-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import c_-util namespace BOOT module nrunfast where getOpCode: (%Symbol, %Vector %Thing, %Short) -> %Maybe %Short ++ $doNotCompressHashTableIfTrue := false ++ $monitorNewWorld := false ++ $lookupDefaults := false ++ $NRTmonitorIfTrue := false --======================================================================= -- Basic Functions --======================================================================= initNewWorld() == $monitorNewWorld := false $spadLibFT := 'NRLIB $NRTmonitorIfTrue := false $updateCatTableIfTrue := false $doNotCompressHashTableIfTrue := true isNewWorldDomain domain == integer? domain.3 --see HasCategory/Attribute getDomainByteVector dom == CDDR dom.4 ++ Return the sequence of categories `dom' belongs to, as a vector ++ of lazy category forms. getDomainCategoriesVector dom == second(dom.4) ++ Same as getDomainCategoriesVector except that we return a list of ++ input forms for the categories. getDomainCompleteCategories dom == vec := getDomainCategoriesVector dom cats := nil for i in 0..MAXINDEX vec repeat cats := [newExpandLocalType(vec.i,dom,dom), :cats] nreverse cats getOpCode(op,vec,max) == --search Op vector for "op" returning code if found, nil otherwise res := nil for i in 0..max by 2 repeat sameObject?(vectorRef(vec,i),op) => return (res := i + 1) res evalSlotDomain(u,dollar) == $returnNowhereFromGoGet: local := false $ : fluid := dollar -- ??? substitute $lookupDefaults : local := false -- new world u = '$ => dollar u = "$$" => dollar integer? u => y := dollar.u vector? y => y y is ['%store,:.] => eval y --lazy domains need to marked; this is dangerous? y is [v,:.] => vector? v => lazyDomainSet(y,dollar,u) --old style has [$,code,:lazyt] IDENTP v and constructor? v or v in '(Record Union Mapping Enumeration) => lazyDomainSet(y,dollar,u) --new style has lazyt y y u is ['NRTEVAL,y] => eval y u is ['QUOTE,y] => y u is ['Record,:argl] => apply('Record,[[":",tag,evalSlotDomain(dom,dollar)] for [.,tag,dom] in argl]) u is ['Union,:argl] and first argl is ['_:,.,.] => apply('Union,[['_:,tag,evalSlotDomain(dom,dollar)] for [.,tag,dom] in argl]) u is ["Enumeration",:.] => eval u cons? u => -- The domain form may value arguments, get VM form first. u := expandToVMForm u cons? u => apply(u.op,[evalSlotDomain(x,dollar) for x in u.args]) u systemErrorHere '"evalSlotDomain" --======================================================= -- Lookup From Compiled Code --======================================================= newGoGet(:l) == [:arglist,env] := l slot := replaceGoGetSlot env apply(first slot,[:arglist,rest slot]) --SPADCALL it! replaceGoGetSlot env == [thisDomain,index,:op] := env thisDomainForm := devaluate thisDomain bytevec := getDomainByteVector thisDomain numOfArgs := bytevec.index goGetDomainSlotIndex := bytevec.(index := index + 1) goGetDomain := goGetDomainSlotIndex = 0 => thisDomain thisDomain.goGetDomainSlotIndex if cons? goGetDomain then goGetDomain := lazyDomainSet(goGetDomain,thisDomain,goGetDomainSlotIndex) sig := [newExpandTypeSlot(bytevec.(index := index + 1),thisDomain,thisDomain) for i in 0..numOfArgs] thisSlot := bytevec.(index + 1) if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking(concat('"%l","..",form2String thisDomainForm, '" wants",'"%l",'" "),op,sig,goGetDomain) slot := basicLookup(op,sig,goGetDomain,goGetDomain) slot = nil => $returnNowhereFromGoGet = true => ['nowhere,:goGetDomain] --see newGetDomainOpTable sayBrightly concat('"Function: ",formatOpSignature(op,sig), '" is missing from domain: ",form2String goGetDomain.0) keyedSystemError("S2NR0001",[op,sig,goGetDomain.0]) if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1(['"goget stuffing slot",:bright thisSlot,'"of "],thisDomain) vectorRef(thisDomain,thisSlot) := slot if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"<------",[first slot,:devaluate rest slot]) slot --======================================================= -- Lookup Function in Slot 1 (via SPADCALL) --======================================================= lookupComplete(op,sig,dollar,env) == newLookupInTable(op,sig,dollar,env,nil) lookupIncomplete(op,sig,dollar,env) == newLookupInTable(op,sig,dollar,env,true) newLookupInTable(op,sig,dollar,[domain,opvec],flag) == dollar = nil => systemError() $lookupDefaults = true => newLookupInCategories(op,sig,domain,dollar) --lookup first in my cats or newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) --fast path when called from newGoGet success := false if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking(concat('"---->",form2String devaluate domain, '"----> searching op table for:","%l"," "),op,sig,dollar) someMatch := false numvec := getDomainByteVector domain predvec := domain.3 max := MAXINDEX opvec k := getOpCode(op,opvec,max) or return flag => newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) nil maxIndex := MAXINDEX numvec start := opvec.k finish := QSGREATERP(max,k) => opvec.(QSPLUS(k,2)) maxIndex if QSGREATERP(finish,maxIndex) then systemError '"limit too large" numArgs := QSDIFFERENCE(#sig,1) success := nil $isDefaultingPackage: local := -- use special defaulting handler when dollar non-trivial dollar ~= domain and isDefaultPackageForm? devaluate domain while finish > start repeat PROGN i := start numArgs ~= (numTableArgs :=numvec.i) => nil predIndex := numvec.(i := i + 1) predIndex ~= 0 and not testBitVector(predvec,predIndex) => nil loc := newCompareSig(sig,numvec,(i := i + 1),dollar,domain) null loc => nil --signifies no match loc = 1 => (someMatch := true) loc = 0 => start := QSPLUS(start,QSPLUS(numTableArgs,4)) i := start + 2 someMatch := true --mark so that if subsumption fails, look for original subsumptionSig := [newExpandTypeSlot(numvec.(QSPLUS(i,j)), dollar,domain) for j in 0..numTableArgs] if $monitorNewWorld then sayBrightly [formatOpSignature(op,sig),'"--?-->", formatOpSignature(op,subsumptionSig)] nil slot := domain.loc cons? slot => slot.op = 'newGoGet => someMatch:=true --treat as if operation were not there --if sameObject?(QCAR slot,'newGoGet) then -- UNWIND_-PROTECT --break infinite recursion -- ((SETELT(domain,loc,'skip); slot := replaceGoGetSlot rest slot), -- if domain.loc = 'skip then domain.loc := slot) return (success := slot) slot = 'skip => --recursive call from above 'replaceGoGetSlot return (success := newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar)) systemError '"unexpected format" start := QSPLUS(start,QSPLUS(numTableArgs,4)) success ~= 'failed and success => if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"<----",uu) where uu() == cons? success => [first success,:devaluate rest success] success success subsumptionSig and (u:= basicLookup(op,subsumptionSig,domain,dollar)) => u flag or someMatch => newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) nil --======================================================= -- Lookup In Domain (from lookupInAddChain) --======================================================= lookupInDomain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar,index) == addFormCell := addFormDomain.index => integer? KAR addFormCell => or/[lookupInDomain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar,i) for i in addFormCell] if not vector? addFormCell then addFormCell := eval addFormCell lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,addFormCell,dollar) nil --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see interop.boot.pamphlet) lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domain,dollar) == slot1 := domain.1 SPADCALL(op,sig,dollar,slot1) ++ same as lookupInDomainVector except that the use of defaults ++ (either in category packages or add-chains) is controlled ++ by `useDefaults'. lookupInDomainAndDefaults(op,sig,domain,dollar,useDefaults) == savedLookupDefaults := $lookupDefaults $lookupDefaults := useDefaults fun := lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domain,dollar) $lookupDefaults := savedLookupDefaults fun --======================================================= -- Lookup Addlist (from lookupInDomainTable or lookupInDomain) --======================================================= newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar) == if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"looking up add-chain: ",addFormDomain) addFunction:=newLookupInDomain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar,5) addFunction => if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1(concat('"<----add-chain function found for ", form2String devaluate addFormDomain,'"<----"),rest addFunction) addFunction nil --======================================================= -- Lookup In Domain (from lookupInAddChain) --======================================================= newLookupInDomain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar,index) == addFormCell := addFormDomain.index => integer? KAR addFormCell => or/[newLookupInDomain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar,i) for i in addFormCell] if not vector? addFormCell then lazyDomainSet(addFormCell,addFormDomain,index) lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,addFormDomain.index,dollar) nil --======================================================= -- Category Default Lookup (from goGet or lookupInAddChain) --======================================================= newLookupInCategories(op,sig,dom,dollar) == slot4 := dom.4 catVec := second slot4 # catVec = 0 => nil --early exit if no categories integer? KDR catVec.0 => newLookupInCategories1(op,sig,dom,dollar) --old style $lookupDefaults : local := nil if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly concat('"----->", form2String devaluate dom,'"-----> searching default packages for ",op) predvec := dom.3 packageVec := first slot4 --the next three lines can go away with new category world varList := ['$,:$FormalMapVariableList] valueList := [dom,:[dom.(5+i) for i in 1..(# rest dom.0)]] valueList := [MKQ val for val in valueList] nsig := MSUBST(dom.0,dollar.0,sig) for i in 0..MAXINDEX packageVec | (entry := packageVec.i) and entry ~= 'T repeat package := vector? entry => if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"already instantiated cat package",entry) entry IDENTP entry => cat := catVec.i packageForm := nil if not GETL(entry,'LOADED) then loadLib entry infovec := GETL(entry,'infovec) success := --vector? infovec => ----new world true => ----new world opvec := infovec.1 max := MAXINDEX opvec code := getOpCode(op,opvec,max) null code => nil byteVector := CDDDR infovec.3 endPos := code+2 > max => # byteVector opvec.(code+2) not nrunNumArgCheck(#sig.source,byteVector,opvec.code,endPos) => nil --numOfArgs := byteVector.(opvec.code) --numOfArgs ~= #sig.source => nil packageForm := [entry,'$,:rest cat] package := evalSlotDomain(packageForm,dom) packageVec.i := package package ----old world table := HGET($Slot1DataBase,entry) or systemError nil (u := LASSQ(op,table)) and (v := or/[rest x for x in u | #sig = #x.0]) => packageForm := [entry,'$,:rest cat] package := evalSlotDomain(packageForm,dom) packageVec.i := package package nil not success => if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightlyNT '" not in: " pp (packageForm and devaluate package or entry) nil if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"candidate default package instantiated: ",success) success entry null package => nil if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"Looking at instantiated package ",package) res := basicLookup(op,sig,package,dollar) => if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly '"candidate default package succeeds" return res if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly '"candidate fails -- continuing to search categories" nil nrunNumArgCheck(num,bytevec,start,finish) == args := bytevec.start num = args => true (start := start + args + 4) = finish => nil nrunNumArgCheck(num,bytevec,start,finish) newLookupInCategories1(op,sig,dom,dollar) == $lookupDefaults : local := nil if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly concat('"----->", form2String devaluate dom,'"-----> searching default packages for ",op) predvec := dom.3 slot4 := dom.4 packageVec := first slot4 catVec := first rest slot4 --the next three lines can go away with new category world varList := ['$,:$FormalMapVariableList] valueList := [dom,:[dom.(5+i) for i in 1..(# rest dom.0)]] valueList := [MKQ val for val in valueList] nsig := MSUBST(dom.0,dollar.0,sig) for i in 0..MAXINDEX packageVec | (entry := packageVec.i) and (vector? entry or (predIndex := rest (node := catVec.i)) and (predIndex = 0 or testBitVector(predvec,predIndex))) repeat package := vector? entry => if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"already instantiated cat package",entry) entry IDENTP entry => cat := first node packageForm := nil if not GETL(entry,'LOADED) then loadLib entry infovec := GETL(entry,'infovec) success := vector? infovec => opvec := infovec.1 max := MAXINDEX opvec code := getOpCode(op,opvec,max) null code => nil byteVector := CDDR infovec.3 numOfArgs := byteVector.(opvec.code) numOfArgs ~= #sig.source => nil packageForm := [entry,'$,:rest cat] package := evalSlotDomain(packageForm,dom) packageVec.i := package package table := HGET($Slot1DataBase,entry) or systemError nil (u := LASSQ(op,table)) and (v := or/[rest x for x in u | #sig = #x.0]) => packageForm := [entry,'$,:rest cat] package := evalSlotDomain(packageForm,dom) packageVec.i := package package nil not success => if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightlyNT '" not in: " pp (packageForm and devaluate package or entry) nil if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"candidate default package instantiated: ",success) success entry null package => nil if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"Looking at instantiated package ",package) res := lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,package,dollar) => if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly '"candidate default package succeeds" return res if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly '"candidate fails -- continuing to search categories" nil --======================================================= -- Compare Signature to One Derived from Table --======================================================= newCompareSig(sig, numvec, index, dollar, domain) == k := index null (target := first sig) or lazyMatchArg(target,numvec.k,dollar,domain) => and/[lazyMatchArg(s,numvec.(k := i),dollar,domain) for s in rest sig for i in (index+1)..] => numvec.(k + 1) nil nil --======================================================= -- Compare Signature to One Derived from Table --======================================================= lazyMatchArg(s,a,dollar,domain) == lazyMatchArg2(s,a,dollar,domain,true) lazyMatchArg2(s,a,dollar,domain,typeFlag) == if s = '$ then -- a = 0 => return true --needed only if extra call in newGoGet to basicLookup s := devaluate dollar -- calls from HasCategory can have $s integer? a => not typeFlag => s = domain.a a = 6 and $isDefaultingPackage => s = devaluate dollar vector? (d := domainVal(dollar,domain,a)) => s = d.0 => true domainArg := ($isDefaultingPackage => domain.6.0; domain.0) KAR s = first d.0 and lazyMatchArgDollarCheck(replaceSharpCalls s,d.0,dollar.0,domainArg) --vector? first d => lazyMatch(s,CDDR d,dollar,domain) --old style (erase) lazyMatch(replaceSharpCalls s,d,dollar,domain) --new style a = '$ => s = devaluate dollar a = "$$" => s = devaluate domain string? a => string? s => a = s s is ['QUOTE,y] and PNAME y = a IDENTP s and symbolName s = a atom a => a = s op := opOf a op = 'NRTEVAL => s = nrtEval(second a,domain) op = 'QUOTE => s = second a lazyMatch(s,a,dollar,domain) --above line is temporarily necessary until system is compiled 8/15/90 --s = a ++ Return true if the symbol `s' designates a builtin constructor. builtinConstructor? s == s in $BuiltinConstructorNames ++ Return true if the symbol `s' designates a generalized builtin ++ constructor, that is a builtin constructor or any operator we ++ deem as a constructor from the domain slot-filling machinery perspective. generalizedBuiltinConstructor? s == builtinConstructor? s or s is "QUOTE" or s is "[||]" lazyMatch(source,lazyt,dollar,domain) == lazyt is [op,:argl] and cons? source and op=first source and #(sargl := rest source) = #argl => builtinConstructor? op and first argl is [":",:.] => and/[stag = atag and lazyMatchArg(s,a,dollar,domain) for [.,stag,s] in sargl for [.,atag,a] in argl] generalizedBuiltinConstructor? op => and/[lazyMatchArg(s,a,dollar,domain) for s in sargl for a in argl] coSig := getDualSignatureFromDB op null coSig => error ["bad Constructor op", op] and/[lazyMatchArg2(s,a,dollar,domain,flag) for s in sargl for a in argl for flag in rest coSig] string? source and lazyt is ['QUOTE,=source] => true integer? source => lazyt is ['_#, slotNum] => source = #(domain.slotNum) lazyt is ['%call,f,slotNum] and f in '(LENGTH %llength) => source = #(domain.slotNum) nil -- A hideous hack on the same lines as the previous four lines JHD/MCD source is ['construct,:l] => l = lazyt nil lazyMatchArgDollarCheck(s,d,dollarName,domainName) == #s ~= #d => nil scoSig := getDualSignatureFromDB opOf s or return nil if opOf s in '(Union Mapping Record) then scoSig := [true for x in s] and/[fn for x in rest s for arg in rest d for xt in rest scoSig] where fn() == x = arg => true x is ['elt,someDomain,opname] => lookupInDomainByName(opname,evalDomain someDomain,arg) x = '$ and (arg = dollarName or arg = domainName) => true x = dollarName and arg = domainName => true atom x or atom arg => false xt and first x = first arg => lazyMatchArgDollarCheck(x,arg,dollarName,domainName) false lookupInDomainByName(op,domain,arg) == atom arg => nil opvec := domain . 1 . 2 numvec := getDomainByteVector domain predvec := domain.3 max := MAXINDEX opvec k := getOpCode(op,opvec,max) or return nil maxIndex := MAXINDEX numvec start := opvec.k finish := QSGREATERP(max,k) => opvec.(QSPLUS(k,2)) maxIndex if QSGREATERP(finish,maxIndex) then systemError '"limit too large" success := false while finish > start repeat i := start numberOfArgs :=numvec.i predIndex := numvec.(i := i + 1) predIndex ~= 0 and not testBitVector(predvec,predIndex) => nil slotIndex := numvec.(i + 2 + numberOfArgs) newStart := QSPLUS(start,QSPLUS(numberOfArgs,4)) slot := domain.slotIndex cons? slot and sameObject?(first slot,first arg) and sameObject?(rest slot,rest arg) => return (success := true) start := QSPLUS(start,QSPLUS(numberOfArgs,4)) success --======================================================= -- Expand Signature from Encoded Slot Form --======================================================= newExpandGoGetTypeSlot(slot,dollar,domain) == newExpandTypeSlot(slot,domain,domain) newExpandTypeSlot(slot, dollar, domain) == -- returns domain form for dollar.slot newExpandLocalType(sigDomainVal(dollar, domain, slot), dollar,domain) newExpandLocalType(lazyt,dollar,domain) == vector? lazyt => lazyt.0 atom lazyt => lazyt lazyt is [vec,.,:lazyForm] and vector? vec => --old style newExpandLocalTypeForm(lazyForm,dollar,domain) newExpandLocalTypeForm(lazyt,dollar,domain) --new style newExpandLocalTypeForm([functorName,:argl],dollar,domain) == functorName in '(Record Union) and first argl is [":",:.] => [functorName,:[['_:,tag,newExpandLocalTypeArgs(dom,dollar,domain,true)] for [.,tag,dom] in argl]] functorName in '(Union Mapping _[_|_|_] Enumeration) => [functorName,:[newExpandLocalTypeArgs(a,dollar,domain,true) for a in argl]] functorName = "QUOTE" => [functorName,:argl] coSig := getDualSignatureFromDB functorName null coSig => error ["bad functorName", functorName] [functorName,:[newExpandLocalTypeArgs(a,dollar,domain,flag) for a in argl for flag in rest coSig]] newExpandLocalTypeArgs(u,dollar,domain,typeFlag) == u = '$ => u integer? u => typeFlag => newExpandTypeSlot(u, dollar,domain) domain.u u is ['NRTEVAL,y] => nrtEval(y,domain) u is ['QUOTE,y] => y u = "$$" => domain.0 atom u => u --can be first, rest, etc. newExpandLocalTypeForm(u,dollar,domain) nrtEval(expr,dom) == $:fluid := dom --??? this should be a substitute eval expr domainVal(dollar,domain,index) == --returns a domain or a lazy slot index = 0 => dollar index = 2 => domain domain.index -- ??? This function should be merged into the preceding one. sigDomainVal(dollar,domain,index) == --returns a domain or a lazy slot index = 0 => "$" index = 2 => domain domain.index --======================================================= -- Convert Lazy Domain to Domain Form --======================================================= lazyDomainSet(lazyForm,thisDomain,slot) == form := lazyForm is [vec,.,:u] and vector? vec => u --old style lazyForm --new style slotDomain := evalSlotDomain(form,thisDomain) if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1(concat(form2String devaluate thisDomain, '" activating lazy slot ",slot,'": "),slotDomain) name := first form vectorRef(thisDomain,slot) := slotDomain ++ Return a type form where all niladic constructors are ++ resolved to constructor calls. Note: it is assumed that no ++ such resolution has already occured. resolveNiladicConstructors form == IDENTP form and niladicConstructorFromDB form => [form] atom form => form form is ["QUOTE",:.] => form for args in tails rest form repeat args.first := resolveNiladicConstructors first args form --======================================================= -- HasCategory/Attribute --======================================================= -- PLEASE NOTE: This function has the rather charming side-effect that -- e.g. it works if domform is an Aldor Category. This is being used -- by extendscategoryForm in c-util to allow Aldor domains to be used -- in spad code. Please do not break this! An example is the use of -- Interval (an Aldor domain) by SIGNEF in limitps.spad. MCD. newHasTest(domform,catOrAtt) == domform is [dom,:.] and dom in '(Union Record Mapping Enumeration) => ofCategory(domform, catOrAtt) catOrAtt = '(Type) => true asharpConstructorFromDB opOf domform => fn(domform,catOrAtt) where -- atom (infovec := getInfovec opOf domform) => fn(domform,catOrAtt) where fn(a,b) == categoryForm?(a) => assoc(b, ancestorsOf(a, nil)) isPartialMode a => throwKeyedMsg("S2IS0025",NIL) b is ["SIGNATURE",:opSig] => HasSignature(evalDomain a,opSig) b is ["ATTRIBUTE",attr] => HasAttribute(evalDomain a,attr) hasCaty(a,b,NIL) ~= 'failed HasCategory(evalDomain a,b) => true -- for asharp domains: must return Boolean op := opOf catOrAtt isAtom := atom catOrAtt not isAtom and op = 'Join => and/[newHasTest(domform,x) for x in rest catOrAtt] -- we will refuse to say yes for 'Cat has Cat' --getConstructorKindFromDB opOf domform = "category" => throwKeyedMsg("S2IS0025",NIL) -- on second thoughts we won't! categoryForm? domform => domform = catOrAtt => 'T for [aCat,:cond] in [:ancestorsOf(domform,NIL),:SUBLISLIS (rest domform,$FormalMapVariableList,getConstructorAttributesFromDB(opOf domform))] | aCat = catOrAtt repeat return evalCond cond where evalCond x == atom x => x [pred,:l] := x pred = "has" => l is [ w1,['ATTRIBUTE,w2]] => newHasTest(w1,w2) l is [ w1,['SIGNATURE,:w2]] => compiledLookup(first w2,second w2, eval mkEvalable w1) newHasTest(first l ,second l) pred in '(OR or %or) => or/[evalCond i for i in l] pred in '(AND and %and) => and/[evalCond i for i in l] x not isAtom and categoryForm? catOrAtt => domain := eval mkEvalable domform newHasCategory(domain,catOrAtt) catOrAtt is [":",op,type] => sig := type is ["Mapping",:sig'] => for ts in tails sig' repeat ts.first := resolveNiladicConstructors first ts sig' -- a constant; make it look like op: () -> type [resolveNiladicConstructors type] HasSignature(evalDomain domform, [op,sig]) newHasAttribute(eval mkEvalable domform,catOrAtt) lazyMatchAssocV(x,auxvec,catvec,domain) == --new style slot4 n := MAXINDEX catvec xop := first x or/[auxvec.i for i in 0..n | xop = first (lazyt := vectorRef(catvec,i)) and lazyMatch(x,lazyt,domain,domain)] lazyMatchAssocV1(x,vec,domain) == --old style slot4 n := MAXINDEX vec xop := first x or/[rest vectorRef(vec,i) for i in 0..n | xop = first (lazyt := first vectorRef(vec,i)) and lazyMatch(x,lazyt,domain,domain)] --======================================================= -- Utility Functions --======================================================= sayLooking(prefix,op,sig,dom) == $monitorNewWorld := false dollar := devaluate dom atom dollar or vector? dollar or "or"/[vector? x for x in dollar] => systemError nil sayBrightly concat(prefix,formatOpSignature(op,sig),bright '"from ",form2String dollar) $monitorNewWorld := true sayLooking1(prefix,dom) == $monitorNewWorld := false dollar := vector? dom => devaluate dom devaluateList dom sayBrightly concat(prefix,form2String dollar) $monitorNewWorld := true cc() == -- don't remove this function clearConstructorCaches() clearClams()