\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\File{src/interp/parse.boot} Pamphlet} \author{The Axiom Team} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{parseTransform} This is the top-level function in this file. When parsing spad code we walk an source code expression such as [[P ==> PositiveInteger]] This gets translated by [[|postTransform|]]\cite{1} into [[(MDEF P NIL NIL (|PositiveInteger|))]] [[|parseTranform|]] is called with this expression. The [[%]] symbol, which represents the current domain, is replaced with the [[$]] symbol internally. This hack was introduced because the Aldor compiler wanted to use [[%]] for the [[current domain]]. The Spad compiler used [[$]]. In order not to have to change this everywhere we do a subsitution here. <<parseTransform>>= parseTransform x == $defOp: local:= nil x := substitute('$,'%,x) -- for new compiler compatibility parseTran x @ \section{parseTran} [[|parseTran|]] sees an expression such as [[(MDEF P NIL NIL (|PositiveInteger|))]] It walks the expression, which is a list, item by item (note the tail recursive call in this function). In general, we are converting certain source-level constructs into internal constructs. Note the subtle way that functions get called in this file. The information about what function to call is stored on the property list of the symbol. For example, given the form: [[(|has| S (|OrderedSet|))]] the symbol [[|has|]] occurs in the car of the list. [[|parseTran|]] assigns [[$op]] to be [[|has|]] and [[argl]] to be the list [[(S (|OrderedSet|))]]. Next, a local function [[g]], which checks for the compile-time elts, returns [[$op]] unchanged. The variable [[u]] is set to [[|has|]]. Since [[|has|]] is an atom we do [[(GET '|has| '|parseTran|)]] which returns [[|parseHas|]] because the symbol [[|has|]] contains the association [[|parseTran| |parseHas|]] on it's symbol property list. You can see this by calling [[(symbol-plist '|has|)]]. This ends up calling [[(|parseHas| '(S (|OrderedSet|)))]]. The [[|parseTran|]] function walks the entire s-expression calling special parsers for various special forms in the input. This does things like reverse tests so that [[(if (not x) a b)]] becomes [[(if x b a)]], etc. <<parseTran>>= parseTran x == $op: local atom x => parseAtom x [$op,:argl]:= x u := g($op) where g op == (op is ["elt",op,x] => g x; op) u="construct" => r:= parseConstruct argl $op is ["elt",:.] => [parseTran $op,:rest r] r SYMBOLP u and (fn:= GETL(u,'parseTran)) => FUNCALL(fn,argl) [parseTran $op,:parseTranList argl] @ \section{License} <<license>>= -- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> )package "BOOT" --% Transformation of Parser Output <<parseTransform>> <<parseTran>> parseAtom x == -- next line for compatibility with new compiler x = "break" => parseLeave ["$NoValue"] x parseTranList l == atom l => parseTran l [parseTran first l,:parseTranList rest l] parseConstruct u == $insideConstructIfTrue: local:= true l:= parseTranList u ["construct",:l] parseUpArrow u == parseTran ["**",:u] parseLeftArrow u == parseTran ["LET",:u] parseIs [a,b] == ["is",parseTran a,transIs parseTran b] parseIsnt [a,b] == ["isnt",parseTran a,transIs parseTran b] transIs u == isListConstructor u => ["construct",:transIs1 u] u isListConstructor u == u is [op,:.] and op in '(construct append cons) transIs1 u == u is ["construct",:l] => [transIs x for x in l] u is ["append",x,y] => h:= [":",transIs x] (v:= transIs1 y) is [":",z] => [h,z] v="nil" => first rest h atom v => [h,[":",v]] [h,:v] u is ["cons",x,y] => h:= transIs x (v:= transIs1 y) is [":",z] => [h,z] v="nil" => [h] atom v => [h,[":",v]] [h,:v] u parseLET [x,y] == p := ["LET",parseTran x,parseTranCheckForRecord(y,opOf x)] opOf x = "cons" => ["LET",transIs p.1,p.2] p parseLETD [x,y] == ["LETD",parseTran x,parseTran parseType y] parseColon u == u is [x] => [":",parseTran x] u is [x,typ] => $InteractiveMode => $insideConstructIfTrue=true => ["TAG",parseTran x,parseTran typ] [":",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] [":",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parseBigelt [typ,consForm] == [["elt",typ,"makeRecord"],:transUnCons consForm] transUnCons u == atom u => systemErrorHere '"transUnCons" u is ["APPEND",x,y] => null y => x systemErrorHere '"transUnCons" u is ["CONS",x,y] => atom y => [x,:y] [x,:transUnCons y] parseCoerce [x,typ] == $InteractiveMode => ["::",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] ["::",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parseAtSign [x,typ] == $InteractiveMode => ["@",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] ["@",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parsePretend [x,typ] == $InteractiveMode => ["pretend",parseTran x,parseTran parseType typ] ["pretend",parseTran x,parseTran typ] parseType x == x := substitute($EmptyMode,$quadSymbol,x) x is ["typeOf",val] => ["typeOf",parseTran val] $oldParserExpandAbbrs => parseTypeEvaluate unabbrevAndLoad x x parseTypeEvaluate form == form is [op,:argl] => newType? op => form $op: local:= op op = "Mapping" => [op,:[parseTypeEvaluate a for a in argl]] op = "Union" => isTaggedUnion form => [op,:[['_:,sel,parseTypeEvaluate type] for ['_:,sel,type] in argl]] [op,:[parseTypeEvaluate a for a in argl]] op = 'Record => [op,:[['_:,sel,parseTypeEvaluate type] for ['_:,sel,type] in argl]] cmm := fn := constructor? op => p := pathname [fn,$spadLibFT,'"*"] => isExistingFile p => getConstructorModemap(abbreviation? fn) nil nil cmm is [[.,.,:argml],:.] => [op,:parseTypeEvaluateArgs(argl,argml)] throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0015",[op]) form parseTypeEvaluateArgs(argl,argml) == [argVal for arg in argl for md in argml for i in 1..] where argVal() == isCategoryForm(md,$CategoryFrame) => parseTypeEvaluate arg arg parseTypeError(x,md,i) == throwKeyedMsg("S2IP0003",[i,$op,md]) specialModeTran form == form is [op,:argl] => not ATOM op => form --added 10/5/84 by SCM (s0:= (sop:= PNAME op).0) = "*" => n:= #sop n=1=> form argKey:= sop.1 numArgs:= #argl - (argKey="1" => 1; 0) zeroOrOne:= argKey="0" or argKey="1" isDmp := numArgs < 10 => n=6 and ('"DMP"=SUBSTRING(sop,3,3)) and zeroOrOne true => n=7 and ('"DMP"=SUBSTRING(sop,4,3)) and zeroOrOne isDmp => if argKey="0" then extraDomain:= $EmptyMode vl:= argl else [:vl,extraDomain] := argl ["DistributedMultivariatePolynomial",["construct",:vl], specialModeTran extraDomain] n=4 and (s3:= sop.3) = "M" and zeroOrOne => specialModeTran extraDomain:= (argKey="0" => [$EmptyMode]; nil) (n:= PARSE_-INTEGER PNAME sop.2)=1 => ["SquareMatrix",:argl,:extraDomain] n=2 => ["RectangularMatrix",:argl,:extraDomain] form isUpOrMp := numArgs < 10 => n=4 and (s3:= sop.3) = "P" and zeroOrOne or n=5 and (s3:= sop.3)="R" and sop.4="F" and zeroOrOne true => n=5 and (s3:= sop.4) = "P" and zeroOrOne or n=6 and (s3:= sop.4)="R" and sop.5="F" and zeroOrOne isUpOrMp => polyForm:= domainPart:= (argKey="0" => $EmptyMode; last argl) argPart:= (argKey="0" => argl; drop(-1,argl)) numArgs < 10 and (n:= PARSE_-INTEGER PNAME sop.2)=1 => ["UP",:argPart,domainPart] ["MP",["construct",:argPart],domainPart] specialModeTran s3 = "R" => [$QuotientField,polyForm] polyForm [first form,:[specialModeTran x for x in rest form]] [first form,:[specialModeTran x for x in rest form]] form parseHas [x,y] == if $InteractiveMode then x:= get(x,'value,$CategoryFrame) is [D,m,.] and m in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain))) => D parseType x mkand [["has",x,u] for u in fn y] where mkand x == x is [a] => a ["and",:x] fn y == if $InteractiveMode then y:= unabbrevAndLoad y y is [":" ,op,["Mapping",:map]] => op:= (STRINGP op => INTERN op; op) [["SIGNATURE",op,map]] y is ["Join",:u] => "append"/[fn z for z in u] y is ["CATEGORY",:u] => "append"/[fn z for z in u] kk:= GETDATABASE(opOf y,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) kk = "domain" or kk = "category" => [makeNonAtomic y] y is ["ATTRIBUTE",:.] => [y] y is ["SIGNATURE",:.] => [y] $InteractiveMode => parseHasRhs y [["ATTRIBUTE",y]] parseHasRhs u == --$InteractiveMode = true get(u,'value,$CategoryFrame) is [D,m,.] and m in '((Mode) (Domain) (SubDomain (Domain))) => m y := abbreviation? u => loadIfNecessary y => [unabbrevAndLoad y] [["ATTRIBUTE",u]] [["ATTRIBUTE",u]] parseDEF [$lhs,tList,specialList,body] == setDefOp $lhs ["DEF",parseLhs $lhs,parseTranList tList,parseTranList specialList, parseTranCheckForRecord(body,opOf $lhs)] parseLhs x == atom x => parseTran x atom first x => [parseTran first x,:[transIs parseTran y for y in rest x]] parseTran x parseMDEF [$lhs,tList,specialList,body] == ["MDEF",parseTran $lhs,parseTranList tList,parseTranList specialList, parseTranCheckForRecord(body,opOf $lhs)] parseTranCheckForRecord(x,op) == (x:= parseTran x) is ["Record",:l] => or/[y for y in l | y isnt [":",.,.]] => postError ['" Constructor",:bright x,'"has missing label"] x x parseCases [expr,ifClause] == casefn(expr,ifClause) where casefn(x,ifExpr) == ifExpr="noBranch" => ["ifClauseError",x] ifExpr is ["IF",a,b,c] => ["IF",parseTran a,parseTran b,casefn(x,c)] postError ['" CASES format error: cases ",x," of ",ifExpr] parseCategory x == l:= parseTranList parseDropAssertions x key:= CONTAINED("$",l) => "domain" "package" ["CATEGORY",key,:l] parseDropAssertions x == --note: the COPY of this list is necessary-- do not replace by RPLACing version x is [y,:r] => y is ["IF","asserted",:.] => parseDropAssertions r [y,:parseDropAssertions r] x parseGreaterThan [x,y] == [substitute("<",">",$op),parseTran y,parseTran x] parseGreaterEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("<",">=",$op),:u]] parseLessEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute(">","<=",$op),:u]] parseNotEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("=","^=",$op),:u]] parseDollarGreaterThan [x,y] == [substitute("$<","$>",$op),parseTran y,parseTran x] parseDollarGreaterEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("$<","$>=",$op),:u]] parseDollarLessEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("$>","$<=",$op),:u]] parseDollarNotEqual u == parseTran ["not",[substitute("$=","$^=",$op),:u]] parseAnd u == $InteractiveMode => ["and",:parseTranList u] null u => "true" null rest u => first u parseIf [parseTran first u,parseAnd rest u,"false"] parseOr u == $InteractiveMode => ["or",:parseTranList u] null u => "false" null rest u => first u (x:= parseTran first u) is ["not",y] => parseIf [y,parseOr rest u,"true"] true => parseIf [x,"true",parseOr rest u] parseNot u == $InteractiveMode => ["not",parseTran first u] parseTran ["IF",first u,:'(false true)] parseEquivalence [a,b] == parseIf [a,b,parseIf [b,:'(false true)]] parseImplies [a,b] == parseIf [a,b,"true"] parseExclusiveOr [a,b] == parseIf [a,parseIf [b,:'(false true)],b] parseExit [a,:b] == -- note: I wanted to convert 1s to 0s here to facilitate indexing in -- comp code; unfortunately, parseTran-ning is sometimes done more -- than once so that the count can be decremented more than once a:= parseTran a b:= parseTran b b => null INTEGERP a => (MOAN('"first arg ",a,'" for exit must be integer"); ["exit",1,a]) ["exit",a,:b] ["exit",1,a] parseLeave [a,:b] == a:= parseTran a b:= parseTran b b => null INTEGERP a => (MOAN('"first arg ",a,'" for 'leave' must be integer"); ["leave",1,a]) ["leave",a,:b] ["leave",1,a] parseReturn [a,:b] == a:= parseTran a b:= parseTran b b => (if a^=1 then MOAN '"multiple-level 'return' not allowed"; ["return",1,:b]) ["return",1,a] parseJoin l == ["Join",:fn parseTranList l] where fn l == null l => nil l is [["Join",:x],:y] => [:x,:fn y] [first l,:fn rest l] parseInBy [i,n,inc] == (u:= parseIn [i,n]) isnt ["STEP",i,a,j,:r] => postError [" You cannot use",:bright '"by", '"except for an explicitly indexed sequence."] inc:= parseTran inc ["STEP",i,a,parseTran inc,:r] parseSegment p == p is [a,b] => b => ["SEGMENT",parseTran a, parseTran b] ["SEGMENT",parseTran a] ["SEGMENT",:p] parseIn [i,n] == i:= parseTran i n:= parseTran n n is ["SEGMENT",a] => ["STEP",i,a,1] n is ["reverse",["SEGMENT",a]] => postError ['" You cannot reverse an infinite sequence."] n is ["SEGMENT",a,b] => (b => ["STEP",i,a,1,b]; ["STEP",i,a,1]) n is ["reverse",["SEGMENT",a,b]] => b => ["STEP",i,b,-1,a] postError ['" You cannot reverse an infinite sequence."] n is ["tails",s] => ["ON",i,s] ["IN",i,n] parseIf t == t isnt [p,a,b] => t ifTran(parseTran p,parseTran a,parseTran b) where ifTran(p,a,b) == null($InteractiveMode) and p="true" => a null($InteractiveMode) and p="false" => b p is ["not",p'] => ifTran(p',b,a) p is ["IF",p',a',b'] => ifTran(p',ifTran(a',COPY a,COPY b),ifTran(b',a,b)) p is ["SEQ",:l,["exit",1,p']] => ["SEQ",:l,["exit",1,ifTran(p',incExitLevel a,incExitLevel b)]] --this assumes that l has no exits a is ["IF", =p,a',.] => ["IF",p,a',b] b is ["IF", =p,.,b'] => ["IF",p,a,b'] makeSimplePredicateOrNil p is ["SEQ",:s,["exit",1,val]] => parseTran ["SEQ",:s,["exit",1,incExitLevel ["IF",val,a,b]]] ["IF",p,a,b] makeSimplePredicateOrNil p == isSimple p => nil u:= isAlmostSimple p => u true => wrapSEQExit [["LET",g:= GENSYM(),p],g] parseWhere l == ["where",:mapInto(l, function parseTran)] parseSeq l == not l is [:.,["exit",:.]] => postError ['" Invalid ending to block: ",last l] transSeq mapInto(l,function parseTran) transSeq l == null l => nil null rest l => decExitLevel first l [item,:tail]:= l item is ["SEQ",:l,["exit",1,["IF",p,["exit", =2,q],"noBranch"]]] and (and/[x is ["LET",:.] for x in l]) => ["SEQ",:[decExitLevel x for x in l],["exit",1,["IF",decExitLevel p, decExitLevel q,transSeq tail]]] item is ["IF",a,["exit",1,b],"noBranch"] => ["IF",decExitLevel a,decExitLevel b,transSeq tail] item is ["IF",a,"noBranch",["exit",1,b]] => ["IF",decExitLevel a,transSeq tail,decExitLevel b] (y:= transSeq tail) is ["SEQ",:s] => ["SEQ",item,:s] ["SEQ",item,["exit",1,incExitLevel y]] transCategoryItem x == x is ["SIGNATURE",lhs,rhs] => lhs is ["LISTOF",:y] => "append" /[transCategoryItem ["SIGNATURE",z,rhs] for z in y] atom lhs => if STRINGP lhs then lhs:= INTERN lhs rhs is ["Mapping",:m] => m is [.,"constant"] => LIST ["SIGNATURE",lhs,[first m],"constant"] LIST ["SIGNATURE",lhs,m] $transCategoryAssoc:= [[lhs,:rhs],:$transCategoryAssoc] NIL [op,:argl]:= lhs extra:= nil if rhs is ["Mapping",:m] then if rest m then extra:= rest m --should only be 'constant' or 'variable' rhs:= first m LIST ["SIGNATURE",op,[rhs,:SUBLIS($transCategoryAssoc,argl)],:extra] LIST x superSub(name,x) == for u in x repeat y:= [:y,:u] code:= x is [[u]] => $quadSymbol STRCONC("_(",scriptTranRow first x,scriptTran rest x,"_)") [INTERNL(PNAME name,"$",code),:y] scriptTran x == null x => "" STRCONC(";",scriptTranRow first x,scriptTran rest x) scriptTranRow x == null x => "" STRCONC($quadSymbol,scriptTranRow1 rest x) scriptTranRow1 x == null x => "" STRCONC(",",$quadSymbol,scriptTranRow1 rest x) parseVCONS l == ["VECTOR",:parseTranList l] @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}