-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import '"postpar" )package "BOOT" --% Transformation of Parser Output parseTransform x == $defOp: local:= nil x := substitute('$,'%,x) -- for new compiler compatibility parseTran x parseTran x == $op: local atom x => parseAtom x [$op,:argl]:= x u := g($op) where g op == (op is ["elt",op,x] => g x; op) u="construct" => r:= parseConstruct argl $op is ["elt",:.] => [parseTran $op,:rest r] r SYMBOLP u and (fn:= GETL(u,'parseTran)) => FUNCALL(fn,argl) [parseTran $op,:parseTranList argl] parseAtom x == -- next line for compatibility with new compiler x = "break" => parseLeave ["$NoValue"] x parseTranList l == atom l => parseTran l [parseTran first l,:parseTranList rest l] parseConstruct u == $insideConstructIfTrue: local:= true l:= parseTranList u ["construct",:l] parseUpArrow u == parseTran ["**",:u] parseLeftArrow u == parseTran ["LET",:u] parseIs [a,b] == ["is",parseTran a,transIs parseTran b] parseIsnt [a,b] == ["isnt",parseTran a,transIs parseTran b] transIs u == isListConstructor u => ["construct",:transIs1 u] u isListConstructor u == u is [op,:.] and op in '(construct append cons) transIs1 u == u is ["construct",:l] => [transIs x for x in l] u is ["append",x,y] => h:= [":",transIs x] (v:= transIs1 y) is [":",z] => [h,z] v="nil" => first rest h atom v => [h,[":",v]] [h,:v] u is ["cons",x,y] => h:= transIs x (v:= transIs1 y) is [":",z] => [h,z] v="nil" => [h] atom v => [h,[":",v]] [h,:v] u parseLET [x,y] == p := ["LET",parseTran x,parseTranCheckForRecord(y,opOf x)] opOf x = "cons" => ["LET",transIs p.1,p.2] p parseLETD [x,y] == ["LETD",parseTran x,parseTran parseType y] parseColon u == u is [x] => [":",parseTran x] u is [x,typ] => $InteractiveMode => $insideConstructIfTrue=true => ["TAG",parseTran x,parseTran typ] [":",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] [":",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parseBigelt [typ,consForm] == [["elt",typ,"makeRecord"],:transUnCons consForm] transUnCons u == atom u => systemErrorHere '"transUnCons" u is ["APPEND",x,y] => null y => x systemErrorHere '"transUnCons" u is ["CONS",x,y] => atom y => [x,:y] [x,:transUnCons y] parseCoerce [x,typ] == $InteractiveMode => ["::",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] ["::",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parseAtSign [x,typ] == $InteractiveMode => ["@",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] ["@",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parsePretend [x,typ] == $InteractiveMode => ["pretend",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] ["pretend",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parseType x == x := substitute($EmptyMode,$quadSymbol,x) x is ["typeOf",val] => ["typeOf",parseTran val] $oldParserExpandAbbrs => parseTypeEvaluate unabbrevAndLoad x x parseTypeEvaluate form == form is [op,:argl] => newType? op => form $op: local:= op op = "Mapping" => [op,:[parseTypeEvaluate a for a in argl]] op = "Union" => isTaggedUnion form => [op,:[['_:,sel,parseTypeEvaluate type] for ['_:,sel,type] in argl]] [op,:[parseTypeEvaluate a for a in argl]] op = 'Record => [op,:[['_:,sel,parseTypeEvaluate type] for ['_:,sel,type] in argl]] cmm := fn := constructor? op => p := pathname [fn,$spadLibFT,'"*"] => isExistingFile p => getConstructorModemap(abbreviation? fn) nil nil cmm is [[.,.,:argml],:.] => [op,:parseTypeEvaluateArgs(argl,argml)] throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0015",[op]) form parseTypeEvaluateArgs(argl,argml) == [argVal for arg in argl for md in argml for i in 1..] where argVal() == isCategoryForm(md,$CategoryFrame) => parseTypeEvaluate arg arg parseTypeError(x,md,i) == throwKeyedMsg("S2IP0003",[i,$op,md]) specialModeTran form == form is [op,:argl] => not ATOM op => form --added 10/5/84 by SCM (s0:= (sop:= PNAME op).0) = "*" => n:= #sop n=1=> form argKey:= sop.1 numArgs:= #argl - (argKey="1" => 1; 0) zeroOrOne:= argKey="0" or argKey="1" isDmp := numArgs < 10 => n=6 and ('"DMP"=SUBSTRING(sop,3,3)) and zeroOrOne true => n=7 and ('"DMP"=SUBSTRING(sop,4,3)) and zeroOrOne isDmp => if argKey="0" then extraDomain:= $EmptyMode vl:= argl else [:vl,extraDomain] := argl ["DistributedMultivariatePolynomial",["construct",:vl], specialModeTran extraDomain] n=4 and (s3:= sop.3) = "M" and zeroOrOne => specialModeTran extraDomain:= (argKey="0" => [$EmptyMode]; nil) (n:= PARSE_-INTEGER PNAME sop.2)=1 => ["SquareMatrix",:argl,:extraDomain] n=2 => ["RectangularMatrix",:argl,:extraDomain] form isUpOrMp := numArgs < 10 => n=4 and (s3:= sop.3) = "P" and zeroOrOne or n=5 and (s3:= sop.3)="R" and sop.4="F" and zeroOrOne true => n=5 and (s3:= sop.4) = "P" and zeroOrOne or n=6 and (s3:= sop.4)="R" and sop.5="F" and zeroOrOne isUpOrMp => polyForm:= domainPart:= (argKey="0" => $EmptyMode; last argl) argPart:= (argKey="0" => argl; drop(-1,argl)) numArgs < 10 and (n:= PARSE_-INTEGER PNAME sop.2)=1 => ["UP",:argPart,domainPart] ["MP",["construct",:argPart],domainPart] specialModeTran s3 = "R" => [$QuotientField,polyForm] polyForm [first form,:[specialModeTran x for x in rest form]] [first form,:[specialModeTran x for x in rest form]] form parseHas [x,y] == if $InteractiveMode then x:= get(x,'value,$CategoryFrame) is [D,m,.] and m in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain))) => D parseType x mkand [["has",x,u] for u in fn y] where mkand x == x is [a] => a ["and",:x] fn y == if $InteractiveMode then y:= unabbrevAndLoad y y is [":" ,op,["Mapping",:map]] => op:= (STRINGP op => INTERN op; op) [["SIGNATURE",op,map]] y is ["Join",:u] => "append"/[fn z for z in u] y is ["CATEGORY",:u] => "append"/[fn z for z in u] kk:= GETDATABASE(opOf y,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) kk = "domain" or kk = "category" => [makeNonAtomic y] y is ["ATTRIBUTE",:.] => [y] y is ["SIGNATURE",:.] => [y] $InteractiveMode => parseHasRhs y [["ATTRIBUTE",y]] parseHasRhs u == --$InteractiveMode = true get(u,'value,$CategoryFrame) is [D,m,.] and m in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain))) => m y := abbreviation? u => loadIfNecessary y => [unabbrevAndLoad y] [["ATTRIBUTE",u]] [["ATTRIBUTE",u]] parseDEF [$lhs,tList,specialList,body] == setDefOp $lhs ["DEF",parseLhs $lhs,parseTranList tList,parseTranList specialList, parseTranCheckForRecord(body,opOf $lhs)] parseLhs x == atom x => parseTran x atom first x => [parseTran first x,:[transIs parseTran y for y in rest x]] parseTran x parseMDEF [$lhs,tList,specialList,body] == ["MDEF",parseTran $lhs,parseTranList tList,parseTranList specialList, parseTranCheckForRecord(body,opOf $lhs)] parseTranCheckForRecord(x,op) == (x:= parseTran x) is ["Record",:l] => or/[y for y in l | y isnt [":",.,.]] => postError ['" Constructor",:bright x,'"has missing label"] x x parseCases [expr,ifClause] == casefn(expr,ifClause) where casefn(x,ifExpr) == ifExpr="noBranch" => ["ifClauseError",x] ifExpr is ["IF",a,b,c] => ["IF",parseTran a,parseTran b,casefn(x,c)] postError ['" CASES format error: cases ",x," of ",ifExpr] parseCategory x == l:= parseTranList parseDropAssertions x key:= CONTAINED("$",l) => "domain" "package" ["CATEGORY",key,:l] parseDropAssertions x == --note: the COPY of this list is necessary-- do not replace by RPLACing version x is [y,:r] => y is ["IF","asserted",:.] => parseDropAssertions r [y,:parseDropAssertions r] x parseGreaterThan [x,y] == [substitute("<",">",$op),parseTran y,parseTran x] parseGreaterEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("<",">=",$op),:u]] parseLessEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute(">","<=",$op),:u]] parseNotEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("=","^=",$op),:u]] parseDollarGreaterThan [x,y] == [substitute("$<","$>",$op),parseTran y,parseTran x] parseDollarGreaterEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("$<","$>=",$op),:u]] parseDollarLessEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("$>","$<=",$op),:u]] parseDollarNotEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("$=","$^=",$op),:u]] parseAnd u == $InteractiveMode => ["and",:parseTranList u] null u => "true" null rest u => first u parseIf [parseTran first u,parseAnd rest u,"false"] parseOr u == $InteractiveMode => ["or",:parseTranList u] null u => "false" null rest u => first u (x:= parseTran first u) is ["not",y] => parseIf [y,parseOr rest u,"true"] true => parseIf [x,"true",parseOr rest u] parseNot u == ['not,parseTran first u] parseEquivalence [a,b] == parseIf [a,b,parseIf [b,:'(false true)]] parseImplies [a,b] == parseIf [a,b,"true"] parseExclusiveOr [a,b] == parseIf [a,parseIf [b,:'(false true)],b] parseExit [a,:b] == -- note: I wanted to convert 1s to 0s here to facilitate indexing in -- comp code; unfortunately, parseTran-ning is sometimes done more -- than once so that the count can be decremented more than once a:= parseTran a b:= parseTran b b => null INTEGERP a => (MOAN('"first arg ",a,'" for exit must be integer"); ["exit",1,a]) ["exit",a,:b] ["exit",1,a] parseLeave [a,:b] == a:= parseTran a b:= parseTran b b => null INTEGERP a => (MOAN('"first arg ",a,'" for 'leave' must be integer"); ["leave",1,a]) ["leave",a,:b] ["leave",1,a] parseReturn [a,:b] == a:= parseTran a b:= parseTran b b => (if a^=1 then MOAN '"multiple-level 'return' not allowed"; ["return",1,:b]) ["return",1,a] parseJoin l == ["Join",:fn parseTranList l] where fn l == null l => nil l is [["Join",:x],:y] => [:x,:fn y] [first l,:fn rest l] parseInBy [i,n,inc] == (u:= parseIn [i,n]) isnt ["STEP",i,a,j,:r] => postError [" You cannot use",:bright '"by", '"except for an explicitly indexed sequence."] inc:= parseTran inc ["STEP",i,a,parseTran inc,:r] parseSegment p == p is [a,b] => b => ["SEGMENT",parseTran a, parseTran b] ["SEGMENT",parseTran a] ["SEGMENT",:p] parseIn [i,n] == i:= parseTran i n:= parseTran n n is ["SEGMENT",a] => ["STEP",i,a,1] n is ["reverse",["SEGMENT",a]] => postError ['" You cannot reverse an infinite sequence."] n is ["SEGMENT",a,b] => (b => ["STEP",i,a,1,b]; ["STEP",i,a,1]) n is ["reverse",["SEGMENT",a,b]] => b => ["STEP",i,b,-1,a] postError ['" You cannot reverse an infinite sequence."] n is ["tails",s] => ["ON",i,s] ["IN",i,n] parseIf t == t isnt [p,a,b] => t ifTran(parseTran p,parseTran a,parseTran b) where ifTran(p,a,b) == null($InteractiveMode) and p='true => a null($InteractiveMode) and p='false => b p is ['not,p'] => ifTran(p',b,a) p is ['IF,p',a',b'] => ifTran(p',ifTran(a',COPY a,COPY b),ifTran(b',a,b)) p is ['SEQ,:l,['exit,1,p']] => ['SEQ,:l,['exit,1,ifTran(p',incExitLevel a,incExitLevel b)]] --this assumes that l has no exits a is ['IF, =p,a',.] => ['IF,p,a',b] b is ['IF, =p,.,b'] => ['IF,p,a,b'] -- makeSimplePredicateOrNil p is ['SEQ,:s,['exit,1,val]] => -- parseTran ['SEQ,:s,['exit,1,incExitLevel ['IF,val,a,b]]] ['IF,p,a,b] makeSimplePredicateOrNil p == nil parseWhere l == ["where",:mapInto(l, function parseTran)] parseSeq l == not l is [:.,["exit",:.]] => postError ['" Invalid ending to block: ",last l] transSeq mapInto(l,function parseTran) transSeq l == null l => nil null rest l => decExitLevel first l [item,:tail]:= l item is ["SEQ",:l,["exit",1,["IF",p,["exit", =2,q],"noBranch"]]] and (and/[x is ["LET",:.] for x in l]) => ["SEQ",:[decExitLevel x for x in l],["exit",1,["IF",decExitLevel p, decExitLevel q,transSeq tail]]] item is ["IF",a,["exit",1,b],"noBranch"] => ["IF",decExitLevel a,decExitLevel b,transSeq tail] item is ["IF",a,"noBranch",["exit",1,b]] => ["IF",decExitLevel a,transSeq tail,decExitLevel b] (y:= transSeq tail) is ["SEQ",:s] => ["SEQ",item,:s] ["SEQ",item,["exit",1,incExitLevel y]] transCategoryItem x == x is ["SIGNATURE",lhs,rhs] => lhs is ["LISTOF",:y] => "append" /[transCategoryItem ["SIGNATURE",z,rhs] for z in y] atom lhs => if STRINGP lhs then lhs:= INTERN lhs rhs is ["Mapping",:m] => m is [.,"constant"] => LIST ["SIGNATURE",lhs,[first m],"constant"] LIST ["SIGNATURE",lhs,m] $transCategoryAssoc:= [[lhs,:rhs],:$transCategoryAssoc] NIL [op,:argl]:= lhs extra:= nil if rhs is ["Mapping",:m] then if rest m then extra:= rest m --should only be 'constant' or 'variable' rhs:= first m LIST ["SIGNATURE",op,[rhs,:SUBLIS($transCategoryAssoc,argl)],:extra] LIST x superSub(name,x) == for u in x repeat y:= [:y,:u] code:= x is [[u]] => $quadSymbol STRCONC("_(",scriptTranRow first x,scriptTran rest x,"_)") [INTERNL(PNAME name,"$",code),:y] scriptTran x == null x => "" STRCONC(";",scriptTranRow first x,scriptTran rest x) scriptTranRow x == null x => "" STRCONC($quadSymbol,scriptTranRow1 rest x) scriptTranRow1 x == null x => "" STRCONC(",",$quadSymbol,scriptTranRow1 rest x) parseVCONS l == ["VECTOR",:parseTranList l]