-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2009, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import nrunopt import simpbool import profile import functor namespace BOOT ++ The base index for encoding items into a functor template ++ (e.g. domainShell). This is also the minimum length that a ++ template could possibly have. $NRTbase == 6 ++ $devaluateList := [] $functorLocalParameters := [] $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue := false ++ By default, don't generate info files $profileCompiler := false ++ $Slot1DataBase := MAKE_-HASHTABLE "ID" ++ $NRTdeltaList := [] $NRTdeltaLength := 0 ++ $NRTaddForm := nil ++ $NRTderivedTargetIfTrue := false $killOptimizeIfTrue := false NRTaddDeltaCode() == --NOTES: This function is called from buildFunctor to initially -- fill slots in $template. The $template so created is stored in the -- NRLIB. On load, makeDomainTemplate is called on this $template to -- create a template which becomes slot 0 of the infovec for the constructor. --The template has 6 kinds of entries: -- (1) formal arguments and local variables, represented by (QUOTE ) -- this conflicts by (5) but is ok since each is explicitly set by -- instantiator code; -- (2) domains, represented by lazy forms, e.g. (Foo 12 17 6) -- (3) latch slots, represented SPADCALLable forms which goGet an operation -- from a domain then cache the operation in the same slot -- (4) functions, represented by identifiers which are names of functions -- (5) identifiers/strings, parts of signatures (now parts of signatures -- now must all have slot numbers, represented by (QUOTE ) -- (6) constants, like 0 and 1, represented by (CONS .. ) form kvec := first $catvecList for i in $NRTbase.. for item in reverse $NRTdeltaList for compItem in reverse $NRTdeltaListComp |null (s:=kvec.i) repeat $template.i:= deltaTran(item,compItem) $template.5 := $NRTaddForm => $NRTaddForm is ["%Comma",:y] => nreverse y NRTencode($NRTaddForm,$addForm) nil deltaTran(item,compItem) == item is ['domain,lhs,:.] => NRTencode(lhs,compItem) --NOTE: all items but signatures are wrapped with domain forms [op,:modemap] := item [dcSig,[.,[kind,:.]]] := modemap [dc,:sig] := dcSig -- NOTE: sig is already in encoded form since it comes from $NRTdeltaList; -- so we need only encode dc. -- gdr 2008-11-28. dcCode := dc = '$ => 0 NRTassocIndex dc or keyedSystemError("S2NR0004",[dc]) kindFlag:= (kind = 'CONST => 'CONST; nil) [sig,dcCode,op,:kindFlag] NRTreplaceAllLocalReferences(form) == $devaluateList :local := [] NRTputInLocalReferences form NRTencode(x,y) == encode(x,y,true) where encode(x,compForm,firstTime) == --converts a domain form to a lazy domain form; everything other than --the operation name should be assigned a slot not firstTime and (k:= NRTassocIndex x) => k VECP x => systemErrorHere '"NRTencode" CONSP x => op := first x op = "Record" or x is ['Union,['_:,a,b],:.] => [op,:[['_:,a,encode(b,c,false)] for [.,a,b] in rest x for [.,=a,c] in rest compForm]] (x' := isQuasiquote x) => quasiquote encode(x',isQuasiquote compForm,false) IDENTP op and (constructor? op or op in '(Union Mapping)) => [op,:[encode(y,z,false) for y in rest x for z in rest compForm]] -- enumeration constants are like field names, they do not need -- to be encoded. op = "Enumeration" => x ["NRTEVAL",NRTreplaceAllLocalReferences COPY_-TREE lispize compForm] MEMQ(x,$formalArgList) => v := $FormalMapVariableList.(POSN1(x,$formalArgList)) firstTime => ["local",v] v x = "$" => x x = "$$" => x ['QUOTE,x] --------------FUNCTIONS CALLED DURING CAPSULE FUNCTION COMPILATION------------- listOfBoundVars form == -- Only called from the function genDeltaEntry below form = '$ => [] IDENTP form and (u:=get(form,'value,$e)) => u:=u.expr KAR u in '(Union Record) => listOfBoundVars u [form] atom form => [] first form = 'QUOTE => [] -- We don't want to pick up the tag, only the domain first form = ":" => listOfBoundVars third form first form = "Enumeration" => [] "union"/[listOfBoundVars x for x in rest form] optDeltaEntry(op,sig,dc,eltOrConst) == $killOptimizeIfTrue = true => nil ndc := dc = '$ => $functorForm atom dc and (dcval := get(dc,'value,$e)) => dcval.expr dc sig := MSUBST(ndc,dc,sig) not MEMQ(KAR ndc,$optimizableConstructorNames) => nil dcval := optCallEval ndc -- MSUBST guarantees to use EQUAL testing sig := MSUBST(devaluate dcval, ndc, sig) if rest ndc then for new in rest devaluate dcval for old in rest ndc repeat sig := MSUBST(new,old,sig) -- optCallEval sends (List X) to (LIst (Integer)) etc, -- so we should make the same transformation fn := compiledLookup(op,sig,dcval) if null fn then -- following code is to handle selectors like first, rest nsig := [quoteSelector tt for tt in sig] where quoteSelector(x) == not(IDENTP x) => x get(x,'value,$e) => x x='$ => x MKQ x fn := compiledLookup(op,nsig,dcval) if null fn then return nil eltOrConst="CONST" => ['XLAM,'ignore, SPADCALL fn] GETL(compileTimeBindingOf first fn,'SPADreplace) genDeltaEntry opMmPair == --called from compApplyModemap --$NRTdeltaLength=0.. always equals length of $NRTdeltaList [op,[dc,:sig],[.,cform:=[eltOrConst,.,nsig]]] := opMmPair if $profileCompiler = true then profileRecord(dc,op,sig) eltOrConst = 'XLAM => cform if eltOrConst = 'Subsumed then eltOrConst := 'ELT if atom dc then dc = "$" => nsig := sig if NUMBERP nsig then nsig := MSUBST("$",dc,substitute("$$","$",sig)) setDifference(listOfBoundVars dc,$functorLocalParameters) ~= [] => ['applyFun,['compiledLookupCheck,MKQ op, mkList consSig(nsig,dc),consDomainForm(dc,nil)]] odc := dc if not atom dc then dc := substitute("$$","$",dc) opModemapPair := [op,[dc,:[NRTgetLocalIndex x for x in nsig]],["T",cform]] -- force pred to T if null NRTassocIndex dc and (member(dc,$functorLocalParameters) or not atom dc) then --create "domain" entry to $NRTdeltaList $NRTdeltaList:= [['domain,NRTaddInner dc,:dc],:$NRTdeltaList] saveNRTdeltaListComp:= $NRTdeltaListComp:=[nil,:$NRTdeltaListComp] $NRTdeltaLength := $NRTdeltaLength+1 compEntry:= (compOrCroak(odc,$EmptyMode,$e)).expr RPLACA(saveNRTdeltaListComp,compEntry) u := [eltOrConst,'$,$NRTbase+$NRTdeltaLength-index] where index() == (n:= POSN1(opModemapPair,$NRTdeltaList)) => n + 1 --n + 1 since $NRTdeltaLength is 1 too large $NRTdeltaList:= [opModemapPair,:$NRTdeltaList] $NRTdeltaListComp:=[nil,:$NRTdeltaListComp] $NRTdeltaLength := $NRTdeltaLength+1 0 impl := optDeltaEntry(op,nsig,odc,eltOrConst) => impl u ++ Return the slot number (within the template vector of the functor ++ being compiled) of the domain or value referenced by the form `x'. ++ Otherwise, return nil this is the first time `x' is referenced, or ++ if `x' designates neither a domain nor a value (e.g. a modemap). NRTassocIndex: %Form -> %Maybe %Short NRTassocIndex x == null x => x x = $NRTaddForm => 5 k := or/[i for i in 1.. for y in $NRTdeltaList | first y = "domain" and second y = x] => $NRTbase + $NRTdeltaLength - k nil NRTgetLocalIndex: %Form -> %Short NRTgetLocalIndex item == k := NRTassocIndex item => k item = "$" => 0 item = "$$" => 2 value:= atom item => MEMQ(item,$formalArgList) => item nil atom item and null value => --give slots to atoms $NRTdeltaList:= [['domain,NRTaddInner item,:value],:$NRTdeltaList] $NRTdeltaListComp:=[item,:$NRTdeltaListComp] index := $NRTbase + $NRTdeltaLength -- slot number to return $NRTdeltaLength := $NRTdeltaLength+1 index -- when assigning slot to flag values, we don't really want to -- compile them. Rather, we want to record them as if they were atoms. flag := isQuasiquote item $NRTdeltaList:= [['domain, NRTaddInner item,:value], :$NRTdeltaList] -- remember the item's place in the `delta list' and its slot number -- before the recursive call to the compiler, as that might generate -- more references that would extend the `delta list'. saveNRTdeltaListComp:= $NRTdeltaListComp:=[nil,:$NRTdeltaListComp] saveIndex := $NRTbase + $NRTdeltaLength $NRTdeltaLength := $NRTdeltaLength+1 compEntry:= -- we don't need to compile the flag again. -- ??? In fact we should not be compiling again at this phase. -- ??? That we do is likely a bug. flag => item (compOrCroak(item,$EmptyMode,$e)).expr -- item RPLACA(saveNRTdeltaListComp,compEntry) saveIndex NRTassignCapsuleFunctionSlot(op,sig) == --called from compDefineCapsuleFunction opSig := [op,sig] [.,.,implementation] := NRTisExported? opSig or return nil --if opSig is not exported, it is local and need not be assigned if $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue then sig := substitute('$,second($functorForm),sig) sig := [NRTgetLocalIndex x for x in sig] opModemapPair := [op,['_$,:sig],["T",implementation]] POSN1(opModemapPair,$NRTdeltaList) => nil --already there $NRTdeltaList:= [opModemapPair,:$NRTdeltaList] $NRTdeltaListComp := [nil,:$NRTdeltaListComp] $NRTdeltaLength := $NRTdeltaLength+1 ++ NRTaddInner should call following function instead of NRTgetLocalIndex ++ This would prevent putting spurious items in $NRTdeltaList NRTinnerGetLocalIndex x == atom x => x -- following test should skip Unions, Records, Mapping op := first x op in '(Union Record Mapping Enumeration _[_|_|_]) => NRTgetLocalIndex x constructor? op => NRTgetLocalIndex x NRTaddInner x NRTaddInner x == --called by genDeltaEntry and others that affect $NRTdeltaList PROGN atom x => nil x is ['Record,:l] => for [.,.,y] in l repeat NRTinnerGetLocalIndex y first x in '(Union Mapping _[_|_|_]) => for y in rest x repeat y is [":",.,z] => NRTinnerGetLocalIndex z NRTinnerGetLocalIndex y x is ['SubDomain,y,:.] => NRTinnerGetLocalIndex y getConstructorSignature first x is [.,:ml] => for y in rest x for m in ml | not (y = '$) repeat isCategoryForm(m,$CategoryFrame) => NRTinnerGetLocalIndex y x is ["Enumeration",:.] => for y in rest x repeat NRTinnerGetLocalIndex y keyedSystemError("S2NR0003",[x]) x NRTisExported? opSig == or/[u for u in $domainShell.1 | u.0 = opSig] consOpSig(op,sig,dc) == if not atom op then keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"consOpSig",'"bad operator in table"]) mkList [MKQ op,mkList consSig(sig,dc)] consSig(sig,dc) == [consDomainName(sigpart,dc) for sigpart in sig] consDomainName(x,dc) == x = dc => ''$ x = '$ => ''$ x = "$$" => ['devaluate,'$] x is [op,:argl] => (op = 'Record) or (op = 'Union and argl is [[":",:.],:.]) => mkList [MKQ op, :[['LIST,MKQ '_:,MKQ tag,consDomainName(dom,dc)] for [.,tag,dom] in argl]] isFunctor op or op = 'Mapping or constructor? op => -- call to constructor? needed if op was compiled in $bootStrapMode mkList [MKQ op,:[consDomainName(y,dc) for y in argl]] substitute('$,"$$",x) x = [] => x (y := LASSOC(x,$devaluateList)) => y k:=NRTassocIndex x => ['devaluate,['ELT,'$,k]] get(x,'value,$e) => isDomainForm(x,$e) => ['devaluate,x] x MKQ x consDomainForm(x,dc) == x = '$ => '$ x is [op,:argl] => op = ":" and argl is [tag, value] => [op, tag, consDomainForm(value,dc)] [op,:[consDomainForm(y,dc) for y in argl]] x = [] => x (y := LASSOC(x,$devaluateList)) => y k:=NRTassocIndex x => ['ELT,'$,k] get(x,'value,$e) or get(x,'mode,$e) => x MKQ x ++ Called by buildFunctor fill $template slots with names ++ of compiled functions NRTdescendCodeTran(u,condList) == null u => nil u is ['LIST] => nil u is [op,.,i,a] and op in '(setShellEntry SETELT QSETREFV) => null condList and a is ['CONS,fn,:.] => RPLACA(u,'LIST) RPLACD(u,nil) $template.i := fn = 'IDENTITY => a fn is ['dispatchFunction,fn'] => fn' fn nil --code for this will be generated by the instantiator u is ['COND,:c] => for [pred,:y] in c|y repeat NRTdescendCodeTran(first y,[pred,:condList]) u is ['PROGN,:c] => for x in c repeat NRTdescendCodeTran(x,condList) nil buildFunctor($definition is [name,:args],sig,code,$locals,$e) == --PARAMETERS -- $definition: constructor form, e.g. (SquareMatrix 10 (RationalNumber)) -- sig: signature of constructor form -- code: result of "doIt", converting body of capsule to CodeDefine forms, e.g. -- (PROGN (%LET Rep ...) -- (: (ListOf x y) $) -- (CodeDefine ( )) -- (COND ((HasCategory $ ...) (PROGN ...))) ..) -- $locals: list of variables to go into slot 5, e.g. (R Rep R,1 R,2 R,3 R,4) -- same as $functorLocalParameters -- this list is not augmented by this function -- $e: environment --GLOBAL VARIABLES REFERENCED: -- $domainShell: passed in from compDefineFunctor1 -- $QuickCode: compilation flag if code is ['add,.,newstuff] then code := newstuff changeDirectoryInSlot1() --this extends $NRTslot1PredicateList --pp '"==================" --for item in $NRTdeltaList repeat pp item --LOCAL BOUND FLUID VARIABLES: $GENNO: local:= 0 --bound in compDefineFunctor1, then as parameter here $catvecList: local := nil --list of vectors v1..vn for each view $hasCategoryAlist: local := nil --list of GENSYMs bound to (HasCategory ..) items $catNames: local := nil --list of names n1..nn for each view $catsig: local := nil --target category (used in ProcessCond) $SetFunctions: local := nil --copy of p view with preds telling when fnct defined $ConstantAssignments: local := nil --code for creation of constants $epilogue: local := nil --code to set slot 5, things to be done last $HackSlot4: local := nil --Invention of JHD 13/July/86-set in InvestigateConditions $extraParms:local := nil --Set in DomainSubstitutionFunction, used in setVector12 $devaluateList: local := nil --Bound to ((#1 . dv$1)..) where &1 := devaluate #1 later $devaluateList:= [[arg,:b] for arg in args for b in $ModeVariableList] $supplementaries: local := nil --set in InvestigateConditions to represent any additional --category membership tests that may be needed(see buildFunctor for details) ------------------------ oldtime:= TEMPUS_-FUGIT() [$catsig,:argsig]:= sig catvecListMaker:=REMDUP [(comp($catsig,$EmptyMode,$e)).expr, :[compCategories first u for u in second $domainShell.4]] condCats:= InvestigateConditions [$catsig,:rest catvecListMaker] -- a list, one %for each element of catvecListMaker -- indicating under what conditions this -- category should be present. true => always makeCatvecCode:= first catvecListMaker emptyVector := VECTOR() domainShell := newShell ($NRTbase + $NRTdeltaLength) for i in 0..4 repeat domainShell.i := $domainShell.i --we will clobber elements; copy since $domainShell may be a cached vector $template := newShell ($NRTbase + $NRTdeltaLength) $catvecList:= [domainShell,:[emptyVector for u in second domainShell.4]] $catNames := ['$] -- for DescendCode -- to be changed below for slot 4 $SetFunctions:= newShell SIZE domainShell $catNames:= ['$,:[GENVAR() for u in rest catvecListMaker]] domname:='dv_$ --> Do this now to create predicate vector; then DescendCode can refer --> to predicate vector if it can [$uncondAlist,:$condAlist] := --bound in compDefineFunctor1 NRTsetVector4Part1($catNames,catvecListMaker,condCats) [$NRTslot1PredicateList,predBitVectorCode1,:predBitVectorCode2] := makePredicateBitVector [:ASSOCRIGHT $condAlist,:$NRTslot1PredicateList] storeOperationCode:= DescendCode(code,true,nil,first $catNames) NRTaddDeltaCode() storeOperationCode:= NRTputInLocalReferences storeOperationCode NRTdescendCodeTran(storeOperationCode,nil) --side effects storeOperationCode codePart2:= argStuffCode := [[$setelt,'$,i,v] for i in $NRTbase.. for v in $FormalMapVariableList for arg in rest $definition] if MEMQ($NRTaddForm,$locals) then addargname := $FormalMapVariableList.(POSN1($NRTaddForm,$locals)) argStuffCode := [[$setelt,'$,5,addargname],:argStuffCode] [['stuffDomainSlots,'$],:argStuffCode, :predBitVectorCode2,storeOperationCode] $CheckVectorList := NRTcheckVector domainShell --CODE: part 1 codePart1:= [:devaluateCode,createDomainCode, createViewCode,setVector0Code, slot3Code,:slamCode] where devaluateCode:= [["%LET",b,['devaluate,a]] for [a,:b] in $devaluateList] createDomainCode:= ["%LET",domname,['LIST,MKQ first $definition,:ASSOCRIGHT $devaluateList]] createViewCode:= ["%LET",'$,["newShell", $NRTbase + $NRTdeltaLength]] setVector0Code:=[$setelt,'$,0,'dv_$] slot3Code := ["setShellEntry",'$,3,["%LET",'pv_$,predBitVectorCode1]] slamCode:= isCategoryPackageName opOf $definition => nil [NRTaddToSlam($definition,'$)] --CODE: part 3 $ConstantAssignments := [NRTputInLocalReferences code for code in $ConstantAssignments] codePart3:= [:constantCode1, :constantCode2,:epilogue] where constantCode1:= name='Integer => $ConstantAssignments nil -- The above line is needed to get the recursion -- Integer => FontTable => NonNegativeInteger => Integer -- right. Otherwise NNI has 'unset' for 0 and 1 -- setVector4c:= setVector4part3($catNames,$catvecList) -- In particular, setVector4part3 and setVector5, -- which generate calls to local domain-instantiators, -- must come after operations are set in the vector. -- The symptoms of getting this wrong are that -- operations are not set which should be constantCode2:= --matches previous test on Integer name='Integer => nil $ConstantAssignments epilogue:= $epilogue ans := ['PROGN,:optFunctorPROGN [:codePart1,:codePart2,:codePart3], '$] $getDomainCode:= nil --if we didn't kill this, DEFINE would insert it in the wrong place ans:= minimalise ans SAY ['"time taken in buildFunctor: ",TEMPUS_-FUGIT()-oldtime] ans NRTcheckVector domainShell == --RETURNS: an alist (((op,sig),:pred) ...) of missing functions alist := nil for i in $NRTbase..MAXINDEX domainShell repeat --Vector elements can be one of -- (a) T -- item was marked -- (b) NIL -- item is a domain; will be filled in by setVector4part3 -- (c) categoryForm-- it was a domain view; now irrelevant -- (d) op-signature-- store missing function info in $CheckVectorList v := domainShell.i v=true => nil --item is marked; ignore v=nil => nil --a domain, which setVector4part3 will fill in atom v => systemErrorHere '"CheckVector" atom first v => nil --category form; ignore assoc(first v,alist) => nil alist := [[first v,:$SetFunctions.i],:alist] alist mkDomainCatName id == INTERN STRCONC(id,";CAT") NRTsetVector4(siglist,formlist,condlist) == $uncondList: local := nil $condList: local := nil $count: local := 0 for sig in reverse siglist for form in reverse formlist for cond in reverse condlist repeat NRTsetVector4a(sig,form,cond) $lisplibCategoriesExtended:= [$uncondList,:$condList] code := ['mapConsDB,MKQ reverse REMDUP $uncondList] if $condList then localVariable := GENSYM() code := [["%LET",localVariable,code]] for [pred,list] in $condList repeat code := [['COND,[pred,["%LET",localVariable, ['mergeAppend,['mapConsDB,MKQ list],localVariable]]]], :code] code := ['PROGN,:nreverse [['NREVERSE,localVariable],:code]] g := GENSYM() [$setelt,'$,4,['PROG2,["%LET",g,code], ['VECTOR,['catList2catPackageList,g],g]]] NRTsetVector4Part1(siglist,formlist,condlist) == $uncondList: local := nil $condList: local := nil $count: local := 0 for sig in reverse siglist for form in reverse formlist for cond in reverse condlist repeat NRTsetVector4a(sig,form,cond) reducedUncondlist := REMDUP $uncondList reducedConlist := [[x,:y] for [x,z] in $condList| y := SETDIFFERENCE(z,reducedUncondlist)] revCondlist := reverseCondlist reducedConlist orCondlist := [[x,:MKPF(y,'OR)] for [x,:y] in revCondlist] [reducedUncondlist,:orCondlist] reverseCondlist cl == alist := nil for [x,:y] in cl repeat for z in y repeat u := assoc(z,alist) null u => alist := [[z,x],:alist] member(x,rest u) => nil RPLACD(u,[x,:rest u]) alist NRTsetVector4Part2(uncondList,condList) == $lisplibCategoriesExtended:= [uncondList,:condList] code := ['mapConsDB,MKQ reverse REMDUP uncondList] if condList then localVariable := GENSYM() code := [["%LET",localVariable,code]] for [pred,list] in condList repeat code := [['COND,[predicateBitRef SUBLIS($pairlis,pred),["%LET",localVariable, ['mergeAppend,['mapConsDB,MKQ list],localVariable]]]], :code] code := ['PROGN,:nreverse [['NREVERSE,localVariable],:code]] g := GENSYM() [$setelt,'$,4,['PROG2,["%LET",g,code], ['VECTOR,['catList2catPackageList,g],g]]] mergeAppend(l1,l2) == atom l1 => l2 member(QCAR l1,l2) => mergeAppend(QCDR l1, l2) CONS(QCAR l1, mergeAppend(QCDR l1, l2)) catList2catPackageList u == --converts ((Set) (Module R) ...) to ((Set& $) (Module& $ R)...) [fn x for x in u] where fn [op,:argl] == newOp := INTERN(STRCONC(PNAME op,"&")) addConsDB [newOp,"$",:argl] NRTsetVector4a(sig,form,cond) == sig = '$ => domainList := [optimize COPY KAR comp(d,$EmptyMode,$e) or d for d in $domainShell.4.0] $uncondList := append(domainList,$uncondList) if isCategoryForm(form,$e) then $uncondList := [form,:$uncondList] $uncondList evalform := eval mkEvalableCategoryForm form cond = true => $uncondList := [form,:append(evalform.4.0,$uncondList)] $condList := [[cond,[form,:evalform.4.0]],:$condList] NRTmakeSlot1Info() == -- 4 cases: -- a:T == b add c --- slot1 directory has #s for entries defined in c -- a:T == b --- slot1 has all slot #s = NIL (see compFunctorBody) -- a == b add c --- not allowed (line 7 of getTargetFromRhs) -- a == b --- $NRTderivedTargetIfTrue = true; set directory to NIL pairlis := $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => [:argl,dollarName] := rest $form [[dollarName,:'_$],:mkSlot1sublis argl] mkSlot1sublis rest $form $lisplibOpAlist := transformOperationAlist SUBLIS(pairlis,$domainShell.1) opList := $NRTderivedTargetIfTrue => 'derived $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue => slot1Filter $lisplibOpAlist $lisplibOpAlist addList := SUBLIS(pairlis,$NRTaddForm) [first $form,[addList,:opList]] mkSlot1sublis argl == [[a,:b] for a in argl for b in $FormalMapVariableList] slot1Filter opList == --include only those ops which are defined within the capsule [u for x in opList | u := fn x] where fn [op,:l] == u := [entry for entry in l | INTEGERP second entry] => [op,:u] nil NRToptimizeHas u == --u is a list ((pred cond)...) -- see optFunctorBody --produces an alist: (((HasCategory a b) . GENSYM)...) u is [a,:b] => a='HasCategory => LASSOC(u,$hasCategoryAlist) or $hasCategoryAlist := [[u,:(y:=GENSYM())],:$hasCategoryAlist] y a="has" => NRToptimizeHas ['HasCategory,first b,MKQ second b] a = 'QUOTE => u [NRToptimizeHas a,:NRToptimizeHas b] u NRTaddToSlam([name,:argnames],shell) == $mutableDomain => return nil null argnames => addToConstructorCache(name,nil,shell) args:= ['LIST,:ASSOCRIGHT $devaluateList] addToConstructorCache(name,args,shell) changeDirectoryInSlot1() == --called by buildFunctor --3 cases: -- if called inside buildFunctor, $NRTdeltaLength gives different locs -- otherwise called from compFunctorBody (all lookups are forwarded): -- $NRTdeltaList = nil ===> all slot numbers become nil $lisplibOperationAlist := [sigloc entry for entry in $domainShell.1] where sigloc [opsig,pred,fnsel] == if pred ~= 'T then pred := simpBool pred $NRTslot1PredicateList := insert(pred,$NRTslot1PredicateList) fnsel is [op,a,:.] and (op = 'ELT or op = 'CONST) => if $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue then opsig := substitute('$,second($functorForm),opsig) [opsig,pred,[op,a,vectorLocation(first opsig,second opsig)]] [opsig,pred,fnsel] sortedOplist := listSort(function GLESSEQP, COPY_-LIST $lisplibOperationAlist,function second) $lastPred: local := false $newEnv: local := $e $domainShell.1 := [fn entry for entry in sortedOplist] where fn [[op,sig],pred,fnsel] == if $lastPred ~= pred then $newEnv := deepChaseInferences(pred,$e) $lastPred := pred newfnsel := fnsel is ['Subsumed,op1,sig1] => ['Subsumed,op1,genSlotSig(sig1,$newEnv)] fnsel [[op, genSlotSig(sig,$newEnv)] ,pred,newfnsel] genSlotSig(sig,$e) == [NRTgetLocalIndex t for t in sig] deepChaseInferences(pred,$e) == pred is ['AND,:preds] or pred is ['and,:preds] => for p in preds repeat $e := deepChaseInferences(p,$e) $e pred is ['OR,pred1,:.] or pred is ['or,pred1,:.] => deepChaseInferences(pred1,$e) pred is 'T or pred is ['NOT,:.] or pred is ['not,:.] => $e chaseInferences(pred,$e) vectorLocation(op,sig) == u := or/[i for i in 1.. for u in $NRTdeltaList | u is [=op,[='$,: xsig],:.] and sig=NRTsubstDelta(xsig) ] u => $NRTdeltaLength - u + $NRTbase nil -- this signals that calls should be forwarded NRTsubstDelta(initSig) == sig := [replaceSlotTypes s for s in initSig] where replaceSlotTypes(t) == atom t => not INTEGERP t => t t = 0 => '$ t = 2 => '_$_$ t = 5 => $NRTaddForm u:= $NRTdeltaList.($NRTdeltaLength+5-t) first u = 'domain => second u error "bad $NRTdeltaList entry" first t in '(Mapping Union Record _:) => [first t,:[replaceSlotTypes(x) for x in rest t]] t mapConsDB x == [addConsDB y for y in x] addConsDB x == min x where min x == y:=HGET($consDB,x) y => y CONSP x => for z in tails x repeat u:=min first z if not EQ(u,first z) then RPLACA(z,u) HashCheck x REFVECP x => for i in 0..MAXINDEX x repeat x.i:=min (x.i) HashCheck x STRINGP x => HashCheck x x HashCheck x == y:=HGET($consDB,x) y => y HPUT($consDB,x,x) x x -----------------------------SLOT1 DATABASE------------------------------------ updateSlot1DataBase [name,info] == HPUT($Slot1DataBase,name,info) NRTputInLocalReferences bod == $elt: local := "getShellEntry" NRTputInHead bod NRTputInHead bod == atom bod => bod bod is ['SPADCALL,:args,fn] => NRTputInTail rest bod --NOTE: args = COPY of rest bod -- The following test allows function-returning expressions fn is [elt,dom,ind] and not (dom='$) and elt in '(getShellEntry ELT QREFELT CONST) => k:= NRTassocIndex dom => RPLACA(LASTNODE bod,[$elt,'_$,k]) nil NRTputInHead fn bod bod is ["COND",:clauses] => for cc in clauses repeat NRTputInTail cc bod bod is ["QUOTE",:.] => bod bod is ["CLOSEDFN",:.] => bod bod is ["SPADCONST",dom,ind] => keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"NRTputInHead", '"unexpected SPADCONST form"]) NRTputInHead first bod NRTputInTail rest bod bod NRTputInTail x == for y in tails x repeat atom (u := first y) => u='$ or LASSOC(u,$devaluateList) => nil k:= NRTassocIndex u => atom u => RPLACA(y,[$elt,'_$,k]) -- u atomic means that the slot will always contain a vector RPLACA(y,['SPADCHECKELT,'_$,k]) --this reference must check that slot is a vector nil NRTputInHead u x