;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; PURPOSE: This file sets up properties which are used by the Boot lexical ; analyzer for bottom-up recognition of operators. Also certain ; other character-class definitions are included, as well as ; table accessing functions. ; ; ORGANIZATION: Each section is organized in terms of Creation and Access code. ; ; 1. Led and Nud Tables ; 2. GLIPH Table ; 3. RENAMETOK Table ; 4. GENERIC Table ; 5. Character syntax class predicates ; **** 1. LED and NUD Tables ; ** TABLE PURPOSE ; Led and Nud have to do with operators. An operator with a Led property takes ; an operand on its left (infix/suffix operator). ; An operator with a Nud takes no operand on its left (prefix/nilfix). ; Some have both (e.g. - ). This terminology is from the Pratt parser. ; The translator for Scratchpad II is a modification of the Pratt parser which ; branches to special handlers when it is most convenient and practical to ; do so (Pratt's scheme cannot handle local contexts very easily). ; Both LEDs and NUDs have right and left binding powers. This is meaningful ; for prefix and infix operators. These powers are stored as the values of ; the LED and NUD properties of an atom, if the atom has such a property. ; The format is: ; <Operator Left-Binding-Power Right-Binding-Power <Special-Handler>> ; where the Special-Handler is the name of a function to be evaluated when that ; keyword is encountered. ; The default values of Left and Right Binding-Power are NIL. NIL is a ; legitimate value signifying no precedence. If the Special-Handler is NIL, ; this is just an ordinary operator (as opposed to a surfix operator like ; if-then-else). (IMPORT-MODULE "macros") (in-package "BOOT") ; ** TABLE CREATION (defparameter OpAssoc nil "Information used by OUT BOOT operator pretty printing routines") (defun MAKENEWOP (X Y) (MAKEOP X Y '|PARSE-NewKEY|)) (defun MAKEOP (X Y KEYNAME) (if (OR (NOT (CDR X)) (NUMBERP (SECOND X))) (SETQ X (CONS (FIRST X) X))) (if (AND (alpha-char-p (ELT (STRINGIMAGE (FIRST X)) 0)) (NOT (MEMBER (FIRST X) (EVAL KEYNAME)))) (SET KEYNAME (CONS (FIRST X) (EVAL KEYNAME)))) (MAKEPROP (FIRST X) Y X) (SETQ OPASSOC (ADDASSOC Y (CONS (CONS X X) (LASSOC Y OPASSOC)) OPASSOC)) (SECOND X)) (defvar |PARSE-NewKEY| nil) ;;list of keywords (mapcar #'(LAMBDA(J) (MAKENEWOP J '|Led|)) '((* 800 801) (|rem| 800 801) (|mod| 800 801) (|quo| 800 801) (|div| 800 801) (/ 800 801) (** 900 901) (^ 900 901) (|exquo| 800 801) (+ 700 701) (\- 700 701) (\-\> 1001 1002) (\<\- 1001 1002) (\: 996 997) (\:\: 996 997) (\@ 996 997) (|pretend| 995 996) (\.) (\! \! 1002 1001) (\, 110 111) (\; 81 82 (|PARSE-SemiColon|)) (\< 400 400) (\> 400 400) (\<\< 400 400) (\>\> 400 400) (\<= 400 400) (\>= 400 400) (= 400 400) (^= 400 400) (\~= 400 400) (|in| 400 400) (|case| 400 400) (|add| 400 120) (|with| 2000 400 (|PARSE-InfixWith|)) (|has| 400 400) (|where| 121 104) ; must be 121 for SPAD, 126 for boot--> nboot (|when| 112 190) (|otherwise| 119 190 (|PARSE-Suffix|)) (|is| 400 400) (|isnt| 400 400) (|and| 250 251) (|or| 200 201) (/\\ 250 251) (\\/ 200 201) (\.\. SEGMENT 401 699 (|PARSE-Seg|)) (=\> 123 103) (+-\> 998 102) (== DEF 122 121) (==\> MDEF 122 121) (\| 108 111) ;was 190 190 (\:- LETD 125 124) (\:= LET 125 124))) (mapcar #'(LAMBDA (J) (MAKENEWOP J `|Nud|)) '((|for| 130 350 (|PARSE-Loop|)) (|while| 130 190 (|PARSE-Loop|)) (|until| 130 190 (|PARSE-Loop|)) (|repeat| 130 190 (|PARSE-Loop|)) (|import| 120 0 (|PARSE-Import|) ) (|unless|) (|add| 900 120) (|with| 1000 300 (|PARSE-With|)) (|has| 400 400) (\- 701 700) ; right-prec. wants to be -1 + left-prec ;; (\+ 701 700) (\# 999 998) (\! 1002 1001) (\' 999 999 (|PARSE-Data|)) (\<\< 122 120 (|PARSE-LabelExpr|)) (\>\>) (^ 260 259 NIL) (\-\> 1001 1002) (\: 194 195) (|not| 260 259 NIL) (\~ 260 259 nil) (\= 400 700) (|return| 202 201 (|PARSE-Return|)) (|leave| 202 201 (|PARSE-Leave|)) (|exit| 202 201 (|PARSE-Exit|)) (|from|) (|iterate|) (|yield|) (|if| 130 0 (|PARSE-Conditional|)) ; was 130 (\| 0 190) (|suchthat|) (|then| 0 114) (|else| 0 114))) ;; Gliphs are symbol clumps. The gliph property of a symbol gives ;; the tree describing the tokens which begin with that symbol. ;; The token reader uses the gliph property to determine the longest token. ;; Thus `:=' is read as one token not as `:' followed by `='. (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (makeprop (car x) 'gliph (cdr x))) `( ( \| (\)) (]) ) ( * (*) ) ( \( (<) (\|) ) ( + (- (>)) ) ( - (>) ) ( < (=) (<) ) ;; ( / (\\) ) breaks */xxx ( \\ (/) ) ( > (=) (>) (\))) ( = (= (>)) (>) ) ( \. (\.) ) ( ^ (=) ) ( \~ (=) ) ( [ (\|) ) ( \: (=) (-) (\:)))) ;; RENAMETOK defines alternate token strings which can be used for different ;; keyboards which define equivalent tokens. (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'RENAMETOK (CADR X)) (MAKENEWOP X NIL)) '((\(\| \[) ; (| |) means [] (\|\) \]) (\(< \{) ; (< >) means {} (>\) \}))) ;; GENERIC operators be suffixed by `$' qualifications in SPAD code. ;; `$' is then followed by a domain label, such as I for Integer, which ;; signifies which domain the operator refers to. For example `+$Integer' ;; is `+' for Integers. (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (MAKEPROP X 'GENERIC 'TRUE)) '(- = * |rem| |mod| |quo| |div| / ** |exquo| + - < > <= >= ^= )) (defun SPECIALCASESYNTAX () (OR (AND (char= TOK '#\#) (DIGITP CHR)))) (defun TERMINATOR (CHR) (member CHR '(#\ #\( #\) #\. #\; #\, #\Return)) :test #'char=)