTranList := [item ,:seqTranList] seqList := rest seqList #seqTranList = 1 => first seqTranList ["SEQ", :nreverse seqTranList] float2Sex num == eIndex := SEARCH('"e", num) mantPart := eIndex => SUBSEQ(num, 0, eIndex) num expPart := (eIndex => READ_-FROM_-STRING SUBSEQ(num, eIndex+1); 0) dotIndex := SEARCH('".", mantPart) intPart := dotIndex => READ_-FROM_-STRING SUBSEQ(mantPart, 0, dotIndex) READ_-FROM_-STRING mantPart fracPartString := dotIndex => SUBSEQ(mantPart, dotIndex+1) '"0" bfForm := MAKE_-FLOAT(intPart, READ_-FROM_-STRING fracPartString, LENGTH fracPartString, expPart) $useBFasDefault => [., frac, :exp] := bfForm [["$elt", intNewFloat(), 'float], frac, exp, 10] bfForm loopIters2Sex iterList == result := nil for iter in iterList repeat sex := pf2Sex1 iter sex is ['IN, var, ['SEGMENT, i, ["BY", incr]]] => result := [['STEP, var, i, incr], :result] sex is ['IN, var, ["BY", ['SEGMENT, i, j], incr]] => result := [['STEP, var, i, incr, j], :result] sex is ['IN, var, ['SEGMENT, i, j]] => result := [['STEP, var, i, 1, j], :result] result := [sex, :result] nreverse result pfCollect2Sex pf == sex := ["COLLECT", :loopIters2Sex pfParts pfCollectIterators pf, pf2Sex1 pfCollectBody pf] sex is ["COLLECT", ["|", cond], var] and SYMBOLP var => ["|", var, cond] sex pfRule2Sex pf == $quotedOpList:local := nil $predicateList:local := nil $multiVarPredicateList:local := nil lhs := pfLhsRule2Sex pfRuleLhsItems pf rhs := pfRhsRule2Sex pfRuleRhs pf lhs := ruleLhsTran lhs rulePredicateTran $quotedOpList => ["rule", lhs, rhs, ["construct", :$quotedOpList]] ["rule", lhs, rhs] ruleLhsTran ruleLhs == for pred in $predicateList repeat [name, predLhs, :predRhs] := pred vars := patternVarsOf predRhs CDR vars => -- if there is more than one patternVariable ruleLhs := NSUBST(predLhs, name, ruleLhs) $multiVarPredicateList := [pred, :$multiVarPredicateList] predicate := [., var] := predLhs ["suchThat", predLhs, ["ADEF", [var], '((Boolean) (Expression (Integer))), '(() ()), predRhs]] ruleLhs := NSUBST(predicate, name, ruleLhs) ruleLhs rulePredicateTran rule == null $multiVarPredicateList => rule varList := patternVarsOf [rhs for [.,.,:rhs] in $multiVarPredicateList] predBody := CDR $multiVarPredicateList => ['AND, :[:pvarPredTran(rhs, varList) for [.,.,:rhs] in $multiVarPredicateList]] [[.,.,:rhs],:.] := $multiVarPredicateList pvarPredTran(rhs, varList) ['suchThat, rule, ['construct, :[["QUOTE", var] for var in varList]], ['ADEF, '(predicateVariable), '((Boolean) (List (Expression (Integer)))), '(() ()), predBody]] pvarPredTran(rhs, varList) == for var in varList for i in 1.. repeat rhs := NSUBST(['elt, 'predicateVariable, i], var, rhs) rhs patternVarsOf expr == patternVarsOf1(expr, nil) patternVarsOf1(expr, varList) == NULL expr => varList ATOM expr => null SYMBOLP expr => varList SymMemQ(expr, varList) => varList [expr, :varList] expr is [op, :argl] => for arg in argl repeat varList := patternVarsOf1(arg, varList) varList varList pfLhsRule2Sex lhs == $insideRule: local := 'left pf2Sex1 lhs pfRhsRule2Sex rhs == $insideRule: local := 'right pf2Sex1 rhs pfSuchThat2Sex args == name := GENTEMP() argList := pf0TupleParts args lhsSex := pf2Sex1 CAR argList rhsSex := pf2Sex CADR argList $predicateList := [[name, lhsSex, :rhsSex], :$predicateList] name