-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. d03edf() == htInitPage('"D03EDF - Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by a multigrid technique ",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXd03edf} for this routine ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|d03edf| '|NagPartialDifferentialEquationsPackage|)} for this routine") (text . "\newline \horizontalline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "D03EDF solves, by multigrid iteration, the seven point scheme ") (text . "\newline \htbitmap{d03edf} \newline which arises from the ") (text . "discretization of an elliptic partial differential equation of ") (text . "the form \center{\htbitmap{d03edf1}} and its boundary conditions") (text . ", defined on a rectangular region. This we can write in matrix ") (text . "form as \newline \center{{\it Au =f}}") (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "Read the input file to see the example program. ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\spadcommand{)read d03edf \bound{s0}} ") (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "If you would like to enter a problem, ") (text . "how would you like to input the matrices? ") (radioButtons matrix ("" " By entering individual entries" long) ("" " By entering matrix names already defined on the command line" short))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'd03edfControl) htShowPage() d03edfControl(htPage) == type := htpButtonValue(htPage,'matrix) if (type = 'long) then d03edfLong() else d03edfShort() d03edfLong() == htInitPage('"D03EDF - Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by a multigrid technique ",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Number of interior grid points in the {\it x}-direction ") (text . "{\it ngx}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 3 ngx PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Number of interior grid points in the {\it y}-direction ") (text . "{\it ngy}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 3 ngy PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "First dimension of A, {\it lda}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 22 lda PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Maximum permitted number of multigrid iterations, {\it maxit}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 1 maxit PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Tolerance required, {\it acc}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "1.0e-4" acc F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\newline Output of printed information for routine {\it iout}:") (radioButtons iout ("" " 0 - no output" zero) ("" " 1 - the solution \htbitmap{uij} {\it i} = 1,2,...,NGX; {\it j} = 1,2,...,NGY" one) ("" " 2 - residual 2-norm after each iteration " two) ("" " 3 - as for iout = 1 & iout = 2" three) ("" " 4 - as for iout = 3, plus the final residual" four) ("" " 5 - as for iout = 4, plus initial elements of A & RHS" five) ("" " 6 - as for iout = 5, plus Galerkin coarse grid approximations" six) ("" " 7 - as for iout = 6, plus the incomplete Crout decompositions" seven) ("" " 8 - as for iout = 7, plus the residual after each iteration" eight)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\newline Ifail value:") (radioButtons ifail ("" " -1, Print error messages" ifail_minusOne) ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" ifail_one))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'd03edfSolve) htShowPage() d03edfSolve htPage == ngx := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ngx) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ngx) ngy := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ngy) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ngy) lda := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lda) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lda) maxit := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'maxit) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'maxit) acc := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'acc) control := htpButtonValue(htPage,'iout) iout := control = 'zero => '0 control = 'one => '1 control = 'two => '2 control = 'three => '3 control = 'four => '4 control = 'five => '5 control = 'six => '6 control = 'seven => '7 '8 error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail) ifail := error = 'ifail_one => '1 '-1 aList := "append"/[fa(i) for i in 1..lda] where fa(i) == labelList := "append"/[fb(i,j) for j in 1..7] where fb(i,j) == anam := INTERN STRCONC ('"a",STRINGIMAGE i,STRINGIMAGE j) [['bcStrings,[5, 0, anam, 'F]]] prefix := ('"\newline ") labelList := [['text,:prefix],:labelList] middle := ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Enter the matrix ") middle := STRCONC(middle,'"{\it rhs(lda)}: \newline ") rList := "append"/[fc(i) for i in 1..lda] where fc(i) == rnam := INTERN STRCONC ('"r",STRINGIMAGE i) [['bcStrings,[6, "0.0", rnam, 'F]]] rList := [['text,:middle],:rList] mid:= ('"\blankline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Enter the matrix ") mid := STRCONC(mid,'" {\it ub(ngx*ngy)}: \newline ") uList := "append"/[fd(i) for i in 1..(ngx*ngy)] where fd(i) == unam := INTERN STRCONC ('"u",STRINGIMAGE i) [['bcStrings,[6, 0, unam, 'F]]] uList := [['text,:mid],:uList] equationPart := [ '(domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain S (String)) (isDomain F (Float)) (isDomain I (Integer))), :aList,:rList,:uList] page := htInitPage('"D03EDF - Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by a multigrid technique ",nil) htSay '"\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} " htSay '"Enter the matrix {\it a(lda,7)}: " htSay '"\newline " htMakePage equationPart htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'d03edfLongGen) htpSetProperty(page,'ngx,ngx) htpSetProperty(page,'ngy,ngy) htpSetProperty(page,'lda,lda) htpSetProperty(page,'maxit,maxit) htpSetProperty(page,'acc,acc) htpSetProperty(page,'iout,iout) htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail) htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage) htShowPage() d03edfLongGen htPage == ngx := htpProperty(htPage, 'ngx) ngy := htpProperty(htPage, 'ngy) lda := htpProperty(htPage, 'lda) maxit := htpProperty(htPage, 'maxit) acc := htpProperty(htPage, 'acc) iout := htpProperty(htPage, 'iout) ifail := htpProperty(htPage, 'ifail) alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage y := alist for i in 1..(ngx*ngy) repeat utemp := STRCONC((first y).1," ") uList := [utemp,:uList] y := rest y ustring := bcwords2liststring uList for i in 1..lda repeat rtemp := STRCONC((first y).1," ") rList := [rtemp,:rList] y := rest y rstring := bcwords2liststring rList for i in 1..lda repeat for j in 1..7 repeat v := STRCONC((first y).1," ") rowList := [v,:rowList] y := rest y vList := [:vList,rowList] rowList := [] vList := reverse vList astring := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in vList] prefix := STRCONC("d03edf(", STRINGIMAGE ngx,", ",STRINGIMAGE ngy,", ") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE lda,", ",STRINGIMAGE maxit,", ",acc) mid := STRCONC(", ",STRINGIMAGE iout,", ",astring,"::Matrix DoubleFloat,[") mid := STRCONC(mid,rstring,"],[",ustring,"],",STRINGIMAGE ifail,")") linkGen STRCONC(prefix,mid) d03edfShort() == htInitPage('"D03EDF - Elliptic PDE, solution of finite difference equations by a multigrid technique ",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Number of interior grid points in the {\it x}-direction ") (text . "\htbitmap{nx}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 0 ngx PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Number of interior grid points in the {\it y}-direction ") (text . "\htbitmap{ny}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 0 ngy PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "First dimension of A, {\it lda}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 0 lda PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Name of the array {\it a(lda,7)} defined on the command line: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "a" a EM)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Name of the array {\it rhs(lda)} defined on the command line: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "rhs" rhs EM)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Name of the array {\it ub(ngx*ngy)} defined on the command line:") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "ub" ub EM)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Maximum permitted number of multigrid iterations, {\it maxit}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 0 maxit PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Tolerance required, {\it acc}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "1.0e-4" acc F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\newline Output of printed information for routine {\it iout}:") (radioButtons iout ("" " 0 - no output" zero) ("" " 1 - the solution \htbitmap{uij} {\it i} = 1,2,...,NGX; {\it j} = 1,2,...,NGY" one) ("" " 2 - residual 2-norm after each iteration " two) ("" " 3 - as for iout = 1 & iout = 2" three) ("" " 4 - as for iout = 3, plus the final residual" four) ("" " 5 - as for iout = 4, plus initial elements of A & RHS" five) ("" " 6 - as for iout = 5, plus Galerkin coarse grid approximations" six) ("" " 7 - as for iout = 6, plus the incomplete Crout decompositions" seven) ("" " 8 - as for iout = 7, plus the residual after each iteration" eight)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\newline Ifail value:") (radioButtons ifail ("" " -1, Print error messages" ifail_minusOne) ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" ifail_one))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'd03edfShortGen) htShowPage() d03edfShortGen htPage == ngx := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ngx) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ngx) ngy := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ngy) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ngy) lda := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lda) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lda) maxit := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'maxit) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'maxit) a := htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'a) rhs := htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'rhs) ub := htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ub) acc := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'acc) control := htpButtonValue(htPage,'iout) iout := control = 'zero => '0 control = 'one => '1 control = 'two => '2 control = 'three => '3 control = 'four => '4 control = 'five => '5 control = 'six => '6 control = 'seven => '7 '8 error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail) ifail := error = 'ifail_one => '1 '-1 prefix := STRCONC("d03edf(", STRINGIMAGE ngx,", ",STRINGIMAGE ngy,", ") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE lda,", ",STRINGIMAGE maxit,", ",acc) mid := STRCONC(", ",STRINGIMAGE iout,", ",a,", ") mid := STRCONC(mid,rhs,", ",ub,", ",STRINGIMAGE ifail,")") linkGen STRCONC(prefix,mid) d03eef() == htInitPage('"D03EEF - Discretize a 2nd order elliptic PDE on a rectangle",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXd03eef} for this routine ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|d03eef| '|NagPartialDifferentialEquationsPackage|)} for this routine") (text . "\newline \horizontalline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "D03EEF discretizes a second order linear elliptic partial ") (text . "differential equation of the form \center{\htbitmap{d03eef}} ") (text . "on a rectangular region \newline \tab{2} ") (text . "{\it x}a \htbitmap{less=} {\it x} \htbitmap{less=} {\it x}b ") (text . "\newline \tab{2} {\it y}a \htbitmap{less=} {\it y} ") (text . "\htbitmap{less=} {\it y}b \newline subject to the boundary ") (text . "conditions of the form \newline \htbitmap{d03eef1} \newline ") (text . "where {\it \delta U/ \delta n} denotes the outward pointing ") (text . "normal derivative on the boundary. The equation is said to be ") (text . "elliptic if \center{\htbitmap{d03eef2}} \newline for all points ") (text . "in the rectangular region. The seven-diagonal linear equations ") (text . "produced are in a form suitable for passing directly to the ") (text . "multigrid routine D03EDF. \blankline ") (text . "The equation is discretized on a rectangular grid, with ") (text . "\htbitmap{nx} grid points in the {\it x}-direction and ") (text . "\htbitmap{ny} grid points in the {\it y}-direction. ")) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'd03eefInput) htShowPage() d03eefInput() == htInitPage('"D03EEF - Discretize a 2nd order elliptic PDE on a rectangle",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Enter the value {\it x}a, {\it xmin}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "0.0" xmin F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Enter the value {\it x}b, {\it xmax}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "1.0" xmax F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Enter the value {\it y}a, {\it ymin}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "0.0" ymin F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Enter the value {\it y}b, {\it ymax}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 "1.0" ymax F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Number of interior grid points in the {\it x}-direction ") (text . "{\it ngx}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 9 ngx PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Number of interior grid points in the {\it y}-direction ") (text . "{\it ngy}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 9 ngy PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "First dimension of A, {\it lda}: ") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (10 133 lda PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\newline Which {\it scheme} would you like to use: ") (radioButtons scheme (" C" " central differences" cent) (" U" " upwind differences" up)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\newline Ifail value:") (radioButtons ifail ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne) ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'd03eefSolve) htShowPage() d03eefSolve htPage == xmin := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'xmin) xmax := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'xmax) ymin := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'ymin) ymax := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'ymax) ngx := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ngx) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ngx) ngy := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'ngy) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'ngy) lda := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'lda) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'lda) diff := htpButtonValue(htPage,'scheme) scheme := diff = 'cent => '"C" '"U" error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail) ifail := error = 'one => '1 '-1 d03eefDefaultSolve(htPage,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ngx,ngy,lda,scheme,ifail) d03eefDefaultSolve(htPage,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,ngx,ngy,lda,scheme,ifail) == page := htInitPage('"D03EEF - Discretize a 2nd order elliptic PDE on a rectangle",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "Please enter the values of \alpha to \psi to construct PDEF.") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\alpha (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 1 alpha F)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\beta (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 0 beta F)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\gamma (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 1 gamma F)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\delta (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 50 delta F)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\epsilon (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 50 eps F)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\phi (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 0 phi F)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\psi (x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (55 "-2*sin(X)*sin(Y) + 50*cos(X)*sin(Y) +50*sin(X)*cos(Y)" psi EM)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "Please enter the boundary conditions a(x,y), b(x,y), and c(x,y) ") (text . "for the top, bottom, left and right hand sides, to construct ") (text . "BNDY. \blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Bottom boundary conditions: ") (text . "\newline a(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 0 a11 F)) (text . "\newline b(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 1 a12 F)) (text . "\newline c(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 "-sin(X)" a13 EM)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Right boundary conditions: ") (text . "\newline a(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 1 a21 F)) (text . "\newline b(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 0 a22 F)) (text . "\newline c(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 "sin(X)*sin(Y)" a23 EM)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Top boundary conditions: ") (text . "\newline a(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 1 a31 F)) (text . "\newline b(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 0 a32 F)) (text . "\newline c(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 "sin(X)*sin(Y)" a33 EM)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "Left boundary conditions: ") (text . "\newline a(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 0 a41 F)) (text . "\newline b(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 1 a42 F)) (text . "\newline c(x,y): \tab{10} ") (bcStrings (46 "-sin(Y)" a43 EM))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'d03eefGen) htpSetProperty(page,'xmin,xmin) htpSetProperty(page,'xmax,xmax) htpSetProperty(page,'ymin,ymin) htpSetProperty(page,'ymax,ymax) htpSetProperty(page,'ngx,ngx) htpSetProperty(page,'ngy,ngy) htpSetProperty(page,'lda,lda) htpSetProperty(page,'scheme,scheme) htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail) htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage) htShowPage() d03eefGen htPage == xmin := htpProperty(htPage, 'xmin) xmax := htpProperty(htPage, 'xmax) ymin := htpProperty(htPage, 'ymin) ymax := htpProperty(htPage, 'ymax) ngx := htpProperty(htPage, 'ngx) ngy := htpProperty(htPage, 'ngy) lda := htpProperty(htPage, 'lda) scheme := htpProperty(htPage, 'scheme) ifail := htpProperty(htPage, 'ifail) alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage y := alist for i in 1..4 repeat for j in 1..3 repeat v := STRCONC((first y).1," ") rowList := [v,:rowList] y := rest y vList := [:vList,rowList] rowList := [] vList := reverse vList astring := bcwords2liststring [bcwords2liststring x for x in vList] for i in 1..7 repeat utemp := STRCONC((first y).1," ") uList := [utemp,:uList] y := rest y ustring := bcwords2liststring uList prefix := STRCONC("d03eef(",xmin,", ",xmax,", ",ymin,", ",ymax,", ") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE ngx,", ",STRINGIMAGE ngy,", ") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE lda,",_"",scheme,"_", ") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE ifail,", (",ustring) prefix := STRCONC(prefix,"::Vector Expression Float)::ASP73('PDEF),(") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,astring,"::Matrix Expression Float)::ASP74('BNDY))") linkGen prefix d03faf() == htInitPage('"D03FAF - Elliptic PDE, Helmholtz equation, 3-D Cartesian co-ordinates",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain EM $EmptyMode) (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXd03faf} for this routine ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|d03faf| '|NagPartialDifferentialEquationsPackage|)} for this routine") (text . "\newline \horizontalline ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "D03FAF solves the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation ") (text . "in cartesian co-ordinates: \center{\htbitmap{d03faf}} \newline ") (text . "This subroutine forms the system of linear equations resulting ") (text . "fom the standard seven-point finite difference equations, ") (text . "and then solves the system using a method based on the fast ") (text . "Fourier transform (FFT) described by Swartztrauber. ") (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline ") (text . "Read the input file to see the example program. ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\menuitemstyle{}\tab{2} ") (text . "\spadcommand{)read d03faf \bound{s0}} ")) htShowPage()