-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. c02aff() == htInitPage('"C02AFF - All Zeros of a Complex Polynomial",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))) (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXc02aff} for this routine ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|c02aff| '|NagPolynomialRootsPackage|)} for this routine") (text . "\newline \horizontalline ") (text . "Finds all the roots of the complex polynomial equation ") (text . "\htbitmap{c02aff}, using a variant of Laguerre's method. ") (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} ") (text . "\tab{2} Enter the degree {\em n} of the polynomial:") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (5 5 n PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline") (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Scale value:") (radioButtons scale ("" " True" true) ("" " False" false)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Ifail value:") (radioButtons ifail ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne) ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'c02affSolve) htShowPage() c02affSolve htPage == n := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n) logical := htpButtonValue(htPage,'scale) scale := logical = 'true => '"true" '"false" error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail) ifail := error = 'one => '1 '-1 n = '5 => c02affDefaultSolve(htPage,scale,ifail) labelList := "append"/[f(i,n) for i in 1..(n+1)] where f(i,n) == prefix := ('"\newline z**") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE (n-i+1),'"\space{1}") post := ('"\tab{30} ") post := STRCONC(post,'"\space{1}") rnam := INTERN STRCONC ('"r",STRINGIMAGE i) inam := INTERN STRCONC ('"i",STRINGIMAGE i) [['text,:prefix],['bcStrings,[10, 0.0, rnam, 'P]], ['text,:post],['bcStrings,[10, 0.0, inam, 'P]]] equationPart := [ '(domainConditions (isDomain P (Polynomial $EmptyMode)) (isDomain S (String)) (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))), :labelList] page := htInitPage("C02AFF - All Zeros of a Complex Polynomial", htpPropertyList htPage) htSay '"\menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Enter the coefficients of the polynomial: " htSay '"\blankline " htSay '"Real parts \tab{30} Imaginary parts " htSay '"\newline " htMakePage equationPart htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'c02affGen) htpSetProperty(page,'n,n) htpSetProperty(page,'scale,scale) htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail) htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage) htShowPage() c02affDefaultSolve (htPage, scale, ifail) == n := '5 page := htInitPage('"C02AFF - All Zeros of a Complex Polynomial",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} ") (text . "Enter the coefficients of the polynomial: ") (text . "\blankline ") (text . "Real parts \tab{30} Imaginary parts ") (text . "\newline z**5 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "5.0" r1 F)) (text . "\tab{30} ") (text . "\space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "6.0" i1 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**4 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "30.0" r2 F)) (text . "\tab{30} ") (text . "\space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "20.0" i2 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**3 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "-0.2" r3 F)) (text . "\tab{30} ") (text . "\space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "-6.0" i3 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**2 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "50.0" r4 F)) (text . "\tab{30} ") (text . "\space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "100000.0" i4 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**1 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "-2.0" r5 F)) (text . "\tab{30} ") (text . "\space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "40.0" i5 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**0 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "10.0" r6 F)) (text . "\tab{30} ") (text . "\space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "1.0" i6 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "\blankline")) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'c02affGen) htpSetProperty(page,'n,n) htpSetProperty(page,'scale,scale) htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail) htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage) htShowPage() c02affGen htPage == n := htpProperty(htPage,'n) scale := htpProperty(htPage,'scale) ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail) alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage y := alist while y repeat right := STRCONC((first y).1," ") y := rest y left := STRCONC((first y).1," ") y := rest y reallist := [left,:reallist] imaglist := [right,:imaglist] realstring := bcwords2liststring reallist imagstring := bcwords2liststring imaglist linkGen STRCONC ('"c02aff([",realstring,",",imagstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE n,",",scale,",",STRINGIMAGE ifail,")") c02agf() == htInitPage('"C02AGF - All Zeros of a Real Polynomial",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))) (text . "\windowlink{Manual Page}{manpageXXc02agf} for this routine ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "\lispwindowlink{Browser operation page}{(|oPageFrom| '|c02agf| '|NagPolynomialRootsPackage|)} for this routine") (text . "\newline \horizontalline ") (text . "Finds all the roots of the real polynomial equation ") (text . "\htbitmap{c02aff}, using a variant of Laguerre's method. ") (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} ") (text . "\tab{2} Enter the degree {\em n} of the polynomial:") (text . "\newline\tab{2} ") (bcStrings (5 5 n PI)) (text . "\blankline") (text . "\newline") (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Scale value:") (radioButtons scale ("" " True" true) ("" " False" false)) (text . "\blankline ") (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} Ifail value:") (radioButtons ifail ("" " -1, Print error messages" minusOne) ("" " 1, Suppress error messages" one))) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue", 'c02agfSolve) htShowPage() c02agfSolve htPage == n := $bcParseOnly => PARSE_-INTEGER htpLabelInputString(htPage, 'n) objValUnwrap htpLabelSpadValue(htPage, 'n) logical := htpButtonValue(htPage,'scale) scale := logical = 'true => '"true" '"false" error := htpButtonValue(htPage,'ifail) ifail := error = 'one => '1 '-1 n = '5 => c02agfDefaultSolve(htPage,scale,ifail) labelList := "append"/[f(i,n) for i in 1..(n+1)] where f(i,n) == prefix := ('"\newline z**") prefix := STRCONC(prefix,STRINGIMAGE (n-i+1),'"\space{1}") rnam := INTERN STRCONC ('"r",STRINGIMAGE i) [['text,:prefix],['bcStrings,[10, 0.0, rnam, 'P]]] equationPart := [ '(domainConditions (isDomain P (Polynomial $EmptyMode)) (isDomain S (String)) (isDomain PI (PositiveInteger))), :labelList] page := htInitPage("C02AGF - All Zeros of a Real Polynomial", htpPropertyList htPage) htSay '"\menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} " htSay '"Enter the coefficients of the polynomial: " htSay '"\newline " htMakePage equationPart htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'c02agfGen) htpSetProperty(page,'n,n) htpSetProperty(page,'scale,scale) htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail) htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage) htShowPage() c02agfDefaultSolve (htPage, scale, ifail) == n := '5 page := htInitPage('"C02AGF - All Zeros of a Real Polynomial",nil) htMakePage '( (domainConditions (isDomain F (Float))) (text . "\newline \menuitemstyle{} \tab{2} ") (text . "Enter the coefficients of the polynomial: ") (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**5 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "1.0" r1 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**4 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "2.0" r2 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**3 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "3.0" r3 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**2 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "4.0" r4 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**1 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "5.0" r5 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "z**0 \space{1} ") (bcStrings (10 "6.0" r6 F)) (text . "\newline ") (text . "\blankline")) htMakeDoneButton('"Continue",'c02agfGen) htpSetProperty(page,'n,n) htpSetProperty(page,'scale,scale) htpSetProperty(page,'ifail,ifail) htpSetProperty(page,'inputArea, htpInputAreaAlist htPage) htShowPage() c02agfGen htPage == n := htpProperty(htPage,'n) scale := htpProperty(htPage,'scale) ifail := htpProperty(htPage,'ifail) alist := htpInputAreaAlist htPage y := alist while y repeat left := STRCONC((first y).1," ") y := rest y reallist := [left,:reallist] realstring := bcwords2liststring reallist linkGen STRCONC ('"c02agf([",realstring,"],",STRINGIMAGE n,",",scale,",",STRINGIMAGE ifail,")")