%% Oh Emacs, this is a -*- Lisp -*- file, despite appearance. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\File{src/interp/parsing.lisp} Pamphlet} \author{Timothy Daly} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{License} <>= ;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <> ; NAME: META/LISP Parser Generator and Lexical Analysis Utilities (Parsing) ; ; PURPOSE: This package provides routines to support the Metalanguage ; translator writing system. Metalanguage is described ; in META/LISP, R.D. Jenks, Tech Report, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, ; 1969. Familiarity with this document is assumed. ; ; The parser generator itself is described in either the file ; MetaBoot.lisp (hand-coded version) or the file MetaMeta.lisp (machine ; generated from self-descriptive Meta code), both of which load themselves ; into package Parsing. ; CONTENTS: ; ; 0. Current I/O Stream definition ; ; 1. Data structure declarations (defstructs) for parsing objects ; ; A. Line Buffer ; B. Stack ; C. Token ; D. Reduction ; ; 2. Recursive descent parsing support routines ; A. Stacking and retrieving reductions of rules. ; B. Applying metagrammatical elements of a production (e.g., Star). ; ; 3. Routines for handling lexical scanning ; ; A. Manipulating the token stack and reading tokens ; B. Error handling ; C. Constructing parsing procedures ; D. Managing rule sets ; ; 4. Tracing routines ; ; 5. Routines for inspecting and resetting total I/O system state ; ; METALEX.LISP: Meta file handling, auxiliary parsing actions and tokenizing ; METAMETA.LISP: Meta parsing ; ; BOOTLEX.LISP: Boot file handling, auxiliary parsing actions and tokenizing ; NEWMETA.LISP: Boot parsing (in-package "BOOT") ; 0. Current I/O Stream definition (defparameter in-stream t "Current input stream.") (defparameter out-stream t "Current output stream.") (defparameter File-Closed nil "Way to stop EOF tests for console input.") (defun IOStreams-Show () (format t "~&Input is coming from ~A, and output is going to ~A.~%" (or (streamp in-stream) "the keyboard") (or (streamp out-stream) "the screen")) (format t "~:[~;The current input stream is logically closed.~%~]~%" File-Closed)) (defmacro IOStreams-Set (input output) `(setq in-stream ,input out-stream ,output)) (defmacro IOStreams-Clear (&optional (in t) (out t)) `(progn (and (streamp in-stream) (close in-stream)) (and (streamp out-stream) (close out-stream)) (setq File-Closed nil) (IOStreams-Set ,in ,out))) ; 1. Data structure declarations (defstructs) for parsing objects ; ; A. Line Buffer ; B. Stack ; C. Token ; D. Reduction ; 1A. A Line Buffer ; ; The philosophy of lines is that ; ; a) NEXT LINE will always get you a non-blank line or fail. ; b) Every line is terminated by a blank character. ; ; Hence there is always a current character, because there is never a non-blank line, ; and there is always a separator character between tokens on separate lines. ; Also, when a line is read, the character pointer is always positioned ON the first ; character. ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Line-Buffer, Line-Current-Char, Line-Current-Index, Line-Last-Index, Line-Number ; Line-New-Line, Line-Advance-Char, Line-Past-End-P, Line-At-End-P ; Make-Line (defstruct Line "Line of input file to parse." (Buffer (make-string 0) :type string) (Current-Char #\Return :type character) (Current-Index 1 :type fixnum) (Last-Index 0 :type fixnum) (Number 0 :type fixnum)) (defun Line-Print (line) (format out-stream "~&~5D> ~A~%" (Line-Number line) (Line-Buffer Line)) (format out-stream "~v@T^~%" (+ 7 (Line-Current-Index line)))) (defmacro Line-Clear (line) `(let ((l ,line)) (setf (Line-Buffer l) (make-string 0) (Line-Current-Char l) #\Return (Line-Current-Index l) 1 (Line-Last-Index l) 0 (Line-Number l) 0))) (defun Line-Current-Segment (line) "Buffer from current index to last index." (if (line-at-end-p line) (make-string 0) (subseq (Line-Buffer line) (Line-Current-Index line) (Line-Last-Index line)))) (defun Line-New-Line (string line &optional (linenum nil)) "Sets string to be the next line stored in line." (setf (Line-Last-Index line) (1- (length string)) (Line-Current-Index line) 0 (Line-Current-Char line) (or (and (> (length string) 0) (elt string 0)) #\Return) (Line-Buffer line) string (Line-Number line) (or linenum (1+ (Line-Number line))))) (defun Line-Advance-Char (line) (setf (Line-Current-Char line) (elt (Line-Buffer line) (incf (Line-Current-Index line))))) (defun Line-Next-Char (line) (elt (Line-Buffer line) (1+ (Line-Current-Index line)))) (defun Line-Past-End-P (line) "Tests if line is empty or positioned past the last character." (> (line-current-index line) (line-last-index line))) (defun Line-At-End-P (line) "Tests if line is empty or positioned past the last character." (>= (line-current-index line) (line-last-index line))) ; 1B. A Stack (of lines, tokens, or whatever) ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Make-Stack, Stack-Store, Stack-Size, Stack-Top, Stack-Load, Stack-Clear, ; Stack-/-Empty, Stack-Push, Stack-Pop (defstruct Stack "A stack" (Store nil) ; contents of the stack (Size 0) ; number of elements in Store (Top nil) ; first element of Store (Updated nil) ; whether something has been pushed on the stack ; since this flag was last set to NIL ) (defun stack-load (list stack) (setf (stack-store stack) list (stack-size stack) (length list) (stack-top stack) (car list))) (defun stack-clear (stack) (setf (stack-store stack) nil (stack-size stack) 0 (stack-top stack) nil (stack-updated stack) nil)) (defmacro stack-/-empty (stack) `(> (stack-size ,stack) 0)) (defun stack-push (x stack) (push x (stack-store stack)) (setf (stack-top stack) x (stack-updated stack) t) (incf (stack-size stack)) x) (defun stack-pop (stack) (let ((y (pop (stack-store stack)))) (decf (stack-size stack)) (setf (stack-top stack) (if (stack-/-empty stack) (car (stack-store stack)))) y)) ; 1C. Token ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Make-Token, Token-Symbol, Token-Type, Token-Install, Token-Print (defstruct Token "A token is a Symbol with a Type. The type is either NUMBER, IDENTIFIER or SPECIAL-CHAR. NonBlank is true if the token is not preceded by a blank." (Symbol nil) (Type nil) (NonBlank t)) (defparameter Prior-Token (make-token) "What did I see last") (defparameter nonblank t "Is there no blank in front of the current token.") (defparameter Current-Token (make-token) "Token at head of input stream.") (defparameter Next-Token (make-token) "Next token in input stream.") (defparameter Valid-Tokens 0 "Number of tokens in buffer (0, 1 or 2)") (defun Token-Install (symbol type token &optional (nonblank t)) (setf (token-symbol token) symbol (token-type token) type (token-nonblank token) nonblank) token) (defun Token-Print (token) (format out-stream "(token (symbol ~S) (type ~S))~%" (Token-Symbol token) (Token-Type token))) ; 1D. A Reduction ; (defstruct (Reduction (:type list)) "A reduction of a rule is any S-Expression the rule chooses to stack." (Rule nil) ; Name of rule (Value nil)) ; 2. Recursive descent parsing support routines (semantically related to MetaLanguage) ; ; This section of the code contains: ; ; A. Routines for stacking and retrieving reductions of rules. ; B. Routines for applying certain metagrammatical elements ; of a production (e.g., Star). ; C. Token-level parsing utilities (keywords, strings, identifiers). ; 2A. Routines for stacking and retrieving reductions of rules. ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Push-Reduction Pop-Reduction (defparameter Reduce-Stack (make-stack) "Stack of results of reduced productions.") (defun Push-Reduction (rule redn) (stack-push (make-reduction :rule rule :value redn) Reduce-Stack)) (defun reduce-stack-show () (let ((store (stack-store reduce-stack)) (*print-pretty* t)) (if store (progn (format t "~%Reduction stack contains:~%") (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (eq (type-of x) 'token) #+Symbolics (zl:describe-defstruct x) #-Symbolics (describe x) (print x))) (stack-store reduce-stack))) (format t "~%There is nothing on the reduction stack.~%")))) (defmacro reduce-stack-clear () `(stack-load nil reduce-stack)) (defun Pop-Reduction () (stack-pop Reduce-Stack)) (defmacro pop-stack-1 () '(reduction-value (Pop-Reduction))) (defmacro pop-stack-2 () `(let* ((top (Pop-Reduction)) (next (Pop-Reduction))) (stack-push top Reduce-Stack) (reduction-value next))) (defmacro pop-stack-3 () `(let* ((top (Pop-Reduction)) (next (Pop-Reduction)) (nnext (Pop-Reduction))) (stack-push next Reduce-Stack) (stack-push top Reduce-Stack) (reduction-value nnext))) (defmacro pop-stack-4 () `(let* ((top (Pop-Reduction)) (next (Pop-Reduction)) (nnext (Pop-Reduction)) (nnnext (Pop-Reduction))) (stack-push nnext Reduce-Stack) (stack-push next Reduce-Stack) (stack-push top Reduce-Stack) (reduction-value nnnext))) (defmacro nth-stack (x) `(reduction-value (nth (1- ,x) (stack-store Reduce-Stack)))) ; 2B. Routines for applying certain metagrammatical elements ; of a production (e.g., Star). ; Must means that if it is not present in the token stream, it is a syntax error. ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Star, Bang, Must, Optional, Action, Sequence (defmacro Star (lab prod) "Succeeds if there are one or more of PROD, stacking as one unit the sub-reductions of PROD and labelling them with LAB. E.G., (Star IDs (parse-id)) with A B C will stack (3 IDs (A B C)), where (parse-id) would stack (1 ID (A)) when applied once." `(prog ((oldstacksize (stack-size reduce-stack))) (if (not ,prod) ;(progn (format t "~&Star failed for ~A.~%" ',lab) (return nil))) (return nil)) loop (if (not ,prod) (let* ((newstacksize (stack-size reduce-stack)) (number-of-new-reductions (- newstacksize oldstacksize))) ; (format t "~&Starring ~A with ~D new reductions.~%" ; ',lab number-of-new-reductions) (if (> number-of-new-reductions 0) (return (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (accum nil)) ((= i number-of-new-reductions) (Push-Reduction ',lab accum) ; (format t "~&Star accumulated ~D reductions.~%" ; (length accum)) (return t)) (push (pop-stack-1) accum))) (return t))) (go loop)))) (defmacro Bang (lab prod) "If the execution of prod does not result in an increase in the size of the stack, then stack a NIL. Return the value of prod." `(progn (setf (stack-updated reduce-stack) nil) ; (format t "~&Banging ~A~:[~; and I think the stack is updated!~].~%" ',lab ; (stack-updated reduce-stack)) (let* ((prodvalue ,prod) (updated (stack-updated reduce-stack))) ; (format t "~&Bang thinks that ~A ~:[didn't do anything~;did something~].~&" ; ',lab prodvalue) (if updated (progn ; (format t "~&Banged ~A and I think the stack is updated!~%" ',lab) prodvalue) (progn (push-reduction ',lab nil) ; (format t "~&Banged ~A.~%" ',lab) prodvalue))))) (defmacro must (dothis &optional (this-is nil) (in-rule nil)) `(or ,dothis (meta-syntax-error ,this-is ,in-rule))) ; Optional means that if it is present in the token stream, that is a good thing, ; otherwise don't worry (like [ foo ] in BNF notation). (defun Optional (dothis) (or dothis t)) ; Action is something we do as a consequence of successful parsing; it is ; inserted at the end of the conjunction of requirements for a successful ; parse, and so should return T. (defun action (dothis) (or dothis t)) ; A sequence consists of a head, which if recognized implies that the ; tail must follow. Following tail are actions, which ; are performed upon recognizing the head and tail. (defmacro sequence (subrules &optional (actions nil)) `(and ,(pop subrules) . ,(append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list 'must x)) subrules) (if actions `((progn . ,(append actions '(t)))))))) ; 3. Routines for handling lexical scanning ; ; Lexical scanning of tokens is performed off of the current line. No ; token can span more than 1 line. All real I/O is handled in a line-oriented ; fashion (in a slight paradox) below the character level. All character ; routines implicitly assume the parameter Current-Line. We do not make ; Current-Line an explicit optional parameter for reasons of efficiency. (defparameter Current-Line (make-line) "Current input line.") (defmacro current-line-print () '(Line-Print Current-Line)) (defmacro current-line-show () `(if (line-past-end-p current-line) (format t "~&The current line is empty.~%") (progn (format t "~&The current line is:~%~%") (current-line-print)))) (defmacro current-line-clear () `(Line-Clear Current-Line)) ; 3A. Manipulating the token stack and reading tokens ; This section is broken up into 3 levels: ; ; (0) String grabbing: Match String, Match Advance String ; (1) Token handling: Current Token, Next Token, Advance Token ; (2) Character handling: Current Char, Next Char, Advance Char ; (3) Line handling: Next Line, Print Next Line ; (X) Random Stuff ; A good test for lexing is: (defmacro test-lexing () '(with-open-file (in-stream "lisp>meta.meta" :direction :input) (with-open-file (out-stream "lisp>foo.pars" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (loop (let ((z (advance-token))) (if z (Token-Print z out-stream) (return nil))))))) ; 3A (0). String grabbing ; String grabbing is the art of matching initial segments of the current ; line, and removing them from the line before the get tokenized if they ; match (or removing the corresponding current tokens). ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Match-String, Match-Advance-String (defun Match-String (x) "Returns length of X if X matches initial segment of inputstream." (unget-tokens) ; So we don't get out of synch with token stream (skip-blanks) (if (and (not (Line-Past-End-P Current-Line)) (Current-Char) ) (initial-substring-p x (subseq (Line-Buffer Current-Line) (Line-Current-Index Current-Line))))) (defun Match-Advance-String (x) "Same as MATCH-STRING except if successful, advance inputstream past X." (let ((y (if (>= (length (string x)) (length (string (quote-if-string (current-token))))) (Match-String x) nil))) ; must match at least the current token (if y (progn (incf (Line-Current-Index Current-Line) y) (if (not (Line-Past-End-P Current-Line)) (setf (Line-Current-Char Current-Line) (elt (Line-Buffer Current-Line) (Line-Current-Index Current-Line))) (setf (Line-Current-Char Current-Line) #\Space)) (setq prior-token (make-token :Symbol (intern (string x)) :Type 'identifier :nonBlank nonblank)) t)))) (defun initial-substring-p (part whole) "Returns length of part if part matches initial segment of whole." (let ((x (string-not-greaterp part whole))) (and x (= x (length part)) x))) ; 3A (1) Token Handling. ; Tokens are acquired from a stream of characters. Lexical analysis is performed ; by the functiond Get Token. One-token lookahead is maintained in variables ; Current-Token and Next-Token by procedures Current Token, Next Token, and ; Advance Token. The functions Match Current Token and Match Next Token recognize ; classes of tokens, by type, or by type and symbol. The current and next tokens ; can be shoved back on the input stream (to the current line) with Unget-Tokens. (defmacro Defun-Parse-Token (token) `(defun ,(intern (concatenate 'string "PARSE-" (string token))) () (let* ((tok (match-current-token ',token)) (symbol (if tok (token-symbol tok)))) (if tok (progn (Push-Reduction ',(intern (concatenate 'string (string token) "-TOKEN")) (copy-tree symbol)) (advance-token) t))))) (defun token-stack-show () (if (= Valid-Tokens 0) (format t "~%There are no valid tokens.~%") (format t "~%The number of valid tokens is ~S.~%" Valid-Tokens)) (if (> Valid-Tokens 0) (progn (format t "The current token is~%") #+Symbolics (zl:describe-defstruct current-token) #-Symbolics (describe current-token) )) (if (> Valid-Tokens 1) (progn (format t "The next token is~%") #+Symbolics (zl:describe-defstruct next-token) #-Symbolics (describe next-token) )) (if (token-type prior-token) (progn (format t "The prior token was~%") #+Symbolics (zl:describe-defstruct prior-token) #-Symbolics (describe prior-token) ))) (defmacro token-stack-clear () `(progn (setq valid-tokens 0) (token-install nil nil current-token nil) (token-install nil nil next-token nil) (token-install nil nil prior-token nil))) ; Unget-Tokens (defun quote-if-string (token) (if token ;only use token-type on non-null tokens (case (token-type token) (bstring (strconc "[" (token-symbol token) "]*")) (string (strconc "'" (token-symbol token) "'")) (spadstring (strconc "\"" (underscore (token-symbol token)) "\"")) (number (format nil "~v,'0D" (token-nonblank token) (token-symbol token))) (special-char (string (token-symbol token))) (identifier (let ((id (symbol-name (token-symbol token))) (pack (package-name (symbol-package (token-symbol token))))) (if (or $BOOT $SPAD) (if (equal pack "BOOT") (escape-keywords (underscore id) (token-symbol token)) (concatenate 'string (underscore pack) "'" (underscore id))) id))) (t (token-symbol token))) nil)) (defun escape-keywords (pname id) (if (member id keywords) (concatenate 'string "_" pname) pname)) (defun underscore (string) (if (every #'alpha-char-p string) string (let* ((size (length string)) (out-string (make-array (* 2 size) :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0)) next-char) (dotimes (i size) (setq next-char (char string i)) (if (not (alpha-char-p next-char)) (vector-push #\_ out-string)) (vector-push next-char out-string)) out-string))) (defun Unget-Tokens () (case Valid-Tokens (0 t) (1 (let* ((cursym (quote-if-string current-token)) (curline (line-current-segment current-line)) (revised-line (strconc cursym curline (copy-seq " ")))) (line-new-line revised-line current-line (line-number current-line)) (setq NonBlank (token-nonblank current-token)) (setq Valid-Tokens 0))) (2 (let* ((cursym (quote-if-string current-token)) (nextsym (quote-if-string next-token)) (curline (line-current-segment current-line)) (revised-line (strconc (if (token-nonblank current-token) "" " ") cursym (if (token-nonblank next-token) "" " ") nextsym curline " "))) (setq NonBlank (token-nonblank current-token)) (line-new-line revised-line current-line (line-number current-line)) (setq Valid-Tokens 0))) (t (error "How many tokens do you think you have?")))) ; *** Match Token (defun match-token (token type &optional (symbol nil)) (if (and token (eq (token-type token) type)) (if symbol (if (equal symbol (token-symbol token)) token) token))) (defun match-current-token (type &optional (symbol nil)) "Returns the current token if it has EQ type and (optionally) equal symbol." (match-token (current-token) type symbol)) (defun match-next-token (type &optional (symbol nil)) "Returns the next token if it has equal type and (optionally) equal symbol." (match-token (next-token) type symbol)) ; *** Current Token, Next Token, Advance Token (defun try-get-token (token) (let ((tok (get-token token))) (if tok (progn (incf Valid-Tokens) token)))) (defun current-symbol () (make-symbol-of (current-token))) (defun make-symbol-of (token) (let ((u (and token (token-symbol token)))) (cond ((not u) nil) ((characterp u) (intern (string u))) (u)))) (defun current-token () "Returns the current token getting a new one if necessary." (if (> Valid-Tokens 0) Current-Token (try-get-token Current-Token))) (defun next-token () "Returns the token after the current token, or NIL if there is none after." (current-token) (if (> Valid-Tokens 1) Next-Token (try-get-token Next-Token))) (defun advance-token () (current-token) ;don't know why this is needed "Makes the next token be the current token." (case Valid-Tokens (0 (try-get-token (Current-Token))) (1 (decf Valid-Tokens) (setq Prior-Token (copy-token Current-Token)) (try-get-token Current-Token)) (2 (setq Prior-Token (copy-token Current-Token)) (setq Current-Token (copy-token Next-Token)) (decf Valid-Tokens)))) (defparameter XTokenReader 'get-meta-token "Name of tokenizing function") ; *** Get Token (defun get-token (token) (funcall XTokenReader token)) ; 3A (2) Character handling. ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Current-Char, Next-Char, Advance-Char ; *** Current Char, Next Char, Advance Char (defun Current-Char () "Returns the current character of the line, initially blank for an unread line." (if (Line-Past-End-P Current-Line) #\Return (Line-Current-Char Current-Line))) (defun Next-Char () "Returns the character after the current character, blank if at end of line. The blank-at-end-of-line assumption is allowable because we assume that end-of-line is a token separator, which blank is equivalent to." (if (Line-At-End-P Current-Line) #\Return (Line-Next-Char Current-Line))) (defun Advance-Char () "Advances IN-STREAM, invoking Next Line if necessary." (loop (cond ((not (Line-At-End-P Current-Line)) (return (Line-Advance-Char Current-Line))) ((next-line in-stream) (return (current-char))) ((return nil))))) ; 3A 3. Line Handling. ; PARAMETERS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Echo-Meta ; *** Next Line (defparameter Echo-Meta nil "T if you want a listing of what has been read.") (defparameter Line-Handler 'next-META-line "Who grabs lines for us.") (defun next-line (&optional (in-stream t)) (funcall Line-Handler in-stream)) (defun make-string-adjustable (s) (cond ((adjustable-array-p s) s) (t (make-array (array-dimensions s) :element-type 'character :adjustable t :initial-contents s)))) (defun get-a-line (stream) (if (IS-CONSOLE stream) (princ (MKPROMPT))) (let ((ll (read-a-line stream))) (if (stringp ll) (make-string-adjustable ll) ll))) (defparameter Current-Fragment nil "A string containing remaining chars from readline; needed because Symbolics read-line returns embedded newlines in a c-m-Y.") (defun input-clear () (setq Current-Fragment nil)) #-:CCL (defun read-a-line (&optional (stream t)) (let (cp) (if (and Current-Fragment (> (length Current-Fragment) 0)) (let ((line (with-input-from-string (s Current-Fragment :index cp :start 0) (read-line s nil nil)))) (setq Current-Fragment (subseq Current-Fragment cp)) line) (prog nil (if (stream-eof in-stream) (progn (setq File-Closed t *EOF* t) (Line-New-Line (make-string 0) Current-Line) (return nil))) (if (setq Current-Fragment (read-line stream)) (return (read-a-line stream))))))) #+:CCL (defun read-a-line (&optional (stream t)) (let ((line (read-line stream nil nil))) (if (null line) (progn (setq File-Closed t *EOF* t) (Line-New-Line (make-string 0) Current-Line) nil) line))) ; *** Print New Line (defparameter Printer-Line-Stack (make-stack) "Stack of output listing lines waiting to print. [local to PRINT-NEW-LINE]") (defparameter Read-Quietly nil "Whether or not to produce an output listing. [local to PRINT-NEW-LINE]") (defun Print-New-Line (string &optional (strm *terminal-io*)) "Makes output listings." (if Read-Quietly (stack-push (copy-tree string) Printer-Line-Stack) (progn (mapc #'(lambda (x) (format strm "; ~A~%" x) (terpri)) (nreverse (stack-store Printer-Line-Stack))) (stack-clear Printer-Line-Stack) (format strm "~&; ~A~%" string)))) ; 3B. Error handling (defparameter errcol nil) (defparameter line nil) (defparameter count nil) (defun conversation (x y) (prog (u) a (reduce-stack-clear) (setq u (namederrset 'spad_reader (conversation1 x y) )) (cond (*eof* (return nil)) ((atom u) (go a)) ((return (car u)))))) (defparameter ulcasefg nil "") (defun conversation1 (firstfun procfun) (prog nil top(cond ((not (Current-Char)) (return nil)) ((and (current-token) (next-token)) (go top)) ((compfin) (return 't)) ((and (funcall firstfun) (or (funcall procfun (pop-stack-1)))) (go top)) ((compfin) (return 't)) ) (meta-syntax-error) (go top))) (defun termchr () "Is CHR a terminating character?" (position (current-char) " *,;<>()[]/\\")) (defun compfin () (or (match-string ")fin") (match-string ".FIN"))) (defparameter Meta_Errors_Occurred nil "Did any errors occur") (defparameter Meta_Error_Handler 'meta-meta-error-handler) (defun meta-syntax-error (&optional (wanted nil) (parsing nil)) (funcall Meta_Error_Handler wanted parsing)) ; 3 C. Constructing parsing procedures ; FUNCTIONS DEFINED IN THIS SECTION: ; ; Make-Parse-Function, GetGenSym (MAKEPROP 'PROGN 'NARY T) ; Setting for Make-Parse-Function (defun make-parse-function (l op) (if (flagp op 'nary) (setq l (make-parse-func-flatten-1 l op nil))) (make-parse-function1 l op)) (defun make-parse-func-flatten (x op) (cond ((atom x) x) ((eq (car x) op) (cons op (make-parse-func-flatten-1 (cdr x) op nil))) (t (cons (make-parse-func-flatten (car x) op) (make-parse-func-flatten (cdr x) op))))) (defun make-parse-func-flatten-1 (l op r) (let (x) (if (null l) r (make-parse-func-flatten-1 (cdr l) op (append r (if (eqcar (setq x (make-parse-func-flatten (car l) op)) op) (cdr x) (list x))))))) (defun make-parse-function1 (l op) (let (x) (case op (plus (cond ((eq 0 (setq x (length (setq l (s- l '(0 (zero))))))) 0) ((eq 1 x) (car l)) (t `(+ . ,l)))) (times (cond ((s* l '(0 (zero))) 0) ((eq 0 (setq x (length (setq l (s- l '(1 (one))))))) 1) ((eq 1 x) (car l)) (t `(times . ,l)) )) (quotient (cond ((> (length l) 2) (fail)) ((eq 0 (car l)) 0) ((eq (cadr l) 1) (car l)) (t `(quotient . ,l)) )) (minus (cond ((cdr l) (fail)) ((numberp (setq x (car l))) (minus x)) ((eqcar x 'minus) (cadr x)) (t `(minus . ,l)) )) (- (cond ((> (length l) 2) (fail)) ((equal (car l) (cadr l)) '(zero)) ((member (car l) '(0 (zero))) (make-parse-function (cdr l) 'minus)) ((member (cadr l) '(0 (zero))) (car l)) ((eqcar (cadr l) 'minus) (make-parse-function (list (car l) (cadadr l)) 'plus)) (t `(- . ,l)) )) (expt (cond ((> (length l) 2) (fail)) ((eq 0 (cadr l)) 1) ((eq 1 (cadr l)) (car l)) ((member (car l) '(0 1 (zero) (one))) (car l)) (t `(expt . ,l)) )) (or (cond ((member 't l) ''t) ((eq 0 (setq x (length (setq l (delete nil l))))) nil) ((eq 1 x) (car l)) (t `(or . ,l)) )) (|or| (cond ((member 't l) 't) ((eq 0 (setq x (length (setq l (delete nil l))))) nil) ((eq 1 x) (car l)) (t `(|or| . ,l)) )) (null (cond ((cdr l) (fail)) ((eqcar (car l) 'null) (cadar l)) ((eq (car l) 't) nil) ((null (car l)) ''t) (t `(null . ,l)))) (|and| (cond ((eq 0 (setq x (length (setq l (delete 't (delete 'true l)))))) 't) ((eq 1 x) (car l)) (t `(|and| . ,l)) )) (and (cond ((eq 0 (setq x (length (setq l (delete 't (delete 'true l)))))) ''t) ((eq 1 x) (car l)) (t `(and . ,l)) )) (progn (cond ((and (not (atom l)) (null (last l))) (cond ((cdr l) `(progn . ,l)) (t (car l)))) ((null (setq l (delete nil l))) nil) ((cdr l) `(progn . ,l)) (t (car l)) )) (seq (cond ((eqcar (car l) 'exit) (cadar l)) ((cdr l) `(seq . ,l)) (t (car l)) )) (list (cond ((null l) nil) (t `(list . ,l)))) (cons (cond ((cdr l) `(cons . ,l)) (t (car l)) )) (t (cons op l) )))) (defparameter /genvarlst nil "??") (defun transpgvar (metapgvar) (remove-duplicates metapgvar)) (defparameter /gensymlist nil "List of rule local variables generated by getgensym.") (defun getgensym (n) "Used to create unique numerically indexed local variables for the use of rules." (loop (let ((m (length /gensymlist))) (if (< m n) (setq /gensymlist (nconc /gensymlist `(,(intern (format nil "G~D" (1+ m)))))) (return (nth (1- n) /gensymlist)))))) ; 3 D. Managing rule sets (defparameter bac nil "") (defparameter keyfn nil "") (defparameter /metaoption "") (defparameter tline nil "") (defparameter rs nil "") (defun getrulefunlists (rootfun rs) (let* ((metapfx (or (get rootfun 'metapfx) "")) (mainfun (internl metapfx (pname rootfun))) (mainfunstr (pname mainfun)) (flnam (internl mainfunstr "FUN")) (pfx-funlist (union (cons mainfun (if (atom (eval flnam)) nil (eval flnam))) (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (internl metapfx (pname x))) (assocleft rs)))) n unpfx-funlist) (set flnam pfx-funlist) (if (not (lessp (setq n (length metapfx)) 0)) (setq unpfx-funlist (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (intern (subseq (copy-symbol (pname x)) n))) pfx-funlist))) (if unpfx-funlist (list pfx-funlist unpfx-funlist)))) ; 4. Tracing routines (defparameter debugmode 'yes "Can be either YES or NO") (defun reduction-print (y rule) (format t "~&") (cond ((eq y t) (|sayBrightly| `(|%b| ,rule |%d| " reduced"))) (y (|sayBrightlyNT| `(|%b| ,rule |%d|)) (format t " reduced ~A~%" y))) y) #+Symbolics (defmacro rtrace (&rest rules) `(compiler-let () . ,(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (let ((rule (intern (strconc "PARSE-" x)))) `(zl:advise ,rule :around nil nil (reduction-print :do-it ',rule)))) rules))) #+Symbolics (defmacro runtrace () `(zl:unadvise)) (defmacro tracemeta (&rest l) `(trmeta ',l)) (defparameter /depth 0 "Used in Debug.lisp.") (defun trmeta (l) (setq /depth 0) (mapc #'trmeta1 l)) (defun trmeta1 (x) (let (y) (if (not (fboundp x)) (if (fboundp (setq y (internl $lastprefix (pname x)))) (moan (format nil "********* ~S RENAMED AS ~S" x (setq x y))) (croak (format nil "********* ~S MUST BE GIVEN PREFIX" x)))) (/embed-1 x (sublislis (list (pname x) x (gensym)) '(nam* fun* argl*) '(lambda (&rest argl*) (prog (v tok) (terpri) (trblanks (* 2 /depth)) (setq /depth (+ 1 /depth)) (princ (stringimage /depth)) (princ "<") (princ nam*) (trargprint argl*) (princ "/") (princ "chr= ") (prin1 (Current-Char)) (princ "/tok= ") (prin1 (setq tok (current-symbol))) (princ "/col= ") (prin1 (line-current-index current-line)) ;; (princ "/icol= ") (prin1 initcolumn) (cond ( (not nonblank) (go a1))) (princ "/nblnk= T") a1 ;;(cond (ok (go b1))) (princ "/ok= NIL") b1 ;;(cond ( (not stackx) (go c1))) (princ "/stackx= ") ;;(prin1 stackx) c1 (cond ( (not (identp tok)) (go d1))) (princ "/isid= ") ;; (princ (cond (isid "T") (t "NIL"))) d1 (princ "/stack= ") (prin1 (stack-store reduce-stack)) (setq v (apply fun* argl*)) (setq /depth (- /depth 1)) (terpri) (trblanks (* 2 /depth)) (princ (stringimage (\1+ /depth))) (princ ">") (princ nam*) (princ "/chr= ") (prin1 (Current-Char)) (princ "/tok= ") (prin1 (setq tok (current-symbol))) (princ "/col= ") (prin1 (line-current-index current-line)) (if (not nonblank) (go a2)) (princ "/nblnk= ") (princ (if nonblank "T" "NIL")) a2 ;;(if ok (go b2)) (princ "/ok= ") (prin1 ok) b2 ;;(if (not stackx) (go c2)) (princ "/stackx1= ") (prin1 stackx) c2 (if (not (identp tok)) (go d2)) (princ "/isid= ") ;; (princ (if isid "T" "NIL")) d2 (princ "/stack= ") (prin1 (stack-store reduce-stack)) (princ "/value= ") (prin1 v) (return v))))))) (defun /embed-1 (x y) (princ (strconc (pname x) " embedded")) (terpri) (/embed-q x y)) (defun /embed-q (x y) (setq /embednames (cons x /embednames)) (embed x (cond ((eqcar y 'lambda) y) ((eqcar y 'before) `(lambda ,(cadr y) (prog2 ,(caddr y) ,(cons 'funcall (cons x (cadr y)))))) ((eqcar y 'after) `(lambda ,(cadr y) (prog1 ,(cons 'funcall (cons x (cadr y))) ,(caddr y)))))) (/embedreply)) (defun /embedreply () (if (atom (embedded)) '(|none| |embedded|) (append (embedded) (list '|embedded|)))) (defun numofargs (fn) (numberofargs (car (/mdef (cons fn '(x)))))) (defparameter mdeftrace nil "") (defun /mdef (x) (let (u) (cond ((atom x) x) ((or (null (atom (car x))) (not (mbpip (car x)))) (mapcar #'/mdef x)) ((equal x (setq u (mdef (car x) x))) x) (mdeftrace (print x) (princ " --> ") (print u) (/mdef u)) ((/mdef u))))) (defun trargprint (l) (mapc #'(lambda (x) (princ " / ") (prin1 x)) l)) (defun trblanks (n) (do ((i 1 (1+ i))) ((> i n)) (princ " "))) ; 5. Routines for inspecting and resetting total I/O system state ; ; The package largely assumes that: ; ; A. One I/O stream pair is in effect at any moment. ; B. There is a Current Line ; C. There is a Current Token and a Next Token ; D. There is a Reduction Stack ; ; This state may be examined and reset with the procedures IOSTAT and IOCLEAR. (defun IOStat () "Tell me what the current state of the parsing world is." ;(IOStreams-show) (current-line-show) (if (or $BOOT $SPAD) (next-lines-show)) (token-stack-show) ;(reduce-stack-show) nil) (defun IOClear (&optional (in t) (out t)) ;(IOStreams-clear in out) (input-clear) (current-line-clear) (token-stack-clear) (reduce-stack-clear) (if (or $BOOT $SPAD) (next-lines-clear)) nil) ;; auxiliary functions needed by the parser (defun char-eq (x y) (char= (character x) (character y))) (defun char-ne (x y) (char/= (character x) (character y))) (Defun FLOATEXPID (X &aux S) (if (AND (IDENTP X) (char= (char-upcase (ELT (SETQ S (PNAME X)) 0)) #\E) (> (LENGTH S) 1) (SPADREDUCE AND 0 (COLLECT (STEP I 1 1 (MAXINDEX S)) (DIGITP (ELT S I))))) (READ-FROM-STRING S t nil :start 1) NIL)) (defun |getToken| (x) (if (EQCAR x '|elt|) (third x) x)) (defun |dollarTran| (dom rand) (let ((eltWord (if |$InteractiveMode| '|$elt| '|elt|))) (if (and (not (atom rand)) (cdr rand)) (cons (list eltWord dom (car rand)) (cdr rand)) (list eltWord dom rand)))) @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}