\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/interp patches.lisp} \author{Timothy Daly} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \subsection{toplevel} The function top-level is the very root of the normal invocation history stack. Control will pass to the restart function which is also in this file. For some unknown reason toplevel was redefined to incorrectly call lisp::unwind whereas it is defined (in this file) to be interned in the boot package. We've returned toplevel to its previous definition. <>= (defun toplevel (&rest foo) (throw '|top_level| '|restart|)) ;;(defun toplevel (&rest foo) (lisp::unwind)) @ \section{License} <>= ;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <> (in-package "BOOT") ;;patches for now ;; browser stuff: ;; gdr NOTES: it is WRONG to test for platforms, when in fact ;; gdr NOTES: one should test for functionalities. #+:UNIX (defvar |$standard| 't) #-:UNIX (defvar |$standard| 'nil) #+(or :UNIX :winnt) (defvar |$saturn| 'nil) #-(or :UNIX :winnt) (defvar |$saturn| 't) (defun CATCHALL (a &rest b) a) ;; not correct but ok for now (defvar |$demoFlag| nil) (define-function '|construct| #'list) ;; NEEDED , SPAD-COMPILER generated Lisp code (define-function '|COMP,TRAN| #'comp-tran) ;called by |compWithMappingMode| (defvar |Undef| (function |Undef|)) ;needed in NewbFVectorCopy (define-function '|spadHash| #'sxhash) (defun |mkAutoLoad| (fn cname) (function (lambda (&rest args) (|autoLoad| fn cname) (apply cname args)))) (setq |$printTimeIfTrue| nil) (defmacro dribinit (streamvar) `(if (is-console ,streamvar) (setq ,streamvar *terminal-io*))) (defun |cd| (args) (let ((dir (truename (string (or (car args) ""))))) #+ :SBCL (sb-posix::chdir (namestring dir)) #+ :GCL (system::chdir (namestring dir)) #- (or :SBCL :GCL) (error "don't know how to chdir in this Lisp") ;; FIXME: some Lisps may not properly end the name with slash ;; investigate. (setf *default-pathname-defaults* dir) (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IZ0070 (list (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*))))) <> (define-function 'top-level #'toplevel) (define-function 'unwind #'|spadThrow|) (define-function 'resume #'|spadThrow|) (DEFUN BUMPCOMPERRORCOUNT () ()) (define-function '|isBpiOrLambda| #'FBOUNDP) ;;(defun |isSharpVar| (x) (and (identp x) (char= (elt (pname x) 0) #\#))) (setq |$useInternalHistoryTable| T) (defvar |$internalHistoryTable| ()) (setq |nullstream| '|nullstream|) (setq |nonnullstream| '|nonnullstream|) (defun |cpCms| (prefix &optional (string (|getSystemCommandLine|))) (setq string (concat prefix string)) (if (equal string "") (obey "sh") (obey string)) (|terminateSystemCommand|)) (setq *print-escape* nil) ;; so stringimage doesn't escape idents? #+(and :GCL :IEEE-FLOATING-POINT ) (setq system:*print-nans* T) (defun /RF (&rest foo &aux (Echo-Meta 'T)) (declare (special Echo-Meta)) (/RF-1 nil)) (defun /RQ (&rest foo &aux (Echo-Meta nil)) (declare (special Echo-Meta)) (/RF-1 nil)) (defun |/RQ,LIB| (&rest foo &aux (Echo-Meta nil) ($LISPLIB T)) (declare (special Echo-Meta $LISPLIB)) (/RF-1 nil)) (defun /RF-1 (ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) (let* ((input-file (make-input-filename /EDITFILE)) (lfile ()) (type (pathname-type input-file))) (cond ((string= type "boot") #-:CCL (boot input-file (setq lfile (make-pathname :type "lisp" :defaults input-file))) #+:CCL (boot input-file (setq lfile (make-pathname :name (pathname-name input-file) :type "lisp"))) (load lfile)) ((string= type "lisp") (load input-file)) ((string= type "bbin") (load input-file)) ((and (string= type "input") |$useNewParser|) (|ncINTERPFILE| input-file Echo-Meta)) (t (spad input-file))))) (defun /EF (&rest foo) (obey (concat "vi " (namestring (make-input-filename /EDITFILE))))) #-:CCL (defun user::start () (in-package "BOOT") (boot::|start|)) #+:CCL (defun user::start () (setq *package* (find-package "BOOT")) (boot::|start|)) (setq |$algebraOutputStream| (setq |$fortranOutputStream| (setq |$texOutputStream| (setq |$formulaOutputStream| (setq |conOutStream| (make-synonym-stream '*terminal-io*)))))) ;; non-interactive restarts... (defun restart0 () #+(and :NAG :ccl) (lisp::init-lm 0) (compressopen);; set up the compression tables (interpopen);; open up the interpreter database (operationopen);; all of the operations known to the system (categoryopen);; answer hasCategory question (browseopen) (let ((asharprootlib (strconc (|getEnv| "AXIOM") "/aldor/lib/"))) (set-file-getter (strconc asharprootlib "runtime.o")) (set-file-getter (strconc asharprootlib "lang.o")) (set-file-getter (strconc asharprootlib "attrib.o")) (set-file-getter (strconc asharprootlib "axlit.o")) (set-file-getter (strconc asharprootlib "minimach.o")) (set-file-getter (strconc asharprootlib "axextend.o"))) ) (defun SHAREDITEMS (x) T) ;;checked in history code (defun whocalled (n) nil) ;; no way to look n frames up the stack (defun setletprintflag (x) x) (defun |normalizeTimeAndStringify| (time) (if (= time 0.0) "0" (format nil "~,1F" time))) (define-function '|eval| #'eval) (defun |libraryFileLists| () '((SPAD SPADLIBS J))) ;;--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see cattable.boot.pamphlet) (defun |compressHashTable| (ht) ht) (defun GETZEROVEC (n) (MAKE-ARRAY n :initial-element 0)) (defun |normalizeArgFileName| (l) l) (defun READSPADEXPR () (let* ((line (cdar (preparse in-stream)))) (cond ((or (not (stringp line)) (zerop (SIZE line))) (SAY " Scratchpad -- input") (READSPADEXPR)) (t (|parseTransform| (|postTransform| (|string2SpadTree| line))))))) (setq |$sourceFiles| ()) ;; set in readSpad2Cmd (setq |$localVars| ()) ;checked by isType (setq |$highlightFontOn| (concat " " |$boldString|)) (setq |$highlightFontOff| (concat |$normalString| " ")) (define-function 'SUBSTQ #'SUBSTEQ) ;; needed for substNames (always copy) #+(and :lucid (not :ibm/370)) (define-function 'RUN-AIX-PROGRAM #'SYS:RUN-AIX-PROGRAM) ;; following should be no longer necessary ;; (eval-when (eval load compile) (shadow 'delete)) ;; (define-function 'boot::delete #'|delete|) ;; following code is to mimic def of MAP in NEWSPAD LISP ;; i.e. MAP in boot package is a self evaluating form ;; #-:CCL (eval-when (eval load compile) (shadow 'map)) ;; #-:CCL (defmacro map (&rest args) `'(map ,@args)) (eval-when (eval load compile) (shadow 'map)) (defmacro map (&rest args) `'(map ,@args)) #+:Lucid (defun save-system (filename) (in-package "BOOT") (UNTRACE) (|untrace| NIL) (|clearClams|) ;; bind output to nulloutstream (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) (|resetWorkspaceVariables|)) (setq |$specialCharacters| |$plainRTspecialCharacters|) (load (make-absolute-filename "lib/interp/obey")) (system:disksave filename :restart-function restart-hook :full-gc t)) #+:Lucid (define-function 'user::save-system #'boot::save-system) (defun |undoINITIALIZE| () ()) ;; following are defined in spadtest.boot and stantest.boot (defun |installStandardTestPackages| () ()) (defun |spadtestValueHook| (val type) ()) (defun |testError| (errotype erroValue) ()) (defvar |$TestOptions| ()) ;; following in defined in word.boot (defun |bootFind| (word) ()) ;; following 3 are replacements for g-util.boot (define-function '|isLowerCaseLetter| #'LOWER-CASE-P) (define-function '|isUpperCaseLetter| #'UPPER-CASE-P) (define-function '|isLetter| #'ALPHA-CHAR-P) ;; reset from /spad/lisp/setq.lisp (setq |$consistencyCheck| ()) ;; prevents wasting time checking consistency #+(or :CCL (and :lucid :ibm/370)) (setq $current-directory (truename ".")) #-(or :CCL (and :lucid :ibm/370)) (setq $current-directory (make-directory *default-pathname-defaults*)) (defvar *msghash* nil "hash table keyed by msg number") (defun cacheKeyedMsg (file) (let ((line "") (msg "") key) (with-open-file (in file) (catch 'done (loop (setq line (read-line in nil nil)) (cond ((null line) (when key (setf (gethash key *msghash*) msg)) (throw 'done nil)) ((= (length line) 0)) ((char= (schar line 0) #\S) (when key (setf (gethash key *msghash*) msg)) (setq key (intern line "BOOT")) (setq msg "")) ('else (setq msg (concatenate 'string msg line))))))))) (defun |fetchKeyedMsg| (key ignore) (declare (ignore ignore)) (setq key (|object2Identifier| key)) (unless *msghash* (setq *msghash* (make-hash-table)) (cacheKeyedMsg |$defaultMsgDatabaseName|)) (gethash key *msghash*)) #+:AKCL (proclaim '(ftype (function (t) t) identity)) #+:AKCL (defun identity (x) x) (|initializeTimedNames| |$interpreterTimedNames| |$interpreterTimedClasses|) (defun |rebuild| (filemode) "rebuild MODEMAP.DAASE, exit lisp with bad return code on failure" (let ((returncode -16)) (unwind-protect (let (|$databaseQueue| |$e|) (declare (special |$databaseQueue| |$e|)) (|clearConstructorAndLisplibCaches|) (setq |$databaseQueue| nil) (setq |$e| (cons (cons nil nil) nil)) (|buildDatabase| filemode t) (setq |$IOindex| 1) (setq |$InteractiveFrame| (cons (cons nil nil) nil)) (setq returncode 0)) (unless (zerop returncode) (bye returncode))))) #+:dos (setq $current-directory (truename ".")) #+:dos (setq $spadroot "/spad/mnt/dos") #+:dos (defun user-homedir-pathname () (truename ".")) (defun boot::|printCopyright| () (format t "there is no such thing as a simple job -- ((iHy))~%")) (defun |setViewportProcess| () (setq |$ViewportProcessToWatch| (stringimage (CDR (|processInteractive| '(|key| (|%%| -2)) NIL) )))) (defun |waitForViewport| () (progn (do () ((not (zerop (obey (concat "ps " |$ViewportProcessToWatch| " > /dev/null"))))) ()) (|sockSendInt| |$MenuServer| 1) (|setIOindex| (- |$IOindex| 3)) ) ) (defun |makeVector| (els type) (make-array (length els) :element-type (or type t) :initial-contents els)) (defun |makeList| (size el) (make-list size :initial-element el) ) #+:akcl (defun print-xdr-stream (x y z) (format y "XDR:~A" (xdr-stream-name x))) #+:akcl (defstruct (xdr-stream (:print-function print-xdr-stream)) "A structure to hold XDR streams. The stream is printed out." (handle ) ;; this is what is used for xdr-open xdr-read xdr-write (name )) ;; this is used for printing #+(and :gcl (not (or :dos :win32))) (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (make-xdr-stream :handle (system:xdr-open str) :name str)) #+:CCL (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (xdr-open str dir) ) #+(and :gcl (or :dos :win32)) (defun |xdrOpen| (str dir) (format t "xdrOpen called")) #+(and :akcl (not (or :dos :win32))) (defun |xdrRead| (xstr r) (system:xdr-read (xdr-stream-handle xstr) r) ) #+:CCL (defun |xdrRead| (xstr r) (xdr-read xstr r) ) #+(and :gcl (or :dos :win32)) (defun |xdrRead| (str) (format t "xdrRead called")) #+(and :akcl (not (or :dos :win32))) (defun |xdrWrite| (xstr d) (system:xdr-write (xdr-stream-handle xstr) d) ) #+:CCL (defun |xdrWrite| (xstr d) (xdr-write xstr d) ) #+(and :gcl (or :dos :win32)) (defun |xdrWrite| (str) (format t "xdrWrite called")) ;; here is a test for XDR ;; (setq *print-array* T) ;; (setq foo (open "xdrtest" :direction :output)) ;; (setq xfoo (|xdrOpen| foo)) ;; (|xdrWrite| xfoo "hello: This contains an integer, a float and a float array") ;; (|xdrWrite| xfoo 42) ;; (|xdrWrite| xfoo 3.14159) ;; (|xdrWrite| xfoo (make-array 10 :element-type 'long-float :initial-element 2.78111D12)) ;; (close foo) ;; (setq foo (open "xdrtest" :direction :input)) ;; (setq xfoo (|xdrOpen| foo)) ;; (|xdrRead| xfoo "") ;; (|xdrRead| xfoo 0) ;; (|xdrRead| xfoo 0.0) ;; (|xdrRead| xfoo (make-array 10 :element-type 'long-float )) ;; (setq *print-array* NIL) ;; clearParserMacro has problems as boot code (package notation) ;; defined here in Lisp ;;--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see i-syscmd.boot.pamphlet) (DEFUN |clearParserMacro| (|macro|) (PROG () (RETURN (COND ((NULL (IFCDR (|assoc| |macro| |$pfMacros|))) NIL) ((QUOTE T) (SPADLET |$pfMacros| (REMALIST |$pfMacros| |macro|))))))) ; (setq /MAJOR-VERSION 2) (setq echo-meta nil) (defun /versioncheck (n) (unless (= n /MAJOR-VERSION) (throw 'versioncheck -1))) @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} CMUCL {\bf src/interp/util.lisp.pamphlet} \end{thebibliography} \end{document}