-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --% Description of Messages --% OpenAxiom messages are read from a flat file database and returned --% as one long string. They are preceded in the database by a key and --% this is how they are referenced from code. For example, one key is --% S2IL0001 which means: --% S2 Scratchpad II designation --% I from the interpreter --% L originally from LISPLIB BOOT --% 0001 a sequence number --% Each message may contain formatting codes and and parameter codes. --% The formatting codes are: --% %b turn on bright printing --% %ceoff turn off centering --% %ceon turn on centering --% %d turn off bright printing --% %f user defined printing --% %i start indentation of 3 more spaces --% %l start a new line --% %m math-print an expression --% %rjoff turn off right justification (actually ragged left) --% %rjon turn on right justification (actually ragged left) --% %s pretty-print as an S-expression --% %u unindent 3 spaces --% %x# insert # spaces --% The parameter codes look like %1, %2b, %3p, %4m, %5bp, %6s where the --% digit is the parameter number ans the letters following indicate --% additional formatting. You can indicate as many additional formatting --% qualifiers as you like, to the degree they make sense. The "p" code --% means to call prefix2String on the parameter, a standard way of --% printing abbreviated types. The "P" operator maps prefix2String over --% its arguments. The "o" operation formats the argument as an operation --% name. "b" means to print that parameter in --% a bold (bright) font. "c" means to center that parameter on a --% new line. "f" means that the parameter is a list [fn, :args] --% and that "fn" is to be called on "args" to get the text. "r" means --% to right justify (ragged left) the argument. --% Look in the file with the name defined in $defaultMsgDatabaseName --% above for examples. import g_-util namespace BOOT --% Message Database Code and Message Utility Functions $msgDatabase := NIL $cacheMessages := 'T -- for debugging purposes $msgAlist := NIL $msgDatabaseName := NIL $testingErrorPrefix := '"Daly Bug" $testingSystem := false $MARG := 0 $texFormatting := false --% Accessing the Database string2Words l == i := 0 [w while wordFrom(l,i) is [w,i]] wordFrom(l,i) == maxIndex := MAXINDEX l k := or/[j for j in i..maxIndex | stringChar(l,j) ~= char " "] or return nil buf := '"" while k < maxIndex and (c := stringChar(l,k)) ~= char " " repeat ch := c = char "__" => stringChar(l,k := 1+k) --this may exceed bounds c buf := strconc(buf,ch) k := k + 1 if k = maxIndex and (c := stringChar(l,k)) ~= char " " then buf := strconc(buf,c) [buf,k+1] getKeyedMsg key == fetchKeyedMsg(key,false) --% Formatting and Printing Keyed Messages segmentKeyedMsg(msg) == string2Words msg segmentedMsgPreprocess x == atom x => x [head,:tail] := x center := rightJust := NIL if member(head, '(%ceon "%ceon")) then center := true if member(head, '(%rjon "%rjon")) then rightJust := true center or rightJust => -- start collecting terms y := NIL ok := true while tail and ok repeat [t,:tail] := tail member(t, '(%ceoff "%ceoff" %rjoff "%rjoff")) => ok := NIL y := [segmentedMsgPreprocess t,:y] head1 := [(center => '"%ce"; '"%rj"),:nreverse y] null tail => [head1] [head1,:segmentedMsgPreprocess tail] head1 := segmentedMsgPreprocess head tail1 := segmentedMsgPreprocess tail sameObject?(head,head1) and sameObject?(tail,tail1) => x [head1,:tail1] removeAttributes msg == --takes a segmented message and returns it with the attributes --separted. first msg ~= '"%atbeg" => [msg,NIL] attList := [] until item = '"%atend" repeat msg := rest msg item := first msg attList := [makeSymbol item,:attList] msg := rest msg attList := rest attList [msg,attList] applyPrefix2String args == [:f x for x in args] where f x == listify cons? x => g x -- FIXME: should check for formatting codes x g x == $texFormatting => prefix2StringAsTeX x prefix2String x listify x == cons? x => x [x] substituteSegmentedMsg(msg,args) == -- this does substitution of the parameters l := NIL nargs := #args for x in segmentedMsgPreprocess msg repeat -- x is a list cons? x => l := [substituteSegmentedMsg(x,args),:l] c := stringChar(x,0) n := # x -- x is a special case (n > 2) and c = char "%" and stringChar(x,1) = char "k" => l := nconc(nreverse pkey subString(x,2),l) -- ?name gets replaced by '"Push PF10" or '"Type >b (enter)" stringChar(x,0) = char "?" and n > 1 and (v := pushOrTypeFuture(makeSymbol x,nil)) => l := nconc(nreverse v,l) -- x requires parameter substitution stringChar(x,0) = char "%" and n > 1 and digit? stringChar(x,1) => a := DIG2FIX stringChar(x,1) arg := a <= nargs => args.(a-1) '"???" -- now pull out qualifiers q := NIL for i in 2..(n-1) repeat q := [stringChar(x,i),:q] -- Note 'f processing must come first. if char 'f in q then arg := cons? arg => apply(first arg, rest arg) arg if char 'm in q then arg := [['"%m",:arg]] if char 's in q then arg := [['"%s",:arg]] if char 'p in q then $texFormatting => arg := prefix2StringAsTeX arg arg := prefix2String arg if char 'P in q then arg := applyPrefix2String arg if char 'o in q and $texFormatting then arg := operationLink(arg) if char 'c in q then arg := [['"%ce",:arg]] if char 'r in q then arg := [['"%rj",:arg]] if char 'l in q then l := ['"%l",:l] if char 'b in q then l := ['"%b",:l] --we splice in arguments that are lists --if y is not specified, then the adding of blanks is --stifled after the first item in the list until the --end of the list. (using %n and %y) l := arg is [head,:tail] => char 'y in q or (head is '"%y") or (tail = nil) => append(reverse arg, l) ['"%y",:append(reverse tail, ['"%n",head,:l ]) ] [arg,:l] if char 'b in q then l := ['"%d",:l] for ch in '(_. _, _! _: _; _?) repeat if char ch in q then l := [ch,:l] c = char "%" and n > 1 and stringChar(x,1) = char "x" and digit? stringChar(x,2) => l := [fillerSpaces(DIG2FIX stringChar(x,2), '" "),:l] --x is a plain word l := [x,:l] addBlanks nreverse l addBlanks msg == -- adds proper blanks atom msg => msg null msg => msg # msg = 1 => msg blanksOff := false x := first msg if x = '"%n" then blanksOff := true msg1 := [] else msg1 := [x] blank := '" " for y in rest msg repeat member(y,'("%n" %n)) => blanksOff := true member(y,'("%y" %y)) => blanksOff := false if noBlankAfterP x or noBlankBeforeP y or blanksOff then msg1 := [y,:msg1] else msg1 := [y,blank,:msg1] x := y nreverse msg1 $msgdbPrims =='( %b %d %l %i %u %U %n %x %ce %rj "%U" "%b" "%d" "%l" "%i" "%u" "%U" "%n" "%x" "%ce" "%rj") $msgdbPunct := '(_. _, _! _: _; _? _] _) "." "," "!" ":" ";" "?" "]" ")" ) $msgdbNoBlanksBeforeGroup := ['" ", " ", '"%", "%",_ :$msgdbPrims, :$msgdbPunct] $msgdbListPrims == '(%m %s %ce %rj "%m" "%s" "%ce" "%rj") noBlankBeforeP word== integer? word => false member(word,$msgdbNoBlanksBeforeGroup) => true if string? word and # word > 1 then stringChar(word,0) = char "%" and stringChar(word,1) = char "x" => return true stringChar(word,0) = char " " => return true (cons? word) and member(first word,$msgdbListPrims) => true false $msgdbNoBlanksAfterGroup == ['" ", " ",'"%" ,"%", :$msgdbPrims, "[", "(", '"[", '"(" ] noBlankAfterP word== integer? word => false member(word,$msgdbNoBlanksAfterGroup) => true if string? word and (s := # word) > 1 then stringChar(word,0) = char "%" and stringChar(word,1) = char "x" => return true stringChar(word,s-1) = char " " => return true (cons? word) and member(first word, $msgdbListPrims) => true false cleanUpSegmentedMsg msg == -- removes any junk like double blanks -- takes a reversed msg and puts it in the correct order atom msg => msg blanks := ['" "," "] haveBlank := NIL prims := '(%b %d %l %i %u %m %ce %rj _ "%b" "%d" "%l" "%i" "%m" "%u" "%ce" "%rj") msg1 := NIL for x in msg repeat if haveBlank and (member(x,blanks) or member(x,prims)) then msg1 := rest msg1 msg1 := [x,:msg1] haveBlank := (member(x,blanks) => true; NIL) msg1 operationLink name == FORMAT(nil, '"\lispLink{\verb!(|oSearch| _"~a_")!}{~a}", name, escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE name) ---------------------------------------- buildMessage(msg, args) == substituteSegmentedMsg(segmentKeyedMsg msg,args) sayPatternMsg(msg,args) == sayMSG flowSegmentedMsg(buildMessage(msg, args),$LINELENGTH,3) throwPatternMsg(key,args) == sayMSG '" " if $testingSystem then sayMSG $testingErrorPrefix sayPatternMsg(key,args) countError() spadThrow() sayKeyedMsgAsTeX(key, args) == $texFormatting: fluid := true sayKeyedMsgLocal(key, args) sayKeyedMsg(key,args) == $texFormatting: fluid := false sayKeyedMsgLocal(key, args) sayKeyedMsgLocal(key, args) == msg := segmentKeyedMsg getKeyedMsg key msg := substituteSegmentedMsg(msg,args) if $displayMsgNumber then msg := ['"%b",key,":",'"%d",:msg] msg' := flowSegmentedMsg(msg,$LINELENGTH,$MARGIN) if $printMsgsToFile then sayMSG2File msg' sayMSG msg' throwKeyedErrorMsg(kind,key,args) == BUMPERRORCOUNT kind sayMSG '" " if $testingSystem then sayMSG $testingErrorPrefix sayKeyedMsg(key,args) spadThrow() throwKeyedMsgSP(key,args,atree) == if atree and (sp := getSrcPos(atree)) then sayMSG '" " srcPosDisplay(sp) throwKeyedMsg(key,args) throwKeyedMsg(key,args) == SETQ($OutputStream, $texOutputStream) sayMSG '" " if $testingSystem then sayMSG $testingErrorPrefix sayKeyedMsg(key,args) countError() spadThrow() throwListOfKeyedMsgs(descKey,descArgs,l) == -- idea is that descKey and descArgs are the message describing -- what the list is about and l is a list of [key,args] messages -- the messages in the list are numbered and should have a %1 as -- the first token in the message text. sayMSG '" " if $testingSystem then sayMSG $testingErrorPrefix sayKeyedMsg(descKey,descArgs) sayMSG '" " for [key,args] in l for i in 1.. repeat n := strconc(object2String i,'".") sayKeyedMsg(key,[n,:args]) countError() spadThrow() -- breakKeyedMsg is like throwKeyedMsg except that the user is given -- a chance to play around in a break loop if $BreakMode is not 'nobreak breakKeyedMsg(key,args) == BUMPERRORCOUNT "semantic" sayKeyedMsg(key,args) handleLispBreakLoop($BreakMode) keyedSystemError(key,args) == sayKeyedMsg("S2GE0000",NIL) breakKeyedMsg(key,args) systemErrorHere what == if cons? what then what := [first what, " with: ", :rest what] keyedSystemError("S2GE0017",[what]) isKeyedMsgInDb(key,dbName) == $msgDatabaseName : fluid := pathname dbName fetchKeyedMsg(key,true) getKeyedMsgInDb(key,dbName) == $msgDatabaseName : fluid := pathname dbName fetchKeyedMsg(key,false) sayKeyedMsgFromDb(key,args,dbName) == $msgDatabaseName : fluid := pathname dbName msg := segmentKeyedMsg getKeyedMsg key msg := substituteSegmentedMsg(msg,args) if $displayMsgNumber then msg := ['"%b",key,":",'"%d",:msg] --sayMSG flowSegmentedMsg(msg,$LINELENGTH,3) u := flowSegmentedMsg(msg,$LINELENGTH,3) sayBrightly u returnStLFromKey(key,argL,:optDbN) == savedDbN := $msgDatabaseName if IFCAR optDbN then $msgDatabaseName := pathname first optDbN text := fetchKeyedMsg(key, false) $msgDatabaseName := savedDbN text := segmentKeyedMsg text text := substituteSegmentedMsg(text,argL) throwKeyedMsgFromDb(key,args,dbName) == sayMSG '" " if $testingSystem then sayMSG $testingErrorPrefix sayKeyedMsgFromDb(key,args,dbName) countError() spadThrow() queryUserKeyedMsg(key,args) == -- display message and return reply conStream := DEFIOSTREAM ('((DEVICE . CONSOLE) (MODE . INPUT)),120,0) sayKeyedMsg(key,args) ans := read_-line conStream SHUT conStream ans flowSegmentedMsg(msg, len, offset) == -- tries to break a sayBrightly-type input msg into multiple -- lines, with offset and given length. -- msgs that are entirely centered or right justified are not flowed msg is [[ce,:.]] and member(ce, '(%ce "%ce" %rj "%rj")) => msg -- if we are formatting latex, then we assume -- that nothing needs to be done $texFormatting => msg -- msgs that are entirely centered are not flowed msg is [[ce,:.]] and ListMember?(ce,'(%ce "%ce")) => msg potentialMarg := 0 actualMarg := 0 off := (offset <= 0 => '""; fillerSpaces(offset,'" ")) off1:= (offset <= 1 => '""; fillerSpaces(offset-1,'" ")) firstLine := true cons? msg => lnl := offset if msg is [a,:.] and member(a,'(%b %d _ "%b" "%d" " ")) then nl := [off1] lnl := lnl - 1 else nl := [off] for f in msg repeat member(f,'("%l" %l)) => actualMarg := potentialMarg if lnl = 99999 then nl := ['"%l",:nl] lnl := 99999 cons?(f) and member(first(f),'("%m" %m %ce "%ce" %rj "%rj")) => actualMarg := potentialMarg nl := [f,'"%l",:nl] lnl := 199999 member(f,'("%i" %i )) => potentialMarg := potentialMarg + 3 nl := [f,:nl] cons?(f) and member(first(f),'("%t" %t)) => potentialMarg := potentialMarg + rest f nl := [f,:nl] sbl := sayBrightlyLength f tot := lnl + offset + sbl + actualMarg if firstLine then firstLine := false offset := offset + offset off1 := strconc(off, off1) off := strconc(off, off) if (tot <= len) or (sbl = 1 and tot = len) then nl := [f,:nl] lnl := lnl + sbl else member(f,'(%b %d _ "%b" "%d" " ")) => nl := [f,off1,'"%l",:nl] actualMarg := potentialMarg lnl := -1 + offset + sbl nl := [f,off,'"%l",:nl] lnl := offset + sbl concat nreverse nl concat('"%l",off,msg) --% Other handy things keyedMsgCompFailure(key,args) == -- Called when compilation fails in such a way that interpret-code -- mode might be of some use. not $useCoerceOrCroak => THROW('coerceOrCroaker, 'croaked) if not($Coerce) and $reportInterpOnly then sayKeyedMsg(key,args) sayKeyedMsg("S2IB0009",NIL) null $compilingMap => THROW('loopCompiler,'tryInterpOnly) THROW('mapCompiler,'tryInterpOnly) keyedMsgCompFailureSP(key,args,atree) == -- Called when compilation fails in such a way that interpret-code -- mode might be of some use. not $useCoerceOrCroak => THROW('coerceOrCroaker, 'croaked) if not($Coerce) and $reportInterpOnly then if atree and (sp := getSrcPos(atree)) then sayMSG '" " srcPosDisplay(sp) sayKeyedMsg(key,args) sayKeyedMsg("S2IB0009",NIL) null $compilingMap => THROW('loopCompiler,'tryInterpOnly) THROW('mapCompiler,'tryInterpOnly) throwKeyedMsgCannotCoerceWithValue(val,t1,t2) == null (val' := coerceInteractive(objNew(val,t1),$OutputForm)) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IC0002",[t1,t2]) val' := objValUnwrap(val') countError() throwKeyedMsg("S2IC0003",[t1,t2,val']) --% Some Standard Message Printing Functions bright x == ['"%b",:(cons?(x) and null rest lastNode x => x; [x]),'"%d"] --bright x == ['"%b",:(atom x => [x]; x),'"%d"] mkMessage msg == msg and (cons? msg) and member((first msg),'(%l "%l")) and member((last msg),'(%l "%l")) => concat msg concat('"%l",msg,'"%l") sayMessage msg == sayMSG mkMessage msg sayNewLine(out == $OutputStream, margin == nil) == -- Note: this function should *always* be used by sayBrightly and -- friends rather than TERPRI -- see bindSayBrightly TERPRI(out) if margin ~= nil then BLANKS(margin,out) nil sayString(x,out == $OutputStream) == -- Note: this function should *always* be used by sayBrightly and -- friends rather than PRINTEXP -- see bindSayBrightly PRINTEXP(x,out) spadStartUpMsgs() == -- messages displayed when the system starts up $LINELENGTH < 60 => NIL bar := fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0001",[_*BUILD_-VERSION_*, _*YEARWEEK_*]) sayMSG bar sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0018C",NIL) sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0018D",NIL) sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0003B",[$opSysName]) sayMSG bar $msgAlist := NIL -- these msgs need not be saved sayMSG " " HELP() == sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0019",NIL) version() == _*YEARWEEK_* --% Some Advanced Formatting Functions brightPrint(x,out == $OutputStream) == $MARG : local := 0 for y in x repeat brightPrint0(y,out) NIL brightPrint0(x,out == $OutputStream) == $texFormatting => brightPrint0AsTeX(x,out) if IDENTP x then x := symbolName x not string? x => brightPrintHighlight(x,out) -- if the first character is a backslash and the second is a percent sign, -- don't try to give the token any special interpretation. Just print -- it without the backslash. # x > 1 and stringChar(x,0) = char "\" and stringChar(x,1) = char "%" => sayString(subString(x,1),out) x = '"%l" => sayNewLine(out) for i in 1..$MARG repeat sayString('" ",out) x = '"%i" => $MARG := $MARG + 3 x = '"%u" => $MARG := $MARG - 3 if $MARG < 0 then $MARG := 0 x = '"%U" => $MARG := 0 x = '"%" => sayString('" ",out) x = '"%%" => sayString('"%",out) x = '"%b" => -- FIXME: this kludge is GCL-specific. Find way to support -- highlighting on all supported Lisp. not IS_-CONSOLE out or %hasFeature KEYWORD::WIN32 or stdStreamIsTerminal(1) = 0 => sayString('" ",out) not $highlightAllowed => sayString('" ",out) sayString($highlightFontOn,out) k := blankIndicator x => BLANKS(k,out) x = '"%d" => not IS_-CONSOLE out or %hasFeature KEYWORD::WIN32 or stdStreamIsTerminal(1) = 0 => sayString('" ",out) not $highlightAllowed => sayString('" ",out) sayString($highlightFontOff,out) sayString(x,out) brightPrint0AsTeX(x, out == $OutputStream) == x = '"%l" => sayString('"\\",out) for i in 1..$MARG repeat sayString('"\ ",out) x = '"%i" => $MARG := $MARG + 3 x = '"%u" => $MARG := $MARG - 3 if $MARG < 0 then $MARG := 0 x = '"%U" => $MARG := 0 x = '"%" => sayString('"\ ",out) x = '"%%" => sayString('"%",out) x = '"%b" => sayString('" {\tt ",out) k := blankIndicator x => for i in 1..k repeat sayString('"\ ",out) x = '"%d" => sayString('"} ",out) x = '"_"$_"" => sayString('"_"\verb!$!_"",out) x = '"$" => sayString('"\verb!$!",out) string? x => sayString(x,out) brightPrintHighlight(x,out) blankIndicator x == if IDENTP x then x := symbolName x not string? x or MAXINDEX x < 1 => nil stringChar(x,0) = char "%" and stringChar(x,1) = char "x" => MAXINDEX x > 1 => readInteger subString(x,2) 1 nil brightPrint1(x, out == $OutputStream) == if member(x,'(%l "%l")) then sayNewLine(out) else if string? x then sayString(x,out) else brightPrintHighlight(x,out) NIL brightPrintHighlight(x, out == $OutputStream) == $texFormatting => brightPrintHighlightAsTeX(x,out) x is [key,:rst] => if IDENTP key then key := symbolName key key is '"%m" => mathprint(rst,out) string? key and key in '("%p" "%s") => PRETTYPRIN0(rst,out) key is '"%ce" => brightPrintCenter(rst,out) key is '"%rj" => brightPrintRightJustify(rst,out) key is '"%t" => $MARG := $MARG + tabber rst sayString('"(",out) brightPrint1(key,out) if key = 'TAGGEDreturn then rst:=[first rst,second rst,third rst, '"environment (omitted)"] for y in rst repeat sayString('" ",out) brightPrint1(y,out) if rst and (la := LASTATOM rst) then sayString('" . ",out) brightPrint1(la,out) sayString('")",out) IDENTP x => sayString(symbolName x,out) -- following line helps find certain bugs that slip through -- also see sayBrightlyLength1 vector? x => sayString('"UNPRINTABLE",out) sayString(object2String x,out) brightPrintHighlightAsTeX(x, out == $OutputStream) == x is [key,:rst] => key is '"%m" => mathprint(rst,out) key is '"%s" => sayString('"\verb__",out) PRETTYPRIN0(rst,out) sayString('"__",out) key is '"%ce" => brightPrintCenter(rst,out) key is '"%t" => $MARG := $MARG + tabber rst -- unhandled junk (print verbatim(ish) sayString('"(",out) brightPrint1(key,out) if key = 'TAGGEDreturn then rst:=[first rst,second rst,third rst, '"environment (omitted)"] for y in rst repeat sayString('" ",out) brightPrint1(y,out) if rst and (la := LASTATOM rst) then sayString('" . ",out) brightPrint1(la,out) sayString('")",out) IDENTP x => sayString(symbolName x,out) vector? x => sayString('"UNPRINTABLE",out) sayString(object2String x,out) tabber num == maxTab := 50 num > maxTab => maxTab num brightPrintCenter(x,out == $OutputStream) == $texFormatting => brightPrintCenterAsTeX(x,out) -- centers rst within $LINELENGTH, checking for %l's atom x => x := object2String x wid := # x if wid < $LINELENGTH then f := DIVIDE($LINELENGTH - wid,2) x := [fillerSpaces(f.0,'" "),x] for y in x repeat brightPrint0(y,out) NIL y := NIL ok := true while x and ok repeat if member(first(x),'(%l "%l")) then ok := NIL else y := [first x, :y] x := rest x y := nreverse y wid := sayBrightlyLength y if wid < $LINELENGTH then f := DIVIDE($LINELENGTH - wid,2) y := [fillerSpaces(f.0,'" "),:y] for z in y repeat brightPrint0(z,out) if x then sayNewLine(out) brightPrintCenter(x,out) NIL brightPrintCenterAsTeX(x, out == $OutputStream) == atom x => sayString('"\centerline{",out) sayString(x,out) sayString('"}",out) lst := x while lst repeat words := nil while lst and not first(lst) = "%l" repeat words := [first lst,: words] lst := rest lst if lst then lst := rest lst sayString('"\centerline{",out) words := nreverse words for zz in words repeat brightPrint0(zz,out) sayString('"}",out) nil brightPrintRightJustify(x, out == $OutputStream) == -- right justifies rst within $LINELENGTH, checking for %l's atom x => x := object2String x wid := # x wid < $LINELENGTH => x := [fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH-wid,'" "),x] for y in x repeat brightPrint0(y,out) NIL brightPrint0(x,out) NIL y := NIL ok := true while x and ok repeat if member(first(x),'(%l "%l")) then ok := NIL else y := [first x, :y] x := rest x y := nreverse y wid := sayBrightlyLength y if wid < $LINELENGTH then y := [fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH-wid,'" "),:y] for z in y repeat brightPrint0(z,out) if x then sayNewLine(out) brightPrintRightJustify(x,out) NIL --% Message Formatting Utilities sayBrightlyLength l == null l => 0 atom l => sayBrightlyLength1 l sayBrightlyLength1 first l + sayBrightlyLength rest l sayBrightlyLength1 x == member(x,'("%b" "%d" %b %d)) => null $highlightAllowed => 1 1 member(x,'("%l" %l)) => 0 string? x and # x > 2 and stringChar(x,0) = char "%" and stringChar(x,1) = char "x" => readInteger subString(x,2) string? x => # x IDENTP x => # symbolName x -- following line helps find certain bugs that slip through -- also see brightPrintHighlight vector? x => # '"UNPRINTABLE" atom x => # toString x 2 + sayBrightlyLength x sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible l == -- it is assumed that l is a list of strings l := [atom2String a for a in l] m := 1 + "MAX"/[# a for a in l] -- w will be the field width in which we will display the elements m > $LINELENGTH => for a in l repeat sayMSG a NIL w := MIN(m + 3,$LINELENGTH) -- p is the number of elements per line p := $LINELENGTH quo w n := # l str := '"" for i in 0..(n-1) repeat [c,:l] := l str := strconc(str,c,fillerSpaces(w - #c,'" ")) (i+1) rem p = 0 => (sayMSG str ; str := '"" ) if str ~= '"" then sayMSG str NIL say2PerLine l == say2PerLineWidth(l, $LINELENGTH quo 2) say2PerLineWidth(l,n) == [short,long] := say2Split(l,nil,nil,n) say2PerLineThatFit short for x in long repeat sayLongOperation x sayBrightly '"" say2Split(l,short,long,width) == l is [x,:l'] => sayWidth x < width => say2Split(l',[x,:short],long,width) say2Split(l',short,[x,:long],width) [nreverse short,nreverse long] sayLongOperation x == sayWidth x > $LINELENGTH and (splitListOn(x,"if") is [front,back]) => sayBrightly front BLANKS (6 + # PNAME front.1) sayBrightly back sayBrightly x splitListOn(x,key) == member(key,x) => while first x ~= key repeat y:= [first x,:y] x:= rest x [nreverse y,x] nil say2PerLineThatFit l == while l repeat sayBrightlyNT first l sayBrightlyNT fillerSpaces(($LINELENGTH quo 2 - sayDisplayWidth first l),'" ") (l:= rest l) => sayBrightlyNT first l l:= rest l sayBrightly '"" sayBrightly '"" sayDisplayStringWidth x == null x => 0 sayDisplayWidth x sayDisplayWidth x == cons? x => +/[fn y for y in x] where fn y == member(y,'(%b %d "%b" "%d")) or y=$quadSymbol => 1 k := blankIndicator y => k sayDisplayWidth y x = "%%" or x = '"%%" => 1 # atom2String x sayWidth x == atom x => # atom2String x +/[fn y for y in x] where fn y == sayWidth y pp2Cols(al) == while al repeat [[abb,:name],:al]:= al ppPair(abb,name) if canFit2ndEntry(name,al) then [[abb,:name],:al]:= al TAB($LINELENGTH quo 2) ppPair(abb,name) sayNewLine() nil ppPair(abb,name) == sayBrightlyNT [:bright abb,fillerSpaces(8-entryWidth abb," "),name] canFit2ndEntry(name,al) == wid := $LINELENGTH quo 2 - 10 null al => nil entryWidth name > wid => nil entryWidth CDAR al > wid => nil 'T entryWidth x == # atom2String x center80 text == centerNoHighlight(text,$LINELENGTH,'" ") centerAndHighlight(text,:argList) == width := IFCAR argList or $LINELENGTH fillchar := IFCAR IFCDR argList or '" " wid := entryWidth text + 2 wid >= width - 2 => sayBrightly ['"%b",text,'"%d"] f := DIVIDE(width - wid - 2,2) fill1 := '"" for i in 1..(f.0) repeat fill1 := strconc(fillchar,fill1) if f.1 = 0 then fill2 := fill1 else fill2 := strconc(fillchar,fill1) sayBrightly [fill1,'"%b",text,'"%d",fill2] nil centerNoHighlight(text,:argList) == sayBrightly center(text,argList) center(text,argList) == width := IFCAR argList or $LINELENGTH fillchar := IFCAR IFCDR argList or '" " if (u:= splitSayBrightlyArgument text) then [text,:moreLines]:= u wid := sayBrightlyLength text wid >= width - 2 => sayBrightly text f := DIVIDE(width - wid - 2,2) fill1 := '"" for i in 1..(f.0) repeat fill1 := strconc(fillchar,fill1) if f.1 = 0 then fill2 := fill1 else fill2 := strconc(fillchar,fill1) concat(fill1,text,fill2) splitSayBrightly u == width:= 0 while u and (width:= width + sayWidth first u) < $LINELENGTH repeat segment:= [first u,:segment] u := rest u null u => nreverse segment segment => [:nreverse segment,"%l",:splitSayBrightly(u)] u splitSayBrightlyArgument u == atom u => nil while splitListSayBrightly u is [head,:u] repeat result:= [head,:result] result => [:nreverse result,u] [u] splitListSayBrightly u == for x in tails u repeat y := rest x null y => nil first y = '"%l" => x.rest := nil ans:= [u,:rest y] ans --======================================================================= -- Utility Functions --======================================================================= $htSpecialChars == ['"_#", '"[", '"]", '"%", '"{", '"}", '"_\", '"$", '"&", '"^", '"__", '"_~"] $htCharAlist == '( ("$" . "\%") ("[]" . "\[\]") ("{}" . "\{\}") ("\\" . "\\\\") ("\/" . "\\/" ) ("/\" . "/\\" ) ) escapeSpecialChars s == u := LASSOC(s,$htCharAlist) => u member(s, $htSpecialChars) => strconc('"_\", s) s